Homage - To pay respect to a media text through an intertextual references. 2013. What is an intertextual reference to Riptide? This can be explicit, for example in comedy texts such as The Simpsons or the Scary Movie franchise, or it can be. This intertextuality in Riptide is present by the fact the video isn't to do with music as there isn't a performance which is typical of an indie folk genre video. It gives the audience a new way to relate to the product. Intertextual reference to Mardis Gras, a carnival in New Orleans that takes place on Shrove Tuesday seen from the costumes (mise-en-scene). -makes intertextual references to different media forms & offers wide variety of seemingly disparate elements -montage editing is used in an overt way> a wide range of contrasting shots juxtaposed to convey a lot of information> invites audience interpretation and links with Einstein's concept of "intellectual montage" . Performance based, narrative based or concept based. In the Riptide music video there are elements of coherence throughout where by montage is used to constantly go back to shots of the woman as well as the sea where the riptides are. It became a platinum selling single The video was directed by Dimitri Basil the line 'all my friends are turning green' relates to Barthes' semiotics theory as the colour green has connotations of both money and envy Vance Joy- Riptide (2013) The Music Video is connected to the lyrics as the words being sung are being shown acted out. Riptide follows the convention of lyric interpretation as the visuals are represented by relevant lyrics. intertextuality is a relationship formed by a composer or responder between and among texts through recognising common features. As time went by, the two lovers started to drift apart as the girl started to make bad decisions and took on a more dangerous lifestyle. For example, in… Montage editing - contrasting shots juxtaposed through hard jump cuts (Eisenstein's intellectual montage - where new ideas emerge from collision of images and generate new meanings). Context. It can be argued that the video does not follow a narrative; however when the images are looked at closely, it . Reference to the horror film "Don't look now" - blonde woman wearing red.- Reference to the horror element in feminine features in riptide. Vance Joy - 'Riptide' (2013) Vance Joy is an Australian singer-songwriter signed to Atlantic records (a subsidiary of major label, Warner). - There are likely to be intertextual references, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts; these provide further . Watching it one may think that it is a video with quite a disjointed narrative with random imagery. Intertextual References to sinister Sci-FI corporations such as Datadyne and Tyrell. Task 2: Goodwin's Key Principles of Music Videos Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics e.g. Vance Joy Riptide - Explore the genre conventions of Indie-Folk music Task 1 - Re-familiarise yourself Steve Neale's genre theory and summarise it in your own words. The use of medium shots allows us to see the top half od his body and his arms moving along to the beat of the song, which is typically associated with rapping. . INTERTEXTUALITY IN FORMATION INTERTEXTUAL REFERENCE TO ALEJANDRO JODOROWSKY'S SURREALIST FILM "THE HOLY MOUNTAIN" This shot early mirrors image the film featuring a similarly dressed entity named the Alchemist The Alchemist in the film is a symbol of truth and spiritual freedom ; a socially conscious "liberator" who rejects authoritarianism Riptide - Intertextual references . For example, the music video for Love Story by Taylor Swift makes reference to Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Notions of looking: When the actor or singer in the music video looks directly at the camera. texts have within them the seeds and resonances of other texts, so becoming interdependent for meaning making. The song was a hit in Australia and abroad, particularly after being featured in a Gopro advert. intertextual reference to early Bond films, even Baywatch! Specifically as a text within the indie folk genre, a genre dominated by repetition (low-fi videos with bands playing instruments etc.) This is symbolic as it references back to told 60's movies . intertextuality involves re-visioning texts for critical and creative purposes*. on the cover Martin Luther King Jr. with the words: "The Truth - More Than a Dreamer". List the intertextual references you can spot and analyse the semiotics of each. Signed to Atlantic records - subsidiary of major label Warner. Zooming in . Its intertextual, the way the synth looked when she was smiling in the mirror, I Robot and Blade Runner links. 7. Reference to 80s actress Michelle Pfeiffer. Intertextuality - The music video has references to Alejandro Jodorowsky's surrealist film The Holy Mountain. His music is in the indie folk-pop genre. The audience reaction to the cinematic style credits would be to think they are watching some sort of film production as it is unusual in a music video. Voyeurism Link between music and visuals - Both literal (Following) and metaphorical (Subverting). But elements of intertextuality crept into his output early. One of the most clear is the Low angle balcony shot off the woman standing looking into the distance with binoculars this is intertextual reference to the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet Genre characteristics: There are certain connections to a horror film in the shots of the women being dragged . Les Revenants also features the sub genre of Teen Romance, which can show intertextuality. b/ Your NEA brief states that your artist should be signed to a independent record label. Western Iconography- Not a whole meaning other than to reference the literal meanings of the film. the music video for riptide uses . In