Sarah Letina. Administration / Our Assistant Principals - School District of Osceola Amy McCullough, Principal. I am supported by my lovely wife Jen, who also works in education, my son Theodore (Teddy), and our two dogs. I also earned a Masters in school counseling and a school leadership certificate from the University of West Alabama. Liberty County School System I'm proud my son attends Liberty, and I can't wait for my other two little . Assistant Principals: Robert Herrod Dave Mazza: Staff: 39.62 (FTE) Grades: 9-12: Enrollment: . $('span#sw-emailmask-277').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); He previously served as Timberview Middle School Principal in ASD20, and Assistant Middle School Principal in Fountain-Ft. Carson District 8, and as a behavior specialist, special education . Hello and welcome to Liberty Junior High! Hobbies and Interests. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. During my tenure as a campus principal, I have had the great pleasure to serve students, staff and families at the elementary, middle school and high school levels. Phone: 828-437-1330 Fax: 828-432-2124. Contact Us - Liberty Central School District Young, 41, joined the district in 2021 and worked last as assistant principal at Tomlin Middle in Plant City. Faculty & Staff. My contact information is listed below. The Role of Assistant Principals in Schools - ThoughtCo You will need your athletes current physical (form below) and their birth certificate. With the retirement of Principal John . She is thrilled to bring her knowledge, experience, and passion to Liberty Middle School. }); Ross Wason grew up in Aurora, Ohio, and received his Bachelors degree in Secondary Social Studies Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Principal at Liberty Hill Middle School. Mrs. Thrower holds a bachelor's degree from Berry College, a master's degree from the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs! She is proudly serving the Liberty Middle School family and is excited to continue to learn and grow in such an amazing school! Mr. Hay began his career in education in 2012 as a substitute teacher for West Fargo Public Schools. }); Mrs. Courtney Mallory grew up in Lancaster, Ohio. Please feel free to always reach out at any time! Send Email. Liberty News. Mrs Kelley Dow, Assistant Principal. I enjoy working with teachers and other leaders in our school district to help ensure all Libertys students are fully prepared to make the most of any opportunity they encounter. Administration / Principal - Madison Staff Directory Results - Liberty Central School District Hay has exceeded expectations in his role as our dean of students. Has been with the School District of Osceola County since 2002. Go Patriots! Facebook Page; Twitter Feed; Send Email . I earned my bachelor's and master's degrees at Alabama State University and Ed.S at Alabama A & M University. It is the policy of the Nebraska Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, age or national origin in its educational programs, admission policies, employment, or other agency programs. 2302, Christine Chrissy Miraglia Stacy Schlarbaum, Dowdell Middle, from assistant principal at Burnett Middle. (701) 499-1073. Translate Language Liberty Middle School; Home . 7:20 AM - 2:20 PM MTTF (1:10 PM W) Phone: 407-905-5500. Crystal Noiel, Assistant Principal Michael Jones, Assistant Principal Administration - Liberty Middle School - Google Mr. Hay will assume his new position at Liberty Middle School on July 1, following Mr. Holders transition from assistant principal to principal. Liberty Middle School125 Falcon LaneLiberty, SC 29657(864) 397-3400(864) 843-5857. Principal; Assistant Principals; Phone: Email: Degrees and Certifications: Mr. Shannon Brown. Principal Our Liberty students and staff see the value in what we bring to one another and our community around us.I have been dedicated to the field of education for 26 years in the roles of middle school teacher, assistant principal, principal for twelve years, and central staff. Faculty and Staff - Liberty Middle School Principal: James Hunter- With the addition of some great new faculty members, Liberty is in line to be one of the BEST schools in the state. Hinesville, GA. 1. Linens has served at Heritage Middle School as Assistant Principal for the past year. 703-912-4545. Her successor at Burrus will be Dr. Jennifer Anglin, who is currently the school's assistant principal. I look forward to working with you and supporting Liberty in any way possible. Richardson ISD Where All Students Connect, Learn, Grow, and Succeed, 10330 Lawler Rd. I have several fish tanks devoted to . During my tenure as a campus principal, I have had the great pleasure to serve students, staff and families at the elementary, middle school and high school levels. Administration / Assistant Principals - Madison Get In Touch. Effective strategies used to fulfill these roles include: Builds effective relationships with staff, students, and families, Approachable and supportive toward students, staff, and families, Uses data to make systems-based decisions and improvements. 