It depends. How do I apply for a cannabis cultivation license with the State? It is important to determine your temporary food facility type and understand the operational requirements before submitting your site plan designs. Can I have 1 acre of cultivation and have a permit for manufacturing or other cannabis business? Building permits and plan review fees can include the following. (Revised 05/18/2018, Reviewed 01/2020), This form is to notify Permit Sonoma of the consultant selected to review building plans under the Third Party Plan Check Process(PDF: 204 kB) (Version 04/20/2022), List of approved consultants for applicants utilizing Third Party Plan Check (TPPC). Many architects and design professionals are under the misconception that if its marked in the checklist, they have satisfied the code requirement. Will the County be limiting the number of permits? Yes, electrical power for indoor cultivation and mixed light operations (and drying) including but not limited to illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation, shall be provided by any combination of the following: (i) on-grid power with 100% renewable source; (ii) on-site zero net energy renewable source; or (iii) purchase of carbon offsets of any portion of power not from renewable sources. iwhM~9b*U%HAxR!nrDpoK*NWgc>-;L Zj#as Or4&+`_&AQeGTTe,!^Rq6Q&TBL9`;*S(8/ Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department 2550 Ventura Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95403-2859 (707)565-1900 . The new non-residential CalGreen Checklist typically reads as follows: Mandatory Short term bicycle parking (Revised per County of Sonoma Requirements - Based on CALGreen) Project Name: Project Address: All rights reserved. More information, training dates, and locations can be found on sonoma higher ed. Am I required to install a fixed restroom that's connected to a septic or sewer system? Are you a homeowner in Sonoma County interested in learning more about constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit on your property? Sonoma County Health Department. . Customers have the option to submit planning applications electronically. BPC-005 When is a Building Permit Not Required? The total amount of cultivation proposed per parcel dictates whether an applicant will be required to obtain a zoning permit, minor use permit or conditional use permit. 416 B Street, Suite C County Permit No: BLD22-1083 . The Cannabis Land Use Table provides the maximum cultivation areaper parcel(not per permit) dependent on the zoning district and parcel size. Conditional Use Permit- This is a discretionary permit and is subject to public notification, environmental review and a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Under the Countys ordinance, regardless of state law, cannabis delivery is only allowed as part of a dispensary use permit. Sonoma County Permit was established in 1994 to help contractors, homeowners and business people that need to generate designs and working drawings, obtain permits, and manage projects, in a regulatory environment that has become increasingly challenging to comprehend and navigate through. You may apply for a reduction in the park setback if a physical separation exists between the operation and the adjacent park, and the operation is not visible or accessible from the adjacent park. All of the items on the checklist must be addressed in the application submittal in some way. The Code states that a hydrogeologic report is required for projects located within Groundwater Availability Zone 4 or an area for which a Groundwater Management Plan has been adopted or designated as a high or medium priority basin. fgO`&0 RY,D; I "k;A$w4H,V$iHt#T8#3Sz` o Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management, Sanitation Division. In addition, there is a limit of nine centralized processing facilities on agricultural land with a use permit (discretionary use permit). If you have a CalGreen question please feel free to give us a call. Plans and plan review application can be emailed to: Permit Sonoma's Online Permitting Tool. The cultivation area is the total aggregate area(s) of cannabis cultivation on a single premise measured at the drip line of the plant canopy during flowering unless there is an identifiable boundary used to delineate or demarcate canopy that includes, but is not limited to, the space between plants within the cultivation area, the exterior dimensions of the garden beds, garden plots, hoop houses, green houses, and each room or area where cannabis plants are grown, as determined by the review authority. Yes. Does the one acre cultivation limit apply to property owners leasing to multiple operators? What if my non-profit or mutual benefit corporation wants to change its status to a for-profit corporation? Know How to Get A Sonoma County Building Permits. 