Giuseppe than urged Stefan to let the sheriff know that they have another vampire in Katherine captured and for him to go the sheriff as quickly as possible. The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries) - Wikipedia Jeremy won't tell Stefan anything as he can't be trusted, and Stefan tries to compel him into revealing how far the mark has grown, Jeremy however stakes Stefan in the stomach, saying he can't be compelled anymore before leaving. Stefan's personality was able to emerge more fully into itself without all of his guilt weighing him down, prompting to show sides of himself he would have had if he had never killed so many people as the Ripper or turned Damon into a vampire. Stefan suggests that the situation has changed now that Elena is a vampire. He never thought he would feel like that again until he met Elena and now it was over. Having avoided him all day, Caroline is finally forced to face him. Stefan walks in and ends the feud momentarily, however, Sarah bombards him with the fact that she is related to him. Silas has made the original hybrid believe that he was dying. He had nanny named Cordelia and his ex-fiance, Rosalyn Cartwright, was killed by a jealous Katherine. He wanted it to be her and Damon. He then asks her if she knows anything about the missing blood bags from the hospital but Elena says that right now she's sick of blood bags and she prefers something a little warmer. Stefan was known to be respectful, polite, courteous, and chivalrous towards women. On the Grill, Stefan and Damon are drinking, Stefan tells Damon that him without Elena is making miserable and that he must deal with his problems, on that moment Caroline arrives and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tell to them that he don't need their help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again. Stefan calls Caroline to let her know that the herbs are more rare than they thought. This seems to effect Stefan. Elena was healed of a cerebral hemorrhage by Meredith with Damon's blood and died of drowning. He asks her if this is really the memory she wants to revisit? In the present, Stefan apologizes again, saying he 'shouldn't blame him for the sire bond' and asks if Charlotte may still be in New Orleans, then leaves to see 'how literal the sire bond is', after Damon reveals he told her to count all the bricks. When they walk out of the house only Stefan turns back to see the flames while Damon and Elena keep going. Then Stefan says that he knows they've been through some bad spots lately especially when it comes down to Elena but he just wanted Damon to know that he cares about him and that he loves him (even though the younger brother doesn't actually say it, that is what he implies) and Damon responds by saying that he knows that. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Stefan goes back to school and has moved back to Salvatore Boarding House again, staying behind to keep an eye on Elena, and "guard" her for Klaus. Katherine than agrees to lead them to the cure. Later on, Stefan, Damon and Tyler begin to desiccate Klaus' body with help from Bonnie. Outside, Stefan calls out Damon's name, and the hunter, Connor, gets away in his truck. This is later found to be false. Stefan panics and goes into a frenzy, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." While searching for clues, Alaric finds pictures of Jo when she was younger, and in one of those pictures, Damon recognizes one of the people she was with as Kai. Eye color Stefan keeps explaining and says that if Silas manages to destroy the other side altogether he can take the cure, die and pass on. In the past, it shows Elena's father asking him to save his daughter and Stefan's confusion as he sees her face. Klaus then asks Stefan to talk some sense into his sister, but the younger Salvatore explains that he has to take care of Damon as he's still compelled to kill Jeremy. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." Elena and Stefan talk about the cure and Elena says that she can't take it if it's only one dose. The brothers helplessly watch her break down as the enormity of taking a life sinks in, and neither mentions the cure to her. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. Stefan Salvatore | Wiki | Mystc Fs Amino Characters / The Vampire Diaries Universe Stefan Salvatore The guy reminds Stefan that he put his brother in the hospital. After hearing of the town's plan to kill the vampires, Stefan went to see his father Giuseppe and unintentionally hinted to him that he knew of vampires staying in Mystic Falls when he suggested that vampires might not be as bad as they are made out to be. The car lunges backward a few feet, but Luke stands behind the car, with his hand outstretched as well. Caroline says it was a Valerie-sized day full of surprises. When Stefan returned home to Mystic Falls after many years, he unexpectedly "met" Elena on May 23, 2009, after he heard Elena and her parents' car accident while he was out at Wickery Bridge. After that he managed to avoid her for years until she came back home to wish Stefan happy birthday and then all of the guilt and emotions came back rushing through him so that's why he killed her. On the camera screen, he sees Rayna and then runs, while she throws her sword at him. Back at the Forbes cabin, Stefan starts to apologize to Damon, but Damon punches him. He also adds that probably Silas followed them from the island and now he's stealing blood so that he could get his strength back. Stefan arrives to his home, where Damon is alone, they talk about the Damon's time with Enzo when they were in the cell, Damon tells him that he will find a way to help Enzo, Stefan says that it is not worth doing it, but Damon tells him that when they were both in the lab, it was Enzo who convinced him to not hate Stefan, Damon tells Stefan that he also has to be thankful to Enzo for that, unaware that Enzo at the moment is already dead. Katherine adds that when she says friend she means romantically involved friend to which they all act out disgusted. