She was elected Precinct Delegate at 21 years and interned for the Detroit Council Member, Honorable Erma Henderson. background-color: #003388; Internal documents obtained by the Local 4 Defenders show that board member Angie Smith allegedly worked to create an intimidating and offensive work environment for the superintendent,. Having achieved that, today, I am interested in being re-elected because I want to continue the progress the district has made recently in efforts to engage every student in a quality learning experience so that they can achieve their full potential. She has resided in Farmington Hills for over 20 years and was involved in her daughters' academics and extracurricular activities. Its the spreading rumors, the gossip and her attacks on different staff members.. $('span#sw-emailmask-156').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); Board of Education | Farmington Central CUSD #265 Those struggles, they said, happen because elected school boards aren't in agreement on all issues. Board president, vice president also resign. Scott McClallen is a staff writer covering Michigan and Minnesota for The Center Square. In a tearful statement, Green told her colleaguesmost of her two-year tenure had been spent "managing unprofessional adult behaviorsversus focusing on the important work that we have been entrusted to do as aboard of education.". Student enrollment has had a nearly 25% reduction in less than a decade. That was obvious.. CBS Detroit - Farmington School Board Superintendant Robert Herrera resigned along with School board Vice President Terri Johnson and President Pamela Green, citing online, public, and. Claudia has lived in Farmington Hills with her husband, Dave Heinrich, since 1975. All Dr. Herrera had to do was come to me and say, Angie I dont like how this is going. A statement read by board president Pam Green at Monday'smeeting, at which she,Trustee Terry Johnson and Superintendent Robert Herreraannounced their departures, cited Smith'spublic statements and social media posts that allegedHerrrera was against African American students and staff in submitting his resignation. Copyright 2020 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. background-color: grey; She has provided professional development for teachers in adaptive/ assistive technology using data to inform teaching and learning. This is painful, very painful, school board President Pamela Green said. Carr: The district faces a number of significant challenges: decline in test scores in math, reading and other subjects, the loss of students to surrounding districts, loss of teachers and support staff (bus drivers among others). This community has lost trust with the district.". School board chaos at Farmington Public Schools leads to superintendent's resignation. One action local districts can take to address diversity, equity and inclusion is to evaluate teaching materials to ensure materials represent diverse perspectives and content, represent a range of voices, and are culturally responsive. Walker: We have accomplished much. Smith Says 'It's Time' for Her Farmington School Board Run Neither Smith nor Herrera immediately responded to requests for comment after the meeting Monday night. Weems pointed to the boards decisions regarding in-person learning as evidence of that. I think we need to do some cutting at the top. In addition to teaching high school, Claudia taught mathematics at Oakland Community College and Schoolcraft College. Please, 100 largest cities in America by population, Farmington Public School District elections (2016), List of school board campaign finance deadlines in 2016, Farmington Public School District, Michigan, 2016 Farmington Public School District Elections,,_Michigan)&oldid=8513620, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, 2016 United States school district candidates, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. They need to have a conversation about who they want to be as a board, who they want to be to the public, how they want to be toward each other and how they are going to conduct themselves, Wotruba said. Join Facebook to connect with Angie Smith and others you may know. As a school board member, she said, she would first and foremost listen to parents, teachers and students. Tweets by C & G Newspapers journalists Reporters' opinions are their own and retweets do not equal endorsements. Farmington school board chaos: Superintendent, 2 board members - WDIV On Nov. 8, voters in the Farmington Public Schools district will choose three people to serve on the school board for six years. $(document).ready(function () { [3], In Michigan, candidates are prohibited from receiving contributions from corporations or labor organizations. Email: It really does take a village. Ayes: 4 Dr. Ruskin, Mr. Mena, Mr. Cook, and Mr. Smith . Weems: Mental health is a huge issue facing not just our district, but the whole nation. In 2009, Mable was honored as Mother of the Year by the Detroit Free Press featured article "A Mother's Heart" and recently received the Mother of the Year Angel Award 2020 from Children Spa with Disabilities. Take a sneak peek inside, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. His decision came after meeting with legal counsel, she told the members. "His skill set was like nothing we have ever seen in this district," Green said Monday of Herrera. var encodedEmail = swrot13('purely.oynh@scfx12.arg'); What I found is instead of being a cohesive, collaborative board, there was a lot of division and there was one common thread amongst it.. Your Farmington area 2016 voter guide - Farmington Voice Archives Minutes earlier, board vice president Terry Johnson, whose term expires next month, also resigned, effective Saturday. Weems said she and Smith are on good footing nowbut acknowledged the twohave faced issues in the past. Two other board members also resigned. width: 150px; Herrera will continue as superintendent until Jan. 22, which is the end of first semester. }); Angie Smith was elected in 2016.

