[49] In the mobile version, Ethan's sister Jane and a character from season 2 named Boltz are added to the game. The nurses of Red Rider blood donations sink their needles into Whitechapel High. The yearbook captain, Hannah, takes a photo with the camera, bringing out her evil clone, who goes around being heartlessly mean to the students, especially Ethan. Ethan manages to destroy all the negatives. Rory becomes possessed by the tree, and Ethan, Benny, and Sarah must stop it without hurting Rory. Discover the MBTI personality type of 24 popular My Babysitter's a Vampire (2010) (Television) characters and find out which ones you are most like! FANDOM. However, when the werewolf is cured, it turns out to be Ethan himself. on Tltoon starting January 5, 2012,[8][9] through April 5, 2012, on Teletoon. One of his most popular videos there, "Benny vs. Bobby Game 1," has earned more than 250,000 total views. 27 Jun. When Rory crash-lands on the roof and breaks the TV, Benny, Ethan, Sarah, Jane, and Rory head into the basement to find something to keep them occupied while the adults are out of the house. When Lotta Latte's coffees change all the teachers at White Chapel High into zombies, it's up to Benny, Ethan, Sarah and Rory to change them all back. Benny often tries to lighten the mood when things get too intense. Ethan wins a day with the famous 'Doug the Vampire Hunter'. Too bad there's a full moon tonight, and Sarah may have other plans for a cure that could make her human again. [10][11], Between July 27 and July 31, 2012, another testing session for Humans vs. Vampires took place in Toronto for an iOS App release for mobile devices to play the game. So while Benny and Ethan try to stop the blood theirs, Sarah is struggling the urge to drink blood. S1, Ep1. Lucky for her Sarah is not giving up on her BFF. Something strange is going on at White Chapel High. His name is Boltz and he has the strongest arms, legs and hands in the league. Trashing the house is trouble enough, but when the demon turns on Jane, it has to be stopped by Ethan, Benny, and Rory. Twenty-five years later, the play is back, and Ethan and the gang have to handle a ghost that has possesed Erica with a thirst for revenge. In an interview about Disney Channel programming; Senior VP of programming, scheduling, multiplatform, acquisitions and co-productions, Paul DeBenedittis; stated "My Babysitters a Vampire was a great performer for us this past summer (June and July 2011). [48] Based on the final scores for each team, an extra scene was aired after the season one finale on Teletoon that was not aired on Disney Channel (the original episode remained unaltered). Little does he know that the more they love him and Ethan, the more that the girls will hate them. However in season 2, following a lot of practice he gets better at magic, mastering more complex spells such as erasing memories, knocking others unconscious,and reversal spells. Ethan's plan is simple enough - lock Debbie in a room until she runs out of energy and turns back into a doll - but things take a turn when Rory lets her loose and she starts recharging by draining the life force of everyone she touches. Early in 2011, four episodes of the series aired on Teletoon as previews for the series. My daughter and I both hope the show continues for another season or two. Jane Morgan is Ethan's little sister. As of the end of Season 2, Ethan's powers have evolved to outright. Sarah saves Ethan by sucking the venom out of his blood. Start a Wiki. And cure him. In this badge system game, the user can play as either a human or a vampire, using over 30 battle moves to defy their opponent, including three special moves unique to each character. My Babysitter's A Vampire: Season 1 - TV on Google Play My Babysitter's A Vampire Full Movie Film-2010 OnlinE Benny Weir is the loud and goofy best friend of Ethan Morgan, who is born as a Spellmaster, a person with the power to cast spells and use magic. In the United States it premiered on June 27, 2011, on Disney Channel. What is the French language plot outline for My Babysitter's a Vampire (2011)? Oh and Ethan's Mom comes home early from her own party, with a witch costume that's very convincing. Atticus Mitchell - Wikipedia But when Benny finds out that his new crush's dog, Puffles, has passed away, he attempts to resurrect the dead animal, hoping that Della will agree to go on a date with him if he does. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Free | Comedy Children Fantasy| TV-Y7 | 1 Season. His grandmother, an earth priestess, informs Benny that he has the power to use magic. The movie was well done and I was surprised it was on Disney, they usually tone down the bad guys and their actions in their shows to silly levels and they did not in this show. In the film, he learns he is able to have visions and his best friend Benny Weir (Atticus Mitchell) is a spellmaster. YouTube gamer who is most widely known for his Benny No channel. While he is just as brave and strategically clever as his pal, Benny admits that in his case it only applies to video games. Benny often struggles with how to most effectively use magic but practices daily to improve. We have been watching the show together, which is currently one of her favorite things to do this summer. Ethan, Benny and the gang must figure out why and stop it. It has a good