Just bought a nice Parker 12 gauge and love the history and build quality. Good remaining colors and bluing. Good overall condition. Overall, the shotgun handles exceptionally well, and the fit and finish are that of a far more expensive firearm. The short barrels allow a gunner to maneuver within the confines of the drivers box of a stage, and the spread of shot made hitting moving targets while firing from a wooden box that was bouncing along unpaved roads an achievable feat. pw-collector, . Most antique grandfather clocks for, Read More Antique Grandfather Clocks Value: How Much Is My Grandfather Clock Worth?Continue, Every shop has a cash register, regardless of the type of retail. Tight on face and ready for the field. I do not know if it still fires properly. Internally, they were more complicated than some other brands, but they were so well made they rarely have mechanical problems. 29.5 inch barrels Full and Full. Would you know anyone with knowledge of this kind of firearm? 2001, T. WILD 12GA HAMMERGUN NITRO PROOF EXCELLENT. In quality guns, I dont worry about Damascus. The receiver was also much smaller, with a Fox 12-gauge frame smaller than the frame of a 20-gauge Parker. Checkered pistol grip wood is in good condition. I attribute this to the short barrels and open chokes, and not my lack of wingshooting ability, though it was probably a bit of both. If it's not, then look for other markings that might give you a clue as to when the gun was made. Double-Barrel Hammer Coach Gun 12-Gauge 20" Barrel Add to Cart. N. Those were popular among Europeans during WW1 and WW2. Shotgun Parts Vintage Hunting Black Powder Rifle Parts Complete Meriden Special Right Hand Double Barrel Shotgun Lock No Hammer, Screw Pre-Owned $60.00 katieandbill (3,096) 100% or Best Offer +$4.31 shipping Sponsored Acme Arms Co Belgian Double Barrel Shotgun SXS 12 Gauge Left Lock Minus Hammer Pre-Owned $50.00 katieandbill (3,096) 100% The Golden age of American shotguns lasted only about 40 years, from about 1890 until the Great Depression. Bores are also in great shape. What was also different from manufacturer to manufacturer were locks and how they were mounted. Cz Hammer Coach - For Sale - New :: Guns.com There are more double barrel shotgun makers than you can count when it comes to American manufacturers. The first double barrel shotgun was invented by John Gilleland in 1863, in an effort to make a gun that could successfully defend his community from invading armies. Imported by CBSS, serial 1263 has 28.5-inch barrels with a single bead, Teague flush choke tubes (5x: SK/IC/M/IM/F, wrench), 2.75-inch cha, #31974, Abbiatico & Salvinelli, (Famars) Gardone Val Trompia, Brescia Italy, A 12 Bore Ejector Back Action Sidelock Model Castore E. A. of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04. A Dandy big bore fowler! The Federal Shorty #4 Buck and slug rounds do an impressive amount of damage at in-the-room distances with little kick. Antique Grandfather Clocks Value: How Much Is My Grandfather Clock Worth? This shotgun features Damascus barrels, color case-hardened receiver, and with scroll engravings. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Its worth noting that Gun Broker features firearms of all kinds, starting from newer guns, to antique double barrel shotguns. Action works properly. Original American Double Barrel Hammer Stage Coach Shotgun- Circa 1875 Known as "The Coach Gun", this version of the Colt 1878 Shotgun has the shorter 20 barrels for better handling in tight spaces. Thats why its a smart idea to seek professional help. Parkers come in several different frame sizes for different purposes, allowing for light and handy 12-gauge bird guns and substantial 12 gauges for waterfowl hunting. NM-28, Baker Double Barrel Hammerless Trigger, Right MAR0221.01.009R, Ithaca manier 12ga Hammerless SXS - L/R Hammers with pin, HOPKINS & ALLEN Double Barrel SxS 12ga Hammerless RIGHT HAMMER #AC5065, Stevens Springfield Savage Model 511 Dble Barrel RIGHT HAMMER, STOEGER COACH GUN 410ga SXS Double Barrel 2x BLUED HAMMERS #AB2019, SAVAGE STEVENS 311 515 Double Barrel Shotgun Parts Right Hammer NEW, 1920s Antique Hardware Ad Double Barrell Shotguns(Hammer & Hammerless), SAVAGE STEVENS 311 515 Double Barrel Shotgun Parts Cocking lever HAMMER pin, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Many antique double barrel shotguns are worth a great deal of money, depending on their make, model, and condition. All original and matching in the 3,xxx serial range. Fox grades begin with A -grade and end with F-grade. LEFEVER 