Leading up to the match, Sherri announced that she would be in the corner of one of the men, but she refused to say which one. WWF World Champion Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Bret Hart at 12:00 with the Bonzai Drop after Fuji knocked Hart off the top rope with the Japanese flag pole Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) defeated Glen Ruth & John Richner when Mabel pinned Richner at 2:10 with a bulldog / splash combo WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) pinned Crush at 11:13 with a superkick to the back of the head, sending Crush head-first into the corner, as the challenger was distracted by two Doinks at ringside (Shawn Michaels: Hits from the Heartbreak Kid 95) Tatanka defeated Adam Bomb The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated the Giant Gonzalez (w/ Harvey Wippleman) via disqualification at 7:32 when Gonzalez smothered Taker with a rag soaked in Chloraphorm after headbutting Bearer off the ring apron; prior to the bout, Taker was carried out to the ring on a funeral chariot alongside a vulture; after the match, Gonzalez chokeslammed referee Bill Alphonso as the Undertaker was rolled onto a stretcher and taken backstage by officials; the crowd then chanted Hogan; moments later, the Undertakers gong was sounded and he staggered his way back to the ring where he eventually took Gonzalez down and out of the ring with a flying clothesline; Gonzalez was then escorted backstage by security (The Undertaker: 15-0) for Mr. for Marty Jannetty) Six matches were contested at the event, including one dark match. 3/15/93 featured Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, & Rob Barlett as Vince McMahon on commentary; during the show open, Monsoon noted a blizzard changed the plans of the show but all the wrestlers that could be on hand for the show were; footage was then shown of the snow in Pougheekspie, before Monsoon noted McMahon & Randy Savage were in New York City; included a video package in which Randy Savage and the Rev. 2/14/93 included a Special Report segment focusing on last weeks challenge between Yokozuna and Jim Duggan; featured the first WrestleMania IX Report in which it was announced the Undertaker would face Giant Gonzalez and Crush would face Doink the Clown; included Vince McMahon conducting an interview with Brutus Beefcake about his return to the ring this week on Monday Night Raw; featured closing comments from High Energy and WWF Tag Team Champions Money Inc about their scheduled match the following week: Tito Santana pinned the Brooklyn Brawler Crush vs. Doink the Clown Bob Backlund defeated Papa Shango Ralphmilne Follow. Tom Prichard & Jimmy Del Ray (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated Rick & Scott Steiner via disqualification when, after Rick was hit with Cornettes tennis racquet and double teamed, Scott untied the Steiners dog, tied to the ringpost, and chased Prichard & Del Ray from the ring (Wrestling Gold: Blood, Brawls and Grudges), WWF @ Vienna, Austria Vienna Bicycle Racing Hall October 9, 1993 Papa Shango was the third wrestler to enter but was thrown over the top rope and onto the arena floor by Ric Flair, causing Shango to be eliminated. Tatanka defeated Razor Ramon PG-13 & Brandy Wine defeated Steve & Bill Marino, & Miss Texas SMW Tag Team Champions Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson fought Scott & Steve Armstrong to a no contest Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Bill Marcetti & Dan Farren (Beau Beverly under a mask) at 2:14 when Scott pinned Farren with the Frankensteiner Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via count-out The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated two unknowns at 2:10 when Fatu scored the pin with the splash off the top; during the bout, Rick & Scott Steiner cut an insert promo on facing the Headshrinkers at WrestleMania Jauques Rougeau, Mike "I.R.S." Shawn Michaels defeated Phil Apollo Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware at 12:06 when Samu pinned Koko with a kick to the face Miss Texas defeated Bert Prentice in a street fight for Lance Cassidy) with the reverse DDT The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware Razor Ramon pinned Virgil with the Razors Edge at 6:59 after Virgil missed a reverse crossbody from the middle turnbuckle; during the bout, there were loud chants of Razor Razor Ramon defeated Tito Santana WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Bob Backlund Marty Jannetty pinned Reno Riggins at 1:34 with the flying fistdrop