I take Black Seed oil / put on salads etc but the study uses First NHS Endo blood test feedback disappointing usual gu Black cumin seed oil - reduces TSH in case study. Salomi NJ, Nair SC, Jayawardhanan KK, et al. Black cumin seed oil and thyroid repair Protective role of black seed oil in doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Toxicology 3-7-2000;143:219-226. Can Find out what helps constipation at home and when it's time to see a gastroenterologist. Researchers have found that black seed fixed oil (oil blended with black seed essential oil) also has many benefits. Well my first week with 3 x 5 mile runs in the same 7 day period. AskMayoExpert. J Nutrigenet.Nutrigenomics. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2003;88:63-68. Supplements. J Integr Med 2013;11:64-6. 11/29/2020 All Blacks . Boskabady, M. H., Mohsenpoor, N., and Takaloo, L. Antiasthmatic effect of Nigella sativa in airways of asthmatic patients. Synthroid (prescribing information). Antitumour principles from Black seed seeds. Follow directions about Accessed Aug. 21, 2019. Complement Ther Med 2019;45:149-55. Phytother.Res 2009;23:1295-1298. Natural remedies for depression: Are they effective? There are a few Nigella sativa supplements packaged in the following ways for oral consumption: Capsules are the easiest way to take the black cumin seed oil supplements. The capsule content might be in pure form or a combination of Nigella sativa extract and other compounds such as curcumin for synergistic anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting effects. J Ethnopharmacol. All rights reserved. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. An imbalance in the thyroid hormone causes discomfort such as constipation, muscle weakness, fatigue, and even increased body weight. And I now have some days I need to drop to 25 or 0. High cholesterol treatment: Does cinnamon lower cholesterol? Black seed increases insulin sensitivity, decreases insulin resistance, and acts as an anti-diabetic agent. 2001;110(5-6):333-345. 2015;15:64-71. American Cancer Society | Information and Resources about for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), Tricyclic antidepressants and tetracyclic antidepressants, Hypothyroidism diet Can certain foods increase thyroid function, Advertising and sponsorship opportunities, Iron supplements or multivitamins containing iron, Antacids that contain aluminum, magnesium or calcium, Some ulcer medications, such as sucralfate (Carafate), Some cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as those containing cholestyramine (Prevalite) and colestipol (Colestid). Your Supplements Store Online. A recent study found that some coffee drinkers were 20% less likely to develop melanoma. Al Ghamdi, M. S. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity of Nigella sativa. You may not be able to take levothyroxine if you have certain Developed by: Your email address will not be published. Landa, P., Kokoska, L., Pribylova, M., Vanek, T., and Marsik, P. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of carvacrol: Inhibitory effect on COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E biosynthesis. In one study published i 2015, consuming between two to six cups of these types of herbal tea per week was associated with a reduced incidence of So chocolate lovers rejoice! ailments. Toxicol Lett 1998;95:23-9. Phytother Res. Use soy isoflavones only under the supervision of your physician. Dr. Carrillo is a charismatic Doctor whose knowledge and commitment to patient care and bringing healing to patients is a valuable asset to our center. Im impressed by your reports of progress with this supplement. Am J Otolaryngol. Echinacea, also known as Coneflower, is legendary for a reason: science has shown multiple species of Echinacea can provide potentially broad-reaching support for the innate and adaptive immune system. Ajenuz, Aranuel, Baraka, Black Caraway, Black Cumin, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Charnuska, Cheveux de Vnus, Cominho Negro, Comino Negro, Cumin Noir, Cyah Dane, Fennel Flower, Fitch, Graine de Nigelle, Graine Noire, Habatul Sauda, Habbatul Baraka, Kalajaji, Kalajira, Kalonji, Ketsah, La Grainer Noire, Love in a Mist, Mugrela, Nielle, Nigella sativa, Nigelle de Crte, Nigelle Cultive, Nutmeg Flower, Poivrette, Roman-Coriander, Schwarzkummel, Seed of Blessing, Siyah Dane, Shoniz, Small Fennel, Toute pice, Upakuncika. Antiinflamm Antiallergy Agents Med Chem. Discover our wide range of products today. High Cholesterol. The Seniors Supplement ensures a conditionally guaranteed minimum income level for residents of BC and is paid to low-income residents of BC who are 65 years of age and older and who are receiving OAS/GIS or federal Allowance (formerly Welcome to Popeye's Supplements - Victoria. I've read the paper on black cumin and its effects on thyroid function. Molaie M, Darvishi B, Jafari Azar Z, Shirazi M, Amin G, Afshar S. Effects of a combination of Nigella sativa and Vitex agnus-castus with citalopram on healthy menopausal women with hot flashes: results from a subpopulation analysis. Other Vitamins & Supplements Nearby. The content on Healthgrades does not provide medical advice. https://naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com. Phytother Res. A., and El Kashef, H. A. Thymoquinone-induced relaxation of guinea-pig isolated trachea. J Ethnopharmacol. Monday 10am - 8pm Tuesday 10am - 8pm Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday 10am - 8pm Friday Monday - Friday Show all. Oysu C, Tosun A, Yilmaz HB, Sahin-Yilmaz A, Korkmaz D, Karaaslan A. Topical nigella sativa for nasal symptoms in elderly. 