When utilizing the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system, northing is the distance to the equator, while easting is the distance to the "false easting," which is defined differently in each UTM zone. Build a Google Maps Store Locator Without Code, US Retailers by Revenue: $2.7 Trillion in Sales on a Map, create your own virtual wedding guide for your guests. . Northing easting distance calculator - Northing easting distance calculator can support pupils to understand the material and improve their grades. These values translate to 129 kilometers and 600 kilometers respectively, or about 80 and 373 miles. Dim C21 As String Hemisphere, HIDDEN VARS Latitude: Degrees . (Grid Easting, Grid Northing, Longitude, Latitude, and so on. Values in the West and South are denoted by a minus sign. End Select, 'AB5 Dim K5 As Double LAMBDA Now, follow the steps below to calculate the distance between two coordinates in the Geodetic Coordinate System. Step-01: Using Text to Columns Option. This system uses vertical lines called meridians to indicate east-west position and horizontal lines called parallels of latitude to indicate north-south position. ] *3443.8985. If so, how close was it? Dim N5 As Double ETA How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? We will figure out the map projections, local State Plane conventions and any offsets employed to return to you usable latitudes and longitudes. true. 11:05. 07:19, Sandro Dim C12 As Double A SEMI MAJOR AXIS Use Krueger's n-series formulae to project a latitude and a longitude (a geographic coordinate) to an easting, northing, and zone (a grid coordinate). Based on latitude and longitude, it divides and subdivides the world into cells. John 01/10/2021 @ 11:05 F5 = CDbl(txtLong.Text) longitude To use them yourself, you'll need to import them into your Java class file: You'll also need to add the . AB5 = "X" Join Date 02-02-2010 Location Steamboat Springs MS-Off Ver MS Office 365 Version 2303 (Build 16206.20000) Win 11 Home 64 Bit Posts 22,498 Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? I , Sowmik Chowdhury, graduated from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology from the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. AD5 = N5 * O5 * (1 + P5) + Y5 Hi! The GRS80 ellipsoid must be selected to use MGA2020 . 'Band Following this procedure, we have also removed the degree, minute, and second symbols for the longitude coordinates also. This happens often with teh data I get back from my client. to find a solution to the same problem of converting grid references to eastings, northings using only formulae, and ended up writing my own . The letter N or S after the UTM zone number designates only North or South hemisphere. A tutor or a teacher can clear up any questions you have and help you get back on track. This app literally made my life much easier I love it and I recommend it to anyone who is struggling with math like me. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 unless the input table is a feature class, in which case the default is the coordinate system of the input features. It is generally represented in two formats; Degree-Minute-Second (DMS), and Decimal. Note that there is no reason for "westings" or "southings" because all positions west or south of the zero point lie outside the state under examination. Learn more about supported notation formats. DD, DDM, DMS, and UTM are also valid keywords; they can be used just by typing in (on dialog) or passing the value in scripting. Once you've got the details of the projection used, you can perform the transformation in code using something like the Proj.4 library (http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/). When I select the drop down box for Latitude and Longitude, it give me 5 . The box below should contain the converted coordinates. Btw: it misses a double quote at the end of the formula written in black background ([hh]mm'ss.00\" ), rajeshwar pilli . that's why i didn't downvote it since someone might find this useful too. From there, longitude increases from 0 to 180 degrees in both east and west directions. Here, we will separate the values after and before the decimal points. Only available when a point feature layer is selected as input. Click Next and choose a GIS Coordinate system. Don't worry, our experts can help clear up any confusion and get you on the right . A coordinate matching your input coordinate . It is useful to be able to convert UTM to lat-long. AB5 = "V" Dim E5 As Double LAT How to Create Latitude Longitude Converter in Excel (2 Examples), 2 Examples to Create Latitude Longitude Converter in Excel, Example-1: Converter of Latitude Longitude Degree, Minute, and Second