They also install presidents and prime-ministers, dethrone and install kings (with Freemasonic puppet replacements), foment false revolutions and coup-detats, create and stimulate social, ethnic, moral, cultural, political, and geopolitical divisions and sectarianisms, bankrupt nations through wars and rumors of wars, use and abuse of economic tools (their favorite modus operandi) such as interest rate manipulations, contrived economic bubbles followed by financial collapses, recessions, and full economic depressions, in addition to currency exchange manipulations, and the list goes on and on. An unusual investment company known as the Israel Corporation, in which Baron Rothschild is the biggest individual stockholder, is at the center of the storm. 1792: Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild born. The Rothschilds were also directly involved in financing the Southern secessionists during the American Civil War of 1861-1865. Mr. Shaul also currently serves as a director of an Israeli based technology company (Interactive Optical Technologies Group Ltd). There has been much that has already been written about the Rothschild crime syndicate. ZIM - ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. Stock Price and Quote Now most of this money may have been lost. [13], In 2010, ZIM regained profitability and in early 2011 ZIM renewed its plans for a flotation on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, but again had to postpone it due to the economic downturn and the drop in container shipping rates. January 21, 2022 zim shipping company owners rothschildcan gradescope tell if you screenshot. The initial intention was to sell shares in the investment company in $1million blocks and to raise something like $350million. In Syria, two new fronts have been opened. Back to the resurgence of religion and traditional values, the surge in traditional Catholicism should also be celebrated in countries like Poland, et al., although this is a sensitive topic for Russia, especially after the fall of the USSR in 1991. George Orwell put it best in his legendary book, 1984: He who controls the past controls the future. Before 9-11, there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Iran not that they would amount to much in the macroeconomic global sense. 326 E 8th St #105, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 gregory x reader fnaf. else $hottheme=""; ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. (ZIM) - Stock Analysis Despite efforts by the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of Russia and the use of dozens of billions of foreign For a week now, the world has been attentively watching as scandalous revelations that were made by the representatives Jacob Rothschild has expressed his concerns about the state of financial markets. ZIM operates a modern fleet and anetwork of shipping linesoffering cargo transportation services on all major global trade routes, supported by thecompany's local officesand representatives around the world. Then, in the 70s, it added container shipping to its repertoire and has . maac soccer standings; ucsb dance major acceptance rate; chemsheets a2 1001 answers 2018 [7] A similar joint venture - Burma Five Star Line - was made with the Burmese Government in 1959. At any rate, here are more facts about the broad spectrum of the power of the Rothschild crime syndicate: The Rothschilds own the Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest news media agencies in the world which naturally have stayed subservient to their masters propaganda talking points, albeit with a clever twist of what seem like objectivity which it totally is not. By repetition of the same deceitful propaganda throughout their news cycle, the masses are duped into believing exaggerated horror stories about evil dictators such as Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Moamar Gadhafi of Libya, and now Basher Assad of Syria, etc. Again, does THAT sound familiar? Thousands of years later, in walked the Rothschild Zionists, usurping their way in, as usual, since this has been their traditional method of stealing power and resources for centuries. Mr. Shaul worked for KPMG in the UK between 1988 and 2019 during the last 24 years of which he was a tax partner. To see all exchange delays and terms of use please see Barchart's disclaimer. Baron Rothschild, who is chairman of the board, called Michael Tzur, the former Director General of the invest ment company, and asked him if the report was true. Company and the Lodzia Company. This is so since their ultimate geopolitical plan in the greater Middle East region is to first evacuate big chunks of it vis--vis chaos, anarchy, lawlessness, and the wars that cause depopulation by horrific deaths which are then followed by the current refugee crisis across the massive war-torn areas of the Middle East and North Africa. 06-Oct-2021. We are at the threshold and some would say in the midst of a grand new global reality. This is one of the many reasons for their fanatical Russia-phobia media campaign. Who are the largest shareholders of ZIM shares? The dividend is paid every three months and the last ex-dividend date was Nov 28, 2022. Dividend Yield. Innovative Shipping Dedicated to You | Launched in Israel in 1945, ZIM (NYSE:ZIM) became a pioneer in container shipping in the . The board of directors of the Israel Corporation held what was called a normal meeting today in Paris to discuss the general problems of the company and to examine the latest information on the position of the Geneva Bank. However, high insider ownership can also give immense power to a small group within the company. Some of its ships cruised to the Caribbean during the winter. On your previous visit, you saved this form for a later use. The writing is certainly on the wall. During the previous two years, 319 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of ZIM Integrated Shipping Services. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services | 110,832 followers on LinkedIn. Want to know when executives and insiders are buying or selling ZIM Integrated Shipping Services stock? Let us be comforted by the Word of God as delivered through Apostle John, peace be upon him, some 2000 years ago: Thelight shines in the darkness, yet thedarknesshas not overcome it John 1:5. The company actually got its start way back in 1945. And as for the true, revolutionary, modern, righteous, political Islam, the Rothschild Zionists perceive that as their greatest threat while all along, they foment and fund the most brutal and savage-like versions of false Islam such as Wahabism and Salafism via their Saudi and other Gulf Arab puppet proxies vis--vis the bloody ISIS savage mercenaries, in order to distort, confuse, and muddy the perceptions of the peoples of the world and even Muslims themselves towards Islam. Mr. Tzur conceded that it was. Dr. Liebing holds a bachelors degree in economics from the University of Hanover in Hanover, Germany and a masters degree in business administration and doctoral degree in economics from the University of Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany. Would you like to load the details from your saved form? afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. 3 seconds ago. ZIM - ZIM Announces Large-Scale Long-Term LNG Bunkering Agreement with Company shareholders were also granted exception from capital gains and inheritance taxes. [11] The new official name after privatization became ZIM Integrated Shipping Services. Its hard to fathom that this puny, desert-stricken patch of Rothschild Zionist-created entity which measures no more than 8019 square miles all of it illegal and stolen of course practically controls the Middle Eastern foreign policy mechanisms of the governments of the US, EU, UK, Canada, France, and many others in the Western world. This purchase volume represents approximately $3.19B in transactions. [2] The first ship was purchased in partnership with Harris and Dixon (based in London) in 1947. Yes, information was always power as it will forever be. 1796: Amschel Mayer Rothschild marries Eva Hanau. healing prayer for a child. Incidentally, Mayer Amschel Rothschild is referred to as the "founding father of international finance. ZIM Shipping - 911myths Again, objective researchers contend that Iran is not being demonized because they are a nuclear threat, as facts have proven over-and-over that Iran is clearly NOT a nuclear threat. Some $30million for instance, went into the refineries, freeing the government from the need to allocate that amount from its own resources for the establishment of a new refinery at Ashdod. Mr. Shaul's current clients range from public companies, private equity funds, private businesses and high net worth individuals. The answer is very cryptic and mysterious which I may greatly elaborate in future articles. Learn more on ZIM's institutional investor holdings. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. In November 2022, thePeacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute(which already sounds like an oxymoron) released the Defense Support to You are reporting a typo in the following text: American Nightmare: the Depravity of Neoliberalism, Tradition and Usury: the Perennial Conflict, Purging Russia From the Evil Rothschild Money Changers. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services: Shipping Line Profile & Overview To sum up, what used to be pejoratively referred to as a conspiracy theory is now being discussed openly among credible academics, cutting-edge independent think-tanks, and ultimately the governments of the nations of the world. ZIM was founded on June 7, 1945, as the ZIM Palestine Navigation Company Ltd, by the Jewish Agency, the Israel Maritime League and the Histadrut (General Federation of Laborers in the Land of Israel). This of course was prophesized by Prophet Isaiah in the 8th century B.C. 9 ANDREI SAKHAROV STREET, P.O. Black Star Line was formed with a 40% participation by ZIM and principally operated cargo services from West Africa. During these years, ZIM transported crude oil from Iran to Israel, and oil byproducts from Israel to Europe. Today, we must be grateful for the enthusiastic resurgence and hopeful revival of the Eastern Orthodox faith as a viable moral, ethical, and political force to be reckoned with, especially among the youth of Russia and Eastern Europe. During 19471949 Palestine war, the company was the sole maritime connection with the State of Israel, supplying food, freight and military equipment. Enter ZIM Shipping Services: ZIM is a publicly held Israeli international cargo shipping companies and one of the top 20 global carriers, also having headquarters in Norfolk, VA. . ZIM has a dividend yield of 121.42% and paid $27.55 per share in the past year. They found that $8.5million of shortterm interim deposits of the Israel Corporation were not with the International Credit Bank of Geneva but with the insolvent InterCredit Trust of Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The American Congress. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that . This is intentionally done so in order to once-and-for-all implement their evil Greater Israel project which comprises confiscating all the lands from the Nile River (in Egypt) to the Euphrates River (in Iraq). Intraday, ZIM stock hit 61.50, briefly breaking out of a cup-with-handle base with a 60.19 buy point. Eli Glickman, ZIM President & CEO, met today with Lynn Martin, New York #StockExchange President, Stefan Jekel, Head of International Listings,& Chris Taylor, Global Head of Listings & Services, at the NYSE to exchange interesting ideas for ZIM. zim shipping company owners rothschildcbc news nl here and now. The current ongoing economic crisis, especially ever since the Great Recession of 2008, has set the stage for the demise of the dollar as the current world reserve currency in order to possibly make way for this proposed Bancor or whatever other name or electronic/ digital currency system they come up with, to make their propaganda more marketable since the cat is totally out of the bag with the Bancor, figuratively-speaking. He has also served as a Member of the Management Board at HCI Hammonia Shipping AG since 2007 and as a Member of the Supervisory Board at HCI Capital AG since 2013. After their hostile takeover of the Bank of England in1815, the Rothschilds have been expanding their banking control literally all over the world. May 24, 2021 zim shipping company owners rothschildst cloud psychological services. But in the case of Iraq and Libya, their supply of physical gold was vast, as is reported with Iran. It is no exaggeration to state that the founding of this Rothschild Zionist State, along with the blind and absolute ideological and financial support by their corrosive AIPAC and JDL lobbyists among other traitors in Washington, London, Brussels, and Tel Aviv may dangerously be a contrived forerunner to World War III itself, as we have been gradually witnessing this possible trend taking place in the Middle East in the past several years, starting with the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 followed by other covert wars and anarchies to follow which is dangerously drawing in global powers such as Russia as well as China and India (in rhetoric) and regional powers such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. A representative said: There is no decision to withdraw from Israel and in view of the close attachment of Baron Rothschild's grandfather [also named Edmond] to the Zionist cause, it is highly unlikely he would withdraw. Is the 49% Dividend Yield for ZIM Integrated Shipping For Real? He has served as the CEO of Epstein Capital, an independent boutique investment and merchant banking house offering a full range of M&A and financial advisory services established in 2005. Ship4wd will launch on October 18 2021. What matters is that the Rothschilds have always been fully behind this Frankenstein golem, falsely and blasphemously called, Israel, in which the Rothschilds are both the Frankenstein and the golem. And it couldnt be more wrong! They typically insert this via their news media neuro-lingual programming of repeatedly calling this or that world leader a dictator, as they continue to do so, for example, with Russias President Vladimir Putin, Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Irans former President Ahmadinejad, Venezuelas recently deceased former President Hugo Chavez and current President Nicols Maduro, Bolivias President Evo Morales, and the recently CIA-deposed Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as well as Philippiness new President Rodrigo Duterte. Hence we take away its occultic mystique and in this case diabolic nature. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. In 2004, the Israel Corporation purchased 49% of ZIM's shares held by the Israeli government, becoming the sole owner and officially privatizing the company. SOUTH SUPREMACY SHIPPING INC, Taipei City, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan In the 1970s, ZIM expanded into the container shipping business. As of December 31, 2021, it operated a fleet of 118 vessels, which included 110 container vessels and 8 . Form saved successfully. Let us begin with some brief and on-the-surface facts about the Rothschilds, especially their hidden hand in the Middle East region: In 1917, the British subsidiary of the Rothschild crime syndicate effectively arm-twisted and forcibly lobbied the British Government to promise to grant them Palestine in exchange for getting the United States to get involved in World War I on the side of Britain and thus ensure a British victory over Germany, et al. Institutional investors have bought a total of 73,541,133 shares in the last 24 months. Its 49% dividend is a real standout. Anyway, why are the Rothschilds obsessed with their ominous control and conquest of big chucks of the Middle East? Any losses may furthermore be diminished by attachments that are expected to be placed in credit proceedings on Mr. Rosenbaum's assets in Israel. There has been some criticism in Israel of the companys cautious banker's approach towards investing. Theodor Herzl and Moledet completed ZIM's final transatlantic passenger sailings during 1969 and were sold off, marking the end of the company's passenger division. Mr. Epstein holds a LL.B degree from Tel Aviv University in Israel and a masters degree in business administration from INSEAD University in France. Wall Street expects ZIM to post adjusted earnings of $9.40 per share in Q3. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. What is the Rothschilds strategy in achieving this? [25], In 2004, the Israel Corporation (which is controlled by the Ofer Brothers Group) purchased 49% of ZIM's shares held by the Israeli government, becoming the sole owner of the company. Into it the 48yearold scion of the famous banking family has poured roughly half of his $10million overall investment in the beleaguered state. By abusing sacred phrases such as human rights and democracy, these utterly deprave, morally corrupt, liberal surrogates are directly arm-twisting tradition and moral societies to adopt their decrepit moral relativism and ethical ambiguity vis--vis the modern, secular so-called educational systems which they had a major hand in designing. Baron Rothschild became chairman in 1971 and immediately reduced the board to 15 and set up a sevenman executive committee to look after the company's daytoday activities in Israel. Back to the past, in 2005 Forbes magazine ranked Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the original godfather of this criminal family back in the 18 th and early 19 th century, as number seven in its list of "The 20 Most Influential Businessmen of All Time". Prior to joining the XT Group, Mr. Sebba served as a project manager and industrial engineer at one of Israel's leading commercial banks and at a leading consulting firm. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd - Company Profile and News ZIM Integrated Shipping Services | LinkedIn Nir Epstein has served as a member of our Board of Directors since July 2014 for a period of a few months and rejoined in 2018. [14], In 2014, unloading of a ZIM ship at the Port of Oakland was delayed by anti-Israel protesters. It first worked to carry immigrants fleeing the war from Europe to the future State of Israel. Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. In-depth profiles and analysis for 20,000 public companies. The sisters Israel and Zion were both sold in 1966, while the expensive, new Shalom was retired and sold in 1967. Earnings of the company were running even higher this year. Baron Rothschild caller a board meeting for Sept. 27 in Paris at which Mr. Tzur was relieved of his managerial functions and, lawyers and auditors were retained to investigate the situation. The creation of the Zionist State of so-called Israel was massively unjust right from the beginning: an entity conceived in treachery, theft, and cruelty and politically justified vis--vis the evil of the burnt offering which is the exact meaning of the word Holocaust. [3], In March 2021, Zim reported the biggest profit in its 75-year history. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were completely swallowed up by the Rothschild system and by 2011 Sudan and Libya followed. They also own LBMA (London Bullion Market Association), exert tremendous covert influence at the Federal Reserve, the ECB (European Central Bank), IMF, World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements. Like vermin, the Rothschild blood-suckers live to profit from all these societal and economic ills. ZIM 13F Hedge Fund and Asset Management Owners Their method: Pressuring various countries corrupt politicians to accept massive IMF loans, which they can never repay, of course, and thus go into a form of debt slavery to the Rothschild banking powers. Zim becomes the latest shipping line to enter the freight forwarding market In 1953, some of the money from the reparations agreement between Israel and West Germany was allocated to the purchase and construction of new ships. The Rothschilds also have ownership of the majority supply of actual physical gold in the world. In 1981, one of the company's ships, Mezada, was lost at sea. By Clyde H. Farnsworth Special to The New York Times. [24], In mid-to-late 2015, plans to revive an initial public offering were implemented. Mr. Sebba also currently serves on the boards of directors of Phytech, Sofwave, Epitomee,, Cymbio and Vessle. William (Bill) Shaul is a UK Chartered Accountant and works as an independent business consultant. Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased. He has served in various senior management positions at the CONTI Group and has served as Managing Director of CONTI HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG since 2017. Under Special Management ($2.68M), Renaissance Technologies LLC ($2.32M), Deutsche Bank AG ($1.79M), Barclays PLC ($1.46M), Credit Suisse AG ($1.44M), and Phoenix Holdings Ltd. ($1.40M). In brief, in order to directly control and spiritually abuse the powerful and esoteric energy vortexes of these very ancient and magical lands. Apparently, at least for now, size doesnt matter. It provides door-to-door and port-to-port transportation services for various types of customers, including end-users, consolidators, and freight forwarders. Does that sound familiar? A second demonstration bypassed Oakland for Los Angeles when longshoremen, not participating in the protest, refused to unload the ship after being physically threatened and their vehicles blocked when they tried to report for work.
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