Mead Primrose U3321 born on 9/15/20. Lockhart Cattle Co.PO Box 2812, Jackson, WY 83001Chase 307.730.7424 or Nate or She was sold by The Luling Foundation, Luling, TX to 2 Bar C Cattle Co., Luling, TX for $20,000. Request for Notifications and Subscriptions, Supporting, Protecting, and Growing Arkansas Agriculture and Forestry, Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Beef Alliance Sale Cattle Auction Columbia, TN (Seasonal-Mon) (pdf), United Producers, Inc. Special Graded Feeder and Replacement Cattle Sale Columbia, TN (Seasonal) (pdf), Volunteer Stockyards Cattle Auction Greeneville, TN (Sat) (pdf), Warren County Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Auction McMinnville, TN (Wed) (pdf), Amarillo Livestock Cattle Auction Amarillo, TX (Mon) (pdf), Cattlemens Livestock Cattle Auction Dalhart, TX (Thu) (pdf), Lonestar Stockyards Cattle Auction Wildorado, TX (Tue) (pdf), Producers Livestock Auction Co. Cattle Auction San Angelo, TX (Thu) (pdf), Producers Livestock Auction Co. Feeder Calf Special San Angelo, TX (Seasonal - Mon) (pdf), Texas Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Tulia Livestock Cattle Auction Tulia, TX (Thu) (pdf), Cedar Livestock Cattle Auction Cedar City, UT (Thu) (pdf), Cedar Livestock Feeder Cattle Special Cedar City, UT (Seasonal) (pdf), Producers Livestock Cattle Auction Salina, UT (Tue) (pdf), Producers Livestock Feeder Cattle Special Salina, UT (Seasonal) (pdf), R Livestock Connection Cattle Auction Monroe, UT (Wed) (pdf), R Livestock Connection Feeder Cattle Special Monroe, UT (Seasonal) (pdf), Utah Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Addison County Commission Sales Cattle Auction East Middlebury, VT (Mon) (pdf), Culpeper Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Culpeper, VA (Fri) (pdf), Culpeper Feeder Cattle Board Sale Culpeper, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Farmers Livestock Exchange Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Winchester, VA (Mon) (pdf), Farmers Livestock Exchange Feeder Cattle Board Sale Winchester, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Fauquier Livestock Exchange Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Marshall, VA (Fri) (pdf), Fauquier Livestock Exchange Feeder Cattle Board Sale Marshall, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Lynchburg Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Rustburg, VA (Mon) (pdf), Monterey Stockyard LLC Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Monterey, VA (Wed) (pdf), Monterey Stockyard LLC Feeder Cattle Board Sale Monterey, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Pulaski Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Dublin, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Pulaski Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Dublin, VA (Wed) (pdf), Radiant Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Radiant, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Radiant Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Radiant, VA (Tue) (pdf), Roanoke-Hollins Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Roanoke, VA (Mon) (pdf), Rockingham Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Harrisonburg, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Rockingham Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Harrisonburg, VA (Thu) (pdf), Shenandoah Valley Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Harrisonburg, VA (Sat) (pdf), Southside Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Blackstone, VA (Wed) (pdf), Springlake Stockyard Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Moneta, VA (Sat) (pdf), Springlake Stockyard Feder Cattle Board Sale Moneta, VA (Sat) (pdf), Staunton Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Staunton, VA (Fri) (pdf), Staunton Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Staunton, VA (Tue) (pdf), Tri-State Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Abingdon, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Virginia Feeder Cattle Tel-O-Auction (pdf), Virginia Livestock LLC Feeder Cattle Board Sale Fort Royal, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Virginia Livestock LLC Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Fort Royal, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Virginia Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Virginia Weekly Feeder Cattle Board Sale Summary (Mon) (pdf), Wythe County Livestock Feeder Cattle Board Sale Wytheville, VA (Seasonal) (pdf), Wythe County Livestock Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Wytheville, VA (Wed) (pdf), Toppenish Livestock Commission Dairy Replacement Cattle Auction Toppenish, WA (Monthly) (pdf), Toppenish Livestock Commission Cattle Auction Toppenish, WA (Thu) (pdf), Toppenish Livestock Commission Feeder Cattle Special Toppenish, WA (Seasonal) (pdf), Buckhannon Stockyards Cattle Auction Buckhannon, WV (Wed) (pdf), Buckhannon Stockyards Special Graded Sale Buckhannon, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Buckhannon Stockyards Board Sale Buckhannon, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Cattlemens Livestock Exchange Livestock Auction Caldwell, WV (Fri) (pdf), Jackson County Regional Livestock Auction Ripley, WV (Sat) (pdf), Jackson County Regional Board Sale Ripley, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Parkersburg Livestock Market Livestock Auction Mineral Wells, WV (Thu) (pdf), Pocahontas Producers Co-op Association Special Graded Sale Marlington, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Preston Farmers Market Cattle Auction Terra Alta, WV (Fri) (pdf), Preston Farmers Market Special Graded Sale Terra Alta, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), South Branch Valley Livestock Exchange Cattle Auction Moorefield, WV (Wed) (pdf), South Branch Valley Livestock Exchange Special Graded Sale Moorefield, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), South Branch Valley Livestock Exchange Board Sale Moorefield, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), South Branch Valley Livestock Exchange Slaughter Cattle Special Sale Moorefield, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Weston Livestock Marketing Cattle Auction Weston, WV (Sat) (pdf), Weston Livestock Marketing Special Graded Sale Weston, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), Weston Livestock Marketing Board Sale Weston, WV (Seasonal) (pdf), West Virginia Weekly Cattle Auction (Board Sale) Summary (pdf), West Virginia Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Torrington Livestock Commission Co. Cattle Auction Torrington, WY (Fri) (pdf), Torrington Livestock Commission Co. Feeder Cattle Auction Torrington, WY (Wed) (pdf), Torrington Livestock Commission Co. Cattle Auction Torrington, WY (Seasonal-Mon) (pdf), Winter Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Riverton, WY (Tue) (pdf), Wyoming Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), WY, W. Neb. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. Alabama Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maryland Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Mexico 371 were here. Markets sell primarily cattle, though some also sell swine, sheep and goats, as noted. Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Mid Tex Livestock | 2/23/2023 | Market Reports Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. He was sired by Roseda Powerball 23 F091. Top Open Heifers: EXAR Princess 1890 born on 11/24/21. Replacement Cattle: 0(0.0%) 3(0.2%) 3(0.6%) Livestock Weighted Average Report for 2/27/2023 - Final Source: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News KY Dept of Ag Market News, Phillip Douglas Frankfort, KY | (502) 782-4138 | . Compared to last week: Not enough cattle traded this week in auctions for a market trend. She was sold to Audley Farms, Berryville, VA for $8,750. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. Sheep & Goat He was sired by G A R Home Town. They were 12 heavy bred Brangus heifers they were 8 months safe in calf to LBW Angus bulls. Her and her male calf sired by Spur Power Max 7308 was sold to New Journey Angus, Drexel, MO for $4500. Groesbeck Auction & Livestock Co. LLC 10/3/2020. Purchases - Afternoon, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Reports below help to keep livestock producers updated with prices of cattle sold at local livestock auctions across the state, weekly updates of overall livestock value, and of prices of grain for livestock. Purchases Summary. She was sold to Ragged Edge Ranch, Kingston, OK for $7,000. She was sired by LD Capitalist 316 and bred to BJ Surpass. We produce top-quality, grassfed beef to sell locally with an operation that looks a lot like it did in 1950. TX Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock To visit the Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News main web site, click. 9 were here. Selling for $3000 was a consignments from Lavista Ranch, Gatesville, TX. Market Reports; Auction Reports; Auction Reports. "When the sale barn changed hands, it was selling 12,000 head a year. She was sold to Winter Brook Cattle Co., Canby, OR for $35,000. She was sold by DHanis Angus Ranch, DHanis, TX and sold to Pearcy Angus Ranch LLC, Fairy, TX for $5,500. Slaughter Sow Report Wharton Livestock - Cattle Auction, Cattle Auction Slaughter Cattle., The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, "Memphis Daily Grain Report" has merged with. She was sold to 44 Farms, Cameron, TX for $15,000. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head. They brought $3000 and went to Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, TX. 96 Registered Females Gross $467,350 Avg. She was sired by G A R Drive and bred to GAR Dual Threat. $4280 Auctioneer: Joel Birdwell Sale Manager: Cotton & Assoc. Her and her female calf were sold by Langford Cattle Co., Lockhart, TX to Beuerlein Angus Ranch, West, TX for $9,500. The .gov means its official. Jordan Cattle Auction 2/24/2023. An official website of the United States government. Feeder and Replacement Cattle Auctions Home USDA Market News Feeder and Replacement Cattle Auctions Sales of Feeder Cattle are reported at local auctions. Run a Custom Report; Beef; Calves; Cattle; Feeder Pigs; Offal and By-products; Goats; Swine; Lamb; Pork; Retail; Sheep; . Lockhart Auction Inc: 2601 Highway 183 South: Lockhart TX 78644 (512) 398-3476: Thursday: Longview Livestock Commission Inc: Lubbock Stockyards Inc: 4829 West Loop 281. The facility, which has stood at 2601 US 183 South for decades, is now under the ownership of Madi Bexley, Bubba Bennight and Jimmy Schwertner. 