12 June 1966 . 1943 DENTON , Cyril . 31 July 1923 - 17 April 2005 Aged 58 years SMITH , Veronica Mary . PETERSEN , Hans . No date LANGLEY , Bert . WINSTANLEY , Hero . Aged 49 years WILD , Laura Ann (ne Bridges) . 29 January 1961 - 25 June 2004 1 October 1971 - 25 October 1999 DAHLIN , Tony Darren . HEAYSMAN , Kylie Michelle . 12 August 1996 . 7 January 1915 - 15 June 2004 LEVETT , Ernest Reginald . ANTONIC , Petar . 17 June 1960 . POOLE , Alice Margaret . 1944 MILLS , Colin Edward . FAULDS , William . BROCK , Hannah . HAVELBERG , Theresa Ida . Aged 91 years 25 July 1912 - 6 July 2001 15 November 1951 - 2 November 2000 1922 - 2005 Aged 77 years . DONNELLAN , Mary Catherine . 17 March 1970 . GILL , Leslie Alban . 2 May 1999 . LAUBE , David Michael . Aged 67 years STRINGER , Lynton Neil . 31 August 1917 - 4 June 2007 21 December 1906 - 28 March 1987 17 May 1910 - 30 October 1995 29 December 2003 JACQUIER , Donald Goldberg . GOODFELLOW , James Norman . MUIR , James Patrick . 27 February 1917 - 2 October 2004 MC GRATH , Francis . HUDSON , Norman Edward Harvey . 30 May 1955 - 9 February 2001 JONES , Francis Thomas . Aged 36 years 20 July 1980 . OLINGA , Jan . WEHRMANN , Ruby Margaret . 14 November 1917 - 21 July 1995 7 January 1973 - 5 February 1973 6 February 1915 - 2 October 2001 17 March 1966 . 17 May 1970 . FISCHER , Scott (s/b) . GREEN , Benita Laura . FLOUNDERS , Edna Allice . 28 December 1976 . 6 April 1931 - 16 April 2004 MEAKIN , Rita Ruth . Aged 67 years BRITTAIN , Edwin W . 6 July 1949 - 9 December 2004 1945 - 2007 1984 BRERETON , Helen Gail . LACHER , Rosina . Aged 57 years GARDNER , Marlene . WARD , Leslie W . Aged 65 years MC KEOUGH , Nellie Elizabeth . HODGSON , Enid Joy . HEWETT , Margaret Jean . PEDLER , Patrick Thomas . Aged 71 years 17 June 1934 . Date unreadable . KNIGHT , Bertie William John . Aged 59 years Aged 82 years 20 March 1992 . Such information includes name, date of birth, date of death, and social security number. Aged 6 years Aged 19 years 12 November 1935 - 6 November 1998 11 September 1928 - 19 June 2007 KERSLEY , Andrew . FOUBISTER , Malcolm Bryce . Aged 59 years GREEN , Reginald . 20 May 1949 - 29 November 2000 PATERSON , John G . 25 March 1929 - 26 May 2005 30 September 1981 . COLYER , Maggie . SCHMITT , Ernest Allan . 6 May 1950 - 27 September 2000 Aged 73 years BOEHM , Joseph John . 28 September 1974 . 1 February 1981 . 18 October 2016 MORETTI , Alan . 1 November 1973 . GILBERT , Sarah Ann . 2 July 1983 . 17 April 1982 . KITTEL , Kevin . Aged 1 day 20 December 1910 - 6 November 2007 HARRIS , Winifred . MC CRAE , Alice . Aged 58 years No date . 22 June 1917 - 17 October 2005 RAKITS , Paul . 20 December 1921 - 27 April 2000 WATT , Emma Mason . WYATT , Ian James . CRUSE , Francis Leslie . WILSDON , Andrew John . 29 December 1920 - 16 August 1999 SPURLING , Dorothy . HUNTER , James Johnstone . 3 April 1917 - 6 January 2002 BAYNES , Lewis . 25 December 1986 . POMEROY , George . CASEY , Kayleen . 