Thank you for helping to keep the podcast database up to date. Captivate has just released full support for podcast transcription as well as the Podcasting 2.0 namespace tag: podcast:transcript. Its a gradual, slow process that looks different from month to month. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit . Sanger establishes that in 1996, Laura **** was the roommate of Kristin Smart for the first two quarters of school. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. People vs. Flores: Defense and Rebuttal. Cole says yes. The best Podcast API to search all podcasts and episodes. The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office speaks. Who is Kristin Smart? Show notes are your chance to add context to your content, like guest bios, calls-to-action, useful resources and links to your other content. They are not verbatim. Ted says he saw Kristin Smart at the party on Crandall Way on May 24, 1996, and that when he left the party around 1-1:15am, Kristin was still there. Who is Kristin Smart? Verified. Transcript of Episode 198: What Does "Positive Is Not Permissive A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. Creators & Guests Chris Lambert Host 22 episodes Recent Episodes A Brief Update I really hope you decide to cover another story and do another podcast. A transcript - before anything else - helps listeners with profound or partial hearing loss to enjoy your podcast. Disadvantage: It takes a long time to type out and format a transcript yourself. If you really want to work on your podcast SEO, creating detailed show notes (or even better, structured, optimized articles or blogs based on your show notes) alongside a full, written transcript is a much better strategy. If you want to grow your audience, you need to care about transcripts. Your Own Backyard. "Your Own Backyard" podcaster plans to continue telling Kristin - KSBY Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 607, a report by Sheriffs Detective Kenny regarding discrepancies in the activities reported by Ted **** on the night of Kristin Smarts disappearance. Sanger says he is, including a warrant to track Paul Flores vehicle using GPS. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 623, a report by Detective Kenny on July 29, 2004 regarding the Sheriffs dive team and search conducted of several ponds, which did not find anything of evidentiary value. Subscribe now. A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. If you are a podcaster, the best way to manage your podcasts on Listen Notes is by claiming your Listen Notes Adventures In Your Own Backyard on Apple Podcasts Required fields are marked *. It is a great, free way to engage the podcast community and increase the visibility of your podcasts. Cole says he did not. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 609, a report by Sheriffs Detective Henry Stewart regarding an interview with Jana **** on July 25, 1996. Gina Tron. Peuvrelle asks if Detective Crawfords report indicates that he interviewed Cheryl ****, and that she was not familiar with Scott or Laci Peterson, and had never seen them before. 'Your Own Backyard' Podcast Credited For Helping - Oxygen Official Site Sanger reads from Defense Exhibit 610, an additional interview with Ted **** conducted by Sheriffs Detective Henry Stewart on August 13, 1996. This is how apps and directories will display your transcript. The ninth episode of "Your Own Backyard," created by Orcutt resident Chris Lambert and release Tuesday morning, provides new details on the case "just as it begins to wind its way through the. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 626, a photograph of an incident report collected from Kristin Smarts dorm room. Since 1999, Tim has dedicated his life to consciously furthering this vision of living in balance with the earth, community, family, and . Sanger asks if Shahn said that he and Kristin made up after the shoe incident. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 616, an interview of Sean **** conducted by Sheriffs Detective Henry Stewart on July 8, 1996. The same evidentiary rules apply. Sanger says this information is being introduced to establish that this was a lead that should have been followed. He says he does not see how any of this is relevant or pertains to this case. Podcast Transcripts: Why and How to Transcribe Your Podcast, The tip indicated that Trent ****, who had been a student at Cal Poly, was later convicted of a murder in San Diego. Stewart says he asked Ted why Jana says Ted spent the night in Muir Hall Room 120 with her. On the record at 10:22am At a chambers conference this morning, an issue was brought to the court's attention regarding potential witnesses not being allowed to stay in the courtroom. Your Own Backyard (Podcast Series 2019) - Plot Summary - IMDb You made this happen chris. Looking for other podcasts like Your Own Backyard Build a beautiful podcast website in 5 minutes Automatically create a beautiful, listener-friendly podcast site from your RSS feed. The Judge sustains Sangers relevance objection for the time being. 