to Decimal Values, Example-2: Converting Latitude and Longitude Decimal Values to Degree, Minute, Second in Excel, Convert Latitude and Longitude to Decimal Degrees in Excel, How to Write Latitude and Longitude in Excel (2 Easy Ways), How to Perform Reverse Geocoding in Excel (with Easy Steps), Convert Address to Lat Long in Excel (2 Easy Methods), How to Convert ZIP Code to Latitude and Longitude in Excel, Convert Lat Long to UTM in Excel (2 Simple Methods), How to Convert Latitude and Longitude to Address in Excel, How to Make an Excel Metadata Extractor (with Easy Steps), How to Do Linear Programming with Sensitivity Analysis in Excel, How to Create Data Validation with Checkbox Control in Excel, [Solved!] There are many kinds of coordinate systems. Make sure to check the Microsoft XML v6.0. World Geographic Reference System in 16-digit precision. A field from the input table containing the latitude value. V5 = (3 / 4) * C17 ALFA The coordinates of a point are determined from the distance of those reference axes. AA5 = "L" Formerly with ScienceBlogs.com and the editor of "Run Strong," he has written for Runner's World, Men's Fitness, Competitor, and a variety of other publications. Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Add Data --> Add XY Data. Follow these steps to implement this: Open the project, either a .gpj or an enterprise database. 19:24. Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? The service, made possible by the Google Maps Geocoding API, is commonly used online to quickly convert physical addresses to coordinates. The extension has to be .xlam. I have attempted to convert these points to latitude and longitude many times but keep coming up with similiar answers. Everything, including something as complicated as degrees, minutes, and seconds, can be converted into decimals. 'Banda (-8 to 48) N or S does not designate a hemisphere. Note: Krueger's n-series formulae are more accurate versions of Redfearn's formulae. Select Case E5 Step 6: Press CTRL / CMD + S. Save as type > Excel Add-In. http://baroque.posterous.com/uk-postcode-latitudelongitude, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. These 100,000-meter grids are then divided into 10,000-meter, 1,000-meter, 100-meter, 10-meter, and 1-meter grids. Thanks for sharing In today's tutorial, I am going to show you how to convert UTM coordinates to Decimal degrees (Latitude Longitude) by using MS Excel!This is a complete guide. In the Coordinate Conversion pane, click Map Point Tool and click a location on the map. File > Options > Add-Inns. Great with linear equations. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? This is Great. AH5 = Fix((F5 AG5) * 60) 'LONG MM Kevin Beck holds a bachelor's degree in physics with minors in math and chemistry from the University of Vermont. Case Is < 40 United States National Grid in 16-digit higher precision. My bad, hopefully it can help someone though as I stumbled upon this question while in a rush to find a solution and this was the easiest method for British conversion. Excel template to convert between Geographic Coordinates and UTM. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Case Is < 8 Now, follow the steps below to do so. AL5 = Round((((E5 AJ5) * 60) AK5) * 60, 3) 'LAT SS Each zone is segmented into 20 latitude bands. 26/11/2019 @ Global Area Reference System. Thanks. Military Grid Reference System in 16-digit precision. Dim U5 As Double J6 C12 = 6378137 View Example Latitude/Longitude Map in a full screen map. Dim R5 As Double A2 Lets see how to omit the degree symbol first. Download the free Excel template to perform the following operations: Conversion of UTM Coordinates to Decimal Degrees. Ordnance Survey Eastings-Northings (OSGB36) have to be converted to latitude-longitude pairs to work with geopandas' interactive mapping function and Folium. If a field with the same name as the input field already exists in the output, the name of the copied field will be appended with a unique number. Upvoted Downvoted. 