3793. He was subsequently cited for third-degree theft warrant out of Albany and failure to appear warrant out of Lebanon. Report taken. 6:54 p.m. Joshua St. Moblo, 34, of Tennessee, cited for speeding, 78/55, 30700 block Santiam Highway. Report taken. Single occupant uninjured as vehicle went past curve and struck power pole. Report taken. 9:42 a.m. Mail theft reported in 40400 block Hilltop Drive. SCPD Daily Activity Log - WCICC 20/Knox Butte Road. Executive Director Rebecca Grizzle said a witness saw two cars that appeared to be drag racing An investigation of this months fatal police shooting of an Albany man in a mental health crisis now rests with Linn County District Attorney Doug Marteeny, who will decide whether to present Albany police officers use of deadly force to a grand jury for possible criminal charges. 3:48 p.m. Report taken for theft of books from business, Santiam Hwy. 9:27 a.m. Marasia Winkler, 18, of Salem, cited for speeding, 74/55, 29200 block Santiam Hwy. 8:03 a.m. Report taken for theft of concrete saw and gas can, damage to excavator locks, Market St. Loss valued at $200. 11:16 p.m. Michael Williams, 21, of Albany, cited for driving uninsured, 300 N. Santiam Highway/Industrial Way. THURSDAY PRESS LOG. 6:07 p.m. Michael W. Stewart Jr., 31, of Lebanon, arrested for two outstanding warrants after citizen reported possible DUII in 39300 block Gross Street. Aug. 31 3:28 p.m. A juvenile admitted to taking a pole with a handicap sign from the American Legion. 10:50 p.m. Maria Quintero Zamora, 32, of Clackamas, cited for speeding, 84/55, 5600 block Santiam Highway. Report taken. 10:05 p.m. Jory Davis, 37, of Lebanon, cited and released on warrants for failure to appear, fourth-degree assault, and second-degree trespass. The Battalion Chief arrived on scene first and found fire coming from the gable end of the house. 8:16 p.m. Report taken for a chainsaw, two electric wenches and other items from store, Santiam Hwy. 9:02 p.m. David Patrick Gilpin, 39, was cited for driving while suspended and driving uninsured, Franklin St. Call Log - eDispatches MILLERSBURG, Ore. -- A suspect wanted for domestic violence is in state police custody after a high-speed chase on Interstate 5 Friday, Oregon State Police reported. 9:58 p.m. Report taken for theft of items from storage unit, Laredo. Also warned for speeding 75/55. 7:35 p.m. Caller said they are upset about transient activity at Ralston Park. daily logs of activity received at Astoria 9-1-1. The Lebanon crime map provides a detailed overview of all crimes in Lebanon as reported by the local law enforcement agency. 4:47 p.m. Report taken for theft of bicycle rims and tires, 12th St. Loss valued at $400. 10:42 p.m. Caller reported Devin Houseman may have trespassed at empty apartment. Loss valued at $130. Daily Activity Log: Location: Scappoose , Columbia County, Oregon: Data Source: City of Scappoose Police Department: Description: 1-23-2017 REMOVED FROM SERVICE OR OTHERWISE UNAVAILABLE. Civil Division: 541.967.3907 July 14 2:53 a.m. Christopher Eihlers Hanson arrested for driving while suspended, driving uninsured, 30500 block Santiam Hwy. 34400 block Meridian Road. 6:42 p.m. Caller reported theft of tools from locked contractor boxes, Market Street. Sheriffs Office reports history of similar 9-1-1 hangups at this location. No horse was seen by deputies who responded. 8:33 p.m. Jeni Allison Dicklich, 48, was cited for driving while suspended, driving uninsured, and a Lebanon court warrant for failure to appear on an original citation, 2nd St. Vehicle and several tools were stolen from the location. Jail: 541.967.3901 10:24 a.m. Caller reported theft of wallet near river where he was fishing, Grant St. May 17, 2022. 8:33 a.m. Rachell Ann Gandrud, 40, was cited for a Lebanon warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of theft III. July 3 9:49 p.m. Caller reported public restroom was vandalized and Morgan Lumpkin refused to leave, Grant St. Lumpkin was cited with trespassing. 2:54 p.m. Report taken for theft of shoes, hand bag and belt from a store, Santiam Hwy. About LCDES; Live Dispatch; External Links; Jobs +1-717-272-7621. Report taken. Vehicle was unoccupied and operator was not located. It wasn't easy for the #111 racing through. Lebanon Crime and Safety | NewsBreak Lebanon, OR 11:52 p.m. Shelby Brigham, 55, of Lebanon, cited and released on two warrants, 1700 S. Main St. Report taken. 12:40 p.m. Jason Sylvester, 46, of Lebanon, arrested on multiple outstanding warrants, 40000 block Lacomb Dr. Report taken. 11:18 a.m. Shannon Dwayne Harrison, 51, cited for speeding, Oak Street. 2:27 a.m. Extra patrol of Waterloo Park. Charged with other crimes related to recent incidents. Blake also had two cite-and-release warrants out of Albany and Lebanon municipal courts. 5:00 p.m. Vincent Lee Holt, 50, was cited for Lebanon warrants for trespassing II and probation violation, a Sweet Home warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of disorderly conduct II, an Albany warrant for trespass II, and a Linn County warrant for parole violation possession of methamphetamine. 