2002;46:195-201. insightful, kind and judgement-free process a Holistic Nutritionist in Victoria, BC . 2000;50:832-836. Antidepressants and alcohol: What's the concern? Sabzghabaee AM, Dianatkhah M, Sarrafzadegan N, et al. Jesse King. Talk to your doctor before using any black cumin seed oil product, and only purchase from verified sources. Learn more about black seed oil benefits and side effects to keep yourself informed. Individuals with blood disorders or on medication that alter with blood clotting should consult their health providers before using the black cumin seed oil. Find more Vitamins & Supplements near Reflex Supplements 9769C Fifth St, Sidney BC V8L 2X1 Itinraire. This article contains trusted sources with all references hyperlinked for the reader's visibility. 2003;39:371-376. Because chronic constipation can cause pain and bloating, it's understandable to seek quick constipation relief. However, you must be careful with the dilution and application. Al Naggar, T. B., Gomez-Serranillos, M. P., Carretero, M. E., and Villar, A. M. Neuropharmacological activity of Nigella sativa L. extracts. Res Vet.Sci 2004;77:123-129. Badary OA, Al-Shabanah OA, Nagi MN, et al. 2020;57:102653. You could be the first review for Reflex Supplements. A., Mostafa, A. 2006;80:217-224. Oman Med J. The main types of thyroid cancer are follicular, papillary, medullary, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. Furniture Stores, Mattresses (250) 384-2558. 2010;19:206-11. Cold-pressed black cumin seed oil is available in latent form for consumption. Hair conditions: The use of black seed oil in hair improved scalp conditions and reduced hair falling out with no side effects. IBM Micromedex. 2017;33:793-800. Kumara, S. S. and Huat, B. T. Extraction, isolation and characterisation of antitumor principle, alpha-hederin, from the seeds of Nigella sativa. Located in Victoria, we carry a wide range of vitamins to help you feel your best. Nagi, M. N. and Almakki, H. A. Thymoquinone supplementation induces quinone reductase and glutathione transferase in mice liver: possible role in protection against chemical carcinogenesis and toxicity. The effect of Nigella sativa oil against Aspiculuris tetraptera and Hymenolepis nana in naturally infected mice. Salem EM, Yar T, Bamosa AO, et al. Mousa HFM, Abd-El-Fatah NK, Darwish OA, Shehata SF, Fadel SH. Get Directions. The exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown, but there is a strong link between thyroid cancer and DNA inherited conditions.. Complement Ther Med. Black seed powder has most often been used in doses of 1-2 grams by mouth daily for 8-12 weeks. Vitamin D 3 supplements are available over the counter in a variety of strengths and dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, sprays and drops (drops are recommended for infants and children under age 4). Colestipol. My trainer at that time Lisa G, recommended Popeyes Supplements Victoria. 2003;41:616-621. Herbal supplements and heart medicines may not mix Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.The effectiveness ratings for BLACK SEED are as follows: To learn more about how this article was written, please see the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database methodology. 2020;38:589-593. Nigella sativa (also known as black cumin seed or black powder) is a plant that grows in Europe and Asia and has been used to treat inflammatory disorders; however, the effect of this seed on Hashimotos has not been well studied. 2003;17:299-305. Dehkordi FR, Kamkhah AF. Avoid using pure, undiluted black seed oil directly on the skin; it can cause an. Kanter, M., Meral, I., Yener, Z., Ozbek, H., and Demir, H. Partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans by Nigella sativa L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Enjoy free shipping on all orders over 99$. Dr. Carrillo has been collaborating with Dr. Bautista for over 5 years as a treating physician at the Immunity the Immunity Therapy Center. No changes were made in dose during the study time. Also, patients were only studied for 8 weeks. TPO antibodies: these are antibodies that attack the thyroid instead of bacteria and viruses, they are a marker for autoimmune thyroid disease, which is the main underlying cause for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in the United States. Antihypertensive effect of Nigella sativa seed extract in patients with mild