2 December 1929 - 5 May 1998 Aged 28 years 14 July 1926 - 9 October 1988 3 July 1971 . Financial records include pay stubs, receipts, tax returns, account statements, and retirement benefit statements. EVANS , Duke Joseph . Aged 50 years 7 February 1963 . 11 August 1971 - 9 August 2013 MC GUIRE , Thomas . 18 January 1984 WOOD , Stephen John . 30 June 1921 - 1 April 2008 BROWN , Estelle Dawn . 28 June 1926 - 12 December 1994 WATKINS , Kenneth Frank . BOWLEY , William Arthur . 3 November 1981 . NAGEL , Edward Christian . PATRICK , Stella Jean (ne Curnow) . 19 May 1927 - 14 March 1950 Aged 63 years 1 January 2002 . 15 March 1944 - 8 May 2006 6 January 1979 . 14 January 1924 - 30 January 2005 20 April 1977 . 1865 - 8 July 1931 13 March 1962 - 15 March 1962 26 October 1925 - 19 May 1963 2 November 1922 - 22 May 1968 1996 DEVITT , Michael Francis . 25 May 1937 - 4 June 2013 WHITTARD , Isaac Willie . 12 November 1920 - 16 October 1976 MC MANUS , Kathleen Havergal . Aged 66 years Aged 52 years 3 April 2001 . KELLY , John Anthony . BLACKWELL , Christine Wilma . 3 November 1931 - 21 September 2002 LANGFORD , Alicia Marie . Aged 69 years 16 February 1969 . Aged 82 years 19 October 1955 . Aged 58 years 11 August 1937 - 27 July 2009 29 March 1921 - 11 March 1995 26 June 1924 - 31 March 1998 BYLES , Frances Olive . Aged 62 years LYNCH , Francis . 1 June 1945 - 22 August 2017 Aged 53 years Aged 26 years DIMER , Faron T . 13 February 1962 - 11 October 1982 DEVITT , Ellen Mary . 8 July 1925 - 17 June 1998 1993 15 November 1970 WOOD , Margaret Gabrielle . WHITFORD , Clara . BUCHANAN , Betty Eileen . WebRecent death records and funeral notices can be found at obits.com.au. 4 April 1968 - 1 June 2016 (08) 8648 8300. years 17 January 1936 - 28 July 2016 24 August 1927 - 18 September 2008 WATKINS , Emma Amelia . 1923 - 1993 They are considered a good place to start when looking for a specific record or multiple records. Aged 74 HARVEY , Ray . 27 July 1942 - 3 April 2008 COVINO , Domenico . WINCHESTER , John Harry . GRAY , Julie . Aged 30 years KAVUKIS , Paraskevi (Viola) . 19 December 1943 - 12 November 2007 HOOD , Neville john . 3 February 1972 - 11 May 2012 1980 MORRIS , Jack King . 24 December 1972 . 16 June 1974 . STAPLES , Horace Albert . Aged 18 years BROADBENT , Gertrude Lois . Aged 63 years 7 November 1992 . 12 February 1915 - 1 August 2000 Aged 52 years 29 September 1979 . No date 10 February 1930 - 13 April 1989 21 April 1981 . HILL , Jessie Brooks Nichol . 17 November 1960 . Aged 87 years HUNTER , Myrtle . 30 June 1975 GEORGE , Edward Howard Brown . 30 August 1974 5 December 1950 . 26 November 200? BRKIC , Muhibija . MASTERMAN , Neil William . 17 January 1965 3 December 1989 - 11 March 1990 LENON , Mavis Verduna . 27 April 1911 - 11 April 1992 27 December 1947 Aged 56 years TAYLOR , George . DENDY , Sarah L . Aged 76 years Aged 67 years WATTS , Ellen Mary . 26 April 1974 . FINN , Ethel Ellen . Aged 61 years 19 April 1963 - 29 January 1984 18 October 1913 - 8 August 2000 MILLER , Mary T . ISTVAN , Veis . 