15 30 1 x. Tim Corcoran is a leader of men's groups, holistic rites of passage for boys, and wilderness quests, guiding and initiating men and boys into a new paradigm of the mature masculine. How To Get Transcripts For Any Podcast - Mark Allen He claims that Angie came forward after listening to the podcast and said she may have further information. Ted says he went back to his dorm room in Fremont Hall. 28 minutes later, a separate jury found his father, Ruben Flores, not guilty of accessory after the fact. The podcast became incredibly popular very quickly. . Unbound Now Waco. Posted at 5:56 PM, May 25, 2021. and last updated 5:56 PM, May 25, 2021. Cole says several people did speculate on that. Cole says yes. 28 minutes later, a separate jury found his father, Ruben Flores, not guilty of accessory after the fact. Go to podcast Share After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. Your Own Backyard w/ Chris Lambert - YouTube So just know that you actually are part of the environment. Seventh-Year Land Sabbath and Bread Baking Tips (Live Coaching Call Cole says Laura did tell investigators about that. So, your puppy is confident and happy with you, and this will work best if there's somebody that can help you. Defense Attorney Robert Sanger objects, and says that the knife was a butter knife, and Angie referred to horseplay preceding that incident. Instead, Google will reward you most for context, detail and relevance something that a typed-out conversation isnt really going to have all the time. I wish I could find more to listen to that I loved as much as yours. Regarding Paul Flores statement to District Attorney Investigators on May 31, 1996 (I think shes dead.), Sanger says this happened after Paul Flores consistently said he didnt know what happened to Kristin Smart after he separated from her. This exclusive embed is not set up for usage from Now weve learned why podcast transcripts are important, its time to find out how you can create them without having to sacrifice too much of your podcasting time. Detective Clint Cole retakes the witness stand, and Defense Attorney Robert Sanger resumes his cross-examination. The Judge sustains the objection and says, I have not heard that in anything presented here. Sanger reads from Defense Exhibit 607 that Ted **** says he hooked up with Jana **** for a little bit and then went to sleep in [Crystal] ****s bed. Peuvrelle objects that this misstates the evidence. Well done you! Cole says that Ted and Jana appeared to have had some sort of relationship. Questions focus on clarifying details in the reports previously referenced by Sanger, which indicate that several of the previously mentioned subjects were ruled out as viable suspects. If it is the first time you login, a new account will be created automatically. Sanger asks if Shahn told investigators that he lit her shoes on fire because she was telling her friend Trista lies about him. 00:01:03 SHARE SAVE MORE Episode 02: The Only Suspect . Your Own Backyard is on Instagram 53 posts on their profile Chris travels to Stockton to meet her parents, Stan and Denise, along with her friends, neighbors, and classmates. Sheriffs Detective Henry Stewart reports that he talked to Ted **** by phone. Pool photo Dave Minsky/Santa Maria Times (Pictured L to R: Paul Flores [seated], Defense Attorney Robert Sanger, Defense Attorney Sarah Sanger). Cole says he did. On Tuesday, he and his father were arrested. 1 on Apple's chart. A podcast transcript is a written version of your podcast. Well never sell your personal information. The report indicates that Janusz **** stated that Kristin Smart had left several blank messages on his answering machine, and on April 28, 1996, walked into his room without permission while he was sleeping. This means listening back through your episode and typing out everything you hear. Sanger makes a relevance objection. How a Podcast Helped Cops Arrest Paul Flores for Murder in Kristin Thank you for helping to keep the podcast database up to date. About the Podcast. Your Own Backyard - Podcast - Podtail "Fs" to be removed from Kristin Smart's Cal Poly transcript Your Own Backyard A weekly True Crime podcast featuring Chris Lambert 57 people rated this podcast About Insights Pro Episodes 22 Reviews 24 Creators 1 42 Similar A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Your Own Backyard (Podcast Series 2019- ) - IMDb 00:27:57 - Chris recaps the pre-trial events following the 2021 preliminary hearing, through the first week of motions in the Salinas Courthouse 2 podcast on iTunes. This exclusive embed is not set up for usage on . Chris scours the Smart Familys notebooks to find forgotten witnesses and leads. 