The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Steve Moore (Al Snow) at 2:56 with the tombstone Del Rios (USWAs Spellbinder) pinned Bobby Who 9/5/93 featured an opening segment with comments from WWF World Champion Yokozuna as well as footage of the confrontation in the lockerroom between Lex Luger and Ludvig Borga following Summer Slam: 4/24/93 featured a scheduled interview with Bam Bam Bigelow which was interrupted by Sensational Sherri who wanted to talk about Luna Vachon; Bigelow then threatened Sherri when she refused to leave until Tatanka made the save and knocked Bigelow from the interview platform, with both men having to be separated by officials; included the first vignette promoting the debut of the Smoking Gunns; featured an Update segment hosted by Gorilla Monsoon in which footage was shown from the WrestleMania Brunch of Lex Luger knocking out WWF World Champion Bret Hart with his forearm; because of the incident, it was revealed Jack Tunney began an investigation into Lugers forearm and x-rays revealed he had a steel plate surgically implanted in it which was why he had been knocking out all his opponents; because it was part of his body Tunney was unable to do anything about it; included closing comments from Doink the Clown and Mr. USWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett fought Tommy Rich to a no contest Tatanka defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via disqualification at 14:00 when Bigelow used a chair as a weapon Tatanka pinned Skinner at 8:00 Tatanka pinned Mike Davis with the fall away slam Mr. Southern Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Rock & Roll Phantom II for Lance Cassidy) with a neckbreaker "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware, "The Model" Rick Martell, "The Million Dollar Koko B. Ware defeated Brian Christopher via disqualification Chavis, "The Rocket" Owen Hart, Barry Horowitz, Papa Shango, Crush, Fatu, for Mr. Hughes) (w/ Johnny Polo) via disqualification when Polo interfered Virgil pinned the Brooklyn Brawler at 12:16 with a sunset flip out of the corner IRS pinned Jeff LiBolt with the Write Off lariat at 1:45 WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Mr. Perfect, WWF @ Allentown, PA Agricultural Hall June 30, 1993 (2,500) WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers (w/ Johnny Polo) defeated Mike Walsh & Bert Centeno at 4:26 when Pierre pinned Centeno with the Tower of Quebec; during the match, Polo sat ringside in a folding chair and read a magazine, propping his feet on the ring apron; after the match, one opponent was tossed to the floor while the other was placed in Polos chair, inside the ring, and dropped with a clothesline from Pierre Mr. Hughes pinned Scott Despres Lex Luger pinned Ludvig Borga with the running forearm at 8:32 as Borga ran towards the corner; prior to the match, Luger was forced to wear a protective pad over his forearm by the referee; after the match, Bogas music briefly played by accident until Lugers Star Spangled Banner began The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez Tatanka defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Bob Young at 2:16 with two superkicks after opting not to hit the side suplex; during the bout, Sensational Sherri cut an insert promo, saying Michaels was not man enough to be IC champion The Nasty Boys fought the Headshrinkers to a double disqualification YOU. Phil Apollo defeated Richie Rich Tito Santana defeated Terry Taylor Perfect at WrestleMania IX. Randy Savage defeated IRS (sub. All American Wrestling 12/19/93: Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) & the Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated the 1-2-3 Kid & the Smoking Gunns at 6:12 when Bigelow pinned Kid after catching him in mid-air and slamming him to the mat Typhoon pinned Terry Taylor at 9:25 with a powerslam after catching Taylor coming off the top Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) defeated Corey Student & Steve Smith with the bulldog / splash double team Tatanka pinned Damien Demento Virgil defeated Damien Demento The Undertaker pinned Adam Bomb (sub. for the Berzerker) for Jerry Lawler) Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman defeated Kevin Krueger & Mitch Bishop at 2:53 when Well pinned Krueger following a forearm from Dunn Ephriam Baptist Church WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS via count-out The Undertaker defeated Lex Luger via count-out for WWF Tag Team Champion Pierre Oulette) & WWF Tag Team Champion Jacques Rougeau WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty Mr. Diesel pinned Frank Kanyak at 1:09 with a sidewalk slam Marty Jannetty pinned Iron Mike Sharpe at 3:53 with the flying fistdrop Giant Gonzalez, and hyped the pay-per-view replay immediately after Raw; featured an ICO PRO ad featuring the Steiners; included Bartlett conducting a ringside interview with Luna Vachon, who said she was the woman of the 90s and the only thing strong about Sensational Sherri was her breath; Bartlett then noted Sherri was in the building, with Sherri then walking ringside and saying Bartlett was disgracing the WWF by simply interviewing Luna; the two continued to have words before Sherri attacked Luna, tore Bartletts vest, and dropped Luna with a suplex on the floor; Sherri began choking Luna with a cord before Luna hit her with a monitor and tore open sherris shirt; the two then fought into the crowd before Sgt. Samu, Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall, Bob Backlund, Yokozuna, Matt "Doink the "Tatanka" Chris Chavis, "The Rocket" Owen Hart, Barry Horowitz, Papa Our complete Pro Wrestlers Database allows you to travel through time and see the WWE . WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Mr. Tito Santana defeated Skinner Tatanka defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification Perfect vs. Doink the Clown (sub. (sub. Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers Skinner defeated Jim Powers Monday Night Raw 5/10/93 featured an opening segment, taped at 7:02 p.m., of Lord Alfred Hayes conducting an outdoor interview with WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels about his match later in the night against Jim Duggan; moments later, Mr. for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) The Headshrinkers defeated Men on a Mission at 13:30 when Fatu pinned Mo with the splash off the top after Mabel had been knocked to the floor WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Ric Flair, WWF @ Youngstown, OH Beeghly Center January 10, 1993 (matinee) (3,000) Perfect) vs. WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels, WWF @ New York City, NY Manhattan Center May 17, 1993 (1,000) The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated Aaron Ferguson & PJ Walker Mr. Wolfie D defeated Steve Marino Bret Hart defeated IRS, WWF @ Columbus, OH Convention Center December 31, 1993 The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification, WWF @ Dusseldorf, Germany Phillipshalle December 8, 1993 (5,500; sell out) The Bushwhackers defeated the Beverly Brothers Crush vs. Skinner (sub. Jim Powers pinned the Predator at 8:27 with a scoop slam cradle Mr. Hughes pinned Jason Knight at 2:07 with the sidewalk slam; during the match, Bobby Heenan was shown changing the channels on a TV on the commentary table Bigelow, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Jerry "The King" Lawler, "Made in the WWF @ Milwaukee, WI - February 19, 1993. Doink the Clown defeated Marty Jannetty Dark match after the taping: Razor Ramon (sub. Bull Pain defeated Spellbinder The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) via disqualification at 3:25 when Fuji interfered after Undertaker had sat up when Yoko attempted the Bonzai Drop after Fuji had threw salt in Takers eyes and hit Bearer with the bucket SMW Tag Team Champions the Rock n Roll Express fought Scott & Steve Armstrong to a double count-out Typhoon vs. the Brooklyn Brawler (sub. WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS vs. Rick & Scott Steiner Doink the Clown defeated Marty Jannetty The Undertaker vs. "The Mountie" Jauques Rougeau, Mike "I.R.S." WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan for Mr. Hughes) The Undertaker vs. ? The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji) at 7:02 after reversing Crushs attempt at a tombstone into one of his own (The Undertaker: The Face of Fear, Inside the WWF) The American Eagles defeated Phi Delta Slamma Bob Backlund defeated Papa Shango The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez (sub. Wrestling Spotlight 1/30/93: Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Typhoon with at 7:28 with the diving headbutt after a clothesline out of the corner (Invasion of the Bodyslammers) The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Rod Bell at 1:52 with the chokeslam WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Mr. Monday Night Raw taping: Owen Hart pinned Barry Horowitz at 8:32 with a missile dropkick off the top WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Diesel via disqualification in a non-title