2022 County of Sonoma. (Version 05/04/2022), Identifies grading permit inspections required to be performed by Permit Sonoma inspection staff and, when applicable, by the project civil engineer and soils engineer. A five percent tech fee gets assessed for permits. The Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Division (PRMD) has updated their CalGreen Checklists for the 2019 Green Building Standards Code requirements. Santa Rosa, CA 95401 . endstream endobj 1031 0 obj <>/Metadata 68 0 R/Outlines 139 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 1026 0 R/StructTreeRoot 145 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 1032 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1033 0 obj <>stream There is no cap on centralized processing facilities within industrial zones. A permit is required for each point of sale location operating at the same time. Special inspectors shall refer to the approved plans and specifications for detailed special inspection requirements. View My Records /. (Version: 01/30/2020), This form is to be completed for all permits issued to reconstruct, rehabilitate, alter, repair or make additions to buildings located in designated flood areas. When multiple setbacks apply to a waterway, the most protective setback shall generally govern land use and development. You may separately apply for a variance under California Government Code section 65906 and County Code section 26-92-100. One copy of this checklist must be completed and submitted to the Permit Sonoma along with the Building Permit application. A licensed architect or engineer may submit plans; however, the pool contractor must be identified prior to commencement of construction. (PDF: 256kB) (Revised 10/10/2018), Requirements for the repair and replacement of flood-damaged electrical wiring and equipment. Connect. Please provide an explanation for any checklist item not completed or met. We can help to assemble a complete application packet, so you can start your rebuild right. (Revised 07/30/2019, Reviewed 01/2020), Special Inspection Agencies approved to perform services in unincorporated Sonoma County in the following categories: Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed/Post-tensioned Concrete, Structural Masonry, Structural Steel Welding/Bolting, Spray-Applied Fireproofing Tests Only, Unreinforced Masonry Push/Torque(Version: 12/17/2021), This form is used to request an appeal to the Board of Building Appeals of a determination by an authorized Sonoma County official related to the application and interpretation of the building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, housing, and related model codes. All PRMD required approvals must be issued. Cannabis cultivation is allowed on my property. Who should I contact? For example, Operator A may obtain a zoning permit to operate a 2,500 square foot Mixed Light facility within the LIA zone on Parcel X and Operator B may also obtain a zoning permit to operate a 2,500 square foot Mixed Light facility on the same Parcel X. Yes, wholesale nurseries are permitted in the same way as cultivation. hbbd```b``"H R7^ ".0 Upon completion, obtain the county's final approval. The new checklist no longer gives any explanation of the specific code requirements. Does the County allow adult use (recreational) non-medical commercial cannabis uses? What are the different permit types and the process involved? All rights reserved. Once notice is issued, if no request for hearing is received, staff may approve the permit administratively and may add conditions to address any issues. This checklist applies to building permit applications received on or after January 1, 2020, for nonresidential building additions of 1,000 square feet or greater and/or building alterations with a permit valuation of $200,000 or above, and only applies to the portions of the building being added to or altered within the scope of the permitted It is always recommended that you consult with a tax professional before making any tax related decisions. You want to safely insure the project. Indicate whether you're hiring a contractor and include the estimated start date and the timeline for the project. It depends. Information on cultivation licensing requirements and how to apply for a license can be foundhere. (Revised 01/31/2019). Construction or renovation that involves irrigation. Property Setbacks (mixed light in agricultural and resource zones): 100 feet from property lines, 300 feet from residences and businesses on adjacent properties. Gary is an ICC Certified CalGreen Special Inspector and Plans Examiner. Permits Frequently Asked Questions - Sonoma County, California Building Forms - City of Sonoma This form is used to request such approval. DoNotPay can streamline and sidestep all the grief and stress. BPC-009 Partial Building Permit Agreement (PDF), BPC-015 Application for Unreasonable Hardship Determination for Accessibility Upgrades - Under Valuation Threshold (PDF), BPC-018 Third-Party Plan Check Notification (PDF), BPC-019 Third-Party Plan Check Approved Consultants, BPC-020 Structural Peer Review Process (PDF), BPC-021 Residential Building Permit for Projects that Require Plans, BPC-026 Egress Components for Manufactured Homes, BPC-032 Application for Unreasonable Hardship Determination for Accessibility Upgrades - Over