, See technical guide for information on the use of section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983). As at 30 June 2019, 5% of the prison population were female, this proportion has remained stable for the last 5 years. Compared to males, a higher proportion of females reported: self-declared mental health problems, physical disability, having drug and alcohol problems, money worries and housing worries. Female representation within MoJ and CPS remained constant. , The conviction ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of defendants convicted by the total number of defendants prosecuted in the same period. Youth Custody report for June 2013 published. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. There is a glossary that explains the definition of each disposal in the technical guide, along with a summary of the data share. , Data for offending history includes both indictable and summary offences - unless otherwise stated. In 2019, Black males were particularly over represented, accounting for 12% of all male prosecutions. This proportion has remained very similar over the last 5-year period. Email: CJS_Statistics@justice.gov.uk, Alternative formats are available on request from ESD@justice.gov.uk, Available at https://www.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/code-of-practice/, Fieldwork for the year to March 2020 was suspended two weeks early on Wednesday the 18th March 2020, just prior to the lockdown restrictions being announced by the Government on the 23rd March 2020. Offenders with 1 to 14 previous cautions or convictions. Defendants with unknown or not stated sex accounted for 10% of all prosecutions in 2019. Of the females remanded in custody at the Crown Court for indictable offences in 2019, 80% were White, 10% were Black, 4% were Asian, 5% were Mixed and 2% were Chinese and Other. A similar trend was seen in male prosecutions over the last five years, where the number of males prosecuted for indictable offences was 25% lower in 2019 than in 2015. Over the last 5 years, there have been increases in female representation across almost all CJS organisations and in the proportion of senior staff. In June 2019, the number of children and young people up to 18 years old in secure estates[footnote 61] was 885, of which 3% were female. Since 2015, the ACSL for indictable offences has risen for both male and female offenders from all ethnic groups[footnote 76]. Child Custody and Gender Bias: Are Courts Anti-Father? All official statistics should comply with all aspects of the Code of Practice for Statistics. Following past trends, females were disproportionately affected by all forms of intimate violence, according to CSEW data[footnote 13]. Females were typically dealt with for less severe offences at court. All organisations within the CJS have increased female representation among senior staff over the last 5 years. The custody rate for male offenders was highest for Chinese and Other at 37%. Personal crime is defined by the CSEW as comprising of all violence and thefts. This differs between functions within HMPPS, with the Prison Service (including Youth Custody Service) representing a lower proportion of females than the HMPPS as a whole, rising from 37% to 39%. , Pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 are typically aged 15 and 16. There are also sections covering statistics on out of court disposals which come from the Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019, published by the Ministry of Justice, and experimental pilot data from national Liaison and Diversion services, as supplied by NHS England. And while a bias against men in child custody cases has been around for decades, let's explain why this is happening from a legal perspective. This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019/women-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2019. Young male offenders had a higher proportion with SEN with a statement[footnote 105] overall (17%), compared to young female offenders (7%). , Domestic abuse is made up of partner or family non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking. In 2017, the national average paid in child support to custodial parents amounted to $3,431 per year. Having a SEN statement may indicate a higher level of need. The largest increase in female representation was seen in court judges by 5 percentage points, to 32%. This chapter also includes analysis on the educational attainment and overall educational background of offenders through a data sharing exercise between MoJ and DfE. Overall, of the young offenders sentenced/cautioned, a smaller proportion of young males (80%) had a record of persistent absence compared to young females (85%). This includes those aged under 18 and 18 year olds. Youth custody data - October data published. The CSEW 2018/19 provides the most recent breakdown of personal crime by offence (Figure 3.01)[footnote 10] . , This section looks at persons only and excludes those where sex is not stated. The national divorce rate is 7.6 per 1,000 couples in 2022. Figure 4.01: Number of arrests, by age group and sex, 2015/16 to 2019/20. Finally, children from broken common-law unions (84 percent), as well as children from Quebec (87 percent), were most likely to remain in the custody of their mothers, and there is possibly a link between these two results. A consistently lower proportion of female defendants entered a guilty plea over the last 5 years, at 66% in 2019 compared to 71% of male defendants. This publication