13 November 1920 - 3 January 2001 GRANDISON , Jessie . 3 June 1935 - 29 December 2003 HEWER , Dennis . Aged 64 years HERITAGE , Jean Kathlene . 1920 - 1989 Aged 82 years Aged 59 years 13 March 1936 - 4 June 2008 2 April 1965 . 26 October 1994 . MC KENNA , John . Aged 58 years 19 December 1914 - 10 June 2004 WILLIAMS , Hazel June . CHESHIRE , Joseph . Aged 27 years 8 October 1916 - 29 October 1997 Aged 22 years 28 May 1970 . 8 October 1975 . BOSS , Rosslyn Juanita . 24 January 1975 . JONES , Daisy Eileen . GALLIGAN , Gerald . MEAD , Edward Thomas . PRADELOK , Helena . NEILL , David Shane . 3 August 1979 . 15 March 1918 - 12 January 2012 MILNE , Donald Alfred . 18 November 1961 - 26 April 2004 PARKER , Hilary May . MILLER , Eileen Agnes . 2 November 1923 - 25 July 1996 Aged 84 years Aged 69 years 10 October 1947 . PEDLER , Craig Ronald . 1924 - 2004 8 February 2000 Aged 75 years 27 July 1922 - 20 December 2004 Thanks for your help! 12 June 1977 . Aged 33 years 4 December 2007 . STOUNNOS , Panaciota . Aged 40 years 19 May 1927 - 24 May 1994 HOLLAND , Louis . WAKAE , Pauline Victoria . WRIGHT , Maurice Ray . 16 November 2001 NICZYNSKI , Marie . 1 October 1997 . Aged 24 years SMITH , Frederick Sydney . COLE , Alfred . COOK , Gary . 15 August 1903 - 1 March 2001 GRIMM , Elsie Marcia .
Death SPEARS , Robert William . SPENCER , Kym Francis . 28 April 1972 Aged 22 years KERSLAKE , Patricia Maude . 15 December 1925 - 13 November 1998 STEELE , Alexander McKay . Aged 58 years SMOKER , Regina Maud . 23 August 1952 . RUTGERS , Thelma . MAY , Meredith . GALAN , Jose Corral . Aged 81 years 22 March 1916 - 18 October 1994 9 September 1970 . Aged 57 years BLACKWELL , Gwendoline . 23 October 1942 MC GOWAN , Bernard . Aged 25 years 11 September 1932 - 4 May 2005 SHIRLEY , Laurie . Aged 55 years DANIELS , Marc John . 1938 - 20 November 2000 Aged 94 years 14 July 1919 - 8 August 2017 Aged 57 years 8 August 1924 - 5 June 2002 Aged 64 years ROBERTSON , Thomas . 2022. Aged 69 years 27 October 1974 . MESSENGER , Robert John . 14 November 1997 . RADFORD , Madge . 13 February 1962 - 11 October 1982 WATTS , Richard Douglas . MURRAY , Eileen Agnes . VAN HASSEN , Ian H . BROWN , Horace Marcel . No date HARKER , George . OAKLEY , Leonard John . 7 May 1927 - 6 August 2012 1 November 1918 - 25 January 1993 MORRIN , Stan . 5 January 1982 . 19 January 1992 . HERREEN , Kathleen Cecelia . SAWTELL , Vernon Sydney . TYSON , Ellen Cavell . BOLLEN , Albert . 22 December 1935 - 9 September 2012 No date . Y Aged 8 days Aged 76 years Aged 90 years ANTONACCI , Lucia Emma . SPIKIN , Robert Edward . 23 March 1950 . KING , Nora Jean . ROHRLACH , Kenneth Desmond . MC EWEN , William . DIX , Gwen . Aged 84 years 28 September 1954 . 19 March 1905 - 8 April 1987 Aged 62 years FOOTE , Rex Gibbon . DOWNEY , James Francis . Aged 60 years JERRAM , Edith . Aged 64 years Some states also offer online services for death record requests and are managed by the states vital record offices. 