2022 Election Results. Now with a mostly new school board who just picked Christopher Delgado as the next superintendent, board members say theyre determined to work together. Smith: Yes, because we have hired a new superintendent who shares the same values and understands our mission and vision for the district. Before the school board meeting, about 60 people huddled together in freezing temperatures for a brief news conference highlighting concerns of parents and entities about the teaching of CRT to school children. FEBRUARY 25, 2019, REGULAR MTG. MINUTES 3 Michael Swiecki - Wyandotte Public Schools Regina . He's previously worked for Detroit's public school system and Specs Howard School. Two other board members also resigned. It never stops. She has also taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the fields of both education and psychology. (The Center Square) School was out, but residents packed the North Farmington High School parking lot Tuesday night to protest the school's 21-day equity challenge that included white privilege checklists and asked student participants to join a BLM or affiliated protest.. A lot of boards dont do that.. The board firstpassed a resolution accepting the resignation of Superintendent Robert Herrera, who hasled the district since 2019. There are no incumbents among eight candidates for three Farmington school board seats: David Barr, Becky DeWilde, Joe Fritz, Melissa Gorman, Kelsey Jezierski, Maggie Storlie, Steven. Resumes should include past board experience, past managerial experience, and other related experience. Excellence for All in advanced placement courses, in technical courses, and throughout the curriculum is the appropriate response of the school board. I support schools of choice because it forces each school to consider how they must be constantly improving, to be a viable choice for those parents and caregivers. This year, our Town and School Elections will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 . background-color: grey; Smith: Offer a longer period of time for marketing and advertising. I believe that by serving on the Board that I can help move the district in the right direction and correct shortcomings of the past. Chiefs promote Nagy to old job as offensive coordinator Feb. 24, 2023 07:33 PM EST. Im frustrated and think we can do a lot better for equality.. Angie Smith (Farmington Public School District, Michigan) - Google News. ", Teachers want parents to be involved with the schools, she said, because "it's a partnership.
float:right; Board members should have had a longer community conversation around the sale, she said, adding, "People are afraid now, and they are angry. 	font-size: 1.2em;  We need some real change in this district and we need to hold people accountable.". It would be beneficial for the board to retain experience and knowledge so that we can continue to be a highly functioning board. Two board members and the superintendent of Farmington's school district resigned from their positions last night, amid a big shakeup in leadership on the board. Since 2020, some classrooms have facilitated cultural arguments over equity and diversity and debated how history should be taught. During a special meeting held with the school board Monday evening and streamed on YouTube, a motion was made to amend the agenda to include consideration of entering into a resignation agreement with the superintendent. Her censure-ship was much more than what the portrayal is, Green said. He and Green did not immediately respond to requests for comment late Monday. Smith: I have been a dedicated resident and member of the Farmington Hills community for the past 26 years, and have served on the school board for 6 years. You want to teach less reading, writing, and arithmetic so you can teach Critical Race Theory and DEI?. But, longtime elected officials will also admit theyve said that before. Schools Details: Top candidates who won a seat on the Farmington 192 Independent School Board are: Melissa Gorman with 6,219 votes, Becky DeWilde with 5,693 votes, and Jessica  farmington public schools board election  Verified Just Now When it comes down to the diversity in this community and being a people person, that was why I could not vote to put him in, Smith said regarding her dissenting vote when Herrera was initially hired. Post-election reports were due by December 8, 2016. U.S. President | Ballot measures, Who represents me? Claudia retired in 2015 after a 40 year career in education, teaching high school mathematics at Riverside High School in North Dearborn Heights, Mercy High School in Farmington Hills, and Stevenson High School in Livonia. What they've done now is they've caused tension between the races. Students lost social and emotional skills during the pandemic. According to Weems, the board did not look at "meaningful" student achievement data for almost two years. BOD Elections 2019 - MASB A candidate committee that does not expect to receive or spend more than $1,000 during the election cycle is eligible to receive a reporting waiver, which allows that committee not to file pre-election, post-election, and annual campaign statements. Herrera had filed a harassment claim against Smith,which she said citeda "hostile work environment." | She is the single mother of three daughters who all attended Farmington Public Schools - graduates of 2006, 2010 and 2016. Minnesota Parents Alliance identifies and endorses school board candidates across the state who are aligned with our mission of prioritizing academic achievement, equality and parental rights in their school district. Democrats and media have claimed CRT isnt taught in the state, despite in November Detroit Public Schools Community District General Superintendent Nikolai Vitti saying the 50,000-student district is teaching CRT. But I would have been good with that. }); Dr. Cheryl Blau has taught all subjects in grades 1-8 for more than 30 years in public, private, parochial, and charter schools. Spotlight Junior Players proudly presents Disney's "Aladdin Jr" for ONE weekend ONLY! Smith provided the following statement on his priorities for the district to the League of Women Voters Oakland Area: Our top 3 issues are, 1. Drawing upon current neuroscience about how the brain learns best, Dr. Blau specializes in creating highly engaging, interactive, experiential lessons designed to bring the curricular content to life for students so that they will connect meaningfully and deeply with what they learn. Though different factions present different reasons for Heitschs retirement, all say he left the district sooner than he wanted to because of board dysfunction. Angie Smith, Farmington School District Vice President Melanie Piana, Ferndale Mayor Brian Turnbull, Northville Mayor Barbara Morowski-Browne, Northville Pro Tem Brian Smith, Novi City Council Person Ericka Thomas, Novi City Council Person Tim Greimel, Pontiac Mayor Mike McGuinness, Pontiac City Council President He's been involved with the Judson Center, United States Marine Corps, Grace Centers of Hope, Woman At Risk and Another Way Pregnancy Center. Email: 
 	padding-left: 10px; "You can't be a parent who just stops (at school), drops (the child off) and rolls," Smith said. Counseling Center - Farmington High School - Davis School District He and his family have been a part of the community for 20 years. 