115 BUCKLEY STREET, LIBERTY NY 12754 | (845) 292-5400 | Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Superintendent Liberty Middle School | 529 Enola Rd. $(document).ready(function () { Since 2019, he has been the dean of students at Liberty Middle School. Teams | Liberty Middle School Check our Chain of Command Calling Guide to reach the right person. Liberty Elementary School - Staff Directory $('span#sw-emailmask-105445').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); Assistant Principal - Liberty Middle School - 2023-24 School Year. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Mr. Brown comes to Liberty Middle School with a wide array of experience and enthusiasm. Phone: 407-593-0416 ext. 2306; Dr. Robert Woods Assistant Principal, Grades 5 & 7 845-292-5400 ext. Dr. Josh Young, Assistant Principal. I was born and raised in Scottsboro, Alabama. Principal: Lisa Cassidy Assistant Principal: Colin Rork Assistant Principal: Jen Ellison. Learn More About The Faculty And Staff At Liberty Middle School And How You Can Contact Them For Further Questions! In addition to its strong academic program with an emphasis on reading and math, the school offers peer mentoring, Leader in Me curriculum, a renowned music department, a MakerSpace and a variety of extracurriculars. Leadership Team / Home If you have any questions please contactHuman Resources ataskHR@plcschools.orgor 402-537-6213. 5300. The Madison City Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The 2022-2023 school year is going to be amazing!GO Patriots!Irene AguilarPrincipal. I earned my bachelor's and master's degrees at Auburn University, educational specialist degree at Middle Tennessee State University, and a doctoral degree at Samford University. Email: Please do not hesistate to contact me with any questions you may have! Liberty Middle School Our Staff Administration. $('span#sw-emailmask-275').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); Contact information for Liberty Middle School in Papillion La Vista Community Schools. }); I am proud to serve the Liberty family as assistant principal. Mr. Wason met his wife Kristin at Miami University, and they have two girls, Kelsey and Molly. $('span#sw-emailmask-17155').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); 2. At Giunta, he . Visit the Adobe website to download the free Adobe Reader. inquiries, to, Site Based Decision Making By Laws and Committee Members, Student/Parent Guidebook and Student Code of Conduct. $('span#sw-emailmask-105447').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); West Fargo Public Schools Names Assistant Principal for Liberty Middle Liberty Memorial Central Middle School . Most recently, Brian served as an assistant principal in the Allentown School District before being selected as principal at St. John Vianney Regional School. $(document).ready(function () { Facebook Page. In 2013, he accepted a position with the district to teach middle school science, a position he held until 2019. Late Arrival. Faculty & Staff - Liberty Middle School 125 Falcon Lane Liberty, SC 29657 (864) -397-3400. Find Us . Volleyball Coach: Vickie Juan. Skip Sidebar Navigation. $(document).ready(function () { She later received a Master's degree in Instructional Technology from Lesley University as well as an Educational Leadership certificate from University of West Georgia. Hay Named Assistant Principal for Liberty Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). (including Deans of Students and Deans of Instruction) This pool is for internal and external candidates that are ready to assist the principal in providing overall leadership, encouraging a positive and safe climate in the schools, and providing effective instruction to our global learners. Application procedure:If you are currentlyemployed by Papillion La Vista Community Schools as a classified or Certified employee, you are askedto submitanExternalApplicationwith the district for this position so that we will have the additionalinformation needed to accurately evaluateyour qualifications.
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