He has been proven innocent! My gay brother killed himself five years ago after being accused of kissing a female co worker When they say no one wanted to listen, well the NEWS MEDIA LISTENS NOW, THEY WOULD HAVE LISTENED THEN. Dr Lucien Blake, GP and police surgeon, finds himself investigating deaths - both natural and unnatural, in the Victorian country town of Ballarat in the late 1950s and '60s. Is this the accusation Du Jour? I love the show. real estate practice final exam highest attendance in soccer why did joel tobeck leave dr blake This type of behavior hurts women who have been sexually assaulted. I guess it takes $300 million, which few people have. He plays his role with gentlemans class and elegance. The Dr. Blake Mysteries is one of the best series on TV, which is a rare achievement. At the time, McLachlan was named in the lead role. It happens all the time. And yes, while most accusations may have an element of truth, waiting years and then trying to destroy another human being is wrong. They should be so lucky. Harassment is such a grey area. What an [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy]. I agree with sharon that Craig Mc. The Doctor Blake Mysteries. The telemovie finds Jean understandably changed: privately grieving her missing husband and trying to negotiate a new life as the first woman elected to the town council. Of course, Craig is loved in the role, Garner adds. $1.99. No McLachlan NO Dr. Blake pure and simple. It is pretty obvious [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy], They get married on the last episode of season 5. Taggart went on for years after Taggart died. Because the journey of the show has been just unbelievable you couldnt write it. I am about to cancel my 2 streamers as they lost their imports of value ( The Sniffer, a Russian offering is simply stupid), while most that are left are just black soul sucking affairs. This study is based on analysis of viewing data of British broadcasters from BARB, an industry body that measures who, where and how people are watching TV. I totally agree! If there was nothing found to substantiate the charges .. they should bring him BACK ! . 0. I will not watch the show without Craig McLachlan. If he was cleared of any wrongdoing, why axe him? Personally I want watch the show without Craig and I think I can speak for many. While Magistrate Wallington said she accepted some of the complainants' evidence, she said it did not meet the high criminal standards required to prove the charges. There is so much crap on T.V. Will Not Watch Again. Is Dr Blake Mysteries coming back in 2021? Bring him back .. We have no idea what is to come of that, or where he stands. But Craig was cleared of these charges. Will Craig McLachlan return to Blake Mysteries 2021? She asks questions and people feel obliged to answer them. 2 Sorrow Songs. There is absolutely no way I will waste my time viewing a future Dr Blake Mysteries programme without Craig McLachlan. My partner and I are also UK watchers, it is a very popular series here and I agree with the majority of comments. Do not think I will watch it. Loved Dr Blake Mysteries a great Aussie drama. brought back! Ditto!!! She was wearing a 1950s-style skirt. ..he makes the show! I doubt I will watch the show without Craig in it. Jock Clement points a gun at Blake, who confronted him after he murdered his mother. I for one, do not believe one word and am disgusted with them. Extremely Disappointed. So if she considered it joking as is in stated in the article, what changed? Nadine Gardner is a brilliant actress who has won awards for her many stage film and television triumphs. I watch Dr Blake in the UK and I love it!! I was so sad when I finished the last. All products are independently selected, tested or recommended by our team of experts.If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. Not worth watching without Craig McLachlan. The series was left without a home until last year, when Channel Seven struck a deal to produce four telemovies. Oh well.. Ill find something else to watch. Sheer madness! Australia is becoming ridiculously politically correct(; I watched one of the movie versions and although Nadine good she is part of the duo we here in uk loved please dont spoil a very good programme if nothing was found to be wrong . This is sad for everyone. This PC crap has just gone crazy. The writers can figure out how. A jury found Robert Blake not guilty in 2001 of murdering Bonnie Lee Bakley. The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories Jean Blake is still adjusting to life after her husband Lucien's disappearance eight months earlier when she's unexpectedly drawn into an investigation of a pair of bizarre murders whose only connection seems to be a series of newspaper articles. It just figures, I got so disgusted with American TV shows and movies, that when I got internet TV and became a viewer of UK programs, well I thought I died and went to heaven. Change). He is excellent. This seasons mystery revolves around a mysterious package that has been delivered to the club. Then you tell us how good you are because other men tell you this I work with men all the time they all know Im a fantastic nurse Again, I take issue when people