Prior to joining Recovery Court Amanda worked in various mental health and substance abuse treatment settings. I have been blessed beyond all measure to have served the citizens of Rutherford County for the last (22) plus years. 9.00 Judge Tidwell docket. Johnny then went on to work in various correctional agencies, including the Correctional Work Center and CCA. Katie Turner Bell is one of the Recovery Court Peer Support Specialists. He graduated from Nashville School of Law in 2011. He duties include assessing applicants, facilitating Moral Reconation Therapy, Relapse Prevention, Anger Management and Co-Dependency classes, and providing resources for the participants, just to name a few. Judge Donna Scott Davenport was the first female judge to serve in Rutherford County and the first independent juvenile court judge by private act. Judge Turner. Our Court offers programs and services which provide troubled youths with the necessary skills they lack in order to be successful in life. We always seek to ensure that our community is safe, and that violent or dangerous juveniles are held in detention if no other, less-restrictive alternatives exist. Still,Austin Maxwell, chairperson of theRutherford County Republican Party, is confident the GOP will remain strong now that multiple candidates qualified to run for office. He also filled in to preside over Mental Health Court. The United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee has jurisdiction in Rutherford County. Counties that are having a primary election will have them on a Tuesday in May. Marks on the floor (tape) will be placed on the floor to assist in gauging proper social distancing once the person has retrieved their items from the screening station, to replace articles on their person if needed. Physical Address 116 W. Lytle St., Room 106 Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Share: Judge Donna Scott Davenport, who oversees Rutherford County's juvenile court system, will no longer teach at Middle Tennessee State University, according to an email sent to faculty and staff . She is excited to be a part of the Recovery Court team as the part-time Re-Entry Case Manager. How to vote | Rutherford County, Tennessee, has detained a record number of children, some as young as 7 years old, in past years. These decisions, and others, await voters this year. Attorneys for the kids, who in some cases are now adults, said kids were improperly put behind bars more than 1,500 times. My retirement date will allow me to complete (23) full years.. Click here to read the order. The following candidates qualified by the noon Feb. 17 deadline to run for the May 3 primary in Rutherford County or as independents or state primary candidates for the Aug. 4 election, according to the Rutherford County Election Commission staff. Children were forced to wait in detention until their day in court and sometimes it meant staying days behind bars before being formally charged with a crime. Accordingly, Tennessee law provides that the Judge may appoint one or more Magistrates to preside over cases. She is especially excited to be a part of the Recovery Court team. Reach reporter Scott Broden at or 615-278-5158. School districts | McFarlin's tenure included establishing and presiding over the Domestic Violence Courtand Veterans Treatment Courtthat include drug and alcohol addictioncounseling and other related courses. She continued her education at Liberty University and obtained her Masters degree in Human Services with a concentration on Marriage and Family therapy. In her most recent role, she was a Director of Programs for a non-profit agency based in St. Louis, MO, who Facilitated Personal and Professional Development for underserved individuals, incarcerated individuals and people re-entering society after incarceration. For years,commissioner Chantho Sourinho has served as the lone elected Democrat in the county. 525 N University Street About 35,000 people pass through the screening process at the Judicial Building and about 4,000 people visit the Juvenile Court/Detention facility each month. Lynn is originally from Southern California and has been in Tennessee since 2004. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Circuit Court - General Sessions Criminal Division. After prayerful thought and talking with my family, I have decided not to run for re-election after serving more than 22 years on the bench," she said in a media release. The commission's Steering, Legislative & Governmental Committee will consider applicants for the judge seat during a 5:30 p.m. Aug. 2 meeting at the County Courthouse. Mardriana has served as a Case Manager to families and youth, as well as previously incarcerated individuals at the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County primarily focusing on Youth Drop out Preventions and Reduction of Recidivism for previously incarcerated individuals through Drug and Alcohol Education, Anger Management, Parenting, Re-Entry, Poverty and Youth Simulations, GED, and Leadership Classes. Lauren believes that education and connection are the most powerful skills she can inform her clients about. A Tennessee juvenile-court judge orchestrated a system to arrest and jail children, many of whom were Black and some who were as young