Valuation Threshold (PDF), BPC-065 2019 CALGreen Checklist Residential New Construction (PDF), BPC-066 2019 CALGreen Checklist Residential Additions and Alterations (PDF), BPC-067 Letter of Intent for Accessibility Compliance, BPC-068 2019 CALGreen Checklist Non-Residential New Construction (PDF), BPC-069 2019 CALGreen Checklist Nonresidential Additions and Alterations (PDF), CNI-002 Site Evaluation Procedures for Building and Grading Permits, CNI-003 Substantial Improvement / Substantial Damage Valuation Summary for FEMA Compliance (PDF), CNI-008 Application for Approval of Alternate Method or Material (PDF), CNI-010 Special Inspection & Testing Procedure, CNI-014 Special Inspection Agency Recognition List, CNI-016 Board of Building Appeals Form (PDF), CNI-019 Agreement for Early Release of Utilities (PDF), CNI-026 Flood Damage Electrical Circuit Megohmmeter Testing Form(PDF), CNI-027 Flood Damaged Electrical Requirements, CNI-031 Building Site Evaluation Waiver (PDF), CNI-032 Swimming Pool Safety Required Upgrades(PDF), CNI-033 Statement of Special Inspections(PDF), CNI-033A Statement of Special Inspections: Steel Appendix(PDF), CNI-033R Statement of Special Inspections Residential (PDF), CNI-037Smoke / Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm Self Verification Form (PDF), CNI-038Water Conserving Plumbing Fixture Self Verification Form (PDF), CNI-039 Water Conserving Plumbing Fixtures, CSS-019 Minimum Standard Site Plan Requirements, CSS-020 Building Permit Application - Revised Information (PDF), CSS-027 Notice to Recipients of Ministerial Permits, GRD-002 Grading Permit Questionnaire (PDF), GRD-004 Grading Permit Required Application Contents, GRD-008 Grading Permit Required Inspections (PDF), NPD-002 Protection of Storm Water Quality on Construction Sites, NPD-003 State Water Resources Control Board General Permit Requirements, NPD-007 Best Management Practices for Construction Sites, PJR-008 Temporary Occupancy of Travel Trailers, Recreational Vehicles, and Mobile Homes. For example, if Operator A applies for two zoning permits for two separate 2,500 square foot Mixed Light operations on Parcel A, such application would be denied; however, in this scenario Operator A could obtain one use permit to cultivate 5,000 square feet on Parcel A. All rights reserved. (Revised 04/28/2009), By signing this document, the property owner certifies to Permit Sonoma that both smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms have been installed on-site. Development fees come with new projects if a change has had a significant impact on the overall project before issuance. Permit History Search. Most sites will be classified as Exposure C. Exposure D shall be used close to the coast and Exposure B may be used with justification. Where can I learn about the application submittal and project review processes and what to expect as an applicant? (Version: 09/28/2021), To provide information and requirements for building permit submittal under the Structural Peer Review Process. The Board of Zoning Adjustments must determine that the use is compatible with the neighborhood and may add conditions to address any issues. This may mean hiring an engineer or architect who can adhere to building and zoning codes for extensive projects. What are the setbacks required for cultivation? Is there a minimum lot size or size limit for nurseries? Effective October 4, 2022, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a moratorium for new water supply wells. BPC-002 Residential Plan Checklist - Permit Sonoma You may be able to apply for a plan check of the building and grading permits at the same time as the land use permit; however, changes in the land use approval or conditions may require revision of the building or grading plans at additional cost to the applicant. The Zoning Code requires that I submit a security plan - will that be made available to the public? .`"2HP! :4{p_b9~jUv/v]d1j9uAVI>Ye$,P4` This is further reinforced by having a CalGreen Special Inspector verify each item is shown on the plans before they sign the Design Verification form. However, for flowering plant operations (i.e., Outdoor, Mixed Light, and Indoor), a 25% additional area for propagation to support onsite cultivation may be requested with a use permit. Please use the customized checklists listed below to document compliance with CALGreen. Any outdoor lighting site that requires and supports an electrical hookup, including scoreboards and field lighting. Permits & certificates. See Permit Sonoma's Agricultural Building Permit Exemption for policies and procedures. Check Permit Status. In such instance, Operator A would not be able to obtain any additional cultivation permits within the County. You avoid missteps that even the most experienced contractor, let alone the novice homeowner, may trip over. - This is a discretionary permit and is subject to public notification, environmental review and a determination of compatibility with the neighborhood. Use Wizard, To prevent delays, ensure you apply for the correct permit type by using the Permit Wizard: (Version 08/05/2020), This page explains the procedures for obtaining temporary occupancy of a building or a portion of a building prior to the building being completed and the permit being finaled. If you want to apply for a building permit through a hassle-free process in the County of Sonoma but don't know where to start, DoNotPay has you covered. Late applications will be assessed a late fee of 25% of the annual permit fee if submitted less than 14 calendar days prior to the event. Copies of permits and other related permit documentation on file may be obtained by requesting the documents at Sonoma City Hall and paying the requisite copying fee. This raises and interesting issue. 