have to tell the rest of us how good they are. I and many women have had these experiences, but no one believed us when we told them. I have just finished watching season 1 4 and I noticed that too and wondered, but i do love the show and believe Nadine and the rest of the cast will continue to make it worth watching. Somone have the courage to reinstate this series. Im very disappointed and I will encourage all my friends to not watch it as well. I am very sorry about Craig being taken off.You are all right in that it will not be the same. Not resolved, go to a lawyer. I tried watching the series 6, I noticed that in the episodes I watched he wasnt dead, just missing.. A very special message to the #BlakeArmy from Joel Tobeck about Doctor Blake Series 4.WARNING: Contains Series 4 Episode 1 Spoilers. It cannot be Dr Blake Mysteries without Dr Blake and no other actor could ever play Lucien Blakeno Craig McLachlan not worth watching. If there were significant, and I mean beyond a ribald joke, acts, then he should be fired. Trial by media has ruined many lives. Craig McLachlan sexually harassed three more actresses, bullied actor, court documents allege. December Media (producers of the show) brought in a third party to investigate and they cleared Craig of any harassment or bullying on the set of Dr. Blake. BRING BACK CRAIG!! Craig is counter-suing. I in no way condone sexual harassment on either side because lets face it women can be just as guilty as men of this type of behavior. Sad times!!! I wont be watching it without Craig. As per Seven, at this The Blake Mysteries season 6 is not a possibility. I love Craig McLachlan as Doctor Blake. The middle ground should be: take accusations seriously, quickly investigate, assumption of innocence, if found not guilty publicize equally that decision and return the accused to his place and livelihood. There are many stories of Katie Couric dictatorial and demeaning manner but for some reason she is never hoisted. He was cleared in Dr. Blake. what is happening to this world!!! I wish Seven had the courage to keep him on the show and see how it goes. There were actual pictures and not just he said she said. Back in the days when I worked as a reporter for a big newspaper in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area, I did my sharing of drinking and joking around with the guys and the other women journalists. That bothers me. He allegedly called her a gorgeous woman and said: "I love 22-year-olds.". We have swung too far in the opposite direction when believe the woman without proof is the new standard. Why is it OK for the media to print unproven allegations and destroy lives. We all know nothing on earth Is more devious then a women who wants to be just that. I love this show but will not watch without him. There are a lot of women lying now and have jumped on the band wagon of blaming men, I wont be watching either. Might as well not produce it, lets investigate the women who made these complaints. Selucea, here, from Washington state, USA: But Beryl you are absolutely right, sexual assessment has gotten way out of hand. The series of four telemovies are now expected to air towards the end of 2018 and through to 2019. Sick of needing these movements. There should have been a thorough investigation by the company and then they should have publicly released the information. Have you read through or witnessed for yourselves the entire show of Rocky Horror, the subject it covers? Of Blake goes off Ill will Go off .When they change characters somehow it changes the The whole show . Earlier this year the Gold Logie-winning actor was accused of indecent assault, sexual harassment and bullying, allegations McLachlan has vehemently denied. I agree that Craig should be innocent until proven guilty but at the moment the media have made this impossible. For instance female teachers. There is some speculation that the story is related to the gold rush, but producers have been tight-lipped. Benny Hill-esque jokes deemed okay for Dr. Blake series done during the straight laced 1950s. I am saddened that Dr Blake wont be there. What you just said is so American If a woman is nice shes a flirt, if she is assertive shes a bitch & if shes a boss she gives good head! No trial just guilty. It ended with a telemovie in which the title character, GP, police surgeon and self-styled sleuth, Dr Lucien Blake (Craig McLachlan), married his steadfast housekeeper, the widow Jean Beazley (Nadine Garner). I hate to see Craig go, but its happening anyway. Totally agree with Chris R no Lucien, no point in watching! Craig made the show not Jean Beasley. There is no show without Craig. In fact I applaud it, but this empowerment doesnt give us the right to use our new found power to destroy men because that makes us no better than the men who sexually assaulted women! How many more lives, reputations, and careers are going to be destroyed before people finally start understanding a great majority of these women are liars and only want money and 15 minutes of fame. The Blake Mysteries, or a version of it, has been here before, on a different TV network, with a different hero and a slightly different title. If Craig was cleared, why removed him from show? For folks who