as 8 and 9 years old, an investigation by ProPublica and Nashville Public Radio found.. Candidates have a week to withdraw. Afterwards she attended the University of Tennessee School of Law and obtained her Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1992. Terms for McFarlin, Bennett, Tidwell and Turner all expireby the end of August 2022 after voterselect candidates Aug. 4for eight-year terms. Judge Donna Scott Davenport | Rutherford County TN Juvenile Court 1710 South Church Street Suite 1 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: (615) 898-7972 Fax: (615) 713-3382 Introduction Due to the large caseload in Juvenile Court, one Judge cannot hear every case that is brought before the Court. We seek to rehabilitate, not punish children. Rutherford County has settled an $11 . Later that year, she was admitted to practice law by the Tennessee Bar Examiners. Lori has worked in research labs with her professors, worked as a psychosocial rehab provider for at-risk youth with behavioral issues, and worked with a safe-house for survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to provide safety planning and crisis intervention services while living in Kansas. Rutherford County, Tennessee (Judicial) - Ballotpedia County Courthouse Suite 105 Nich joined the Rutherford County Recovery Court because he believes in bright futures for those suffering with addiction and believes that everyone deserves to have someone listen to their story with compassion. ", More: 10 things Judge Ben Hall McFarlin won't miss about old Rutherford County judicial center. Murfreesboro elections 2022: Rutherford County races, candidates Learn about all County Government Responses to COVID-19. She lives in Murfreesboro with her three children and her husband. | Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM. The order has been extended until March 31, 2021. available here for more detailed information. Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Murfreesboro, TN 37130. She received her bachelors degree and Masters degree in Criminal Justice from Middle Tennessee State University, and then her Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Nashville School of Law. The plan provides for screening of all persons entering the judicial facilities and limiting the number of people in any courtroom at any time. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue At which time they would complete the normal security screening process. Juvenile Court - Rutherford County, Tennessee Quick links. The 16th Judicial District, composed of Rutherford and Cannon counties, remains one of the fasting-growing jurisdictions in the state of Tennessee, with Murfreesboro being one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. She ran unopposed for her third term on August 7, 2014. Judge Bennett Docket. He has 20 years of training and experience in the addiction field. Lori Flippo is a graduate of Kansas State University where she received her bachelors degree in Psychology. Suite 1 When Lori was introduced to Recovery Courts, she quickly saw the benefits of problem-solving courts for her community and the population she serves and knew she had to get involved. Marcus and his wife have a daughter and four grandchildren. Jimmy and his wife currently reside in Lascassas, Tennessee with their two sons. LaChelle enjoys spending time with her husband and infant daughter when not working, as well as with friends and family. Some were arrested for playground fights, others for cursing. A recipient of Murfreesboro Magazines 2014 Women in Business award, Judge Davenport is an active citizen of her community, serving as a member or board member of eight Murfreesboro organizations. She began her work with recovery courts in 2016. Docket Calendar - Circuit Court Clerk - Rutherford County, TN wk Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday; 07: 12 February . Official county government site, with government information and links to related sites. Rutherford County Calendar 10 things Judge Ben Hall McFarlin won't miss about old Rutherford County judicial center, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, Commissioners will appoint successor to Judge McFarlin, Judge McFarlin's father had served in role today called county mayor, County Commission will appoint successor to McFarlin, Voters will elect judges to eight-year terms August 2022. After this tenure, she went into a different aspect of healthcare at Hospital Corporations of America (HCA) for a few years but always missed the community mental health mission. Dont be fooled by Anthonys strong NYC accent, because he proudly claims to be a Tennessean for the past 14 years. Daily Dockets - Chancery Clerk & Master Docket - Rutherford County, TN He started with Rutherford County in 1992 as an Animal Control Officer and was promoted to an Animal Cruelty Investigator/Supervisor. General Sessions Court Judge Ben Hall McFarlin talks about the need for the Rutherford County Judicial Center that's scheduled to open June 2018 at 116 W. Lytle St. in downtown Murfreesboro. While in the lobby of the Juvenile Courthouse, personnel will be advised by a Deputy Sheriff what chair to sit in. I sincerely hope those will continue, the judge wrote. Chancery Court - Probate | Chancery Court - Rutherford County, TN Lynns professional tenure includes 20+ years experience as a Licensed Professional School Counselor and Mental Health Therapist. 