1. 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If a non-profit or mutual benefit corporation wishes to change its status to a for-profit corporation after the land use permit is issued, such change would constitute a change in ownership and would require a new permit application and permit. To prevent delays, ensure you apply for the correct permit type by using the Permit Wizard: Any utility work plumbing, mechanical, electrical is not generally subject to surcharges. 2019 Green Building Checklist Use these documents for Green Building permits submitted on or after January 1, 2020. CalGreen is our only business. Conservation easements acquired by the Sonoma County Agriculture and Open Space District do not allow for any uses that conflict with federal law. Yes. (Version 02/05/2020), Partial list of required checklist items for residential plans submissions. Cannabis cultivation permit applications can be found here: Yes. who utilizes the FAST START checklist to ensure that the project meets the program criteria and the submittal is complete. (PDF: 222kB) (Version: 03/12/2020), Requirements for projects requiring special inspection and structural observation per Chapter 17 of the California Building Code (CBC). Sonoma County, CA Building Permit Service Lists submittal requirements for grading permit applications and a checklist for grading plans. (Revised 12/10/2009), Permit requirements for temporary occupancy of travel trailers, recreational vehicles, and mobile homes allowed. A person proposing to construct a public pool shall submit plans shall submit legible plans and specifications to County of Sonoma, Environmental Health before any worked is completed. With exception to the park setback, no other reductions to the setbacks set forth in the ordinance are allowed. (PDF: 189kB) (Revised 10/10/2018), To check the condition of conductor insulation using a minimum 500v DC megohmmeter. Fees for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for all Environmental Health programs. Submittal Checklist: Residential Fire Rebuild Checklist (PDF) Submittal Checklist: Residential Window Replacement (PDF) . Allowed zones: LIA, LEA, DA, AR, RR, TP, RRD. All compatible uses (including homes) can take up no more than 15% of the property up to a maximum of 5 acres, whichever is less. You need to supply the cost of the project. We have brought this to the attention of PRMD and they told us this was an editing error and would be corrected. Even if there is a requirement in the state code, if its not on the checklist, you dont have to comply. For example, a 10 acre agricultural parcel could accommodate a 10,000 square foot single tenant Mixed Light facility or four 2,500 square foot multi-tenant operations. I'm interested in other cannabis related activities other than cultivation. Green Building Program Forms & Checklists Accela Citizen Access - California View Reports. (PDF: 184kB) (Version: 03/11/2020), Deviations from this design will require the submission of engineered plans. A use permit is required for any tree removal or timber conversion. The new requirement to identify where each item is shown on the plans forces the architect, or design professional, to include each checklist item into the permit plans. We make sure all the paperwork gets to the right hands, schedule all appointments, and make sure you adhere to the varying factors that can affect approval. The agency does not withhold permit issuance for other agency permits or approvals. A site plan. Can I get a cultivation permit if I have an easement with the Ag and Open Space District? In other words, if a single operator holds multiple cultivation permits on multiple parcels, the total County-wide cultivation area for that operator cannot exceed one acre. The Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Division (PRMD) has updated their CalGreen Checklists for the 2019 Green Building Standards Code requirements. Please note that cannabis cultivation would not be permitted on lands with an Agricultural Preservation and Open Space Easement acquired by the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District. The new checklists are (click on title below to download): Although there are many changes to the CalGreen Checklists, they still require a CalGreen Special Inspector to review and sign the forms. There are state-mandated CBSC and SMIP fees. Importantly, however, the combined