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. She tells him that she is going back to go through with the plan, but that will mean Damon's death. Rebekah, Katherine and the Salvatore brothers. Stefan takes Caroline back to the boarding house and they talk about Elena. Stefan pours Elena a glass of bourbon, explaining that alcohol helps with the cravings. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. She proceeds to knock him out. After that he was accused by Elena of having killed Brian Walkers, he asks her if Damon has recently killed someone and leaves. How many more ways can you rip my heart out? They exchange intense looks and Stefan finally surrenders to Elena's plea, pulling Matt out of the car. Klaus congratulates him about the Mystic Falls evacuation and for saving human lives. Later Elena rang Stefan and said "Stefan, don't you dare tell me that you shut it off!" Though it is not explicitly said by either brother, in this moment it becomes clear that they each care for each other very much. In Plan B, Stefan jumps into a well to try and find the moonstone that Mason hid, but didn't realize the water was full of vervain and he couldn't move, his face and body beginning to burn; Elena comes down to rescue him. As Stefan and Damon leave New Orleans, Stefan tells him he doesn't think he will be able to let Elena go, as 'selflessness isn't a trait of his'. She tells him she's not there to blame him, but to understand what they had to do, which leaves him to angrily ask what they did. Klaus informs her that his tattoo is invisible, and suggests they sit down to eat. As long as vampires are in town, humans will always be at their mercy. Over a gradual period of time, Stefan and Elena bond, fall deeply, passionately in love and eventually develop a romantic relationship. Damon admits that he didn't do anything to stop Rebekah but he thought that if she takes it all of his problems go away and then when she really took it he realized how badly he screwed up. Caroline comes into their bedroom and Stefan touches he and gets burned. Whatever was inside is gone now. He often wears dark or black jeans with a belt with black, leather boots with a buckle. They are both laughing when suddenly Julian is there, looking at Valerie and saying "Aren't we ladylike?" He is one of the main characters and male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. I can't atone for my mistakes if I keep making them. In Monster's Ball, Stefan attends the Costume Ball with Caroline and Tyler, and he dresses like James Dean. Alaric is not happy to see him, reminding him about how he lied about being on the trail of a way to bring back Damon and Bonnie. He meets up with Elena, both rushing to find Bonnie and Damon. Then Bonnie gets inside while the Salvatore brothers talk outside, but both groups are actually discussing the same thing. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. Stefan and Caroline hide from Tripp's men. Caroline ask what is going on and Stefan says that nothing. She hands him the herbs and tells him not to worry because Shane won't be back any time soon, she has made sure of that. He sensed Rebekah's panic when she responded cryptically "He's here," but before he could find anything out, Nik compelled Stefan to forget about him and Rebekah. Stefan Salvatore | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom Stefan, Elena and Matt try escaping through the tunnels. Eventually Stefan walks into the church and, after briefly talking to Tyler and Caroline, finds a seat as Carol begins the service for Pastor Young and the council. Caroline is sitting by herself and she seems optimistic until Stefan tells her they need to talk. It's about time to accept the person that she is right now and start living the rest of her life. Knowing the blood transfusion didn't work, Damon pulls out Colin's heart, much to his friends' dismay. They both question the man but are unable to figure out who he is and what he's doing there as he's compelled to kill himself, which he does by grabbing Rebekah's knife and stabbing himself. Klaus, however, keeps to respond ironically. At this moment Elena calls Stefan and he is wondering whether to answer or not when Rebekah picks up instead of him. Caroline then leaves Stefan to go and blow up the Heretics. At first, it includes frozen diners and paperwork, then drinking to dull the resentment and unfulfilling marriage, then more misery having to live as a widower. Stefan proposes Elena in an alternate life. Later, Stefan is seen at the hospital looking for Liam. Upstairs, Katherine asks Stefan if they're talking about her. It's over, he said. Why was Stefan Salvatore killed in TVD finale? - Quora Stefan