Power 40488; Speed 143; Health 36,040 When you join our fun tournaments, we rank and score you against other clashers from around the world. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If target enemy had Shatterpoint and target ally is Galactic Republic, swap Turn Meter with target ally. Deal Special damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. If Mace is below 50% Health, he recovers Health equal to 100% of the damage dealt. Mods yer either stacking health sets with speed or Defense sets with speed. with JKL, I can see Mace being a good replacement. document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'none'; Mace Windu team comps please!!! Pro Base Packs (June) Live! Looks like he would be good under JMK, under padme, in a Jedi team, and under qui gon. So if you are looking for members, a clan, or need a base layout, Clash Champs has it all! TH14 attack strategies YOU should be using! Best Squads For Mace Windu: Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes by CGamer76 @HeathSumm #clashofclans #clashon About Us Clash Champs is your premier esports News hub for Clash of Clans as well as an Official Tier 3 content creator for Supercell. Anthony Hogan: AMGs Director of Talent Meet our Team! All Rights Reserved | Contact- sigsig#0001 on Discord.
Duel in Palpatine's office | Wookieepedia | Fandom More posts you may like r/childemains Join This attack deals bonus damage equal to 5% of Mace's Max Health.
Best Squads For Mace Windu: Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes by CGamer76 Use code CLASH CHAMPS for 10% OFF! #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, This Party's OverSpecial Level 83 Turn Cooldown. by Clash Royale, List of Classic Decks in the Challenge by Clash Royale, Season 26 Breakdown & Rewards by Clash Royale, Creator Spotlight: Morten! This attack deals bonus damage equal to 5% of Mace's Max Health, If target enemy had Shatterpoint, remove 50% Turn Meter, If target enemy had Shatterpoint, Mace gains 50% Turn Meter, If target enemy had Shatterpoint, both Mace and target ally recover 30% Protection, If target enemy had Shatterpoint and target ally is Galactic Republic, swap Turn Meter with target ally; if target enemy had Shatterpoint and target ally is Jedi, Mace gains 2 stacks of Resilient Defense (max 8) for the rest of the encounter, Jedi allies recover 10% of their Health when they score a critical hit, At the end of each turn, if another ally with Protection was damaged by an attack that turn, Mace gains 2 stacks of Resilient Defense (max 8) for the rest of the encounter if he has not gained Resilient Defense this way since his last turn, At the end of each turn, if another ally with Protection was damaged by an attack that turn, Mace gains 3 stacks of Resilient Defense (max 8) for the rest of the encounter if he has not gained Resilient Defense this way since his last turn, While Mace has Resilient Defense, he has +10% Offense per stack and 100% counter chance, At the start of Mace's turn, a random enemy is inflicted with Speed Down for 1 turn, When an ally damages an enemy with Shatterpoint, all allies recover 10% Protection, and all Galactic Republic Jedi allies gain Foresight for 1 turn, [E7E7E7]While in Territory Wars: At the start of each other Light Side ally's turn, a random enemy (excluding Galactic Legends) is inflicted with Speed Down for 1 turn and Shatterpoint, which can't be evaded or resisted; when an ally damages an enemy with Shatterpoint, all allies gain 5% Turn Meter. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Both Mace and target ally recover 30% Protection.
Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Evasion Down. Mace Windu is a defensive Jedi tank with the ability to remove enemy buffs. Dark Side Attacker. Mace Windu Aggressive Jedi tank with devastating damage if left unchecked Stats Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Which means the new abilities and changes to the current abilities will be live in TW/GAC immediately once the update with the rework is released at the ability upgrade level that was locked in. The other day I released my character ranking vid and the amount of comments talking about Anakin being Master and Mace Windu being (yet again) a Youngling were ironic! Heroes of the Republic: Jedi Knight Revan, Bastila Shan, Grand Master Yoda, Hermit Yoda, Jolee Bindo Fierce and courageous until the end This Old Republic team is one of the easier ones to assemble on this list. If Mace is above 50% Health, he gains 15% Turn Meter. Then help support us by using creator code CLASH CHAMPS before making any in-game purchases in ANY Supercell game. Christmas Special! //Set selected gear level Synergy:Dispel, Defense, Buffs, Offense, Critical, Self Buff, How to Get[Shards]:Data Cards, Light Side 2-E, Holotable Battle 4-A(Squad Cantina), Durable tank with good damage as a leader with critical and percent offense,Quite slow, Synergizes well with a full Jedi team,Average health for a tank, Able to remove enemy buffs, Shards are hard to come by until mid game, Provides a turn advantage for your team when 50%damagedor dead(useful in arena), No AoE damage skills. }else{ There are more ways to slice this data and also expand your research using the tools on this site. document.getElementById(val).style.display = 'block'; IIDownload: https://furyweekend.bandcamp.com/track/the-vanishing-pt-ii-2 Scandroid - Aphelion (Battlejuice Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/track/aphelion-battlejuice-remix Scandroid - The Veil (Synthatiger Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/album/the-veil-synthatiger-remix-singleStar Wars Imperial March Synth Cover (Outro Song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWahJqEncyILink to my Discord server - https://discord.gg/77BDNszAhnaldT101 Merch! This is very useful against strong units that deal a lot of damage. Learn more about Revan at https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan. Mace Windu is a aggressive jedi tank with devastating damage if left unchecked. Deal Special damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. ParagraphAny Faction - Very Low Synergy Overview Fleet Commander Training - Mace Winduis an event that helps players get prepared for ships by rewarding them with ship blueprints and crew shards. Whenever Mace gains Taunt, he dispels it and gains 2 stacks of Resilient Defense. I stick him in an oQGJ squad, or with Padme and GR leftovers. by Clash Royale, The 2021 CRL World Finals are coming! This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 1000 characters. It started with Hynsey getting the exclusive on Friday night to announce the much-needed Mace Windu rework, and then continued with the announcement that Seventh Sister is the next addition to the Inquisitorius faction. Mace Windu target lock team is one of the strongest ship teams out there!