cultivation area of the multi-tenant operation may not exceed the total cultivation area allowed based on the size of the parcel under the applicable land use. Projects that involve footings, retaining walls, grading, drainage, or walkways. Previously developed can also mean other impervious areas such as parking areas, structures or roads, as long as they were legally established through a grading permit or other ways. The checklist is not part of the design documents and places no obligation on the installing contractor. As of the writing of this article, the checklist has not been corrected. Inspections may be scheduled by phone at 916 875-5296 or at our website: (registration required). Visit the Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures Industrial Hemp Program website: A single operator may obtain multiple cultivation permits. To learn how to use the PRMD online permit application process, see their informative video: For more information on the PRMD permit process, visit their website here: As a general rule, the Code allows one cultivation permit per parcel for each type of use. Work with your design professional to ensure your application, plans, and supporting documents are complete to ensure the fastest approvals possible. M17}=~6M/VzzWy8O|'>{i 8|r)<4VM9YTYQ*>+$$V]I!*N,1NBQCZqgT*}GI0S);[w7(DHSI$);a"Q#LJD99S("%AI~r#^~MRw@}PTJ]/T! Lake Sonoma), all Regional Parks, Community Parks and Neighborhood Parks as defined in the Sonoma County 2020 General Plan and 2020 General Plan EIR, and Class I Bikeways as defined in the Sonoma County 2020 General Plan. 707-579-3811 . 1030 0 obj <> endobj Pay Fees. Email: . DoNotPay will help guide you through the building permit process by checking if your project needs a building permit, contacting any HOAs you're a part of to request building permission, or generating detailed instructions on how to start and complete your building permit application process. (PDF: 530kB) (Version 01/01/2020), The Schedule of Special Inspections Steel Appendix summarizes the special inspections and tests required. This test must be performed by a licensed electrician on all inundated, and not yet replaced power and control circuits. As another example, a 10 acre parcel zoned LIA could individually accommodate 43,560 square feet of Outdoor cultivation or 5,000 square feet of indoor cultivation or 10,000 square feet of Mixed Light cultivation. Minor Use Permit- This is a discretionary permit and is subject to public notification, environmental review and a determination of compatibility with the neighborhood. Reduce project delays and save time on code research. The use of generators for indoor and mixed light cultivation is prohibited, except for portable temporary use in emergencies only. These complexities lead to misinterpretations that can end up costing your project time and money. 4-0-2. 7(B]D=X`c1qAM kHP6G6a=d[E-}Bg-Bb{2k*FYT2oCc,!FVb-X!dLkqvCu`+v\`e In other words, the operator may have 10,000 square feet of Mixed Light and 33,560 square feet of Outdoor, or any combination of Outdoor and Mixed Light, provided the limits allowed for each cultivation type are not exceeded and the total cultivation area for all types does not exceed the maximum 43,560 square feet allowed. Gary Welch has over 35 years experience in the field of sustainable building design. At the completion of the project, the inspector must visit the site and verify that all checklist items have been completed. ParcelReport - Permit Sonoma These permits typically take approximately 9 months or longer to process. %%EOF All applications and plans go to the Permit Center for review by proper authorities to look for compliance with all fire and hazardous material regulations. (PDF: 265kB) (Revised 10/10/2018), The Schedule of Special Inspections summarizes the special inspections and tests required. Please submit a 2019 CALGreen checklist (BPC-059), including Green Building Acknowledgements, Section 1 - Design Verification completed with the owner and designer's Residential Building Permit Checklist for The County of Sonoma Building & Grading Plan Check - Permit Sonoma In essence, the CalGreen Checklist becomes the code for that jurisdiction. To search all permits in the system, select the "Search All Departments Permits" box to the right. The new checklist no longer gives. Each item is required to be submitted unless the proposal statement clearly describes why that specific item is not applicable. Beginning Monday April 12, 2021 to obtain a next day residential or commercial building inspection you must schedule your inspection by 3:00 p.m. the previous working day. On the new checklist you have to indicate exactly where on the plans each requirement is shown. Adjustable humidity controlled bathroom fans to maintain between 50% to 80% humidity. The Code states that a hydrogeologic report is required for projects located within Groundwater Availability Zone 4 or an area for which a Groundwater Management Plan has been adopted or designated as a high or medium priority basin.
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