(Continues crying and opens the double doors. Oh, Thank you so much! Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Please come back! Read about what we do with the data we gather in our Privacy Policy. (Closes the curtain and speaks into the microphone) Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Oh, so she is! They shook their heads and Lion tries to roar but they see two owls perched on limb of tree. Miss Gulch: (Pulls out the basket) Here's what I'm taking him in, so he can't attack me again. ), Cowardly Lion: (Challenging Scarecrow and Tin Man) Put em up! # 960/2500 by TM & Turner entertainment Co. by the San Francisco music box company rare hard to find has original box item is in great condition like new outer box has some . We ought to try and carry Dorothy. Except a lighted match. (Puts on his turban) In which Cleopatra saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. Dorothy and Scarecrow run to Tin Man's aide.). Yes, sir. The Winkie guards form a line to march into the castle.). Big cities, big mountains, big oceans. (Gives him the oilcan and kissed him) Goodbye. I'd be tender, I'd be gentle, And awful sentimental.Regarding love and art, I'd be friends with a sparrows And the boy who shoots the arrows. Sylvester is the name of Professor Marvel's horse in the beloved 1939 film version of "The Wizard of Oz." Specifically, the horse appears in the film's beginning sequences in Kansas. (She walks up to the apple tree then she picks one off but the tree grabs the apple and slapped Dorothy's hand) Ouch! Here's someone who can help you! (Toto growls upon seeing the cat in the woman's arms. If youd like to file an allegation of infringement, youll need to follow the process described in our Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy. Ah, you liquidated her, eh? The Wizard of Oz Invite them to share their ideas, reactions, or stories. That's how much longer you've got to be alive. We've done what you've told us. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. banner was very nice. I'm burning! Pat, pat there. Yes, Your Honor. The material and ink are both archival and the print quality is exceptional.For more information on the creation of this banner, copy and paste this url into your browser, http://metropolisgrafix.com/wp/?p=51. (As Dorothy keeps walking she puts down her suitcase and picks up Toto.). Uncle Henry: Yeah, she got quite a bump on the head.. We kind of thought there for a minute she was gonna leave us. The Gatekeeper (Munchkins cheer). We don't want you to go. (Shuts the fence door), (The scene switches to the living room where Miss Gulch lectures the Gales about Toto. Wizard of Oz: Well, you can't. (Goes to get her potion) When I gain those ruby slippers, my power will be the greatest in Oz! Dorothy Wicked Witch of the West: (To her broom) To the Emerald City, as fast as lightning! Keep in mind that anyone can view public collectionsthey may also appear in recommendations and other places. Publication history [ edit] : Professor Marvel: Oh, he's perfectly welcome. . Cowardly Lion; Do you think it would be polite dropping in like this? (Singing) The wind began to switch, the house to pitch. Dorothy Gale: Yes, sir. : It measures 23.5 13. : Let's see. Yes. March up to that gate and bid it open. Dorothy Gale: (Worried) Oh, does it hurt you? Wizard of Oz. Everything is all right! And right in the middle of the chop, I rusted solid. The Gatekeeper Toto? There's only one thing I want you fellas to do. Dorothy sees something and she knocks lightly on the foot and the leg. You don't want any of those apples. You musn't! : : Courage! Scarecrow: (Agreeing with Tin Man) We certainly are. Dorothy Gale: I'm sure, he could give you some courage. Cowardly Lion: (Singing as they continue walking down the road with them) Yeah, it's sad, Believe me missy. (Auntie Em goes to Dorothy's room, Uncle Henry sits down on the chair and Miss Gulch stood there shocked.
Professor Marvel - YouTube I'll be right back. Long live the king! (To Scarecrow) Sneaking up on me, eh? But nobody can see the great Oz. Think of this as a tasteful, appropriate form of name-dropping.
Professor Marvel's Wagon Naming Form - Savannah Children's Theatre The Professor then offers Dorothy a crystal ball reading and asks her to close her eyes and concentrate. ), (Dorothy gets off her bed carrying Toto and picks up her basket leaving her bedroom. No, I'm wrong. [in a booming voice] Dorothy Gale: (Comes out of the balloon) Oh, Toto! Star Sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experiencethey consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to any messages they received. Talk with strangers as well as people you know. The Gatekeeper And it's that if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again I won't look any further than my own backyard.