compiles statistics from data sources across the Criminal Justice System (CJS), to provide a combined perspective on the typical experiences of females who come into contact with it. This may result in a single offender being included in the annual cohort more than once. As at 30 June 2019, 13% of the sentenced male prison population were serving indeterminate sentences compared to 11% of the female population. In 2018/19, 671 individuals were victims of homicide in England and Wales; 64% of which were males and 36%, females (Figure 3.03). These proportions have remained stable for the last 5 years. Youth justice statistics: 2020 to 2021 - GOV.UK Further information on the following topics related to offender management is available online: Substance Misuse Treatment Programmes, Offender Learning, Safety in Custody, Deaths in or following police contact, Discipline in Prison Establishments (Adjudications), Restricted Patients, Home Detention Curfew, Release on Temporary License, Licence Recalls. This proportion was 5 percentage points lower than the proportion of adult females that were prosecuted for indictable offences, at 15%. 2% of crime lower legal aid clients had an unstated sex. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Detail how users will be informed of the need for revisions. Youth custody statistics for September 2013 published. The custody rate for this offence was lower for female offenders (19%) than for males (26%). In 2019, 96% of child custodial sentences were given to male children[footnote 84]. Penalty Notices for Disorder (PND)[footnote 32] issued. This idea was developed in the 1980s by Richard Gardner, a crank psychiatrist who thought child sexual abuse is not necessarily traumatic, and that mothers who don't fulfil their partners. The disposal where there was the greatest difference between genders was for fines. These reports may include a full risk assessment of the offender. This report is also accompanied by an infographic summarising key findings. The report includes demographic and income data about custodial parents, and details child support income for custodial parents living below the poverty level. Child custody statistics from the US Census Bureau report published in May 2020 and gathered in 2018 show that there were 12.9 million custodial parents in the US, living with 21.9 million children under 21. Of the 62,800 offenders released from prison sentences in 2019, 91% were male and 9% female. A first time offender is an offender who has been arrested by police in England or Wales; and who has received a first conviction, caution or youth caution for any offence[footnote 87] recorded on the Police National Computer. For both sexes, the 30 to 39 age range represented the highest number of those prosecuted in 2019. Truancy females made up 71% of the 19,600 convictions in 2019, down 2 pp from 2015. Figure 7.01 Proportion of prosecutions for indictable offences by sex and ethnic group, England and Wales, 2019. Youth custody report for August 2016 published. Large figures are generally presented rounded to the nearest thousand, and percentages to the nearest percentage point in the bulletin text (or however is most appropriate). (Office of National Statistics) In 2007, 27.6% of children lived with their mother in the UK, while just 2.4% lived only with their father. For both sexes, the 30 to 39 age range represented the highest number of those prosecuted in 2019. those who deal with civil, family law and criminal cases. Youth custody report for March 2015 published. Benefit fraud females made up 55% of the 98 summary convictions in 2019, down 3 pp from 2015. The proportions of female practitioners vary across the CJS organisations (Figure 9.01)[footnote 121]. Five-year time series refers to 2014/15 to 2018/19. This was much higher than the proportion of all year 11 pupils who had SEN with a statement (including both offenders and non-offenders) in 2013/14[footnote 106] and 2014/15 [footnote 107](2% for young females and 5% for young males). The overall child conviction ratio for indictable offences remained broadly stable since 2015, at 70%. Likewise, only slight changes have been seen since 2015 regarding female representation in CPS staff (65% in 2015; 66% in 2019). , Equivalently, a Key Stage 4 (KS4) academic year of 2013/14 and 2014/15. In 2019/20, 27.6% of females aged 16-74 reported being victims of domestic abuse once or more since age 16, double that of males (13.8%)[footnote 17]. Data on PSRs relates to those aged 18 or older and all offence types. This report is a compendium of information from a range of data sources from across the CJS on the representation of females (and males) among victims, suspects, defendants and offenders. These include: National liaison and diversion services data from NHS England, Survey data from Her Majestys Inspectorate of Prisons Annual Report, (New) Understanding Educational Background of Offenders (MoJ/ DfE data share). Similarly, males were twice as likely to be subjected to violence from a stranger (1.3%) than females (0.6%)[footnote 11][footnote 12]. Fines accounted for 99% of those sentenced for TV licence evasion in 2019 across both sexes. A higher proportion of female prisoners self-harmed in 2019. , Data is from CSEW 2019 annual supplementary tables. , Self-declared from HR records, as at 1 April 2019. In 2018/19, 21% of the 85,900 adults who engaged with liaison and diversion services were female. The custody rate for this offence was 19% for females in 2019, compared with 26% for males. 