12 GAUGE G GRADE DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN, Winchester 21 first year CYL/MOD 12 gauge, REMINGTON MODEL 1900 DOUBLE BARREL 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN. There were more different designs of Ithaca guns than any other American classic, including both hammer and hammerless models. Learn how your comment data is processed. Damascus barrels can be used with low-pressure loads but should be checked for pits, dents and bulges by a competent gunsmith before use. BOXLOCK 12 GAUGE SIDE X SIDE SHOTGUN CA. But in the late 19th century, a short-barreled shotty was called a coach gun. Today, you can buy nearly authentic coach gun reproductions from a handful of manufacturers. I often wonder who will be the next owners of my favorite little Sterlingworth after Im gone. This well-maintained side-by-side from 1892 sports 30 Damascus barrels. If the antique double barrel shotgun was maintained in a good condition, chances are that youre going to be able to identify it easily. Just $1 per month , Rounding out an Old-West Arsenal with a classic 12-gauge side-by-side, By CASED Antique English W.R. PAPE 12 Gauge Double Barrel SxS HAMMER Shotgun Game scene engraved action with, Parker Brothers VHE SXS Shotgun 26" Barrels 16 GA, ITHACA " FLUES " 1 1/2 GRADE MODEL 20 GAUGE SHOTGUN, Lefever "H" grade 12 ga beautiful brown patina Damascus antique, AMERICAN ARMS COMPANY 12 Ga. SIDE SWING DOUBLE HAMMERGUN, Meriden Gun Co "The Berkshire" 12 gauge shotgun, NICELY DONE DAVID KIRKWOOD SxS 2-BARREL SET 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN, PARKER BROS. VHE 12 GAUGE - 32" VENT RIB BARRELS, COLT MODEL 1883 HAMMERLESS SHOTGUN 12 GAUGE, EXTREMELY FINE COLT 1878 10 GAUGE DOUBLE BARREL HAMMER SHOTGUN, 1880s SCARCE Antique COLT Model 1878 12 Gauge DB Side x Side HAMMER SHOTGUN CASEHARDENED Double Barrel Made in 1882. All these makers had a field grade level of gun that came in a basic stock configuration with little adornment and different barrel lengths, as well as gauge and choke choices. In order to participate in the GunBroker Member forums . Have you recently come across some antique objects in your grandparents old suitcase? Editors notes: Unfortunately, the selection of double barrel shotguns is not so large as with some other sellers. Restoring antique double barrel hammer shotguns Restoring antique double barrel hammer shotguns New Baker Eclipse Meteor By Warden Callaway November 25, 2014 in SASS Wire Start new topic Warden Callaway Members 12.6k Gender:Male Location:Missouri Interests:RO1 RO2 SASS# 99098 Owl Creek Raiders Posted November 25, 2014 It can easily be opened, Hammerguns - This great eight is in great condition! The wood in t, French Pinfire 16Ga This 100+ year old shotgun features Damascus barrels, an even brown patina on all metal, and all metal except the barrels is covered with Gold line and Silver dot inlays, Dolphi, Hammerguns - What a beautiful and well-made hammer gun by this small lesser-known English maker. 13-1/2 inches LOP. Nice classic gun, Damascus barrels. It could also serve as a competent brush or scrub gun, within limits. "Side by side manufactured in 1898. Either way, theyre firearms that are a joy to own and be proud of. Double Rifles, Vintage Hammer Guns PARKER PARKER - HAMMER LIFTER $250 GRADE 12 GAUGE $14,500.00 SBFG 18912 32" DAMASCUS BARRELS WITH CYLINDER BORES 2 1/2" CHAMBERS BORES ARE GREAT THE GUN IS ORIGINAL AND UNTOUCHED DOUBLE TRIGGER EXTRACTORS SPLINTER FOREARM PISTOL GRIP SKELETON BUTT 8LBS 4 OZ 2 7/8 DAH 2 DAC 14 1/8 LOP 12 Gauge, Vintage Hammer Guns It all comes down to preference. Original Circass, Pistol grip checkered walnut stocks in excellent condition with most all varnish remaining. Earlier versions are not as strong as those of the other manufacturers, and, while they can still be used, they shouldnt be used with modern high-pressure ammunition on a regular basis. SN is 20x, made in 1883. My only criticism is actually no criticism at all: Everything is extremely tight out of the box, including the action-release lever, the action itself, and even the safetybut that all just means the tolerances are high. Hello, I am looking for anyone who might have some information about an old Double barrel shotgun that I have. Guns International is a large shop-like forum website where collectors list their firearms finds and try to sell them for a good price, depending on the condition, popularity, and age of the firearms. Keep in mind that the antique experts charge for appraisals and that they are likely to have a price catalog on