116 W. Lytle St., Suite 5101 Other elected offices inRutherford County and Murfreesboro includeelections for mayors, city council and county commission.. In her free time, Lauren enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, or lounging anywhere near the water and the sun. In one 2016. The Tennessee Supreme Court has approved a plan to partially re-open courts in Rutherford and Cannon County beginning Monday, May 4. Rutherford County Judge Donna Scott Davenport's announcement she will retire has taken the steam out of an effort to remove her from the bench. Monday - Friday In August of 2016, Judge Eischeid was elected in Rutherford County Tennessee as the General Sessions Judge Part IV. The plan provides for screening of all persons entering the judicial facilities and limiting the number of people in any courtroom at any time. Rutherford Opioid Board Search Judge Donna Scott Davenport Menu Judiciary Local Court Rules Forms Court Staff Request a Video Hearing FAQ Juvenile Court 1710 South Church Street Suite 1 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: (615) 898-7972 Fax: (615) 713-3382 Judge Donna Scott Davenport She is actively pursuing her LADAC. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with family, friends and her two dogs. The building closes to the public at 4:15PM Jasmine Tindall is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University where she received her B.S. County Courthouse Suite 105 Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Only attorneys, clients, and others directly involved in the case will be allowed entrance into the building. Amid criticism, Rutherford County judge announces retirement (615) 898-7860, Office Hours Everyone entering the building is encouraged to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth to prevent spreading any contaminants. Transport deputies drive inmates to General Sessions Court hearings and Circuit Court hearings at the Judicial Building and Juvenile Court. She has worked in the field as a social worker for the past 6 years working with justice-involved individuals. Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judicial Center 116 West Lytle Street Murfreesboro , TN 37130 Phone: 615-217-0069 (Civil) Fax: 615-898-7801 (Civil) Phone: 615-898-7831 (Criminal) Fax: 615-898-7835 (Criminal) Website | Directions We're sorry your court map could not be found. Legal Notice - Purchasing Committee Meeting 2.21, Murfreesboro Rutherford County Continuum of Care, Legal Notice - Special Call Purchasing Meeting 1.10, County MayorCircuit Court ClerkCounty ClerkBoard of CommissionersProperty AssessorRegister of DeedsSheriffTrustee, Alert Rutherford RegistrationJob Opportunities, Map of County OfficesRutherford County GIS MapSchool Atlas MapHistoric Structures MapHistoric Cemetery Map, Pay Ambulance BillPay Court CostsPay Property Taxes, Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Warning signs: Rutherford County officials rejected 2004 study showing they jailed too many children The juvenile court judge earns an annual salary of $184,307. As an attorney, his practice focused on criminal defense. She also has prior work experience in the St. Louis City Jail as a Caseworker. Judge Turner presides over a criminal docket involving all types of felony and misdemeanor crimes. Lynn has worked extensively with special populations, that include incarcerated women, juveniles and children. Critics were quick to call out the judge after officers pulled students from class and placed some in handcuffs before transporting them to the detention center. Janet is trained in trauma treatment, CBT, and ISPR and, when appropriate, will suggest these modalities for treatment. Contact Us General and Case Information (615) 898-7860. Persons indicted by the March grand jury are scheduled to be arraigned in court Monday, May 4. The county, during the past decade, has been represented byfour state representative seats for Districts 34, 37, 48 and49. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. A disproportionate number of which were minorities. Administrative Office of the Courts 511 Union Street, Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37219 2022 Tennessee Courts System Voters do not need to declare their party affiliation when they register to vote. 9.00. The court is held by Judge Ewing Sellers every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:15 a.m., 10 a.m., and 3 p.m., and at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month. This will be the first year she would have expected to face an opponent after the countys senior judicial commissioner Jacob Flatt announced he too will run for the position. Rutherford County Courthouse | North Carolina Judicial Branch Before entry, all persons will submit to a temperature scan. She is guided by a belief in the innate worthiness of all people, and that each interaction is an opportunity to show compassion and build connection. A copy of the order approved by the Tennessee Supreme Court is available here for more detailed information. 