 Contact Shelby Tankersley at Herrera had recently filed a complaint against board secretary Angie Smith for harassment, district officials said in a statement. Heis slated to act as a consultant before receiving a severance payment of $105,000 onJune 30, 2021. It is certainly not representative of those in the program, however. While apparently emotional, Green read off the statement which mentioned that the resignation would be on mutual terms. Given the emergency timeframe, there were serious shortcomings in online education delivery. Our goal is to help you prepare for graduation and to move into an interesting and meaningful career. Olson: I am not happy with the overall direction of the district as it stands. At the end of the meeting, Green then announced she also was resigning as ofFriday, saying "the dysfunctional behavior of two unnamed board members had interfered with further progress of district initiatives,as well as contributing to her health issues, ultimately requiring that she remove herself" from the board, district representatives said. It's like saying, 'Honey the house is in foreclosure, but there's a Bentley in the driveway.' 	vertical-align: top; $('span#sw-emailmask-153').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + '');
 background-color: white; Farmington public School board trustee You have permission to edit this article. FARMINGTON, Mich.  As the chaos surrounding the Farmington school board continues, the superintendent and two board members resigned during an explosive, emotional meeting. We have to gain the trust back. I understand the complex issues and pressures facing public schools and have extensive experience in effectively solving public problems at the local level. I believe the intent of the challenge was equality, but I think it did the opposite. Smith won the seat in the at-large general election on November 8, 2016. Farmington Hills resident Angie Smith says she worked hard to help pass a 2004 Farmington Public Schools bond referendum. Weems: There are researched backed reasons to support diversity and, practicing equity in education is a requirement. Farmington Public Schools Board Election Board members not in support of the plan were Zach Rich, Angie Smith and Terri Weems, according to a release from FPS. Copyright © 2002 - var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. FPS can attract new and returning students by focusing on the priorities Ive already mentioned above, primarily returning to a strong fundamental curriculum, free of the distractions that happen when a district has prioritized social and political issues over academic excellence. 	font-weight: bold; Newsroom tweets. Public policy. Though she's plugged into the district, she said, "I knew nothing about the sale until the night it went down. While this is not how or the time that I wanted to leave the district, I felt it was necessary to do what was in the best interest of our entire school community, Herrera said. $(document).ready(function () {
 	color: black; FARMINGTON HILLS, Michigan - Dozens of concerned parents protested their school system's adoption of the "21-Day Equity Challenge," a Critical Race Theory curriculum, at Tuesday's school board meeting, joined by members of the Oakland County Republican Party and Moms for America. At the start of the 2022/23 academic year there existed a shortage of teachers and bus drivers. and holds the Superintendent and staff accountable for policy implementation. .widget-row.value-only {  Hometown Life obtained this complaint through a FOIA request. It was moved by Mr. Cook and supported by Mr. Smith that the Novi Community Schools Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda Items A and B as presented and vote on the donations separately. In fact, Ive had 3 conversations this week where the concerned parents shared very favorable accounts of the individuals that already give an excess of their time and energy in the program, but unfortunately theres just not enough to go around. Pastor Doug Jones, Welcome Missionary Baptist Church Pastor and Chair of the Oakland County Ministerial Alliance. The district paid Herrera a $105,000 buyout,and the district continues to pay his six-figure salary through June as his replacement is hired. The board should establish clear expectations in terms of student achievement and then work with the Superintendent, finance director, and curriculum director to develop and implement a financial plan to address weaknesses from the past two years. . } 
 Farmington school trustee who was censured: 'I'm in good trouble' 	background-color: #f9f9f9; The board called Smiths claims unfounded, but accepted Herreras resignation to avoid being sued by him. Those completed goals come at the expense of Academic Excellence. The seven-member school board is relatively young withfour members elected or appointed in the past 6 months. We have great programming, sustainability projects, state and national honors, and boast the largest CTE department in Oakland County. She's been involved with the PTA, Women of Tomorrow and her homeowners association. Through tears, Green, a former elementary teacher, said Herrera's dedication to educationinspired her to want to return to the classroom. Email: 