this video essay, editor and filmmaker Ryan Charles (www.ryan-charles.com) explores famous Russian film theorist Sergei Eisenstein's famous Methods of Mon. Riptide was Vance Joy's first single to be released in the USA, 2013, following his debut EP "God Love You When You're Dancing". All you really need to know about the song itself is that it's straightforward, run-of-the-mill pop music. Therefore the cheery mise en scene presents a creepy and troubling binary opposition . General theme and narrative - montage of shots . There is a cut to TV screens and credits in 'Riptide'. Video directed by Dimitri Basil and has nearly 100 million YouTube views. Became a platinum selling single. "Vance Joy's Riptide video is a good example of an illustrative music video as it has strong images to transfer an obvious motif throughout the generally upbeat song. RipTide challenges Goodwin's theory here because he is not even in the video. . Vance Joy - 'Riptide' (2013) Vance Joy is an Australian singer-songwriter signed to Atlantic records (a subsidiary of major label, Warner). . The video for Dream fits the 'rap' music genre as you can see violence and crime with the gang puppets and the police fighting and stealing. Goodwig theory: - there is a link between lyrics and the video - there is always intertextual reference - there is frequently notion of looking good and enphasis on the treating of women's bodys During Reptide there are a lot of cross cutting between different images, which reinforce the song's lyrics. You can view this documentary on Vimeo. Riptide - first single to be released in USA following his EP. . Riptide is relatively unusual both as a music video in terms of its style, rejection of narrative and lack of spectacle or special effects. A variety of intertextual references: This is when a video will make reference to another media text. Extremely strong link between lyrical content and on screen visuals - an explicit description, perhaps a binary opposition between a conventional and subversive music video. Goodwin's analysis - Vance Joy. Riptide Analysis- UPDATED Vance Joy is a singer-songwriter who made his debut in 2013 with his album "God Loves You When You're Dancing" which featured the song "Riptide". Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8 . Horror iconography e.g. All the small things- Blink 182; I want it that way- Back Street Boys; Genie in a Bottle- Christina Aguilera; 7) Why do audiences enjoy intertextual references in media products? It . objectives for riptide to understand the processes through which meanings are established through intertextuality to analyse how audiences respond to this aspect of media language to analyse the way meaning is created through micro elements to know the codes and conventions of music video and how genre develops over time to explore the … Sang by Vance Joy, an austrailian artist. through intertextuality: • The . This creates the illusion that . There is a lot less music visualization used (unlike riptide, which had almost every word correlated with a corresponding image) as this tells a much more personal narrative storyline. However, analysing the video from shot to shot reveals that there could be an interpreted narrative of the singer's struggle with anxiety, especially around women. references to 1950s children's television, especially the use of direct address by the pianist, ironically . Indie-pop. At first, their relationship was going very well, and was making Joy's friends jealous of him. Within the video it holds many intertextual references; A man holding up a newspaper is briefly seen. Riptide is a niche alternative music video which was aimed at an indie audience, who are characterised as having quite arty cultural capital. One of the intertextual references that you need to have knowledge of is the footage about bounce taken from That B.E.A.T, a short documentary. meaning and intertextuality: • The video makes intertextual references to different media forms (see below) and offers a wide variety of seemingly disparate elements. ANDREW GOODWINcame up with a list of key conventions for music videos including voyeurism, intertextuality, genre characteristics, featured artist, and relationship between visual and song lyrics. . This causes the video to appear with a more simplistic view; essentially helping the audience to further engage. 5 There is frequently referencce to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes etc), and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body. • Montage editing is used in an overt way - a wide range of contrasting shots juxtaposed (often through hard jump cuts) to convey a large amount of information: Riptide. The shot eerily mirrors an image featuring a similarly dressed entity named the Alchemist. Key term - intertextuality - Where a media product or text makes reference to another media product or text While riptide may seem completely confusing and without precedent, it makes sense if we view it instead as a surrealist product Key term - surrealism - an artistic movement that tries to depict the logic of dreams and the unconscious There are often references to looking sexy and treating the female body in a sexual way. Watching it one may think that it is a video with quite a disjointed narrative with random imagery. and particularily voyeuristic treatment of the female body. There are often references to looking sexy and treating the female body in a sexual way. Parody - to mock a genre, style, person or text. stage performance in heavy metal video (Slipknot, Durality). His music is in the indie folk-pop genre. sense of the intertextual references of the text which includes 1970s horror cult film references, surrealist cinema, Western genre, and the nostalgia of Wes Anderson. RipTide is extremely voyeuristic. Is Riptide Postmodern July 18, 2018 