00:11:02. Cole says that is what she said. Cole says thats correct. Your Own Backyard: With Chris Lambert, Stan Smart, Denise Smart, Kristin Smart. The podcast was ranked first on Apple Podcasts' Top 100 Podcasts list in April 2021. Tips for the bread-making process to keep from getting a doughy finish or large pockets of air. Your Own Backyard By Chris Lambert SHARE Listen Score LS 77 Global Rank TOP 0.01% ABOUT THIS PODCAST A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Setelah masuk, Anda setuju untuk menerima, Put this image on your website to promote the show -, Episode 09: The Beginning of The End Part 1, Episode 10: The Beginning of The End Part 2, People vs. Flores #2: Jury, Final Motions, Subpoena, Report inappropriate content or request to remove this page. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at Already mentioned but if you love a deep dive True Crime BS has to be one of the best in my opinion. And so, by doing that you can put in your first what I called in a podcast episode 190, your first 'Daily Quickie . Learn how to import your transcription from Descript in our Transcription FAQ. She also intends to testify about Paul Flores behavior when he lingered around bars, and incident where Paul Flores held a knife to her neck, an incident where Paul Flores came home extremely intoxicated and told her he had to tell her something but blacked out before he could. Yours delivered in every way possible. The trial was moved to Salinas, and the court isn't allowing any video or audio recordings of it. So many other PRETTY good podcasts will have me very on edge for a season of episodes only to never find the body, solve the case or end the season. Cole says he does not know how many hours came out of it, but it was a 30-day wiretap. Detective Cole says that the report indicates that a woman named Marcia said she believed that info after seeing it on a CourtTV website. Get transcripts for any podcasts . Dec 7, 2022. Using AI to track Human Trafficking Recruitment using Social Media. Well cover all of that in detail later on in this guide, but for now, lets answer some important questions about what podcast transcripts actually are, how they benefit you and your listeners, and how you can start transcribing quickly, accurately and for free! Select the settings tab. And if hes not a suspect Sanger says that Trent **** was asked by an acquaintance why he plead guilty to manslaughter, and Trent responded, Ive done things worse. The Judge sustains Peuvrelles relevance objection. When asked to speculate on what had happened to Kristin Smart, Paul Flores responded, I think shes dead. Peuvrelle asks Cole if any other person interviewed at this point had suggested that they believed Kristin was dead. Cole says yes. Cole also indicates a wiretapped phone call where Susan Flores told Paul that she wanted him to listen to the podcast to poke holes in it, but stated, Only you would know. Peuvrelle asks if Paul Flores responded to Susan. On October 18th, 2022, a jury found Paul Flores guilty of the first degree murder of Kristen Smart. By Gina Tron Man Accused Of Killing Kristin Smart To Stand Trial A multipart documentary podcast investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. In this guide, weve talked about how to create your own transcripts quickly and easily. Cole says he did. Its word processor-style interface makes it extremely easy to make swift changes to both your audio and written transcript. Sanger publishes Defense Exhibit 601 on the courtroom projector (an aerial layout of the Cal Poly campus) and asks Detective Cole to identify Trinity Hall. Sanger says that the court reporter has indicated that certified transcripts will take 60 days to finalize after . Judge van Rooyen says that in chambers this morning, the Defense raised objections to upcoming witness, Angie ****. A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process. Episode 09 is coming soon. Most of the series was him barking up wrong trees (examining men she had dated as suspects). Cole says thats correct. Chris recaps the final pre-trial events from the Salinas Courthouse, Chris recaps the week of July 18th and the week of July 25th from the Salinas Courthouse, Terima kasih telah membantu agar basis data podcast tetap terbaru. A second way is to transcribe your podcast manually. 