rating on IMDb: 6 stars out of 10. Works which have used it as a tag: Muscle cars and pacifiers by Winchester1989 Fandoms: Supernatural Teen And Up Audiences; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con . He has a son named Benny, nicknamed "Lumpy." About Community. Stop Searching, Start Streaming. Benny is bitten but remains normal long enough to escape to the chemistry lab with Ethan. When Erica is attacked at the school car wash, they realize theyre now battling two very angry alligators AND their evil mutant mega spawn. Ross is a proud father to Ethan and Jane, even though he doesn't always understand his son's geeky hobbies. Debby sucks the entire life energy out of Ethan's parents, turning them into dolls. The series follows the three as they take on supernatural forces and have adventures, with occasional help from fellow vampires Rory (Cameron Kennedy) and Erica (Kate Todd), while dealing with the troubles of regular high school life. Outside, Erica lets Sarah know that they are now best friends forever (literally) and that she will always be there for Sarah. But when Rory breaks a number-one Ouija Board rule and releases the demon, it settles down in Sarah's body and kidnaps Jane, leaving the boys to figure out a way to solve the problem. I mean because Matthew Knights in it and Vannesa Morgan are in it so that is why i love the tv show. My Babysitter's a Vampire - Season 1 - IMDb Sarah, now worried for her life, flees. [44][45][46], A testing session for the game took place in Toronto, Ontario, CA on Sunday, June 5, 2011,[44] before the game officially launched on the official website on October 14, 2011. Jane steals Benny's spellbook after her doll, Debby Dazzle (Georgina Reilly), becomes broken. When Ethan finds disgusting plant matter sizzling inside Sarah's laptop, he and Benny investigate and discover the truth. Ethan and Benny suspect the school's hairiest jock, and their new best friend, of being a werewolf. Benny has had a crush on Erica since the film. Benny's dream is to one day make it big as a sorcerer, paranormal expert, and babe magnet. Ethan and Benny discover that a local singing sensation may have a voice like an angel, but in reality shes a Siren - a mythical creature whose song brings out the self-destructive worst in anyone who hears it. He has collaborated with artists including J lvarez, Pusho and Farruko . Deep down she's still the "good girl" she once was, but ever since she got her fangs it's just so much FUN being bad. [12][13] Filming for the second season lasted from September 21, 2011, to November 17, 2011. But to do that Ethan, the least athletic person EVER, must win a wrestling match. My Babysitter's a Vampire Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Playpilot AB (Org. Benny Amesquita - Age, Family, Bio | Famous Birthdays "My Babysitter's a Vampire" is not currently available to stream in undefined. Benny was my favorite character, he . However he is generally best with simple magic. Maybe Rory can help, since he's decided he's one cape away from being a real-life superhero. Disney Channel aired the movie on June 10, 2011, and aired first-season episodes from June 27, 2011, to July 19, 2011, with all episodes premiering before the series made its official premiere on Teletoon. He is eventually revealed to be Vice Principal Stern, who comes from a long line of powerful wizards. So will they end up being the hunted? First season episodes aired on Thursdays at 8:00p.m./E.T. He is similar to Ethan, being geeky and book-smart. All they have to do is prove it. On the night of their high school dance, they arm themselves with weapons and try to fight off Jesse but Jesse bites Ethan.Then Jesse runs away. My Babysitter's a Vampire (TV Series 2011-2012) - IMDb || my babysitter's a vampire - - Wattpad Sarah's ex-boyfriend Jesse is back. But things take a twist when they realize the newly resurrected 'Hottie' plans to take Sarah back with him to the underworld. Makes Sarah choose between becoming a full vampire and giving up any chance she has of ever becoming human again or allowing Ethan to become a vampire. Kate Todd as Erica does not appear in this episode. Luckily, Ethan has his visions to prepare him for the excitement that's sure to find them in Whitechapel. Sarah's vampire ex-boyfriend who sired her against her wishes and the main villain of the Pilot Movie. He has gained widespread popularity there for his baseball video game videos, which have included Let's Plays. After they brush off Grandma's old school advice, each of them wakes up alone - trapped in their own universe, with only their fears to keep them company. Ethan and Benny create a plan to show Doug that Sarah being a vampire was all a hoax. All will it be to late? Benny sells his Grandma's old camera to the captain of the school photo committee. Atticus Dean Mitchell's middle name is not used in the actual show credits see opening credits of any season 1 episode. Unfortunately, it turns out they were all stolen from different people. So i better keep your little outh shut. My Babysitter's a Vampire. When Jane wanders out to the road by herself and almost gets killed, Ethan's parents slam him with the worst punishment possible - a babysitter for all of their future Friday night "date nights". My Babysitters a Vampire (Original Movie). But two things are making that almost