falls unconscious. When Damon returns, he tries to make it up to her by apologizing to her and they grow close again. Damon spells the gas just before Enzo yanks down a light to ignite it. Stefan had all the typical weaknesses of a human/doppelgnger. Lying on the ground, Damon asks what that was for, but Stefan merely responds, "You know what," referring to Damon letting Elena feed on him, and he leaves. Despite reservations from Damon, Stefan tells her to do it anyway. In the meantime Damon tells Elena and Rebekah (who has followed them and found them) about the time he had in New York back in the seventies when his humanity was also turned off. She adds that they're crashing Bonnie's college visit, as the professor who took over her Grams' classes teaches there and invited her. There is no indication that he killed 1 person a day, given there have been a majority of time jumps during The Originals in which it is unlikely he killed anyone. She accuses him of working with Klaus and refuses to talk to him after he tells her it isn't what she thinks. Damon & Stefan use Aaron as a leverage to save Elena from Wes. They share a romantic moment as they kiss and watch the sunrise together. Over a century later, in the episode Rose, Stefan apologizes to Damon for betraying him and admits that he was selfish by getting Damon to complete his transition. In Home, Stefan watches as Damon, Elena, and Caroline mourn his death until he is nearly sucked up on the Other Side and saved by Lexi. He gives everyone a raging migraine and shatters the windows, knocking Elena out cold. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, After Stefan loses his memories, spending time with his brother Damon who is determined to help him recover his memory. He then told Elena about Samantha Gilbert and says if the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing she can do about it. Elena gives Caroline the letter, but Caroline orders Stefan to burn it. He was in Chicago with Lexi at a Bon Jovi concert, which unbeknownst to them was Katherine watching them from afar. After Elena has freed Elijah from the dagger, Stefan respects her wishes and lets her try to talk with him alone and soon after is seen protecting Jenna from Klaus who is still in Alaric body. Valerie reveals that Lily was the one that gave Kai the idea to put Elena under the sleeping spell. Stefan seems to be tempted by the blood but then looks at Elena. In the meantime, however, Rebekah and Elena are already there and they understand that Katherine has compelled the whole town to be her friend and to keep her secret of where she has hidden the cure. He wants to celebrate her first feed, but Elena is less enthusiastic, reminding him that it kind of made her sick. Stefan finds Valerie and starts pulling the splinters out. Damon delivers towels to their room, shooting them both with vervain darts. It'd been their first date, and they wanted to see each other again. He was also more inclined to bold bluntness and his sense of humor was slightly more sarcastic as well as almost taunting, particularly to Damon and Tessa. Taking charge, Caroline feeds a cancer patient her blood and asks Stefan to join her. As the powerful witch Emily Bennett had once told him after Stefan had transitioned into a vampire, Stefan's heart was pure and good. Matt then tells Stefan that he wishes that he would stop saving him, that Stefan should have let him drown and saved Elena. You were cut off as Stefan pressed his lips to yours, sparking feelings you didn't even know existed. At the same party, he finds Caroline and Tyler fighting, he steps between them and pushed Tyler to the wall to protect Caroline as he sees to Tyler threatens her with starting to turn into his wolf form. Things escalated, and Caroline and Stefan ended up fighting and Caroline stabbed Stefan in the back with the leg of a broken chair as he was in pursuit of the phone. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. Liam responds with yes, however, he says it's not the biting he was thinking of, and Stefan realizes that Caroline had healed Liam and compelled him to forget what really happened. They fight for a short moment until Stefan throws a knife at him and kills him. Elena realizes this and takes him outside of school. - Stefan Salvatore "The real animal is still out there. He hates that he's friends with vampires at all. He had a very selfless, idealistic approach to love. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. Significant kills Stefan wants to know what's in it for him, but Klaus merely says to trust him when he says that Connor holds the answer to all of Stefan's prayers. Valerie promised to meet him Friday at noon so they could run away together. Tyler starts a fight, ending with him accidentally stabbing Matt. Stefan and Elena went to question John about the attack, but John insulted Elena's love for Stefan and offended her. However, the origin of the tattoo, its significance and when Stefan got the tattoo was all unknown. They are about to kiss but Elena tells him she's with Damon, that bothers Stefan and his bloodlust returns, and he disappears leaving Elena alone. After that Elena says that he clearly cares about her. No one seems to be inside. Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. They start dancing and Elena goes to them, showing to be a bit jealous although she denies it. During this conversation, his father tricked Stefan and drugged his alcoholic drink with vervain. Stefan spied the fight from a far and witnessed Mason's unusual fighting against Carter. Valerie siphons it and they open it, revealing Julian's corpse. Matt pretends to console Elena while she feeds from his neck. [8] In both cases he had been in awe of being a vampire and sought to embrace it. it is the one weakness that cannot be beaten down, and that she loves Damon, despite early comments. Stefan suggests Enzo has a witch performing a cloaking spell on him and doesn't want to be found. We're led to believe that it's baby Nadia laying there. He is shown to wake up in the back of a truck, where Klaus welcomes him back to Mystic Falls - to find out what Stefan is hiding. He laughs that Caroline's idea of no humanity was unbolting a few parts, so Caroline retaliates by smashing his gas tank. Stefan wears a large, silver ring made from enchanted Lapis Lazuli stone (a stone which was enchanted by Emily Bennett back in 1864) that allows him to walk around in the sunlight without burning. Stefan got her to calm down and showed that this was completely natural. He comforts her, reassuring her that she'll get through this. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. Klaus announces that Jeremy will draw the tattoo for them, though Jeremy insists he won't help him. Damon tells him that he was right, Elena is sired and Damon holds up a photo Stefan realizes of being from New Orleans in 1942. Alaric then calls Jo before she collapses. She says that it's probably a good idea to go to her mom, because she'll know what to do. I won't-". Stefan admits he's hurt that Elena has not been truthful with him, and Elena defends herself by saying that she didn't want to ruin Stefan's good mood. He tells her that all of the scenarios she is coming up with are being shot down. Then the brothers are shown at the porch. She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. Stefan and Elena are walking along a desolate road, trying to make their way back to Mystic Falls. If you want him out of your house, you do it yourself." Stefan tries to make it sound fun by suggesting they see the world, just the two of them. Stefan, now can enter the house and save Damon just in time. The car comes to a screeching halt. ", In Do Not Go Gentle, Elena asks Stefan to the decade dance with the encouragement of Caroline. Sarah and Stefan are driving away and he still doesn't believe that she is Sarah. Stefan was engaged to a girl named Rosalyn Cartwright before he met Katherine. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. At the hospital, Damon disagrees with Caroline's suggestion to use vamp blood to cure her mum. Stefan agrees and goes to Rebekah who is preparing for the 80s decade dance. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. They both fight because of Jeremy's death and later Katherine gets the real cure and brings it to Elijah in order to show him that she can be trusted. Stefan splits up for Damon and Elena and goes and finds Caroline at the cafeteria, asks her if she had any luck finding Bonnie, Caroline said the searched the whole and didn't find her they hear the ice melting and Caroline said that she is at the center of the triangle and that's where Bonnie should perform the spell, Stefan realizes that they are the right place but the wrong elevation, Stefan asks Damon about the entrance to the basement Elena said that its of the boiler room. Elena gets up on her feet and twists Liv's arm, they say that the spell started, dozens of Travelers have gathered and are chanting in unison, suddenly, Stefan and Elena's daylight rings stop working. They have an enjoyable time together, where Elena teaches him some of her skills, she takes him to the Wickery Bridge to remember when he saved her from dying. He says it looks fine. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. After Johnathan had left, Stefan went inside to talk to his father one last time, who was shocked to see that Stefan was "alive." He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. In Founder's Day, when the tomb vampires was about to attack the during the Founder's Day festival,, Stefan was affected by the device when John Gilbert started it like all other vampires in town. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. He is the youngest child of Giuseppe Salvatore and Maria Antonia Salvatore (ne Bentiviglio). Connor shoots Jeremy before Elena tackles him. Jo begins her vows, but she's cut short when she's stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen. He informs her that the event was cancelled. He attended Harvard during the 1970's. Katherine responds that maybe they don't know her at all and have no idea who she really is. Katherine fell in love with Stefan when she met him in Mystic Falls in 1864. Rebekah however hears them and crosses Katherine's path. All the people Stefan Salvatore has killed - Season 1 - - YouTube 0:00 / 5:32 All the people Stefan Salvatore has killed - Season 1 - jonas12361321 3.53K subscribers Subscribe 744 Share 53K. When Stefan regains consciousness a second time, before Damon can make something Stefan attacks him, breaking his neck, Silas is kneeling in pain and Qetsiyah is worried about him because she thinks he's Stefan but Stefan arrives then where they are and reveals to Qetsiyah that she has been