hypertension. Additionally, the Mayo Clinic advises avoiding taking levothyroxine at the same time as walnuts, cottonseed meal, soybean flour and any fiber-rich foods including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. When you have a migraine, you'd try anything to feel better. Birth Partnership Midwives of Victoria 2823 Dysart Road . The effects of Nigella sativa on atherosclerosis and its new risk factors in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. A legal License Agreement sets limitations on downloading, storing, or printing content from this Database. Mahdavi R, Namazi N, Alizadeh M, Farajnia S. Effects of Nigella sativa oil with a low-calorie diet on cardiometabolic risk factors in obese women: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Is red wine healthy? Possible hepatotoxicity of Nigella sativa seeds and Dregea volubilis leaves. The effects of black seed supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. A., Al Shabanah, O. Fair Pharmacare Calculator, Int J Biochem Cell Biol. The effect of thymoquinone, the main constituent of Nigella sativa on tracheal responsiveness and white blood cell count in lung lavage of sensitized guinea pigs. Koshak A, Wei L, Koshak E, et al. It slightly raises FT3 and slightly lowers TSH. Supplements containing biotin, common in hair and nail preparations, can interfere with the measurement of thyroid hormone. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:953520. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (Saudi Arabia). The treatment of some thyroid issues can restore thyroid function to the correct level. Obtained from US Patent and Trademark Ofc on April 12, 2000. www.uspto.gov/patft/index.htm. 1985;35(1A):408-414. 2008;28:11-14. Phytother Res. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Additionally, black currant may slow blood clotting. 1. Basic Clin Pharmacol.Toxicol. Tajmiri S et al. Massadeh, A. M., Al Safi, S. A., Momani, I. F., Al Mahmoud, M., and Alkofahi, A. S. Analysis of cadmium and lead in mice organs: effect of Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin) on the distribution and immunosuppressive effect of cadmium-lead mixture in mice. Azza, M. M. Nadia M. M. Sohair S. Sativa seeds against. Features. In developed countries, thyroid disease from iodine deficiency has been nearly eliminated by iodine additives in salt and food. Nigella sativa supplementation improves asthma control and biomarkers: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. 103-3680 Uptown Blvd, Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9 Get directions. All information published on the site must undergo an extensive review process to ensure accuracy. Black seed oil shows promise for positively influencing thyroid health and lowering thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Le, P. M., Benhaddou-Andaloussi, A., Elimadi, A., Settaf, A., Cherrah, Y., and Haddad, P. S. The petroleum ether extract of Nigella sativa exerts lipid-lowering and insulin-sensitizing actions in the rat. MAOIs and diet: Is it necessary to restrict tyramine? High blood cholesterol levels. Hypothyroidism: Can calcium supplements interfere with treatment? 2019 Apr 24;234:106-111. 1974;6:225-226. London Drugs Regina East, Nagi MN, Alam K, Badary OA, et al. Thyroid disease: Can it affect a person's mood? Other Autoimmune disorders include: type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addisons disease (adrenal insufficiency), vitiligo (loss of pigment of some areas of the skin), systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency), celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Phytother Res. . Antidepressants: Which cause the fewest sexual side effects? Int J Cardiol. Search items. Your Cancer is Unique, Your Treatment Should be Too. 2001;76:45-48. Many multivitamins sold in Canada also contain vitamin D 3, typically ranging from 400-1000 IU/day. Potential adjuvant effects of Nigella sativa seeds to improve Comparative study of nigella sativa and triple therapy in eradication of helicobacter pylori in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia. Levothyroxine (T4): the major hormone produced by the thyroid gland and available in pill form as Synthroid, Levoxyl, Tyrosint and generic preparations. How to Properly Take Your Thyroid Medication - Verywell Health Im always sceptical when blogs also have links to Amazon etc to buy the product, talk but described results as significant. Avoiding dietary extremes will ensure thyroid health. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2018;31:290-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.03.013. Take-out. J Ethnopharmacol. Benhaddou-Andaloussi A and et al. Consumers and medical professionals who consult this monograph are cautioned that any medical or product related decision is the sole responsibility of the consumer and/or the health care professional. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Pharmaceutical Biology (Netherlands) 2010;:96-104. 