impossible: the constant paranormal chaos of Whitechapel, and his best friend, Benny. Babysitter Benny. The tough-as-nails spectre has a deal for Ethan: win, or be haunted forever. to add assult to injury, it might have even killed him. Watch My Babysitter's a Vampire - Stream TV Shows | HBO Max After inspecting the coffee's molecules, Ethan determines that the zombies are averse to cold temperatures. a grudge against all vampires, good or evil. Or will he become a vampire. They are two geeks who are in High School including Rory. Now she's a feisty fledgling: half-vampire, half-human, and forever struggling to find the best of both worlds. But their evening is interrupted by a blast from Sarah's romantic past and Ethan learns the terrible history of the Lucifractor - a fearsome weapon that could wipe out every vampire in Whitechapel. How old is Benny My Babysitter's a vampire? - The Famous Celebrity Erica and Sarah join the Whitechapel Devils cheerleading squad. Ethan and Benny discover that a local singing sensation may have a voice like an angel, but in reality she's a Siren. I think it's a cute idea for a regular show, and it has a Buffy crossed with Scooby Doo feel to it. Is my babysitter a vampire the movie on Netflix? Meanwhile, this Frankenstein-jock only needs one more body part to make him the greatest hockey player of all time: Ethans brain! Each character has over 30 moves plus three special moves, players battle their way through five levels and five different opponents, with rivals getting increasingly more difficult to beat as the game progresses. When the car starts attacking random people with Ethan behind the wheel, he has to figure out why, and stop it in its tracks - or forever be labeled a terrible driver. Disney Channel announced in June that year that they acquired the rights to air the movie and series. Well this is going to take a wile in the beginning it was a movie (best movie ever) and Ethan and Benny were apposed to be watching Jane but they were stuffing marshmallows in their mouths as a competition their was a noice so Ethan and Benny ignored her and this is taking to long every body died except Rory, anesthesia and Erica because vice principal stern blew whitechaple up whither the lusofractor. Mitchell began his acting career in 2009 with a recurring role in the YTV series How to be Indie in which he played the role of Carlos Martinelli in eight episodes during the first season and two more during the second season. Ethan Mason is a 15-year-old whose curiosity often leads him to trouble, so instead of leaving him alone with his sister while they go out, his parents hire a beautiful sophomore to be his babysitter. Meanwhile, there is a green mist that appears to be going around killing vampires, but unfortunately Ethan is the one being blamed for the killings. Benny Benni's age is 30. He is similar to Ethan, book-smart with an encyclopedic knowledge of science fiction, comic books and video games. I wish this show would come back because i love Ethan. Vampire+Blood Drive= All you can eat buffet! Atticus Dean Mitchell (born 1993[1]) is a Canadian actor and musician. Where to watch My Babysitter's a Vampire? Controlling Erica through a haunted dressing room mirror, the spiteful spirit attempts to bring the house down on opening night. During the annual cookie drive for Jane's youth troop, a creepy, otherworldly Troop Leader conspires to rid the town of all adults, and lure the kids to its Eternal Playground. My Babysitter's a Vampire - Season 1 - IMDb Dusk is a parody of the Twilight series. However, when Benny accidentally drops the potion, the potion's scent drifts, affecting every girl in school. With his considerable powers of persuasion, he hopes, one day, to control not only all of Whitechapel, but the spirited Sarah as well. Something dark and sinister is on the horizon, and to handle it, they'll have to work together as a team. My Babysitter's a Vampire (2010) 0 0 0 ! and the entire town of Whitechapel. He also possibly possesses the ability to sense other spells, for instance he could sense that the cheerleading chant was actually a spell in Three Cheers for Evil. A one-time 99 cent in-app upgrade allows players to unlock all five good guys and five undead characters. Benny decides to help them both by whipping up a love potion. Rory is Benny and Ethan's best friend. Ethan insists that she's the one who needs a babysitter, but Jane doesn't miss a trick. Even becoming a vampire "demon of the night" failed to make Rory cooler or more popular. He is a handsome and suave but sinister vampire whose charming smile hides a centuries-old secret. On the first day back to school after defeating Jesse, Ethan intends to keep the supernatural occurrences to a minimum. Despite that, Benny is a genuine friend to Ethan and is always ready to go on another adventure. If a mummy following Benny home from a museum isn't bad enough, what about the mummy being revived as 'Hottie Ho Tep', a suave Egyptian prince, who shows up at school to charm Sarah? My Babysitter's a Vampire. Ethan Morgan, his half-vampire babysitter and pals battle against creatures from their nightmares.Ethan Morgan, his half-vampire babysitter and pals battle against creatures from their nightmares.Ethan Morgan, his half-vampire babysitter and pals battle against creatures from their nightmares. Geeky 14-year