match when Shawn Michaels interfered as Diesel was set up for the Razors Edge; after the bout, Michaels attempted to hit a piledriver onto Razors title belt before the 1-2-3 Kid made the save (The Best of Raw: Seasons 1 & 2, The Kliq Rules) Boss Man briefly regained the advantage by suplexing Bigelow but eventually tried to run at Bigelow to crush him in the corner of the ring. Crush defeated the White Shadow via submission at 1:31 with the head vice (Crushs return after being sidelined by Doink the Clown four weeks earlier) Virgil defeated Terry Taylor [6][7], The primary feud leading up to Royal Rumble 1993 was between WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart and challenger Razor Ramon (a replacement for The Ultimate Warrior, who had left the previous November). The Undertaker pinned Mr. Hughes with a chokeslam The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez via disqualification Owen Hart pinned Damien Demento with a dropkick off the top Papa Shango defeated Tito Santana Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan Pay-per-view bouts featured Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan on commentary; included a video package highlighting the feud between WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty; featured footage of Razor Ramon attacking Owen Hart backstage during the debut episode of WWF Mania; included footage shot the day before at the Arco Arena during a basketball game of Raymond Rougeau interviewing Ramon regarding his upcoming match with WWF World Champion Bret Hart; featured a podium segment in which Heenan pulled down a curtain to unveil Narcissus Lex Luger; Luger then spent several minutes posing in front of three full-length mirrors, as Heenan commented on Lugers physique; moments later, Luger cut a promo on the WWF talent, specifically Mr. Mr. Blake Beverly defeated Virgil The 1-2-3 Kid (w/ Mr. At the time, this might . WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels defeated Mr. Bret Hart defeated Mr. Hughes, WWF @ Munich, Germany Olympiahalle August 1, 1993 (12,000; sell out) The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Rick Martel with a moonsault [27] He had left the wrestling industry to join Vince McMahon's World Bodybuilding Federation (WBF). WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers defeated Men on a Mission when Jacques pinned Mo Luna Vachon pinned Sensational Sherri after Mr. Hughes came ringside and tripped Sherri The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated Yokozuna via disqualification at 4:00; after the bout, Giant Gonzalez & Harvey Wippleman came to ringside with Wippleman challenging Undertaker to a match for later in the card which Undertaker accepted The Headshrinkers defeated the Bushwhackers Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Kamala via count-out for Kamala, who had a family emergency) for Marty Jannetty) (w/ Slick) to a double count-out at 4:31; after the bout, Kamala brought the champion back inside the ring, hit a splash, and knocked Michaels over the top (Bashed in the USA) Demento, Marty Jannette, Bam-Bam Bigelow, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Howard Finkel fought Downtown Bruno (Harvey Wippleman) to a no contest Owen Hart pinned Terry Taylor The Headshrinkers defeated Owen Hart & Koko B. Ware Adam Bomb defeated the 1-2-3 Kid The Foreign Fanatics, it was also announced that the Survivor Series at the Boston Garden had sold out in less than 1-hour; in the Survivor Series Report later in the broadcast, a second match was announced of Jerry Lawler & his knights vs. Bret Hart and his brothers Owen, Keith, & Bruce Hart; featured a vignette promoting the debut of Jeff Jarrett: Perfect defeated Razor Ramon Jim Duggan pinned Barry Hardy with the running clothesline at 2:01 Virgil pinned Repo Man with a roll up Monday Night Raw 8/16/93: The Heavenly Bodies defeated Tony Roy & Jason Headings at 2:02 Bam Bam Bigelow (sub. Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Tony Roy with the Bonzai Drop Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis defeated Rex King & Steve Doll via disqualification Mr. Adam Bomb (w/ Johnny Polo) pinned Bob Clancy with the powerbomb for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) IRS defeated Dan Dubiel at 1:49 Tatanka pinned USWA Champion Jerry Lawler to win the title at 15:32 with a kick to the midsection and a piledriver after Lawler became distracted by Paul Neighbors at ringside. Reno Riggins defeated TNT (Savio Vega) Mr. Miss Texas defeated the Black Pussycat Papa Shango pinned Tony Roy at 1:50 with the reverse shoulderbreaker 12/19/93: Tatanka defeated Adam Bomb Rotundo, Beau Beverly, Blake Beverly, Steve "Doink The Undertaker vs. WWF World Champion Yokozuna Hulk Hogan defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification, USWA @ Memphis, TN Mid-South Coliseum August 2, 1993 (2,800 paid) Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via disqualification Several referees tried to get Gonzlez to return to the locker room; he eventually left, and Paul Bearer, The Undertaker's manager, came to the ring. for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) defeated the Big Bossman WWF Superstars (TV Series 1986-1999) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Men on a Mission defeated the Red & Black Knights Scott Taylor defeated the Master of Terror Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) via reverse decision; Michales had won the match via pinfall after Diesel interfered but Mr. A Billy Gunn Road Dogg X-Pac Mark Henry Godfather Bradshaw Faarooq Goldust Marc mero Al Snow D'lo Brown Mosh Thrasher Steve Blackman Big Boss man Taka Michinoku . Bret Hart & Lex Luger defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna & Ludvig Borga Giant Gonzalez, Jerry Lawler, & Jeff Jarrett defeated Ron & Don Harris, & Brian Christopher, WWF @ New York City, NY Manhattan Center March 1, 1993 (1,000) WCW Japan Supershow III: IWGP World Champion the Great Muta pinned NWA World Champion Masahiro Chono to win the title at 19:48 with the moonsault, moments after avoiding Chonos shoulderblock off the top and hitting the moonsault but Chono kicked out at 2 Midget D defeated Little Eagle WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Owen Hart defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS in a non-title match WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Bam Bam Bigelow at 13:45 with a victory roll after kicking Bigelow as the challenger ran into the corner (Best of the WWF: Bret Hitman Hart, Bret Hitman Hart: His Greatest Matches) TOTAL ROSTER: 45, The WWF roster for March 1993 was as follows: Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana, Samu pinned Owen Hart with a superplex at 3:21 Monday Night Raw taping: Mr. Hughes pinned Mark Ming with the sidewalk slam at 1:48; during the bout, Slick cut an insert promo saying Hughes should let him be his manager so he could change his ways WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS when Scott pinned IRS with the Frankensteiner; Sgt. . Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Alan Burke & Larry Sampson when Scott pinned Burke following the bulldog double team off the top Monday Night Raw taping: Doink the Clown pinned Crush after a second Doink came to ringside and distracted Crush Jeff Jarrett defeated the 1-2-3 Kid Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett (the Big Bossman scheduled as guest referee) TOTAL ROSTER: 47, The WWF roster for April 1993 was as follows: Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana, for Razor Ramon who suffered a staph infection), WWF @ Philadelphia, PA Spectrum March 27, 1993 (8,700) Doink the Clown pinned Shawn Michaels after Michaels became distracted by Razor Ramon at ringside The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna via disqualification Doink the Clown pinned the Brooklyn Brawler (w/ Luna Vachon) (sub. Jimmy Del Ray pinned Steve Armstrong Owen Hart defeated Terry Taylor Perfect) pinned Razor Ramon with a small package, WWF @ Hershey, PA Hersheypark Arena February 7, 1993 8/28/93 included the Ludvig Borga vs. Virgil match, taped 8/17 in White Plains, NY: Virgil defeated Repo Man Monday Night Raw taping: for Mr. Hughes) Steiner, Jerry "The King" Lawler, "Made in the USA" Lex Luger, The Giant for Mr. 5/24/93 included Vince McMahon conducting an in-ring interview with Razor Ramon in which Razor offered the Kid $2500 for a rematch; moments later, Bret Hart came ringside and joined the crowd in chanting 1-2-3 before implying Razor was too distracted to be able to win against Bret at the King of the Ring: Fight as or against digitized renditions of Bam Bam Bigelow, Doink, Brett "Hitman" Hart, Lex Luger, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Undertaker and Yokozuna with hopes of winning the Intercontinental Title or the World Wrestling Federation Title.