16 June 1970 - 9 June 2003 years WALSH , Gregory John . FOOTE , Frank Farrell . 28 December 1995 . KERR , Valma . Aged 73 years KITSON , Thomas . Lorraine's Cemetery Records. 19 April 1911 - 1 March 1996 Aged 54 years 29 July 1973 18 November 1928 - 14 July 1999 Aged 98 years 13 December 1979 . 12 September 1954 . SPITERI , Frank . Aged 86 years GIBBONS , Lillian May . Aged 64 years 14 November 1912 - 11 August 1996 1913 - 2002 14 June 1969 15 February 1937 - 3 April 2000 PLANE , Elizabeth Marguerita . MC NALLY , Thomas . MORSE , Emily Susan . BRUCE , David Clarke . EDWARDS , Basil Felix . DENNIS , Maurice . O 30 April 1970 . Aged 78 years 25 June 1975 . GILL , Peter Kym . PORTEUS , Enid (ne Elliot) . HARRIS , Donald Keith . 13 April 1988 . Aged 91 years 7 August 1996 . DERVISEVIC , Sulejman . 18 September 1973 . 20 May 1908 - 8 September 1997 NORTON , Murray . Aged 67 years DEVITT , Michael Francis . TIDBURY , Shirley Margaret (ne Rickard) . Aged 63 years 14 May 1937 - 7 January 1998 MC AULAY , Robert . WARD , Rex Augustus . ANSON , Stephanie Kelly Sophie . 12 December 1929 - 30 August 23 April 1941 - 16 May 2004 BOYCE , Courtney . LIDDLE , Sylvia . whyalla death records January 23, 2023 anoka county employment verification fdny battalion chief list Aged 95 years BONHAM, Anthony J 3 March 1985 5 LUTZ , A . CARPENTER , Laurence James . 7 July 1902 - 30 January 1995 18 August 1971 . 1919 - 1993 4 August 1923 - 8 September 1998 Aged 54 years 5 November 1901 - 14 October 1985 MULLER , Isabell . 8 September 1946 - 9 September 2013 . 16 May 1937 - 13 October 2006 7 February 1935 - 17 December 2011 HOWARD , Gwendoline Jean . Aged 84 years TOBIN , John . 6 November 1978 . 10 January 1978 . PLACE , Dean Colin . LITTLEWOOD , Marie Marguerite . 3 August 1967 - 29 September AINSLIE , Darryl . 17 April 1918 - 8 July 1991 12 September 1979 . Aged 45 years Death records are required for various purposes in the United States. 21 July 1961 . BROADBENT , Mary Hill . 12 January 1930 - 74 April 98 8 December 1992 . Aged 77 years 10 July 2010 - 26 December 1987 ROGERS , Maxwell . 11 February 1967 . 29 December 1912 - 13 May Aged 76 years KRANZ , Lavina Caroline . BAILEY , Eva . KITTEL , Gwen . 11 September 1920 - 19 April 2017 CARDON , James Edward . LAWRENCE , Roy Arnold . - 22 April 1971 HEARN , Timothy Edward . 27 October 1919 - 7 October 2013 15 August 1909 - 24 June 1995 18 January 1927 - 19 January 1998 MERENTITIS , Evdokia . KERSTEN , Bridget . 27 July 1962 RODRIQUEZ , Leni P . 7 December 1948 - 25 June 2008 19 January 1933 - 13 April 2008 Aged 61 years . 30 July 1981 . 14 July 1923 - 19 October 2008 MARTIN , Alice . Aged 84 years FLEMING , Grace . WebAccording to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), over 2.8 million deaths are reported annually in the United States. SULLIVAN , E Martha . MASON , John Bruce . 62 CD-ROMs of photographs of graves and headstones from over 700 South Australian cemeteries and burial places. WALKER , James . 11 February 1916 - 22 November 2008 Name index can be searched via the catalogue link. Aged 40 years MC INTOSH , Alexander F . 8 August 1915 - 19 December 1994 KERIN , Gladys May . Aged 73 years 13 March 1987 . ROESLER , Walter glen . 23 August 2001 8 May 1930 - 1 April 2006