44 Farms, Cameron, TX had the champion Angus and grand champion overall on 10 Angus pairs that were September-October calves at side and were AI bred back to 44 Farms bulls. AMS is currently evaluating alternative solutions that provide greater value to our stakeholders. She was sold for 1/2 interest to Steve Zybach, Briscoe, TX for $7,500. Selling for $3100 was a consignment of long time consignor MK Ranch, Era, TX. Top Fall Pair: RMRK Lizzy 9955 born on 10/19/19. Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock Download PDF. He was sired by G A R Home Town. They were 10 heavy bred Superbaldie heifers 7-8 months safe in calf to LBW Angus bulls. They brought $5500 and went to Lance Bland, Slaton, TX. Providing weekly livestock sales for today's cattlemen &. She was sold to Brent Ray, Holdenville, OK for $80,000. lockhart livestock auction market report - Double R Productions Additional USDA Reports. Day of week indicates the day report is posted. 124 Registered Bulls $5965 65 Open Heifers $4198 32 Bred Heifers $3148 162 Spring Pairs $3594 Gross $1,695,650 Avg. He was sired by Mead Magnitude. Tulia (Thu) Day of week indicates the day report is posted. Lockhart Auction Inc: 2601 Highway 183 South: Lockhart TX 78644 (512) 398-3476: Thursday: Longview Livestock Commission Inc: Lubbock Stockyards Inc: She was sired by G A R Ashland. Purchases - Morning, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Russian defence minister pays rare visit to troops in Ukraine - Reuters, AI stocks surge as investors bet on growth prospects - Reuters. High winds throughout most of the week hampered movement. Sales. Skinner Cattle Co 2-28-23; 1Eleven Cattle Summer Born Steer Sale 2-28-23; Lee Cattle Company 2-28-23; ENGLAND SHOW STOCK 2-28-23; BROCK WELSHANS SHOW CATTLE 2/27/23; ZOELLER FAMILY & FNZ CATTLE ONLINE STEER & HEIFER SALE 2-26-23; LUCHERK CATTLE LET'S RODEO STEER & HEIFER SALE 2-26-23; GRAHAM CATTLE OUTFIT STEER & HEIFER SALE 2-26-23 A voicemail update of the report is available by calling 501-823-1728. TX Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock Email us with accessibility issues with this report . lockhart livestock auction market report January 30th, 2022 europe from above spain Market Report: Live Oak Livestock Auction Inc: Livingston Livestock Exchange Inc: P O Box 207: Hwy 146 South: Three Rivers TX 78071: Livingston TX 77351 (361) 786-2553 (936) 327-4917: Monday: Saturday: Goats, horses, etc., are sold on regular market days if consigned. She was sold to Flying J Ranch, Paoli, OK for $10,000. Top Open Heifer: Mead Pride V3193 born on 9/23/21. Top Bred Cow: Wall Street Rita F128 born on 9/11/18. Top Fall Pair: SJH Proactive of 3132 8860 born on 9/1/18. She was sold to Pollard Farms, Enid, OK for $12,000. Josh Lockhart: 979-533-2044. ** SALE EVERY TUESDAY @ 11:00am ** Mailing address: PO BOX 307 Hallettsville TX 77964 The User Guide for this feature is available here. They had 10 Hereford hybrid early fall calving heifers bred to raise show steers. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. RMRK Treasure 1972 born on 12/15/21. They also went to Brewer Land & Cattle, Oakwood, TX. He was sold to LAN Farms LLC, Jackson, MS for $20,000. She was sold by The Luling Foundation, Luling, TX to SV Cattle, Midland, TX for $23,000. Learn More. They were possibly 3n1s and brought $4700 each. SJH Drive of 7706 0706 born on 8/25/20. . He was sired by BigK/WSC Iron Horse 025F. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Russian defence minister pays rare visit to troops in Ukraine - Reuters, AI stocks surge as investors bet on growth prospects - Reuters. 222 were here. ABOUT US. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate thats been signed by the U.S. government. She was sired by Dvar Huckleberry 871. He was sold for 2/3 interest to Kris Graupman, Palmyra, MO for $6,900. ***This report will be discontinued on November 9th. They went to Palmer Angus, Montgomery, TX. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day., Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts, USDA January 2023 Cattle Inventory Report, Stocker, Feeder, & Slaughter Steer Price Comparison, Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings, Cattle & Corn Bullish/Bearish Consensus Charts, "Shootin' The Bull" Commodity Market Comments, Cattle/Ranching Photos from the 'Good Old Days', Questions & Info about submitting a Listing, Links to Cattle Producers Websites & Facebook Pages, Advertise your Auction on The Cattle Range, Live Oak Livestock Auction Three Rivers, Producers Livestock Auction Company San Angelo, Texas Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri), Amarillo Livestock Auction Amarillo (Tue), Cattleman's Livestock Auction Dalhart (Fri), Producer's Livestock Cattle Auction San Angelo (Thu), Links to Cattle Producers' Websites & Facebook Pages,
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