their website. Antique Double Barrel Shotgun Hammer Sidelock Matching Plates WESTON | eBay This can be tedious work and it may be easier to find an appraiser who will also be able to identify it, especially if they work with double barrel shotguns and know the market well. Beyond the fact that old double shotguns are the only handmade shotguns you can buy for less than $5,000, there are other rewards to owning old shotguns: Most vintage American double guns were so well made they've survived for close to a hundred years without requiring a repair. Buy a Hammer double barrel shotgun online. Other than saying it is an antique shotgun, I wouldn't want to commit to a maker. His company was known as "the Purdey of the North." 2 9/16th&rdqu, ID # 8091 Make LC SMITH Model 0 grade Configuration SXS Gauge / Caliber 12 GA Price $800.00 Serial # 30196 Country of Origin America Barrel Leng, L.C. The timeless design of the dowel twin shotgun combined with technical resistance makes it possible to find that even old-fashioned double-shotguns are in no way inferior to the more modern shotguns. These are the parameters you should use to evaluate your double barrel shotgun: Editors notes: If you have a sidelock shotgun, you will have to be careful, as their stocks may not be as sturdy and thick. Top lever box lock action with extractor's and double triggers. The older doubles were generally based on the Anson Deeley System. You can find anything from the USA-made shotguns to Belgian-based manufacturers that shipped their shotguns to the USA. Stoeger Condor Field 20 Gauge Over/Under Shotgun 26" 31035. 5 turkey rounds I sacrificed for this review patterned surprisingly tight, printing dense 12-inch patterns with a couple fliers at 25 yards. But hey, you could always get the barrels threaded for tubes by a gunsmith. The Syracuse Lefever is not to be confused with the Lefever Nitro, a cheaper version of an Ithaca made after Ithaca bought out Lefever. SMITH Antique SIDE LOCK Double Barrel 12 GAUGE Hammer SHOTGUN Sporting/Hunting Shotgun Made Circa 1888, Forehand Arms ~ Boxlock Side by Side ~ 12 Gauge. If you are looking for a particular model, its best to reach out to the sellers. The stock is very straight for rising birds, perhaps live pigeon. While these guns work well in the field, it should be remembered these older designs didnt have inertial firing pins or intercepting sears. Gun retains about 75-80% Damascus pattern. Contact us f, "SN:66436. I think they are legal for Turkey hunting! These antique and vintage items may vary greatly as they were made by different manufacturers from different areas around the world. For other antique firearms, check out our antique handguns, antique long guns, and old ammo, tools & neat stuff. Kirkwood made some of the finest guns seen. This shotgun has the manufacturers name on one side, and the year of manufacturing on the other side. Stephen Grant Live pigeon gun ~ Classic pigeon weight with pigeon rib and fantastic condition ~ Super New Price! Enter US $51.00 or more [ 0 bids] Place bid. Early guns often had Damascus barrels, and most who plan to use their doubles extensively avoid them. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 Though sidelocks are currently much more expensive to make, they were competitively priced during the classic double gun period because all guns were basically handmade anyway. There is also a serial number of 57500 stamped into the underside of the barrel. 28' barrels choked M/M. 30 Damascus barrel , 2 chambers Black powder proof , . Antique Double Barrel Shotgun: Identifying, Valuing, and Buying Ejectors are an option that adds value, and most systems were reliable, but problems with ejectors can be expensive to rectify. During the golden years of American double guns, there were several primary companies making guns. What Are The Affordable Double-Barrel Shotgun Options: Pointer Lux O/U Mossberg International Silver Reserve ATI Crusader TriStar Trinity Weatherby Orion I Stoeger Uplander Field Stevens Model 555 TriStar Hunter Ex CZ Bobwhite G2 CZ Redhead Premier On the American frontier, long-barreled shotguns, to the tune of 36 inches, served as game getters, while shorter versions were reserved for defense from dangerous animals on four and two legs. How to determine the value of an antique double barrel shotgun Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. It will perform just fine. . The 12-gauge model I spent time with weighs in at 6.7 pounds by the spec sheet, and my scale said the same, but with the 20-inch barrel length, the gun is extremely