old Ethan is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane, with his best friend Benny but after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional babysitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire. The show follows Ethan Morgan (Matthew Knight), who, in the television film, learns that his babysitter Sarah (Vanessa Morgan) is a vampire. However, when Sarah finds out about this cure, she hopes she can use it for herself to become human again. Ethan and Benny baby-sit his 8-year-old sister Jane and mark the moment by making the ice cream . And trap him. Just his luck, it turns out the car is possessed by a bloodsucking backseat driver from beyond the grave! All without raising the suspicions of Mom, Dad. Againest the school champion, Kurt 'The Hurt locker'. Rory, Ethan and Benny all fall victim to her spell, leaving only Erica and Sarah to save the day. My Babysitter's a Vampire (2010) - Wannasin Benny Weir | My Babysitter's a Vampire Wiki | Fandom But Benny uses a little too much potion, and Puffles isn't the only animal buried in that yard. Every action has a reaction, and a high school boy's dream turns into a nightmare when the hearts in the girls' eyes turn to daggers. The ending makes no sense at all,where is ethan,benny,sarah,and Jesse like come on man who cancels a show on a cliffhanger, here's how it ends stern is destroyed, everything goes back to normal,Ethan and Sarah share a kiss,erica and benny finally get together as boyfriend and girlfriend. View history Atticus Dean Mitchell (born 1993 [1]) is a Canadian actor and musician. My Babysitter's a Vampire (Quebec French: Ma gardienne est un vampire) is a 2011 Canadian television series, based on the television film of the same name.In Canada, the series premiered in French on Tltoon on February 28, 2011, in English on Teletoon on March 14, 2011, and on Disney Channel in the United States on June 27, 2011, and finished airing October 5, 2012, on Disney and April 11 . She slams him against the A/C switch, causing the A/C to turn on. But, little does he know, that every time someone takes a photo using the camera, it creates a double of whoever was in the photo. Little do they know, she's a vampire. Community. Who ever made the tv show i am so happy you made it and the person who took it off televisions i am so made you took it down so you better watch out. The second season originally premiered on Teletoon on September 6, 2012, and on Tltoon on October 28, 2012. The points that are scored get counted toward the overall site tally, which affect the outcome of the season finale. The series premiered in late 2011 in Australia and New Zealand. The tree is destroyed and Rory is saved. But Ethan has more important things to worry about - his first date with Sarah! She entrances all the males in the school to help her prepare for a ritual that will unite her with the Sun King and end the world. Ethan and Benny baby-sit his 8-year-old sister Jane and mark the moment by making the ice cream sundae to end all sundaes. The French version of the film aired on Teletoon's French-Canadian counterpart, Tltoon, on October 16, 2010. He turned into a vampire by his maker, a centuries old vampire who holds incredible power over and devotion from his nest. At first jealous, Sarah and Erica soon realize its up to them to save the school and the planet from the Queens apocryphal plans. Rory Keaner | My Babysitter's a Vampire Wiki | Fandom He is best known for his roles as Benny Weir in the television film My Babysitter's a Vampire and series of the same name, and Gabe in the film Radio Rebel . You just never know what's going to go wrong in this town. This subreddit is for fans of the Canadian Vampire comedy "My Babysitter's a Vampire". It is a feature-length film with a runtime of 1h 20min. Ethan's excuses are getting increasingly bizarre, and even Jane acts as if there's a whole other world only she knows about. Best friends, Ethan and Benny, join forces with their fledgling vampire beauty of a babysitter, Sarah, to fight and destroy creatures that go bump in the night. Jane knows exactly how to get what she wants out of her family, Ethan in particular. A second season was confirmed to start production in September 2011[2] and it first premiered on Disney Channel on June 29, 2012, it premiered on Teletoon September 6, 2012. The house is getting mysteriously trashed almost every other week. Benny and Ethan have been best pals for as long as they can remember. Despite Ethan winning, Coach Ed calls off the deal. The tree had been the site of druid rituals and has its own spirit. Ethan and Benny figure out that the local blood drive is being run by a group of vampires. || Caeli vive con su abuelo en el pequeo pueblo de Whitechapel, un pueblo que parece ser tranquilo, pero, la verdad es otra, es un punto de acceso para todo tipo de actividad sobrenatural. || my babysitter's a vampire - Loverforstefan - Wattpad He is astudent atWhitechapel High. My Babysitter's a Vampire follows the supernatural adventures of Ethan Morgan, a freshman who has visions from contact with the paranormal, his best friend Benny, who can use magic, and his younger sister's babysitter Sarah, who is a vampire. I finished the show a few months ago but I didn't had the urge to make an edit until last night.
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