5. And even Microsoft's publication of their own VBA script on how to do this Case Is < 84 For these calculations only, you must enter Eastings 2 and Northings 2 in addition to Easting and Northing Latitude and longitude to easting and northing This is the . Is there anyway to convert from one UTM Zone to another Zone? Output field names will be matched to the name of the output coordinate notation. AM5 = AJ5 & " " & AK5 & "' " & AL5 & " S" 'LAT DD MM SS For the Input Coordinate Format and Output Coordinate Format parameters, the MGRS 16 (example: 11SLT7858811533670379), USNG 16, and Georef 16 options have higher precision (16 digits) than the equivalent MGRS (example: 11SLT78588115), USNG, and Georef options (8 digits). An example of one of the points is 389103.19 1427829.41 ( easting and northing respectively). AB5 = "W" For example: Cartesian Coordinate System, Geodetic Coordinate System etc. Afterward, we deleted the unnecessary columns; deg, min, sec, and make sure to enter the minus (-) symbol before the values of degrees, minutes, and seconds when the latitude is negative. If I input easting and northing only than can I get Lat and Long. Following this procedure, we have also separated the values of the longitudes also. World Geographic Reference System. There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute (which means 3,600 seconds in a degree). Z5 = "L" Say Zone 10 to Zone 11. Step 4: Here is where you copy and paste your code. Here, we will use the Text to Columns option to separate the degrees, minutes, and seconds. Then delete the function calls because otherwise when you reopen this file, the Google API will start to be pinged again. After you are done retrieving the values, copy and paste them elsewhere, off of the sheet with the calculations. Batch Convert a spreadsheet of coordinates from one system to another. Nautical Miles= ACOS [(sin(Lat_place_1*PI()/180)*sin(Lat_place_2*PI()/180)+, cos(Lat_place_1*PI()/180)*cos(Lat_place_2*PI()/180)*, cos(Lon_place_2*PI()/180-Lon_place_1*PI()/180)) Just a quick post this time. Dim C15 As Double Eccentricity Formats and Applications. You must log in or register to reply here. Dim AD5 As Double UTM Northing Y C17 = C16 ^ 2 World Geodetic System WGS84 standard is used on this latitude and longitude to UTM converter. Map Grid of Australia 2020 (MGA2020) is a UTM projection. Step 3: If the Latitude (Longitude) degrees are S (W) use a minus sign ("-") in front. Since SVY21 uses the same system as WGS84, all you have to do is: There are hundreds of different coordinate systems - Easting/Northing and Lat/Long are types of coordinates, but they're not enough to uniquely identify the system from which those coordinates are obtained. Enter the latitude , longitude of your reference point and then click Drop Marker Here. Subtract the easting and northing by their respective offset values. East (that is, a latitude of about 1.3674765 degrees and a longitude of about 103.8255487 degrees; the well known text for the . In SVY21, the base point for eastings and northings is Base 7 at Pierce Reservoir. Similar tools elsewhere on the Web include MGRS converter capabilities, among others. An example of my easting and northing: easting: 419395 northing: 765172. Easting and northing coordinates are commonly measured in metres from the axes of some horizontal datum. There is a relatively simple solution in perl: So, first of all, make sure you have Perl installed. How do we automatically convert northing and easting to latitude and longitude, or vice versa? Latitude must be between 0 and 90, and south latitudes are negative (e.g., -35 55' 56.12"'); and You saved hours of my working time! Work out the numerical reference for the two letters: e.g. . My coordinates are showing up in the Southern Hemisphere? Z5 = "J" OK thanks, I was hoping for some kind of equation. Find the latitude of the given point by finding the destination point given the base point, the absolute value of the northing, and the bearing of 0 degrees if the northing is positive, or 180 degrees if it's negative. Can also convert Minnesota and Wisconsin County Coordinates to latitude and longitude (see below). Here, the arguments of the DistGeo function are Latitude 1 (), Longitude 1 (), Latitude 2 (), and Longitude 2 () respectively. We provide tips, how to guide, provide online training, and also provide Excel solutions to your business problems. I'm converting lat and long from decimal and it works fine until the minutes are over 24 and then they reset to zero. * Working With Angles in Excel. Point features are also valid. Convert Latitude and Longitude from Decimal to Degree, Minute, Seconde. Z5 = "D" 01/10/2021 @ I've got coordinates of location in easting/northing format but I need to convert it to proper lat long to center it in bing maps. Hi, thanks for the reply. In many cases, you may need to find distance between two coordinates or two locations. Total Degrees (in the decimal form) = Deg + [Mins / 60] + [Seconds / 3600]. Here, the CONCATENATE function will combine the values with their respective symbols. You can also use VBA code to create a function for calculating distance in a Geodetic Coordinate System and then use it for calculation. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. It is now a tool largely limited to the domain of civil engineering. Jcoord is an easy-to-use Java library for converting between latitude and longitude coordinates and easting and northing coordinates. I have a large amount of Northings - Eastings data which I need to convert. CheckedValid records will be converted to points in the output and invalid records will be included as null geometry. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system and the latitude/longitude system are the most widely used systems today. I earn a small commission if you buy any products using my affiliate links to Amazon. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Here, C6, D6, E6, and F6 indicate the first cells for the column of Latitude 1 (), Longitude 1 (), Latitude 2 (), and Longitude 2 () respectively. Example Data. Similarly, use the following formula to get the decimal values of the longitude coordinates. For the selected coordinate system, gINT will automatically calculate either WGS84 latitude and longitude from north and east values, or the other way around. So, lets get into the main article. Youll need to know how to calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude points, how to convert latitude and longitude data to decimal degrees, and finally, how to geocode latitudes and longitudes. Then put a minus sign before the opening quote. GPS coordinates are generally written using the symbols (degrees), ' (minutes), and '' (seconds). DD_2 Longitude and latitude values are in two separate fields. Applying VBA Code to Calculate Distance Between Two Coordinates in Excel, 2 Methods to Calculate Distance Between Two Coordinates in Excel (Geodetic Coordinate System), Calculate Distance Between Two Cooordinates.xlsm, =ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-C6))*COS(RADIANS(90-E6))+SIN(RADIANS(90-C6))*SIN(RADIANS(90-E6))*COS(RADIANS(D6-F6)))*3959, How to Calculate Distance between Two GPS Coordinates in Excel, How to Calculate Distance Between Two Cities in Excel, How to Calculate Driving Distance between Two Addresses in Excel, Calculate Coordinates from Bearing and Distance in Excel, How to Calculate Mahalanobis Distance in Excel (Step by Step), Calculate Manhattan Distance in Excel (2 Suitable Ways), How to Calculate Levenshtein Distance in Excel (4 Easy Methods), How to Apply Cubic Spline Interpolation in Excel (with Easy Steps), How to Add Text Prefix with Custom Format in Excel (4 Examples), How to Create Material Reconciliation Format in Excel, How to Use VLOOKUP Function with Exact Match in Excel, SUMIFS to SUM Values in Date Range in Excel, Formula for Number of Days Between Two Dates. Specifies the coordinate format of the input fields. To optimize Google resource usage, take a 10-second break between addresses. Press OK. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. thank you very much. Can't figure out how to input conversion formula from this. Frederick, thank you so much! AF5 = AA5 R5 = Q5 * (Cos(H5)) ^ 2 A2 The Google Maps Geocoding API is a common choice and this is the API well call in the easy option. How to calculate the area, perimeter or length in ArcGIS? never used this software before. COnverting Lat Long to UTM from an Excel Spreadsheet. kindly provide me any kind of excel format or program for convert arbitrary coordinates to GPS coordinates. ITM) to each of the others (e.g. This opens the development window. I have completed my graduation from BUET. Well note that latitude and longitude are denoted in degrees, minutes and seconds. For any further queries, you can leave a comment below. Take your Arc/GIS files, your northings and eastings, etc., and send them to us. convert northing and easting to latitude and longitude. These fields contain the coordinates of a point in the unit of the coordinate system of the feature class. Do you select custom in the list of format ? Select Case E5 Dim AE5 As Double Zone Required fields are marked *. These values translate to 129 kilometers and 600 . Northing = State plane or county northing coordinate, in meters (number) State_Code = U.S. state plane or county code (see below) (number) - If unfamiliar with Excel vector . To solve a math equation, you need to figure out what the equation is asking for and then use the appropriate operations to solve it. I really do not have any idea of the calculations but found these links which can help in the calculations.. We have a great community of people providing Excel help here, but the hosting costs are enormous. 15:41. Northing: The 0 line of latitude is simply the equator, and the values rise toward their maximum values at the poles as one heads north or south. Grid coordinates Easting and northing are geographic Cartesian coordinates for a point. Case Else Case Is < 16 There are three basic Excel tools that can Thanks so much to the creator for your effort! Very very useful, thanks a ton for your effort. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ExcelDemy is a place where you can learn Excel, and get solutions to your Excel & Excel VBA-related problems, Data Analysis with Excel, etc. Here, C4 is the degree value, D4 is the minute value, and E4 is the second value. Here is the Python script I developed to perform . These systems can be wielded with great precision, and can be used to pinpoint a spot to within fractions of a meter as long as enough decimal points are included in the data. Uncheck the Exclude records with invalid notation parameter to retain information regarding all input records. Thank-you, this template was helpful when I needed to convert a large number of GPS points in UTM coordinates to lat/long decimal-degree values. To extract the minutes from the values of the Rem 2 column, we have pasted these results as values in the Rem 2 column. Hello! In this article I will show you how to convert from one format to the other and vice-versa. Click on Convert to UTM button. Two values are separated by a space, a comma, or a slash. I also found this webpage from Land Information New Zealand that has their own set of equations: 6. Later, we extracted the values only from the deg column. Thats a lot of steps, and assumes youve found some code to try out. You can download the practice book from the link below. You can check this information in the panorama window by clicking the "edit" option in the point group. Easting: 441336.44 Step 5: We need to add references now. Now, follow the steps below to calculate the distance. Here you can download Excel template to convert between Geographic Coordinates and UTM. K5 = G5 ((J5 * PI) / 180) LAMBDA Enter the decimal degrees of latitude here by indicating the sign (+ = N; - = S). What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Here, the arguments of this function are x1, y1, x2, and y2 respectively. Converting grid reference to Easting and Northing . Coordinate mapping systems are called "grids" because they require both horizontal and vertical lines on a map, which is essentially a flat, two-dimensional representation of a spherical, three-dimensional surface. Geocode Latitude and Longitude in Excel. For example, 429157, 623009 will return -1.54, 55.5 WGS84 (SRID 4326) Easting: Example 429157. Google Geocoding in Excel. Unfortunately got more points to convert than the spreadsheet would allow, help please? These coordinates are known to correspond to: Latitude: 37.13333353. NO EDITAR By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Conversions to NATO coordinates are only done for the WGS84 ellipsoid. This parameter is inactive when one of the single-string formats is chosen. In the Manage box, choose Excel-Add Ins. to split the values before the decimal points and after the points. Case Is < 64 Case Else It breaks down and . Appreciate your assistance. North and 103 deg. Go to the Insert tab in AutoCAD and click Set Location From Map. Z5 = "C" * Getting Started . The University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Units of Longitude and Latitude, Pennsylvania State University Department of Geography: State Plane Coordinate System, Chemeketa Community College: Northings & Eastings, National Geodetic Survey: Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool. Ap calculus differential equations frq answers, Application of engineering mathematics in real life, Find the interval, i, of convergence of the series. * Accuracy is Important. I have been looking for a way to batch convert within excel for a long time and I stumbled upon this. Enter here the decimal degrees of longitude indicating the sign (+ = E; - = W). You mention "GPS" in your question title, so I'm assuming that the lat/lon you require is defined relative to the WGS84 datum used by global positioning systems, but there are still many projections of that datum that could lead to different Easting/Northing values. So I need to convert it. Now, there are two ways to . Type your input data in the yellow boxes only on this page. Frdric LE GUEN If you click on the UTM easting and UTM northing input box, it will auto select the value. How can I convert an elevation measurement for my home based on mean sea level datum from 1929 to reflect a more recent datum? But the cell content is displayed as a string of #. If you are looking for a latitude-longitude converter in Excel with which you can convert DMS values to Decimal values, then this article will be helpful for you. Replace the coordinates below with a comma separated (CSV) list with one UTM point on every line. I've converted a Javascript implementation into T-SQL functions for the WGS84 to Latitude/Longitude values. And the other way round, to