well balanced and comfortable to handle. It has a slim and delicate grip, balances like something alive, and weighs just 6 pounds. they accompanied millions of, Read More Antique Teddy Bears: Identifying, Valuing, and Buying (2023 Updated)Continue, Are you a passionate collector of antiques, or would you like to add a unique metal decoration, Read More Antique Iron Bed Frames: History, Identification And Value (2023 Updated)Continue, Your email address will not be published. Manufactured in the late 1870s, serial number 11102. L. C. Smith Shotguns | An Official Journal Of The NRA $971.49. The CZ Hammer Coach is designed like the cowboy guns of old to give shooters a Wild West feel. Hes a Distinguished Rifleman, and former High Master, who captained and coached a High Power rifle team on a national level, winning six Dogs of War medals. Huntress Double Barrel Shotgun Most of these guns had double triggers. Choked cylinder and modified with mirror bores. Condition: Used Used. Smith Field Grade 12 Gauge Shotgun S/N: FWE111160. These shotguns typically sell for anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 or more. They were available in eight grades and in gauges from 10 to .410. Area Code: 314. 11 Oz. Overall, the CZ Hammer Coach is a wonderful taste of the past. Hes also a shooting instructor and runs Lewis Creek Shooting School in High Point, N.C. You have entered an incorrect email address! I believe it is from the early 1800's. The most recent design was the NID or New Ithaca Double. The last option is to value the double barrel shotgun yourself, and while its not easy, its not impossible. Unglamorous double barrel shotguns have served as unsung workhorses practically since firearms were invented. "Parker Underlifter D-4 Grade 12 Gauge (S11440), Parker/Lefever Historic $200 Grade Hammer Model modified by Dan Lefever to Hammerless, "Hopkins & Allen Side by Side 16 Gauge (S14573), Utica Arms Firearms Co. Engraving is sparsely applied. Best Double-Barrel Shotguns Before jump in, it's worth noting that we chose production firearms. "See photographs for a detailed description of this firearm. Fox guns were available in only three frame sizes, but there were four different barrel weights. New Price! Something went wrong. The top grades represented the highest levels of the gun makers art and rivaled the finest English shotguns. I guess he was widely imitated like some of the best gun makers in England (notice a different spelling of "Claybrough"), 28" MOD AND FULL 2 3/4 DOUBLE TRIGGER EXTRACTORS SPLINTER FOREARM ENGLISH GRIP CHECKERED BUTT AS NEW CONDITION 7LBS 5 OZ X 2 3/16 X 1 1/2 X 14 1/4. *Note the large amount of remaining original case, Handsome and lethal William Ford 20 bore bar action hammergun with highly figured nitro Damascus barrels and loads of residual case coloring. Antique Double Barrel Shotgun Hammer Sidelock Matching Plates WESTON . to boot! French Pinfire 16Ga This 100+ year old shotgun features Damascus barrels, an even brown patina on all metal, and all metal except the barrels is covered with Gold line and Silver dot inlays, Dolphi .Click for more info Seller: DENVER GUN ROOM Area Code: 303 $3,000.00 NEW THIS WEEK! Ruger Old Army Conversion Rogers & Spencer Conversion Long Guns. Guns were made after that time, but most collectors agree that quality began to decline after the depression. Barrels are 30". I actually have it up on Gunbroker now. Editors notes: The downside about this website is that its similar to public auctions, and the product catalog looks like a forum page which can make it difficult to navigate through. This is an original antique circa 1875-1880 double-barreled shotgun with original 18 inch barrels commonly known as a "coach gun". Vintage and antique double barrel shotguns are quite valuable collectibles, but making distinctions between them and estimating their value can be difficult. Fox guns were direct competitors, and a Parker sold for about the same price when new. View cart for details. I would estimate this gun to be built in, W Williamson 16 sand street London best quality 12ga hammergun 30" extractor steel barrels Rebounding hammers Choked .008/.004 Bores measure .733/.729 reproofed at .733/.729 Minnimum w. ".22Long Rifle Xpert 40gr Lead Greased Bullets by Western. All SN do match on the metal. Clays that were reasonably slow and close were easily shattered, but anything too fast or too far and I was only clipping them. Features an under lever action that when depressed opens the breach, twin back action hammer locks, engraving which covers and extends over the hammers, action and other parts. They use a unique and innovative hinge system thats never been replicated, and I believe it was a superior design to anything made since. Frame, Gun is in excellent condition with LOP about 13-3/4 inches. Surprisingly, double barrel shotguns can be worth a lot, especially because they made an important technological advancement in terms of weapon crafting. This page was last updated: 04-Mar 04:52. 