Serene Teffaha on TheInformer | Principal Lawyer Serene Teffaha Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. Socialism with Chinese characteristics Learn more at Website: Subscribe to our channel: today's video, Serene Teffaha shares with us her experience of corruption in the lower courts and family courts within Australia and the difference comes in what she sees wrong with the judiciary in the lower courts as compared to high courts.Family courts handle a variety of matters relating to the family, including juvenile matters, child abuse, custody, visitation, child support, and sometimes probate. Lawyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Challenging . And it is now the time for us to stand in solidarity.. By TONY MOBILIFONITISTHE national class action against the COVID-19 tyranny has been relaunched, Melbourne lawyer and human rights advocate Serene Teffaha has announced. Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. We are also spearheading a number of actions to protect whistle-blowers including police officers and health professionals. We are proud of our honesty and transparency and I will not apologise to anyone for speaking my mind and calling out bullshit when I see it. If they can prove by contract tracing you come into contact with somebody and show symptoms. Her group has also established People for Safe Vaccines as a research, campaign and educational platform. Intimidation, coercion, deceit, aggressiveness or bullying are NOT lawful means by which politicians can impose their personal beliefs or opinions about masks or vaccines upon others. The real issue is that Serene Teffaha is too much of a threat for the Australian puppets of the global deep state pushing Chinese Communist Party-style lockdowns, destruction of small business in favour of global corporates, and mass harm of the population with experimental vaccines, that experts now say do not qualify as vaccines. Not bad for just 25 Million people in the hands of a corrupt, duopoly system of government. Ed. Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act - forced . Cairns News has reported extensively on Teffahas outspoken efforts to expose and prosecute the COVID induced takeover of the nation by medical fascism. Family Court had many corruption issues. 3:43 What do they to protect the perpetrators?5:55 What is the system of the family court system? In fact, both are strongly recommended by US doctors, who formed special groups to promote their use in the face of campaigns to suppress them and push the only-vaccines-can-save-us lie. It does not make sense to me. The State of Victoria, Police Commissioner Shane Patton, Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen and Deputy Public Health Commander Finn Romanes are named as defendants. The 'winter shot': Everything you need to know about getting your next COVID-19 booster, If you catch COVID again, will your symptoms be worse? Please stay tuned for that. She noted that her groups strategy was different to other lawyers who we dont agree with. ATO whistleblower in court: 'they sabotaged my complaints' I do not want to be tested. I pulled her up twice, fr forcing her, so now they re dehydrating her. They dehydrated gher and then put toxic medicine in her water and cos shes thirsty she drinks poison. NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virustransmission, Ex-CIA adviser says Ukraine losing badly in war againstRussia, Russian missile hits strategic 80-metre-deep NATObunker. What were seeing is employers, police, doctors, nurses have all gone mad testing. Great info. The Chinese people own a great portion of the wealth. Serene Teffaha's website with contact details: Advocate Me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website. Due to the large number of people engaged in these actions, the only form of contact will be via submitting our forms. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Far fewer know their real story, The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, Max Verstappen takes Bahrain F1 pole, Aussie Oscar Piastri ousted in first Q1, Motocross rider dies after falling from bike at Victoria's Wonthaggi Motocross Track, 15 people rescued from Central Victorian mine after fire. ( Employment Law, Family Law, Taxation Law & Student Protections, Disctinction), Advcaned Diploma of Nutritional Medicine ( Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General, Distinction), If you're not automatically redirected, please click here. In Part 2 of this interview, Serene Teffaha condemns the family court system and demands significant changes to be made. We have now two cases we are leading.. These people have been assaulted by agents who work for the government they do not want anything to be known to him," she said. AGREE . Interestingly, the case has received predictably biased coverage worldwide. I am extremely passionate about social justice and have specialist knowledge in Human Rights, Public & Administrative Law, Whistleblower & Student Protections, Family Law, Tax Litigation and Dispute resolution. Search over 700 Pingback: German-US legal team about to launch COVID-19 lawsuits to expose Gates-Rockefeller plandemic blogfactory, Jail all lockdown politicians, or they will inject 25 million Australians & starve half the population who dont want it. VICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Board's outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. I am extremely passionate about informed consent and that no one should be forced into taking experimental vaccinations. Because it is the PEOPLEs (renmin: people together) Republic of China. Get contact details including emails and phone numbers Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. These studies have contributed to a deeper understanding of health, and have gifted me with an insight into the spectrum of health care practices and health care consumer demands.I am currently writing a workshop series called 'Pathways to Conscious Health' and am the author of 'The Wounding of Health Care - From Fragmentation to Integration.'