9 November 1970 9 June 1949 . airplane in the woods location. 4 March 1927 - 6 June 2010 4 October 1914 - 30 January 2000 4 September 1991 . Aged 59 years January 1971 . The majority of the states accept cash as a medium of payment for in-person death record requests. 1 December 1911 - 9 February 1986 8 March 1942 - 24 October 1975 FULLER , Arnold Robert . SIMMONS , Irene Madge . CONSTABLE , Malcolm Terrence . 25 April 1975 . 12 September 1974 - 26 December 1990 30 June 1981 . 2 December 1972 . SMOKER , James George . WILLIAMS , R J . COWAN , Kathleen Beryl . DELL'OSTE , Fabio . 14 August 1994 . 14 April 1979 25 July 1992 . Aged 69 years NORMAN , Ethel . 21 March 1987 . MC DONALD , Mona Adelaide Joyce . O'DONOGHUE , Frances . KING , Hugh . Aged 56 years 10 April 1941 - 8 July 2011 HALLS , Euphemia Sylvia . 19 August 1910 - 26 November 1991 Aged 62 years WebWhyalla City Council acknowledges the Barngarla people as the Traditional Custodians of the land our city is built on. 1917 - 1996 ARAGON , Fotini . 12 October 1962 . Aged 75 years 25 November 1950 HISSEY , Violet Madge . No date 1995 WILSON , Kath . 14 May 1930 - 4 June 2009 HAYEK , Diana T . 22 June 1929 - 20 November 2005 Aged 58 years Aged 53 years ROEDIGER , Dorothy Mabel . 29 August 1951 . DALZELL , Ronald Woodward . JONES , Daisy Muriel . MC INTEE , Irene . 14 July 1928 - 5 October 1987 4 June 1942 - 17 March 1980 20 June 1985 . Aged 73 years 20 May 1923 - 10 March 2010 17 June 1985 - 19 August 1985 Aged 23 years 11 August 1960 - 2 January 1994 Aged 27 years RAU , Lois Maxine . TODD , May Frances Elizabeth . CONSTABLE , Pretoria . In most cases, the staff of the Vital Record Office will advise on the acceptable payment channels for an in-person death record request. 15 July 1911 - 12 May 1991 BRAWN , Walter Willem . GOLDNER , - - ber Fay Jane . 28 October 1954 Aged 54 years 7 July 1974 GALE , Mary Irene . 13 June 1907 - 21 August 2000 30 November 1972 1908 - 1985 ROUGH , William James . 2 October 1938 - 23 December 2016 SYMES , Mary Evelyn . MARKS , Olive . 29 January 1982 . 5 April 1956 - 25 September 2001 2 June 1987 . 12 January 1960 . Aged 49 years KENNEDY , Mary Ellen . Aged 60 years 5 June 1985 . KAY-BULLOCH , John . 8 August 1921 - 16 December 1995 HARLEY , Noel . Aged 77 years 15 April 1982 . EICHNER , Jake Corey (infant) . 1998 Aged 63 years Aged 86 years July 2003 ZIEMLAK , Bronislaw . 85 September 42 . 26 October 1987 . If the state's Vital Record Office cannot find the death certificate requested, they will provide the applicant with a Certificate of Failure to Find. 29 September 1913 - 3 January 2009 ANDREW , Doreen May . 16 February 1926 - 24 July 1994 22 March 1908 - 1 August 1990 12 September 2008 . Aged 78 years Aged 84 years Aged 19 years Aged 67 years WRIGHT , Leonard J . TELFER , Heather . Aged 56 years AINSWORTH , L V . ELLIOTT , Alfred . 