 I could not emotionally continue, Green said. Pam Green, a former board president who resigned last November, said she never knew the board without problems amongst itself. Following his resignation, the school board censured Smith, and twoboard members followed Herrera's lead and resigned, as well. She volunteers her time to several organizations which provide tax assistance to those in need, food for the homeless, accounting educational awareness, mentorship, and scholarships to high school and college students. "I don't like anything sticking," she said. At the board meeting, Terri Weems, the Farmington Public Schools (FPS) Board of Education president, said she was proud and had no plans to stop the DEI program. Not indoctrination.. The resignation agreement makes Herreras complaint moot and will no longer be pursued. The percentage of people below poverty level was 10.0 percent for the county, while it was 16.2 percent statewide.[7]. She has resided in Farmington Hills for over 20 years and was involved in her daughters academics and extracurricular activities. 
  Our priority should be delivering excellence in education.  Masks had been required when the district's residential population was classified as high risk for covid-19. Smith said she has talked to teachers at the high school level who want to move. FPS has what is needed to provide a wonderful experience for a student. The board was fighting bitterly over Terri Weems as president, and it was made very clear to me that she needed to go as president, Mukamal said of Weems previous tenure as board president. Teachers and administrators, should place an emphasis on each student in the pursuit of excellence. .widget-row.Democratic { Email: 
 The Board is responsible for curricular and financial decision made by the District. Board of Education / Board Meeting Details - Farmington Public Schools There's some evidence, however, Smithwas resistant to soothing school board tensions, declining requests the board undergo restorative practice training in 2019. Literacy and Math proficiency rates are at an all-time low, and getting lower. Real history is flawed. Olson: Parents will send their students to the school that best meets the learning needs of their children. Page not found Three newcomers win seats on Farmington School Board. On November 8, Farmington and Farmington Hills voters will help elect new leaders at the federal, state, county, and local level. 	float: right; 	text-align: center; There was a problem saving your notification. margin-bottom:0px; I have lived in this community. "You've got to be involved  and see what's going on in the classroom. The protesters lined the street in front of North Farmington High School, holding signs and waving at . .widget-img { A former PTA Council president, co-chair of the and a state PTSA representative, Smith was motivated by contentious union negotiations with support staff that resulted in at . Board Meeting Details. We have tremendous momentum right now and Im excited about the direction we are moving in.  Donald Walker was appointed to the board in 2021. Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Farmington school board approves plan to require masks - KHBS Olson: Some of the attributes that make me qualified to be a school board member include being a parent of 4 kids in the district, a taxpayer in the district, and my strong business acumen. These seats included three seats with six-year terms and two seats with two-year terms. "Angie Smith has had problems with every single person on that board," Terry Johnson, a former board vice president who also resigned in November, said. .widget-value { Dr. Blau currently holds Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Education as well as a second Masters degree in psychology. Angie Smith - ClickOnDetroit [2], School board candidates in Michigan were required to file pre-election campaign finance reports with their county election offices by October 28, 2016. Personal conflicts, they say, also drew attention away from the schools. 	font-weight: bold; school board members. Angie Smith, Farmington School Board Vice President, Endorses Levin. .widget-row.Green { $('span#sw-emailmask-152').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + '');
 This was like Mean Girls.. Copyright  2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. An emphasis on excellence across the curriculum will attract students to the school system. Disciplinary Actions / The Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine Farmington Michigan School Board Candidates Angie Smith has had problems with every single person on that board, Terry Johnson, a former board vice president who alsoresignedin November, said. Previously, he worked as a financial analyst at Pepsi. Welcome to the Counseling Center! Farmington public School board trustee. When you see a staff member having to buy groceries with a Bridge card, that troubles me," she said. Another area of attention that must be addressed is the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers and support staff that serve the district. Its not currently being taught in K-12 schools anywhere in Michigan or the country.. We made a decision on (return to learn) in early January and, I think, the very next day some board members were questioning that decision, she said. width: 250px; Walker: I was appointed to the Farmington Public School Board in 2021, so I have the confidence of the current board. 
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