convert a decimal value to degrees, minutes and seconds, simply divide the value by 24. Converting from UTM to Lat, Long Convert Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates to longitude-latitude coordinates in R Regards, Lydia End Select, 'UTM Easting X Then, you will get into the next stage of this wizard. If you have any queries, please drop a comment below. T5 Answer. The tool projects the output to the spatial reference specified. Case Is < -24 Now you get to name your function. This will be useful for any printouts you may need as well. Since it sounds like you do this frequently, I suggest creating a point label style that displays lat/long. We can do your math homework for you, and we'll make sure that you understand How to calculate northing and easting coordinates in excel. - keep the first line in the text box untouched. Convert data from one of the four standard co-ordinate systems (e.g. AA5 = "Q" 2 Examples to Create Latitude Longitude Converter in Excel. 16:05. I5 = Fix((F5 / 6) + 31) ZONE Here, C6, D6, E6, and F6 indicate the first cells for the column of Latitude 1 (), Longitude 1 (), Latitude 2 (), and Longitude 2 () respectively. 4. EDIT: To be more specific, I need to convert SVY21 coordinates to the to WGS84. Z5 = "G" Read More: How to Calculate Distance Between Two Cities in Excel. Dim AL5 As Double LAT SS Community Mapping Experiment: How to Convert Latitude and Longitude to Map Coordinates. For the Input Coordinate Format parameter's DD 2, DD numeric, DDM 2, and DMS 2 options, this is the longitude field. In this way, we have separated the degree, minute, and second values into three different columns. AJ5 = Fix(E5) 'LAT DD Your solution was implemented in 1 minute, so so simple, and brilliant. The arithmetic formula to calculate distance between two coordinates in Geodetic Coordinate System is as follows: d=acos(cos(radian(90-lat1))*cos(radian(90-lat2))+, sin(radian(90-lat1))*sin(radian(90-lat2)*cos(radian(long1-long2)))*3959. Here's how I did it: Download the Great Britain "Code-Point Open" dataset by clicking here There are a number of ways to create maps with Excel data. Well cover the hard way first, which is what youll need if you require the coordinates to live in your Excel document. So, if someone gives the coordinates of a point (2,3) it means the point is 2 units from the horizontal plane and 3 units from the longitudinal plane. (Latitude) values is specified with the Input Coordinate System parameter. Case Is < -56 ( e ) If I input easting and northing only than can I get Lat and Long. You can also use VBA code to create a function for calculating distance in a cartesian coordinate system and then use it for calculation. In Microsoft Excel you can do this in a bulk size within a short duration. JavaScript is disabled. Pic. Here, we will remove the symbols from the degree, minute, and second values. This parameter is ignored, as all fields are transferred to output table. Now, we will separate the degrees, minutes, and seconds in these new columns. You can use any other version. For the Input Coordinate Format parameter's DD 2, DD numeric, DDM 2, and DMS 2 options, this is the latitude field. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Hi, that's strange. J5 = 6 * I5 183 MERIDAN Second question: how do I format the cells so when I calculate latitude 1 + latitude 2, when I have 10 decimals at the end to go automatically in minutes. 54.452772 -2.156082 I also know that the Easting, Northing for the postcode is:. Convert Coordinates - Calculate a position in a variety of formats. Thank you very much for the article. The default is GCS_WGS_1984. Coordinate system is a system, particularly in geometry, that uses one or more numbers to locate the position of a point or to calculate other geometric parameters. DD_1 Both longitude and latitude values are in a single field. That three thousand number, in the end, is the radius of Earth, in, Nautical Miles. But if you keep your coordinate as a string, no calculation is possible. Case Is < -64 Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? You can press ENTER to calculate UTM in the lat long input box. Even if you were to substitute it with the radius of a sphere, assuming the Earth is spherical, at 3437.7468 NM, you will not be near the real, accurate distance. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Case Is < 24 ExcelDemy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. 10:14, GENIUS!! Im having trouble finding these particular equations. and following the instructions. C13 = 6356752.314, FIXED VARS BASED ON GEODETIC DEFAULT For creating this article, we have used Microsoft Excel 365 version.
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