3 July 1929 - 14 November 2004 11 October 1929 - 10 March 2003 HUGGETT , James Ernest . WHYTE , David Michael . Date unreadable OTTAWAY , Ethel Alice . KENNEDY , Mary Rebecca . 9 December 1989 . 9 October 1911 - 8 June 2001 Aged 72 years 5 August 1929 - 16 August 2008 CARTER , Jean . LEONARD , Gertrude Maria . BREWSTER , Douglas A . VANDERTUUK , Robert . 1910 - 1999 1956 - 1988 THOMAN , Kenneth George . 26 May 1989 . MORRIS , William Edgar . 20 April 1911 - 6 August 1989 Aged 1 day 9 April 1969 . 31 May 1974 . 3 September 1972 . 10 September 1971 . Aged 35 years The physician's primary responsibility in death registration is declaring such a death. 13 January 1924 - 24 March 1983 14 February 1889 - 25 May 1945 27 January 1923 - 22 November 2015 Aged 5 months 21 June 1919 - 27 December 2007 15 January 1924 - 14 September 2006 11 January 1927 - 15 September 2014 17 November 1979 . Aged 17 years SPARGO , Shaun Joseph . Aged 50 years SCHRAPEL , Bertha . 12 December 1909 - 16 April 1983 11 January 1921 - 25 January 2003 30 December 1930 - 21 August 1988 24 February 1929 - 6 February 2018 Aged 76 years Searchable books listing various facets of information about the colony and its settlements. 26 July 1929 - 7 January 1996 GOODFELLOW , Evelyn . 22 September 1957 20 May 1962 - 26 December 2013 HYNES , John Patrick . DAVIES , Arthur . 23 June 1966 - 20 October 2010 CUNNINGHAM , Catherine . Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. HEARD , Gordon Leslie . EICHNER , Selina . church records (burials, baptisms and marriages) from 1803 - 1839. RICHTER , Crawford Roy . 24 June 1923 - 5 July 1970 SUMMERTON , Gladys Heather . 23 December 1957 - 5 February 2015 Aged 49 years MOLONEY , Jo-Anne . PARTINGTON , Cecil James . 11 October 1914 - 31 August 1995 Aged 54 years 1915 - 2000 Aged 70 years 26 September 1913 - 26 January 2002 3 February 1961 . 2 March 2007 23 December 1916 - 29 September 1996 MUNRO , Esther May . CHAMBERS , Neville . NELSON , Frank . CAMPION , Nellie . CAMPBELL , Stanley Roy . GRUNDEL , Joan D . NUNN , Maurice C B . COLLINS , Joseph W . 22 December 1922 - 24 September 2001 VANEEUWYK , Gerrit . Aged 75 years 25 May 1930 - 23 December 1991 27 June 1931 - 10 June 2013 30 May 1934 - 26 December 2017 8 October 1980 . WINGFIELD , Judith Ann . Aged 66 years 18 August 1917 - 10 January 2006 WHITE , Albert Thomas . 13 September 1944 - 26 June 2005 EASTON , Leslie . REICHEL , Franz . 23 September 1888 - 23 October 1964 29 October 1956 . EDMUNDSON , Margaret . TIDSWELL , Rosaleen . 19 July 1987 . Aged 54 years MC KAY , Mary Theresa . 24 May 1942 - 9 July 2003 Aged 27 years Aged 55 years 6 August 2002 . 13 August 1984 . BURY , Merideth . RAYMOND , Dulcie Jean . MANSELL , Stanley . . Aged 55 years 4 July 1959 - 4 December 1995 OLINGA , Aaldrik . RUDNICK , Alexander . 31 March 1940 - 19 August 2008 9 December 1958 . 16 July 1989 BAKER , Glenn Paul .