SWGoH: Omicron Hopefuls, Part One - Gaming-fans.com It started with Hynsey getting the exclusive on Friday night to announce the much-needed Mace Windu rework, and then continued with the announcement that Seventh . Alr im still kinda new. It will take place on December 14-16, 2022.
Zetal Mace Windu'ya dikkat - Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes - SWGOH Omicrons today are what Zetas once were-the ultimate resource for a player to use on their favorite or most needed character..Regardless of why, though, the power of a zeta is insignificant compared to the power of the omicron. Some other popular mod sets used for Mace Windu are: Note that there are always special use cases for mods and mod sets, and to only take this data as a reference for high level play! Just like our popular. Mace gains 30% Max Health. Leadership Skill:Vapaad Jedi Allies gain 20% Offense and 9% Critical Chance. If target enemy had Shatterpoint, both Mace and target ally recover 30% Protection. Jungle Barbarian King Skin July Hero Skin. He does okay under jmk, but watch out for mirrors. Hes also a solid GK replacement in a padme team if you want to run gk elsewhere. Basic Ability:Invincible Assault Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 45% chance to gain Defense Up for 2 turns. While Mace has Resilient Defense, he has +10% Offense per stack and 100% counter chance.
Clan Games Rewards 22 28 January 2022, February Clan War Leagues! They did a good job at making one of our favorite characters accessible to users. These early and mid game squads with Mace Windu will push you farther into the game!Want To Stay Up To Date With Me? When an ally damages an enemy with Shatterpoint, all allies recover 10% Protection, and all Galactic Republic Jedi allies gain Foresight for 1 turn. When an ally damages an enemy with Shatterpoint, all allies gain 5% Turn Meter. Adopt Me: Artic Fox How Much is Artic Fox Worth? I remember first unlocking him, and it is quite the treat. Mace gains 30% Max Health. by Clash of Clans. Update Sneak Peek #2, Update News Battle Builders Sneak Peek #3. Prestigious JURIX conferences have been held annually since 1988. NANIS AND ROSAS 2ND GADGETS! Since there are already 5 ships with the Sith tag and the TIE Interceptor has Sith synergy as well, by dropping one or two more . As his health drops below 50%, your team gets a bonus boost to turn meter, allowing them to move again quickly, giving you a slight advantage.
Mace Windu Rework Confirmed NOT Happening - SWGOH.TV (52). At the end of each turn, if another ally with Protection was damaged by an attack that turn, Mace gains 3 stacks of Resilient Defense (max 8) for the rest of the encounter if he has not gained Resilient Defense this way since his last turn. Mace Windu. } 10% Gameplay, 80% Talking, 10% Datacron Raging - The PERFECT Grand Arena LIVE - Rank 132 - ANTI THANOS DECK - MARVEL Snap. We got intel that Mace Windu is not getting a rework and the CG devs have no plans of creating a new Raid anytime soon. Fleet Arena Store 400 (4x) Galactic War Store 400 (4x) Guild Events Store 400 (4x) Geonosian Spy's Starfighter. Gaming-Fans.com is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. Details of how to use and mod Mace Windu within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<
>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Jedi allies gain 20% Max Health and Offense, and recover 10% of their Health when they score a critical hit. Furthermore, you could use your Champ Bucks to enter our weekly Clash Raffles for fabulous prizes. Reward: Endurance - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. The most popular Primary Stat for Mace Windu's Cross Mod is Potency, with 33% of top players preferring it. Relic 9 9 85 Materials Needed Max Level Abilities Invincible Assault Basic Level 8 Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. //Hide all gear levels 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos We showcase the full kit reveal!Link to the Mace Windu interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHffpW5NhyYJoin the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Stats are for the maximum usable Gear Tier and 7 Star. SWGoH: Omicron Hopefuls, Part One. SWGOH Grand Arena Championship Mace Windu Squads SWGOH.GG by Clash of Clans. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Mace Windu: Mace Windu is now relevant in the game as a tank on a Jedi Master Kenobi team and in other teams too, so make him as tanky as possible to benefit from the added Health in his kit and the added Health and Protection up from JMK's leadership. Master Windu leads a force of Jedi Knights to the remote Outer Rim world to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Senator Padm Amidala from the forces of Count Dooku and his Separatist faction. [usrlist Campaign Map:4 Arena: 4 Galactic War:4], GTA 5: Delivering the Truth Mission Guide (Gold Medal), VALORANT: Viper Snake Bite Lineups on Lotus (Post-plant), Journey Above Hyrule in Latest Trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Hogwarts Legacy Boycotters have Resorted to Spoiling the Game Online, Pokemon Scarlet/Violet: Glaseado Gym (Ice Type) Guide, Hollow Knight: How to Obtain the Hallownest Seal in the Kings Station, The Last of Us: Melanie Lynskey Slams Fan Hating On Her Body Type.