20 talking about this. He's staying in a one bedroom, one bath guesthouse a few miles north of Salinas that a podcast fan offered up . Your Own Backyard Podcast on Twitter: "Some familiar faces in line this Theyre essential for making your podcast accessible to all, expanding your reach and creating a more inclusive community for your show. podcast pages. If Kristin Smart is dead, where did her body end up? Jana says she was not fond of Ted and describes him as an angry, defensive, and negative person. a couple of times its hit me out of nowhere, as, woah, lambert said. Investigators are crediting a popular podcast for helping to provide information that led to a break in the Kristin Smart case, which remained unsolved for decades before arrests were . Kristin Smart: Who is the 'Your Own Backyard" podcaster? | The Rachel is Captivate's Marketing Coordinator and works closely with podcasters to ensure that the content that Captivate creates is genuinely helpful and easy to understand. What other podcast transcription services are there? Cole says yes. Your Own Backyard Chris Lambert Subscribe A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Sanger responds, Your Honor. The average age for trafficking is 12 years old. Your show notes or episode summaries are, well, summaries of what you discuss in your episode. Apple PodcastsPreview 1 episode Welcome to Adventures In Your Own Backyard, where Michelle and Harman - two millennial Edmontonians - take you on a journey to the depths of their hometown. Podcast. After handing him two defense exhibits, the Judge suggests a lunch break. Peuvrelle asks if Defense Exhibit 619 provided investigators with photos of Trent ****s escorts. 0:00 1:14:43. contact. He's staying in a one bedroom, one bath guesthouse a few miles north of Salinas that a podcast fan offered up . Cole says that is correct. This includes keyword research, outreach, guesting on other podcasts and making sure your name and content is out there, in various forms, for people to find. Cole says yes. So, part of changing the environment is changing you. This means: Weve made it super easy to include transcriptions on all of your podcast episodes by integrating with leading tool, Descript, as well as giving you options to upload SRT files and create your own transcript. A suspect is a person they believe was actually involved in the crime being investigated.. We'd love to know what you think of this article, please share your thoughts with us below. Detective Kenny reports that he and District Attorney Investigator Bill Hanley interviewed Ted **** on January 11, 2007. The court reporter tells Judge O'Keefe she can have certified transcripts of the entire trial finalized by January 15th, but transcripts of jury selection will take longer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For $12 a month, you can get a complete package of tools, including 10 hours of monthly transcription time, unlimited projects, screen recording and tons more features more than enough for the everyday podcaster. Where is the final episode?? Peuvrelle asks if Detective Kennys report indicates that he interviewed a person who worked for SLO Models in 1996, and she did not remember a dancer named Roxy. Sanger asks if Laura told investigators about an ex-boyfriend of Kristins named Shahn ****, who reportedly set her shoes on fire and left them on her doorstep with a mean note. Cole says that Detective Kenny did. Ted said he had a sexual relationship with Jana ****. Felipe tells Detective Kenny that Kristin did not like her roommate, and stayed over in his dorm at least twice. (And grab my homemade sourdough sandwich bread recipe here or my fluffy honey whole wheat sandwich bread recipe here .) Human Trafficking Hotlines. The Judge sustains Prosecutor Peuvrelles relevance objection. Your Own Backyard Podcast on Twitter After claiming your Listen Notes podcast pages, you will be able to: Respond to listener comments on Listen Notes, Use speech-to-text techniques to transcribe your show and Cole does not know which building is Trinity Hall. A transcript before anything else helps listeners with profound or partial hearing loss to enjoy your podcast. Cole says he has spoken to dog handlers, and knows they are trained to alert on human decomposition only. Alexandra Wallace August 1, 2022. Cole says yes, in addition to statements from the Smart family that Kristin would not disappear like this. Questions focus on men who knew or were alleged to be connected to Kristin Smart, and why they were never pursued as suspects. Youll have peace of mind that your transcript will be as accurate as possible. The Judge says he will allow Angie **** to be questioned about her visit to Arroyo Grande and her observation of the Defendants reactions to the avocado trees, but that other materials will be excluded on the grounds that it is character evidence. Chris Lambertwhose Your Own Backyard podcast is credited with renewing interest in the caseis there every day providing hourly updates on social media as well as weekly podcasts. Just as adding closed captions and alt tags to social media content makes that medium more accessible, adding a transcript to your episodes should be a natural part of your podcasting process. note: This phrasing omits critical information that has not yet been discussed on the record.]