. Thankyou Serene for being honest and candid with your positive views on our country. crew February 4, 2021 All, Arrest & Fines, Blogs, Lawyers, Mandates & Law, People, Petitions, Uncategorized, Vaccination. Antifa is Communism. But we are now thinking outside of the box and we are looking at establishing and connecting as communities through cooperatives to pool our resources, skills and abilities together to create better systems. Previously, Serene was a Nutritionist At Serene Nature House at Serene Read More Contact Serene Teffaha's Phone Number and Email Last Update 11/8/2022 9:22 AM Email s*** Engage via Email Contact Number +61 * **** **** Engage via Phone Mobile Number Basically its the spiritual arm of ANTIFA. 'Voice' to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners - object now! The case was due to return to the court on April 30 and Cairns News is awaiting further information. A great deal of important information is in this presentation ,, Lord Acton said that men who attain Power and their Facilitators are Generally Bad Men. Fascism is the opposite of this evil. Here's how likely you are to get it more than once, Charting the COVID-19 spread: Australia passes 10,000 coronavirus deaths, Man discovers two highly venomous species battling in his shed, Tens of thousands of pigs and buffalo pegged for mass culls in Kakadu, in bid to curb feral animals. I deeply honour your courage Serene, for getting back up after being shown the door ! I will leave no stone unturned to ensure justice is achieved. Gets COVID, The Lives of Others Project Veritas, James OKeefe And Patrick Bergy, Price of Insuring Against US Debt Default Rises to 76.75, More Expensive Than Mexico, Almost as Expensive As Guatemala, Finally, Found Out Why They Dont Make the Data We Need Publicly Available, Should we be standing with Ukraine,especially as Zelensky is leading us into WW3 - Part 3, Should we be standing with Ukraine,especially as Zelensky is leading us into WW3 - Part 2, Elons Dad, Errol Musk warned his son to be careful about coming out about the Establishment, Elon Musk Causes a Twitter Melt Down Over Suggesting Some Common Sense Solutions to End the War, Jamie Interviews Australian NBA Champion Andrew Bogut Who Has Called for Politicians To Take a 50% Pay Cut for the COVID Lockdowns - 1, RAW Report -The Truth Behind the Burning of Old Parliament, Our Babies, Our Next Generation Introduction And Dr Peter A. Mccullough Speaks To Parents Part1, The Australian National Employees Association, The Global Health Organisation is launching to expose the Gates con WHO, Watch now Fall Of the Cabal, and the Last Europa and others, Biden and Gates acting like Dictators - what could possibly go wrong by 2022, Crypto Market Seemingly Reenergized As Coinbase Announces Its Layer 2 Base, Queensland Shootings Police Report Released. Thank you for being so on the ball! Body language with discussion revealed Judge Hampel and Mr Scotter are known to each other while on several occasions judge Hampel had difficulty remembering Serenes name. I have been expecting the current affairs to take effect for 5 6 years. Needless to say, it is not likely to arouse any fear in me ever! 'We swear by the Southern Cross, to stand truly by each other, and fight to defend our rights and liberties'. Dont support ANTIFA! Interesting legal antics played out at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on Tuesday 25 May 2021 where Victorian advocate lawyer Serene Teffaha presented her case to stay the decision of Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB) canceling her license to practice. the answer is back off and no!. Although shaken by the experience, Serene still refuses to hand her client data over and is appealing the cancellation of her licence. The lawyer and her Preston law firm, Advocate Me, had been seeking clients for a class action that includes people affected by any form of detention, mandatory vaccination, business closures, residential aged care isolation, cross-border rules, contact tracing, compulsory testing and various other measures. The name of the Lord from the west, A most welcome development! Our useless bastardised guvmint probably think the tax-payers will pick up the costs! Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! You have the right to say no, says Teffaha, offering verbal responses. @Leigh-AnneRogers The Jesuits are Free Masons who are the Illuminati. Supreme Court Judge Jacinta Forbes ordered Ms Teffaha to hand over the financial details of her sole-practice firm anddetails of any cases that needed urgent action to the VLSB-appointed lawyer. Working with substantial resources, defense barrister Tim Scotter appears VLSB preferred from cases listed on his CV a far cry from Serene Teffaha an unlicensed solicitor with frozen assets. Victoria Lawyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination, German-US legal team about to launch COVID-19 lawsuits to expose Gates-Rockefeller plandemic blogfactory,, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination | Cairns News | Wirral In It Together, Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination Cairns News Life, Death and all between. O.M.G., China newsbrief and sitrep Ms Teffaha accused the judges of perverting the course of justice. ? Everybody wants to test everyone else, and now, everything apparently becomes a criteria for testing, she says. In January, Ms Teffaha said the Family Court had "many corruption issues", which prompted a condemnation from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council. I have been a holistic general medical practitioner for many years, graduating from Monash University Medical School, Melbourne, Australia. I lead and promote an evidenced based understanding of child focused issues, promoting optimal development surrounding Family Law, Child Protection and Health and Education Systems. Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website.Advocate Me See her video HERE. Legal watchdog moves to cancel tower lockdown lawyer's licence AdvocateMe is seeking to commence a complaint against their policy of restrict practitioners communication and discussion of vaccine safety and efficacy risks. Once your details have been submitted we will contact you. This is the women who fought the mandatory vax for aged in Victoria and won. We dont agree with ad hoc raising of money and ad hoc legal strategies destined to fail. SERENE TEFFAHA Company Profile | KEILOR PARK, VICTORIA, Australia On 14 April 2021 the Victorian Legal Services Board appointed Jacob Uljans, a Partner of Hall & Wilcox Lawyers, as Manager of the sole practitioner law practice of Serene Teffaha trading as Advocate Me (the Law Practice). Serene Teffaha has put out an impassioned message to Australians to say no to coerced and illegal COVID testing. In Queensland the Political Parties put Magistrate Diane Singleton in jail, for crossing the Line. The True Story of the Fascisti Movement VLSB+C confirms that, from 15 April 2021, lawyer Serene Teffaha no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. They said her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system and warned there was no place for the claims. Due to the large number of people engaged in these actions, the only form of contact will be via submitting our forms. This will stop this holocaust dead in its tracks. 3 free lookups per month. If they cancel my licence, my clients will simply instruct someone else, she said. Pls let me know your views. CAIRNS News believes the deep state has dealt a dirty hand by using legal profession regulations and associated law to hobble one of the countrys leading freedom fighters Melbourne advocate and lawyer Serene Teffaha and her practice AdvocateMe.Serenes certificate to practice law has been cancelled by the Victorian Legal Services Board, which went to the Supreme Court of Victoria on April 21 in an attempt to strip her of her legal practice and hand it, its clients and all data over to Jacob Iljuns, a partner of the establishment law firm Hall & Wilcox, which has nearly 300 lawyer partners across Australia. Donald Trump releases song with Jan 6 defendants as he vows to forge on with 2024 presidential campaign, Protests break out in Iran as more schoolgirls hospitalised after suspected poisoning, With Russian forces closing, Svyat rolled the dice in the last days before Bakhmut fell, China should pursue 'peaceful reunification' to resolve 'Taiwan question', premier tells parliament, Barb has been boating around her outback station for months but she's not complaining, Class action filed over Victoria's public housing tower lockdown as it happened, Timely reminder: How to respond if you test positive to COVID-19. Money has become their God. (business & personal). This is bullshit, she says no firmly. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I am a specialist in the government's vaccination policies and my goal is to help Australians improve their health options. No credit card required. Please share this article, to help defeat the draconian and unnecessary measures taken by the Victorian Government. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SERENE TEFFAHA of KEILOR PARK, VICTORIA. Manager of the 'Advocate Me' Law Practice - Hall & Wilcox Cairns Newscan you contact them about this please? Just the management your family business needs. I have been involved in extensive advocacy work, holding roles as a Neurobiological Educator at and Researcher with the Australian Paralegal Foundation. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. Cloud phenomenon over Turkey earthquake site before it started, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and property crimes, Bombshell Report: Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca says people had to die by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey, NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virus transmission, Queensland Police Service Super Recogniser facial recognition network helps crack 1,000cases, Introduce the rattan and exit rampant car theft and propertycrimes, Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march onstreets, Thousands of vaxxed Canadian children dying suddenly as MSM looksaway. Having trained in conventional Western Medicine, my interests also led me to study a number of other healing disciplines aside from allopathic medicine. This is a spiritual war for your consciousness. Hall & Wilcox partner Jacob Uljans has been appointed by the board to manage the litigation and has taken over the operational responsibilities for Ms Teffaha's Preston law firm, Advocate Me, the board said. Ms Teffaha said she stood by the Family Court corruption remarks, which were earlier this year described as "baseless" by the Australian Bar Association. This was done while sitting in OUR Parliament and then, these Treasonous Political Parties created a Statutory Parliament, Government, Governor-. Serene Teffaha of Advocate Me. I have 15 years experienceas a practicing Lawyer in both private and public sectors. So too was Serene Teffaha, a Melbourne lawyer who became a darling of the anti-lockdown movement after raising at least $500,000 to launch a class-action lawsuit during the city's lockdown, and. For example, she has championed the common law right to informed consent to medical treatment which has and is being violated and undermined in the name of controlling the big, scary virus. We have to make tough decisions and take our children out of schools and our elderly members out of aged care homes. Join the dots as to who lives on Sydney Harbour in multimillion dollar mansions? Mr Uljans' appointment is for six months. Serene is very good but she has a lot to learn about these Treasonous Political Party, Australian Courts created under the Treasonous changing of the Constitutional Definitions, in 1973 without a Referendum. Serene Teffaha's Disbarment Is Beaut; Now We Can Disbar the Bar This video explains everything we need to know about the corruption and lies were dealing with. General for their Australia under those Treasonous Constitutional definitional changes. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Try : Australia Act 1986 instead . Leave the Strawman behind. Two related court cases are already underway. The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. Teffaha got on the wrong side of the Powers That Wish They Could Be Except They're Too Slow (PTWTCBETTS).
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