<br><br>Intercontinental mode . Bob, Scott, & Steve Armstrong, Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated Jim Cornette, Ron & Don Harris, Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard in a steel cage match when Cornette submitted to Bob, WWF @ Hartford, CT Civic Center August 14, 1993 Tatanka defeated Adam Bomb via count-out Bob Backlund defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via count-out, WWF @ Berlin, Germany Desutschlandhalle February 8, 1993 Randy Savage defeated Giant Gonzalez (w/ Harvey Wippleman) via disqualification when Gonzalez refused to break a chokehold; Savage eventually retaliated with three double axehandles off the top (1993 Year in Review) The Undertaker defeated Papa Shango Oullete Tatanka pinned Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:23 with the Samoan Drop; during the bout, Tatanka cut an insert promo about appearing in the Royal Rumble WWF or WWE? Jerry Lawler pinned Mark Thomas with the piledriver; during the match it was announced that Mr. Fuji & Yokozunas world title win celebration would be held at an unnamed American landmark and an open challenge was thrown out for all American athletes to attempt to slam Yoko Luna Vachon pinned Sensational Sherri at 5:03 with an elbow drop after Bam Bam Bigelow came to ringside and tripped Sherri; after the bout, Sherri attacked Luna and slapped the referee; it was then announced that Sherri had being fined $500 for striking the referee Owen Hart defeated Barry Horowitz Perfect pinned Gary Key at 2:53 with the Perfect Plex Randy Savage vs. Crush (Best 2 out of 3 falls, falls count anywhere match) Mr. Taped 12/17/96; Daytona Beach, FL; Ocean Center. WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Mr. During an interview in which Hart was talking about the upcoming match, Ramon and Flair came to the ring and attacked Hart. Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels in a steel cage match, WWF @ Warren, OH Packard Music Hall December 29, 1993 WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers Randy Savage pinned Giant Gonzalez in a matter of seconds with the flying elbowsmash after hitting him in the back with a steel chair after Gonzalez became distracted by Harvey Wippleman at ringside; after the bout, Wippleman argued with Gonzalez in the ring, with Gonzalez then throwing Wippleman around the ring Kamala defeated Kimchee [1], Royal Rumble 1993 was released on VHS by Coliseum Video on February 11, 1993 in North America. The Undertaker defeated Adam Bomb in a casket match Perfect attacked Luger, preventing him from making the cover on Duggan; late in the bout, Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji appeared ringside, with Yoko attacking Duggan outside of the ring moments before the finish; after the bout, Luger and Yoko double teamed Perfect until Duggan cleared the ring with his 24 Kamala (w/ Slick) pinned Kimchee with a splash Rick Martel defeated Marty Jannetty Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka Ted Dibiase vs. Kerry Von Erich Sgt. Damien Demento defeated the Tahitian Savage 2/6/93 included an Update segment focusing on the Giant Gonzalez / Undertaker incident at the Royal Rumble; featured a Mr. Tatanka pinned Razor Ramon Shawn Michaels pinned Bert Centeno with an elbow drop off the top. Doink the Clown pinned Bob Backlund at 4:35 with an inside cradle; after the bout, Backlund offered to shake hands with Doink but Doink squirted him with water from his jacket, blinding Backlund; a blinded Backlund then punched Doink out of the ring before he was tended to Mr. WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys for Marty Jannetty) Giant Gonzalez pinned Virgil The Bushwhackers & Tiger Jackson defeated the Beverly Brothers & Little Louie at 9:57 when Tiger pinned Louie with a crossbody off the top (Grudges, Gripes, & Grunts) Birth Of The Stunner. The Headshrinkers vs. the Smoking Gunns (sub. Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Bert Centeno & Chris Duffy at 2:21 when Scott pinned Centeno following the top rope bulldog double team; during the bout, WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers & Johnny Polo cut an insert promo about next weeks match between Rick Steiner and Jacques Randy Savage pinned Fatu (w/ Afa) following the flying elbowsmash after knocking Afa off the apron (Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man) The Bushwhackers & the Macho Midget defeated the Brooklyn Brawler, Blake Beverly, & Little Louie when Macho pinned the Brawler with a splash off the top Bob Backlund pinned Damien Demento at 12:45 with a sunset flip The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Johnny Polo Downtown Bruno defeated Richard Lee in a loser leaves town match
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