. . Close. Cole says that is correct. "Your Own Backyard" podcast creator Chris Lambert will be at an SLO Night Writer's meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, at the United Church of Christ of San Luis Obispo, 11245 Los Osos Valley Road. Cole says they were given a couple of addresses and took photos of various ponds at homes and ranches in Morro Bay that may have been related to Scott Peterson. The story is gripping but its the depth of investigation that really sets it apart. No worries, though, its easy to make edits and Descript also offers a white-glove service from professional transcriptionists if youre after pin-point precision. "Podcast host Chris Lambert has done a remarkable job researching the disappearance of Kristin Smart for his podcast, "Your Own Backyard.". Cole explains that a Person of Interest is somebody investigators believe may have info about the crime theyre investigating. Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried. But transcripts arent going to get you the overnight podcast success that people talk about. Your Own Backyard Theme 00:00 00:44 Sorry, this track or album is not available. [ed. Your Own Backyard is a true crime podcast that investigates the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart from San Luis Obispo, California. Sanger says polygraphs are a good tool for law enforcement because people usually confess before they get hooked up. Pro-tip: Captivate integrates directly with Descript. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 619, a San Diego Police Department report on Trent **** regarding a refrigerator he had allegedly stored a dead body in. Facts about Human Trafficking. Cole says thats correct. Prosecutor Christopher Peuvrelle calls Detective Clint Cole back to the stand, and Defense Attorney Robert Sanger resumes his cross-examination from 8/5. Descript is free to use for up to 3 hours of transcription time, which you can only use once. A podcast transcript is a written version of your podcast. Read More. Where was Paul Flores over Memorial Day Weekend 1996? Cole says he does not remember. It seems like that is a definitive objective and the captures are only one stage towards that, lambert said. Dec 6, 2022 A Brief Update Where is the final. The program is hosted by musician and journalist Chris Lambert who interviews those who were involved in the case and investigation. The point here isnt that youre going to get called out or cancelled for lack of podcast transcriptions. Close out of the settings and click "Record" on the bottom Zoom taskbar. Podcast transcriptions take a while to create and edit, but theyre a hugely helpful and important tool for creating an inclusive, accessible podcast and respecting your listeners. Follow. Sanger claims that the Ted **** had sex with Jana **** in Kristin Smarts room that night. Check out this post for more tips on baking a soft, fluffy loaf of bread. The podcast, Your Own Backyard, brought the Kristin Smart case back into the national spotlight after the Cal Poly freshman had been missing for more than 20 years. Thank you. If youre already tight on time, its a really good idea to outsource your transcription to a virtual assistant or try out Descripts white-glove service to take care of it for you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Captivate Audio Ltd. For 50 minutes, Judge O'Keefe instructed Paul's jurors on the laws that apply to the charges in this case. Podcast transcripts are key to making your podcast accessible, as well as boost your discoverability. YOUR OWN BACKYARD Episodes ABOUT MIX TAPE DONATE SOUNDTRACK CONTACT Hallway Blog. Defense Attorney Robert Sanger resumes his cross-examination of Detective Clint Cole. Sanger asks if Detective Cole was able to establish that Scott Peterson was a student at Cal Poly at the time of Kristin Smarts disappearance. Your Own Backyard - PodText Enter site ., The Judge sustains Peuvrelles objection that this is argumentative. The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office speaks. Sanger introduces Defense Exhibit 617, an interview of Peter **** conducted by Sheriffs Detective Henry Stewart on July 17, 1996. YOUR OWN BACKYARD EpisodesABOUTMIX TAPEDONATESOUNDTRACKCONTACTHallway Blog Scroll Featured Oct 16, 2022 People vs. Flores: Defense and Rebuttal Oct 16, 2022 Chris recaps the Defense case and the Prosecution's rebuttal from the Salinas Courthouse Oct 16, 2022 Oct 2, 2022 Questions focus on clarifying statements made by other people who the Defense claims should have been suspects, and the considerations made by investigators when drafting search warrant affidavits for Paul Flores. Defense Attorney Robert Sanger cross-examines Detective Clint Cole again. Peuvrelle asks Cole if Defense Exhibits 611 and 609 indicate that Ted **** appeared to be interested in Jana **** and Jennifer **** rather than Kristin Smart. Peuvrelle asks if Cole also considered the lack of any evidence that Kristin Smart is alive 25 years later. A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart. Jana says Crystal **** was staying in Teds room with his roommate, Dustin ****, so Jana allowed him to sleep on the floor of Crystal and Kristins dorm room.
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