deceived, Stefan also regains his daylight ring. Stefan sees a car approaching them from behind Elena, she turns around and sees the car, Stefan raises his thumb to hitchhike, but Elena makes him put his hand down. When Klaus tells him to let bygones be bygones, and that an eternity of bad feelings gets old, Stefan counters saying that revenge never gets old, and reveals that he stole the coffins that hold Klaus' family. They later marry hoping to lure Katherine out, at their wedding who had become the Queen of Hell following Cade's death. When the bottom is full, she dabs her index fingers into the bowl and puts her finger tips on Stefan's forehead, all the Travelers chant in unison and Stefan screams out in pain. Last seen She tells him of her pregnancy and how Julian almost beat her to death but beat her enough to stop the other heartbeat inside her. Elena is confused and asks him how does he remember this. She's trying to play them but Damon says that they're not falling for her trap. Klaus tells him he's not going to the train station and that he has a witch who might help him with his Rayna Cruz problem. Stefan and Caroline and Enzo find Lily searching for her friends. Damon lunges at Lily and Beau explodes all the coffins. Stefan begs him to heal her with his blood, and Klaus feigns reluctance before cryptically suggesting that Elena might still prove useful to him, and he heals her. Stefan suggests that he goes back to the island and Damon comes back so that he could use the sire bond and help Elena. However, in the novels, Stefan has only claimed to have been in love twice in his 500 years of existence; first with Katherine and then with Elena. While driving back to New Orleans, Stefan says he can drop him off a nearby train station and Klaus hands his phone back to him. They manage to find their car but Elena and Rebekah are nowhere to be seen. While they talk Damon calls Stefan and asks how is Elena. According to Damon, Stefan got straight A's and had attended many ivy league schools. Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. Initially, Damon Salvatore filled the passionate and angsty role of the "Other Guy" in every triangle. She is later staked by Damon and dies before she can attack the sheriff and/or reveal his secret. Elena tells him that she doesn't remember anything from his last encounter with Damon, Stefan tells her it's been three weeks since then. She starts to choke Damon with magic but Stefan appears behind her and she stops. She tells them that in a tree stump, they should find a dagger. Damon mentions to Stefan in the Pilot after 15 years of not seeing each other, that the 90s "grunge" look did not suit Stefan, implying that Stefan went through a grunge phase in terms of his personality, attitude and his sense of style. They agree to figure it out once the Huntress thing is over. In Stand By Me, Elena and Stefan find Jeremy dead and Silas and the cure gone. Stefan nods and walks away in sadness. Damon initially refused, but Stefan would not relent, saying he couldn't let him die. It is at the high school that Stefan inevitably and fatefully meets Elena Gilbert, who bears an unusual, and striking uncanny physical resemblance to Stefan's past love from 1864, Katherine Pierce. In The Five, Stefan finds Damon in the living room unpacking boxes. Stefan tells Connor to run and pins Damon to the wall, but Damon quickly overpowers him and plunges his fist into Stefan's chest, refusing to relent until Stefan reveals what he's up to with Klaus. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. In regards to Damon, Stefan got Damon to feed on the blood of a barmaid by biting her neck and tempting Damon to drink. The "ripper" side of him usually causes him to push people away and become emotionally cold, withdrawn and distant. When Lexi returns from The Other Side, she enjoys her time with Stefan and talks to him about moving on from Elena and how he will find someone else. Back in Mystic Falls Klaus, Caroline and Stefan go to Shane's office and try to find out what would be Silas' next move and where he would do the third massacre. Elena gets angry and says that he should look at himself, because his whole life revolves around her and maybe he's the one who needs to turn it all off. Stefan continues to insist that he wasn't the one who killed Maggie, so Enzo begins to read Maggie's diary, that was found by the police, he begins to read some of the things Maggie wrote, and then Stefan recalls that he met her but he tells Enzo that he only scared her so she would leave, but that he didn't kill her. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. However, Alaric turns human as Jo saves him after his vampirism is stripped off. Stefan felt so guilty that he tried to take his ring off and was about to commit suicide, until Elena convinced him not to do it. Outside the school, Stefan and Caroline try to soothe Elena, who is still furious about Rebekah's antagonism. Do you still have feelings for her?" Klaus' plans are revealed in As I Lay Dying. Stefan goes to deal with Elijah while Katherine takes Damon and Rebekah to the cure. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself?" - Stefan Salvatore "I want to kill you. Following this, Stefan moved away from Mystic Falls and had tried to start over and move on from the loss, pain and tragedy.
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