5 3/4LBS, APPEARS TO, *** JUST IN FROM THE UK *** Undoubtedly this gun is the work of the Birmingham gun trade where a well organised workforce cooperated to manufacture gun, Hammerguns - Great nitro steel barrels with excellent walls on this entry level English double. Original and untouched in every respect. Smith, and Fox. Vintage Double Barrel Shotgun Hammer Set Free Shipping Pre-Owned $39.99 tommy_gun (2,821) 99.5% Buy It Now Free shipping Free returns Sponsored Hunter Arms the Fulton 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun Hammers Springs Screws Pre-Owned $40.00 curtsgunshop (25,589) 99.4% or Best Offer +$5.95 shipping Sponsored The Fox design was simple with less moving parts and coil springs. Sometimes referred to by SxS, the side-by-side. $449.97. Fun to think of how many memories have been made with this gun and how many my boys and I will make with it. $1,875.00. $399.99. Cimarron's Cowboy Action Shooting version of the famous Colt 1878 Shotgun with real working hammers. His guns are considered some of the best sporting guns produced by Germany during his time. Like a quality 1911, it needs a healthy breaking in period before it runs like it should. BOXLOCK 12 GAUGE SIDE X SIDE SHOTGUN CA. Every time I take one of my old doubles afield, someone comments on how beautiful it is. However, if the shotgun is too old, like before 1897, it may be more difficult to identify it as the numbers have often started fading or were removed as a result of theft or aging. bar in wood ~ These are so rare! Cocking those hammers will make you feel like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven or Costner and Duvall at the end of Open Range, if only for a moment, and a range day spent with this scattergun, a lever action rifle, and a single-action six gun is like taking a little trip back in time. Manufacture Liegeoise D' Armas Gold inlay letters on rib, barrels and top lever Original finish throughout 7 LBS 11 OZ 12 Gauge 28 1/4" Barrels Pigeon Rib Very smooth action and lock, Guns Listing ID: 1486Designed to look like the shotgun your father used but built to use modern ammunition the CZ Hammer Classic is an enjoyable hunting gun that can be passed on down to your children, Sold --Completely original not counterfeit like some online,! Fully functional, pat June 30th 1885, An 1883 model Colt shotgun. Have a blessed remainder of the day and upcoming weekend! The short-barreled double-barrel shotgun with hammers is often called a coach gun or side-by-side shotgun. AUBREY DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN LEFT HAMMER. Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. Choked improved modified and full. POW grip. The same frame was used for both 16- and 20-gauge guns. These are often found along the side of the shotgun on to the barrels. 10 ga. 30" ribbed bbls. Antique double barrel shotguns were used during wars and other conflicts may have visible signs of age. Time left: 5d 4h | Starting bid: US $51.00 [ 0 bids] Bid Amount - Enter US $51.00 or more. Item Information. Drop at heel is 3-5/8". I hope they enjoy this fine old gun as much as I have. ORIGINAL REMINGTON MODEL 1889 HAMMER 16 GA. 2 1/2 SXS SHOTGUN CIRCA 1890S, Famars Castore 20 gauge, external hammers, Teague tubes, exhibition English, Bonsi, 13.75 LOP, 6.2 pounds, two trigger systems, case, 97%, layaway. It looks as if someone put shellac over the barrels t, 1880s SCARCE Antique COLT Model 1878 12 Gauge DB Side x Side HAMMER SHOTGUN CASEHARDENED Double Barrel Made in 1882 Here we present an antique Colt Model 1878 Double Barrel Hammer Shotgun, manuf, Colt 1883 side by side, 12ga, 30" barrels. Featured Gun Classifieds Shotguns - American Double Antique, Parker Brothers VHE SXS Shotgun 16 GA 26" barrels, 2 1/2" chambers, IC/MOD (.005/.010), #1 Frame, double triggers, auto-ejectors, auto-safety, splinter forearm, capped pistol grip st, 20 gauge, 2 1/2" chambers, 26" damascus barrels with extractor's. How Much Is An Antique Double Barrel Shotgun Worth Hammers - Dixie Gun Works How To Identify Old Double Barrel Shotguns - Best Idea
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