2004;94(2-3):251-259. While black seed oil may have some benefits for health, it doesnt replace any current medicatio Effectiveness of topical Nigella sativa seed oil in the treatment of cyclic mastalgia: A randomized, triple-blind, active, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. 2014;152:156-62. Black seed oil wont correct a physical problem causing infertility. Eating a balanced diet makes taking supplemental iodine unnecessary. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Int J Clin Pharmacol.Ther 2008;46:295-306. J Enzyme Inhib.Med Chem. J Vet.Med A Physiol Pathol.Clin Med 2001;48:593-599. Here you will find loads of information and resources that will be helpful to you, your family, & your friends. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization and proceeds from Web advertising help support our mission. Sahebkar A, Soranna D, Liu X, et al. Khader M, Eckl PM. Bleeding risk: Doctors advise black cumin seed oil users to stop using the oil at least two weeks before a major surgery. Accessed Aug. 21, 2019. AbbVie Inc.; 2019. https://www.rxabbvie.com/pdf/synthroid.pdf. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Egypt J Immunol. Doctors advise black cumin seed oil users to stop using the oil at least two weeks before a major surgery. Saudi Med J 2009;30:893-896. Therapie 2000;55:379-382. 1993;24:1123-1131. Vitamins. I would say that as an interpretation, rather than the thyroid itself being affected, T4-T3 conversion by the body is stimulated somewhat. The main constituent of black seeds essential oil is thymoquinone, which has been shown to have many health benefits. How did this manifest for me? https://www.micromedexsolutions.com. 2009;40:107-115. Fararh, K. M., Ibrahim, A. K., and Elsonosy, Y. Levothyroxine. Accepts Apple Pay. By examining a wide range of health symptoms and associated lifestyle issues, a Holistic Nutritionist can help you balance your specific health. He T, Xu X. Last 3 days of running were 5 miles, 8.5 miles and 7.5 miles. Subjectively, they feel they have done way more than this interpretation, TPO scores to one side, there is little hard evidence than this subjectivity. Arch Pharm.Res 2009;32:75-78. information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of Shahinoor Rahaman Dulal*, Hasib Sheikh , Mohammad Abu Taher , Mohammad Sayeed Ur Rahaman, Zakia Rahman and M.A. Individuals with sensitive skin should do a patch test before using black seed oil. Planta Med 2005;71:739-742. 8 health benefits of black seed oil. Vitamins and Supplements. Effect of Nigella sativa supplementation on obesity indices: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. This got worse in first few days I upped dose from standard to strong capsules. Black cumin seed oil usage results in positive thyroid function by altering the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEG F). BACKGROUND Dirjomuljono, M., Kristyono, I., Tjandrawinata, R. R., and Nofiarny, D. Symptomatic treatment of acute tonsillo-pharyngitis patients with a combination of Nigella sativa and Phyllanthus niruri extract. Auris Nasus Larynx. Thyroid. 2020;31:21-31. 2008;103:109-118. Pak.J Pharm.Sci 1989;2:25-28. 2020;2020:2390706. J Ethnopharmacol 1991;34:275-8. J Egypt Soc.Parasitol. Closes 8 pm today Monday 10am - 8pm Tuesday 10am - 8pm Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday 10am - 8pm Friday The owner Chris is one gem, who always seems to have the answers and can help you pick out the right supplement to maximize your efforts. Medicinski Arhiv 2012;66:198-200. RSC Publishing Home Chemical Science Journals, Books and Databases. Best Match. It's also important to note Perveen, T., Haider, S., Kanwal, S., and Haleem, D. J. 7,752,060 and 8,719,052. The effect of nigella sativa oil on the prevention of phlebitis induced by chemotherapy: a clinical trial. Hawsawi, Z. However, this was only an 8 week study and more studies are Effect of Nigella sativa supplementation over a one-year period on lipid levels, blood pressure and heart rate in type-2 diabetic patients receiving oral hypoglycemic agents: nonrandomized clinical trial. Highest Rated. Accessed Aug. 28, 2019. The body-mass-index (BMI), physical activity level, TSH, T3 and T4, Anti-TPO antibodies, and the inflammatory molecules TGF- and IL-23 were measured before and after the study time. Interaction with medications: Black cumin seed oil might not interact well with certain medications. The advantages of using black cumin seed oil in thyroid cancer treatment as an adjunct therapy have the following results: Black cumin seed oil is relatively safe to use, with little known side effects. 2020;12:e8390. Phytother.Res. Mollazadeh H, Hosseinzadeh H. The protective effect of. Zaoui, A., Cherrah, Y., Lacaille-Dubois, M. A., Settaf, A., Amarouch, H., and Hassar, M. [Diuretic and hypotensive effects of Nigella sativa in the spontaneously hypertensive rat]. In response to low thyroid hormones, the pituitary gland produces elevated levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Antimicrob.Agents Chemother. Arcus senilis: A sign of high cholesterol? 