might not be familiar with The Doctor Blake Mysteries, the series is a period mystery drama that stars Craig McLachlan (Deep Water, Packed to the Rafters, Rescue Special Ops) as Dr. Lucien Blake, a maverick town doctor and . Although Blake had throat cancer, she didnt die as a result of it. Im sure it is being investigated. Not all attempts at being humorous go right do they but surely these off color efforts can be forgiven. I thought I was the only one Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I googled the show to see if it had been renewed and read the garbage about Craig McLachlan. A source at the Seven Network - the new home of Doctor Blake after it was axed by the ABC - confirmed the series will return without its title character. Now that Craig McLachlan has been cleared, I hope he returns to the tv show. Has anyone seen Rocky Horror Show? The whole show is indecent the title character has sex with just about every other character in the show! PS The same thing happened to Ryan Seacrest the Host of American Idol, the Co-host of Live With Kelly & Ryan, the Host of the annual New Years Eve party in Times Square in New York and Host of his own daily radio show. 36. Then it he is .live in Canada and absolutely love this show. I take issue with your comment. If Channel 7 sees how much we want to see the return of The Doctor Blake Mysteries with Craig McLachlan as Lucien Blake, we will see him return as the beautiful character he created and our show will continue for many years. I cant imagine this show without Craig. He, himself, wrote in A legend of Australian entertainments biography that he had played a joke on the gay performer, whilst the performer was performing solo onstage. Im super disappointed. This is such a shame; there are so few quality television shows to watch now days that I hate to lose another one to FOOLISH (not my first choice for an adjective!) 75. I will say a lot of imported TV is better then Netflix and other original series material. How can you call a doctor Blake mysteries without Dr. Blake? It should never have gone there before a report to the police. Just finding this site. Dont spoil a good show by taking out the best lead character. And I think McLachlan needs another project that exhibits the noble Blake-ish aspects of his personality as quickly as possible. My impression is McLachlan countercharged them with a defamation suit. This is why I do still think there is alot of stuff that is taken way out of context and is over the top against males and like all opinions some people do take things to the extreme in their views one way or the other. In Plain Sight. Its superb cast is led by its star Craig McLachlan with his brilliant portrayal of Dr. Lucien Blake. The Doctor is Out of Town Mysteries? I watched and waited for Lucien and Jean to finally get a chance at happiness together, only to find out you take him off? Ive lived in the age of men and their questionable comments or habits but short of RAPE or TOTAL mistreatment as I said in the beginning ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The USA is not unique in this attitude. Share on Facebook . Rocky Horror Picture Show is lewd and campy. Some joy has left my life, I will not watch Dr. Blake without Craig McLachlan. 1960 Ballarat, Australia. Regarding the harassment, it happens, then you report it, on the 3rd time the person in question is fired. What a shame! How old was Lucien Blake when his mother died? ", "McLachlan's conduct in kissing Wouters down the stomach once out of sight of the audience was unnecessary for the performance of the Janet Bed Scene, was not scripted or directed.". Cant tell you how much excitement it brings when you have to wait for another new series to begin. BRING BACK CRAIG, BRING BACK CRAIG, BRING BACK CRAIG. For heavens sake. They will marry as a result of much discussion and reconciliation. With few things on TV worth watching dr. Blake was a joy. How ironic. I love Dr Blake.. Craig is the main reason.. What kind of world do we live now? We dont need to shame all men equally & men should be allowed to make amends. On allegations you have killed the best ensembable on air todaya rare experience. On Craigs official website many of the posts are asking when will the show come back. Dr. Manhattan was introduced to Laurie and his son Blake at their home in Washington, DC, by Laurie. I think it is a shame that Craig has been judged guilt by the press without a hearing. And I hope this is a negative blip that can be easily overcome, as it does seem that it was unjustified. Totally agree and the series will not be the same without him. Set in 1959, after decades away from his native Australia, Blake returns to his rural hometown to run his late father's medical practice. McLachlan consistently denied such behaviour,calling the allegations baseless and all made up, suggesting the women could be motivated by money. What happens when you mix bleach and tin foil? Can someone from Mumbrella contact me through email as to what happened to my two comments that I just added to this scroll? The Seven source said the series will remain intact despite McLachlan's absence, with other major characters set to return.
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