8:36 p.m. Troy Dean Bias, 31, cited and released on multiple warrants after he was spotted walking around Trademark Motors with a flashlight, Sherman Street. 5:44 p.m. Suzanne Gail Wallace was cited for using a cell phone while driving, Elmore St. According to office manager Mary Garner, the accident happened at 2:20 a.m. on March 1. 9:18 a.m. Report taken for theft of pressure washer, Santiam Hwy. 11:12 p.m. Caller reported Morgan Lumpkin was in the middle of the road and pulling her pants down, Main St. Lebanon Man Arrested After Traffic Stop Linn County Sheriff Bruce Riley reports that on March 16, 2016, at 12:52 p.m., a deputy conducted a traffic stop on a white colored 2002 PT Cruiser for a traffic violation. Saturday, Mar 25, 2023 from 9:00am to 9:00pm. 5:48 p.m. Rachell Ann Gandrud, 40, was cited for driving while suspended, driving uninsured, and unauthorized use of a vehicle, 2nd St. 11:54 a.m. Caller reported theft of around $100 in items from 37100 block Pony Road. 11:07 a.m. Caller reported Morgan Lumpkin was exposing herself to passing cars, Park St. 1:06 p.m. Emily Ray Nelson, 21, was cited for driving while suspended and failure to carry proof of insurance, Main St. 2:56 p.m. Courtney Foster, 21, of Lebanon, cited for speeding. 9:52 a.m. Caller reported theft of catalytic converter, Park St. 7:43 p.m. Caller reported someone threw a grape at his car while driving, Franklin St. Second caller reported he threw a cherry at a speeding car and yelled at him to slow down. Report taken. Kinnelon, NJ 07405 (973) 453-5810. sales@edispatches.com 2023 Deputy was unable to locate male, but will follow up later. FRIDAY PRESS LOG. 8:40 p.m. Caller reported squatters on neighboring property in 38800 block Christopher Way. Later in the evening, Stewart was arrested for two outstanding warrants and was lodged in Linn County Jail. Isabella Street. No injuries reported. 1:12 p.m. Caller reported a female crying and hiding in bushes with her clothing ripped off, and a male was with her, Grant St. Report taken. On the afternoon of January 24, 2020, the Oregon State Police conducted a traffic stop on a white Toyota sedan after observing a traffic violation on Hwy 101 near mile 134 in Newport. Male visitor noticed eyes a short distance away from them in an open field. 10:08 a.m. Avery William Freeman, 25, was cited for a Linn County warrant for failures to appear on criminal citations and an original charge of robbery III, theft III, assault IV. Report taken. 4:33 p.m. Joseph Robert Vargas Jr., 47, arrested on multiple warrants after traffic stop on Vine St. Vehicle went off rod in 38400 block River Drive/Perkins Drive, hit a school bus turnaround sign. 1:38 p.m. Jeffrey Brian Comtois-Daggett, 41, was cited for a Lebanon warrant for parole violation, driving while suspended and driving uninsured. Kimmel Park. 11:02 a.m. Hannah Marie Johnson, 24, was cited for using a cell phone while driving, Santiam Hwy. 5:14 p.m. Courtney Abbott Cole, 32, was cited for speeding 40/25, Hwy. They advised there were several kids in the back pasture and would ensure no further fireworks would be set off. Northwest Horse Fair and Expo. Lebanon police killing: A town faces the somber reality of gun violence. Investigation continuing. Aug. 26 Report taken. 7:16 a.m. Caller complained about dump trucks using unmuffled exhaust brakes, Mt. She said she lost weight and didnt have enough money to buy clothes that fit. 8:14 a.m. Jeremiah Collman, 43, of Lebanon, cited and released on outstanding warrants, 2500 block South Main Road. 3:17 a.m. Susan Luna, 48, of Sweet Home, cited for driving while suspended, no insurance and failure to register vehicle. Report taken. 6:56 p.m. Caller reported trespassers in 37300 block Hwy. 11:20 a.m. Samantha Rose Widman, 30, was cited for using a cell phone while driving, Main St. He was located with the assistance of a Linn County and Benton County Sheriffs drone team and an Albany Police Department K9 team, hiding in a tree he had climbed. Damage estimated at $150. Penguin Management, INC. 2 Kiel Ave #303. 7:48 p.m. Brandon Watne, 37, of Sweet Home, arrested for failure to appear, 3200 block S. Santiam Hwy., Lebanon. 8:42 p.m. Caller reported theft of motor vehicle, 30900 block Brownsville Road. Constantly updated. No answer at door, no sign of forced entry. Suspect thought it was a cell phone, and he returned it. 10:23 p.m. Jett Harry, 20, of Lebanon, cited for driving under the influence, reckless endangering, reckless driving, speeding, driving while suspended, driving without insurance and driving without an ignition interlock device, following crash reported in 4900 block Santiam Hwy./Groshong Road. Investigation continuing. Report taken. 11:05 a.m. Teen, 17, whose name was not available, referred to Juvenile Department for disorderly conduct after caller reported that neighbor, who had been trespassed, was making threats, had kicked a soccer ball at house and walked through yard back to sidewalk. 9:03 p.m. Caller from Europe reported suspicious circumstances while staying at camping Air BnB with male friend from city in 38100 block Golden Valley Dr.
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