Polysemic readings - metaphorical readings, the splitting ice cream could be symbolic of a broken relationship. An example of a symbolic code is the image of dollar bills when the video also begins with credits at the bottom similar to other movies. For example, in… Wes Anderson films - anachronistic objects. The video opens with Beyonce sitting on top of a police car that it floating in water. this is seen for example when it says : "running down to the riptide" and there is a behind . For, even when they don't recognize most of the specific allusions, it still provides an entrance into a system of reading narrative, i.e., a means of . They both use the main character as a week and vulnerable female . Voyeurism; Riptide is very voyeuristic. January 07 . There is often intertextual reference. position the audience. Tide intertextual reference to We Can Do It war poster, unintentional irony but suggesting that Tide is a woman's source of power. (Riptide is extremely Voyeuristic throughout) There is often intertextual reference: To films, TV shows, other music videos etc. (Riptide challenges Goodwin's idea, he does not appear in the video at all) There is frequently reference to notion of looking (Screens within screens, telescopes): Particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body. . For example, when the line discussing the riptide is sung,a visual representation of a riptide is presented on screen. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Hansel and Gretel (33.8) Historical References. Fan service usually refers to "gratuitous titillation", but can also refer to intertextual references to other series or story and visual elements that . In his seventh novel, 1979's The Dead Zone , King has a character reference "that book Carrie ," his debut novel from 1974. the meaning created can created both preferred and subvert reading for the ideologies and message created from the video. Donnie Darko- earthquake chandelier shot. This will function as an intertextual reference to Vance Joy's 'Riptide', as well as evoking Barthes enigma code, since only the mysterious red lips can be seen, which causes the audience to question who the person is. Much imagery seems to be conventional of occult horror - Blair Witch . Intertextuality is where a media product makes reference to another media product. Navigation. Intertextuality in Riptide: Wes Anderson films, Western genre, horror film Don't Look Now, The Assassination of Jesse James, . the scenes in the graveyard, the ouija board, shot of a woman being dragged across the floor into the dark. as children being told a story. intertextual references such as footage taken from a documentary about 'bounce' called That B.E.A.T. The opening shot of a blue sky, with the camera moving from a vertically up angle, to a slightly high angle with the title at the bottom of the screen in small block writing, is similar to that used in a film poster, presenting the music video as a short film. Figure 3 Again, this is an intertextual reference to Mean Girls, as the mise-en-scene shows Ariana in a teenage girls bedroom with pyjamas on, like Regina George once did. There is often intertextual references; 7. by lucy12757491. We see her make up smudging across her face. Riptide makes intertextual references to 'Midnight Cowboy,' Michelle Pfeiffer, Wes Anderson's hipster film style. Vance Joy is an Australian singer-songwriter signed to Atlantic records (a subsidiary of major label, Warner)His music can be categorized as fitting into Indie folk-pop genre. Riptide was his first single released following his debut EP. After every shot, the face and the scene created changes. Although such intertextuality is not restricted to children's programming but is pervasive throughout all of commercial television, it probably has the greatest impact on young children. Media language- What intertextual references does Riptide make? The video also uses symbolic codes and semantic codes to create meaning, in the absence of a linear narrative. Cinematography References: Wes Anderson; Roger Deakins; David Lynch This is also an example of intertextual reference to some of the early James Bond films and the film 'Baywatch'. There are a few intertextual references in the song 'Riptide'. intertextuality is an important element within music videos to both anchor meaning and create audience gratification. The Alchemist is a symbol of truth and spiritual freedom; a socially conscious 'liberator' who rejects authoritarianism. How riptide uses intertextuality. credit block at the start- intertextual reference film- not typical . Eye cutting scene in 'Un Chien Andalou' could be compared to the hand stabbing of the hand scene in Riptide 34 6) What examples are provided in the factsheet for intertextuality in music videos? It draws in a larger audience. 'Riptide' - A2 media - Weebly . Riptide was Vance Joys first song released in the USA. 1.Watch this analysis video for Vance Joy's 'Riptide' and take notes on the narrative/symbolic element of the video: Literal and straight forward as well as emotional.It challenges each viewer to intertpret the meaning themselves.Lyrics can be dark.Each shot is literally depicted by each lyric.The video would be random images if they were separated.Synergy, the video… Carrie (1976) Elle is a hybrid of two Stephen King stories about girls with telekinetic power, Carrie and Firestarter. The music video for riptide uses a wide range of media language to create meaning for the audience and convey the producer's ideology. The opening shot of a blue sky, with the camera moving from a vertically up angle, to a slightly high angle with the title at the bottom of the screen in small block writing, is similar to that used in a film poster, presenting the music video as a short film.

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