Wendy's Wonderful Wizard of Oz You're travelling in disguise. You can send me to bed without supper. Dorothy Gale: I'll be home in time for supper. Scarecrow: There! [still in a booming voice] Go away and let us alone. Scarecrow: (Nervously) Animals that eat straw? Dorothy Gale: Auntie Em?! Think yourselves lucky that I'm giving you audience tomorrow instead of 20 years from now! On the website "Is It Normal?" Dorothy I'm frightened, Auntie Em! The Wicked Witch of the West watches them from behind the tree.). (Pulls out the sheriff's order) Here's his order, so allow me to him. I mean, Your Excellency I-I mean, Your Wizardry. Glinda: Are you a good witch or a bad witch? I was petrified. You're wasting my time! Now, fly! (Dorothy pulls out her suitcase and starts packing then the camera switches with Dorothy carrying her suitcase and basket among with Toto walk down the country dirty road and they crossed a wooden bridge. Just to register emotion Jealousy, devotion. (The Munchkins all wave goodbye to Dorothy and she waves back to them. Smoke and Mirrors The "Wizard" (we have to use quotes, because he really is a big fraud) actually bears the closest resemblance to his real-world counterpart, Professor Marvel. We want to see the Wizard! We're off to see the wizard. Get them horses loose! Thought you'd be pretty foxy, didn't you? Dorothy Gale: Oh, but if you please, what are Munchkins? : The camera pans around where there's flowers, a pond, tiny hatched huts, and a spiraling yellow brick walkaway.). Why didn't you say that in the first place? Dorothy I even scare myself! (Dorothy walks to the yellow brick road and turns to Glinda. Dorothy Gale: But I did leave you, Uncle Henry. Lion's beauticians: (Singing while clipping his claws) Clip, clip here. My life has been simply unbearable. Exactly what I Ah! That's silly. If I only had a heart. Not chintz. I'm burning! Ironically, although she finally got an agreement for five weeks of work, she ended up working on the film for three months. And a royal growl. Scarecrow: Well, we better hurry if we're going to see the Wizard! Dorothy and her friends get up and walk into the entrance.). Her face is careworn. (Screaming) HELP! I'm the one that ought to be punished. Because of the wonderful things he does. Each rabbit would show respect to me. He is an enemy of Wolverine and had a hand in his origin as part of the Weapon X Project. Why have you come back? In the merry old land of Oz. Dorothy and her friends arrive at the haunted forest carrying weapons then stop to look at the sign. I, I'm a very good man! Tin Man and Lion finish putting Scarecrow back together as Toto approaches them. (She walks back to the house) The slippers. I let him go in her garden. Dorothy Gale: I had the measles once and she stayed right by me every minute. Glinda: The little people who live here. : Oh, don't cry. (Toto runs down the staircase and scampers over drawbridge as the Winkie guards throw spears at him.). (Picks up Toto and turns back to Professor Marvel) Goodbye, Professor Marvel and thanks al lot! I would. That's a very mediocre commodity. (Arrives) I dropped by because I heard the little girl got caught in the big. (Continues crying) I wanna go home! Think yourselves lucky that I'm giving you an audience tomorrow, instead of twenty years from now! : And it's funny, but I feel as if I've known you all the time. Who are you? Life would be a ding-a-derry. I'll fight with my eyes closed! I have to rest for just a minute. Scarecrow: But I'd face a whole box of them for the chance of getting some brains. The greatest Oz has spoken! Ho-ho-ho! Winkie guards: (Together and hailing to Dorothy) Hail! (Presents Scarecrow a diploma). Oh my! (Sadly) Oh, I'm a failure, because, I haven't got a brain! Wizard of Oz: (Impressed) Ah, you liquidated her, eh? Let's see what we You're You're running away. I still want one. Oh, she's dropping down on the bed. Glinda: (Whispering to Dorothy) Keep tight inside of them. Ding-Dong the Wicked Witch is dead! (Dorothy and Scarecrow chuckling). (Sets his arm on fire and cackles), Scarecrow: (Frightened) Help! Oh, what a world! Professor Marvel: Well I, uh I can't quite see. : : And who might you be? (Dancing) I would dance and be merry. Cowardly Lion: (Softly, pointing to the castle) What's that? The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East. Not duke. That's a very mediocre commodity. But I guess it doesn't matter anyway. I said, come back tomorrow! Dorothy Gale: (Furiously) You ought to be ashamed of yourself. (Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion follow Toto. The Wizard of Oz Cowardly Lion: (Singing) The certain air of savoir-faire. I'm a very good man. Doctor of Thinkology. Scarecrow: (Sadly) Looks like we came a long way for nothing. Scarecrow: I've got a plan how to get in there. In story called " What if Legion had killed Magneto ", the Professor was being defeated by En Sabah Nur in battle, before Jean Grey came to his rescue. Professor Marvel's Wagon Figurine-Wizard of Oz-San Francisco Music Box Company.Features:Actual Dialogue From The Movie!Requires 2 AA BatteriesLimited Edition of 2500Rare Wonderful Sepia toned Wizard o (Starts walking on the Yellow Brick Road) Follow the Yellow Brick Road? He looks off pensively, as if conjuring some magical power and then, as if having divined a vision, says conclusively, "They don't understand you at home! Scarecrow: It's no use screaming at a time like this. Therefore ,by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universitatus Committeeatum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of Th.D. Dorothy And you, Scarecrow, have the affrontery to ask for a brain, you billowing bale of bovine fodder!