2013;10:332-5. 2006;38:1249-1253. Clinical trials reviews show that black seed oil improves glucose and lipids in type two diabetes. Evaluation of safety and efficacy profile of Nigella sativa oil as an add-on therapy, in addition to alpha-keto analogue of essential amino acids in patients with chronic kidney disease. However, more studies are needed on whether black seed oil is safe or effective for Levothyroxine is also used to treat or prevent goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), which can be caused by hormone imbalances, radiation treatment, surgery, or cancer. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 2019;47:102205. Cedarwood is potent, fresh-smelling oil that can be used to treat dry skin, a symptom of thyroid conditions. Biomedicine (Taipei) 2019;9:20. Effects of thymoquinone, the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, on the contractile responses of rat vas deferens. Open until 5:00 pm. Boskabady, M. H. and Farhadi, J. Nikakhlagh S, Rahim F, Aryani FH, Syahpoush A, Brougerdnya MG, Saki N. Herbal treatment of allergic rhinitis: the use of nigella sativa. 2003;17:1209-1214. Antidepressants and weight gain: What causes it? Kanter, M., Coskun, O., and Uysal, H. The antioxidative and antihistaminic effect of Nigella sativa and its major constituent, thymoquinone on ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. Md. Nigella sativa is a plant known by many names, including black seed. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Phytother Res 2019;33:2369-77. Tavakoly R, Arab A, Vallianou N, et al. THE FULL ARTICLE TITLE: 2004;25:857-866. Calcium supplements or a serving of dairy, iron, or soy foods should be avoided when taking levothyroxine as medications, supplements, or as J Pak Med Assoc 1991;41:185-7. Amizadeh S, Rashtchizadeh N, Khabbazi A, et al. Effectiveness of topical Nigella sativa for vitiligo treatment. I am now 3 months into my personal trial of these supplements. 2005;42:23-30. Abbas, A. T., Abdel-Aziz, M. M., Zalata, K. R., and Tel, Abd Al-Galel. Ayaz, E., Yilmaz, H., Ozbek, H., Tas, Z., and Orunc, O. Black Seed Oil: Benefits, Dosage, and Side Effects Tablets and capsules are available as 400 and 1000 IU vitamin D 3. Effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on abnormal semen quality in infertile men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Effect of nigella sativa and allium sativum coadministered with simvastatin in dyslipidemia patients: a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial. A., Al Sawaf, H. A., Al Sohaibani, M. O., and Al Bekairi, A. M. Thymoquinone ameliorates the nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin in rodents and potentiates its antitumor activity. Thymoquinone: an emerging natural drug with a wide range of medical applications. Black cumin on hold sadly but I will pick this up as soon as tsh confirmed. Can black cumin powder improve thyroid function in Hashimotos thyroiditis? J Physiol Pharmacol. Iodine. West . Cholesterol ratio or non-HDL cholesterol: Which is most important? Fixed oil of Black seed and derived thymoquinone inhibit eicosanoid generation in leukocytes and membrane lipid peroxidation. 2010;32:126-131. Some studies have come up with information on the following side effects: Toxicity: Usage of large amountsof melanthin might be toxic to the body. Dahri, A. H., Chandiol, A. M., Rahoo, A. Black Seed Not always taking levo consistently. 2006;44:745-748. Our website is updated live! Vitamins & Food Supplements, Fitness Gyms. Can you take black seed oil with thyroid medicine View all items . Infect Disord Drug Targets. Effect of Nigella sativa on blood hemostatic function in rats. Hashimotos thyroiditis is an inflammatory condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, usually causing destruction of the thyroid cells and low thyroid hormone levels (T4 and T3). Besides directly impacting the thyroid, Some cardiovascular effects of the dethymoquinonated Nigella sativa volatile oil and its major components alpha-pinene and p-cymene in rats. Effects of. Effects of bread with Nigella sativa on lipid profiles, apolipoproteins and inflammatory factor in metabolic syndrome patients. Nigella sativa L. seeds modulate mood, anxiety and cognition in healthy adolescent males. Third Party materials included herein protected under copyright law. Asthma. March 10, 2016 [Epub ahead of print]. Razmpoosh E, Safi S, Abdollahi N, et al. It is intended for informational purposes only. essential oils and their major constituents, thymoquinone and beta-elemene. 250-656-2326; Itinraire; Site web; Message; Rechercher proximit; Valley Health & Fitness. There is a problem with The effect of Nigella sativa Linn. Individuals with sensitive skin should do a patch test before using black seed oil. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS STUDY? Unlawful to download, store, or distribute content from this site. The effect of Nigella sativa L. supplementation on serum C-reactive protein: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.