229 N. Main St. Suite 203 Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Maps and directions. She has been working in the field of mental health for 15 years starting in Raleigh NC working at a group home for youths with behavioral issues. "I will always look back at my time as Judge as one of the greatest honors of my life and I am so proud of what this Court has accomplished in the last two decades and how it has positively affected the lives of young people and families in Rutherford County. I am Donna Scott Davenport and it is my privilege to serve Rutherford County as Juvenile Court Judge. (Young family photo) Miracle Rutherford, 20, appeared in Shelby County Criminal Court Division 9 Judge Melissa Boyd's courtroom Monday, Feb. 27, and Tuesday, Feb. 28 . "It is with deepest emotions I humbly submit this letter of resignation for General . Welcome to the Rutherford County, Tennessee, Juvenile Court website. Judge Scott (now Davenport) was first appointed in 2000 and was then re-elected in 2006 to a full eight-year term as Judge of the Juvenile Court of Rutherford County. Whenever children are charged with violating criminal statutes, it is the duty of the Court to provide a simple judicial procedure which assures the juvenile a fair hearing and due process, while protecting the constitutional and legal rights of all parties. She has a passion for working with people struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. Judge Donna Scott Davenport was the first female judge to serve in Rutherford County and the first independent juvenile court judge by private act. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Some Clerk's Offices throughout the state are charging subscription fees as much as $350 annually, however, Melissa has opted to provide our customers with this service free of charge. Chairs have been numbered with a total of nine chairs available. Lori has worked in the mental health/social service field for over 10 years. All people entering the building will be screened for temperature. Shortly after graduating, she began her career in the mental health field as a Case Manager with The Guidance Center. She then went on to obtain her Masters in Mental Health and Counseling from University of Phoenix. The Aug. 4 election also includes federal and state primaries involving seats for Congress, governor and state lawmakers. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue The report, published on October 8, said Rutherford County had been illegally detaining children for decades dating back to the 1990s, and juvenile-court Judge Donna Scott . Anthony has a masters degree in Social Work, is a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and a certified clinical trauma professional. Jacob Somers, who spent months in Rutherford County Juvenile Detention Center as a child, now works as a utility worker. She worked briefly coordinating and revamping the Mental Health Court in Williamson County until returning to Rutherford County to become the current Director. Fax: (615) 713-3382. The Daily News Journal will continue to update readers as new candidates are revealed. Rutherford County's juvenile court judge is no longer an adjunct She joined the Rutherford County Re-Entry team in Fall 2020 as a Case Manager. The election will follow a May 3 primary that includes Republicans for most of the seats and 11 Democrats. Rutherford County is located within the Sixteenth Judicial District of Tennessee. The Chancery Court also collects delinquent property taxes for the County and the cities of Murfreesboro, LaVergne, and Smyrna. The building closes to the public at 4:15PM Primaries for county office will be held May 3. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family, watching movies, playing board games, and cuddling with her cat. He worked with all ages in both acute mental health and substance use counseling at an inpatient psychiatric hospital in Kentucky before returning home to middle Tennessee. Homepage | Rutherford County TN Marcus joined Rutherford County Recovery Court in May 2008. On January 12, 2021, Judge Turner was appointed by Governor Bill Lee as Circuit Court Judge, Division II, for the 16th Judicial District. Scott Broden, Murfreesboro Daily News Journal, Circuit Court Judges 16th Judicial District, District Attorney General 16th Judicial District, Rhonda Allen, Republican (current county commissioner), Aaron Coffey, Republican (GOP determined Coffey is ineligible for primary), Royce Olen Johnson, independent (GOP determined Johnson is ineligible for primary), Murfreesboro City School Board (at large), Tony Lehew, independent (deadline to qualify is noon April 7), Jami Kristin Averwater, independent(deadline to qualify is noon April 7), candidates about not meeting Republican requirements, 'I think we need to keep politics out of schools', embattled Juvenile Court Judge Donna Scott Davenport, Republican primary for nominees for school board seats, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, Republicans have candidates for 20 of 21 Rutherford County Commission seats, Democrats have 11 candidates running for county commission, Commissioner Chantho Sourinho is lone Democrat office holder in Rutherford County, Republicans determined over 12 candidates were ineligible to run in GOP primary.
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