41% of females received a suspended sentence for this offence, compared with 20% of males. Females also consistently had a higher guilty plea rate for indictable offences. The idea that family courts are biased against men is a dangerous For both sexes, the child custody rate has remained broadly stable since 2015, at 8% for males and 2% for females. Over the last five years, female representation has remained constant within the MoJ (67% in 2019). The matched cohort data also provided information on the proportion of those sentenced/cautioned that have a history of being persistently absent[footnote 110] from school, have a previous record of being permanently excluded[footnote 111] from school, or have received a fixed period exclusion[footnote 112], at any point during KS4. Where figures have been published, links are provided as part of the text and tables. Although we explore differences between sexes, it is important that inferences are not made about individuals from group-level data since we consider averaged outcomes that do not take into consideration the unique sub-set of circumstances in each case. , Details can be found in the Technical Guide published alongside this report. In this section, all analysis looks at those in the matched offender cohort who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and/or had Special Education Needs (SEN), at any point during KS4. The HMIP Annual Report 2019/20 identifies differences in reported prison experiences between male and female prisoners[footnote 65]. The overall level of concordance between sentences proposed and sentences given (excluding Other) has fallen from 74% in 2017 to 68% in 2018 and was 60% in 2019. , Further information regarding the impacts on published estimates of the ongoing data reforms seen in the criminal courts can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/criminal-court-statistics-quarterly-april-to-june-2020/criminal-court-statistics-quarterly-april-to-june-2020, Plea data is sourced from the Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019 bulletin and excludes companies, defendants with unknown sex and unknown plea. As with adults, the most common offence group was violence against the person, for which 37% of female young people were being dealt with when referred to liaison and diversion services compared to 19% of male young people. The remains . Youth custody report for November 2014 published. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Instances of self-harm per individual was over twice as high for females at 9.3, compared to 4.4 for males. More than 500 lay people (59 percent men, 41 percent women) also were recruited online to take part in the study. These offences accounted for a larger proportion of female arrests, whereas drug offences and sexual offences accounted for larger proportions of male arrests. See technical guide for more information. In the year ending March 2020 (referred to as 2019/20 throughout), the proportion of adults who were victim of a CSEW crime (excluding fraud and computer misuse) was 13.3%, down from 14.9% the year before, with no significant difference between men and women. All results relate to England and Wales unless explicitly stated otherwise. Ethnic minority groups accounted for a higher proportion of prosecutions against males compared to females. The publication also contains more detailed information on the make-up of the custody population by legal basis for detention, accommodation type, age group, gender, ethnicity and region of origin. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. This offence accounted for 30% of all female convictions, compared to 4% of male convictions. , Published figures for probation can be found in Offender Management Statistics quarterly. Youth justice custody report - August 2014 published. , From April 2017, the upper age limit for the self-completion module was increased to ask all respondents aged 16 to 74. Of all female offenders cautioned or convicted in 2019, 35% were first time offenders, compared to 22% for males. In the absence of any court outcome, the principal suspect is either the person considered by the police to be the most involved in the homicide or the suspect with the closest relationship to the victim. Child Support - Census.gov Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System. This section looks at offenders starting supervision as a result of a court order, including those starting supervision as a result of a community order or a suspended sentence order[footnote 68]. They have been excluded from all analyses in this chapter. Her Majestys Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) Equalities report was also released on the same day as this report. There are few comparisons to the population as a whole, but we have considered this to be 51% female, as based on Mid-year Population Estimates from the Office for National Statistics. Youth custody report for September 2015 published. They have been excluded from all analyses in this chapter. Lone parents with dependent children represented 17% of all families with dependent children in 2019, and females accounted for 91% of these lone parents[footnote 117]. The processes by which other revisions will be communicated and published. CJS_Statistics@justice.gov.uk. Child Custody Statistics And Gender Bias - LiveAbout In 2019, over half (55%) of the prosecutions for female defendants were for summary non-motoring offences, compared to under a third (29%) of male defendants. For example, young males receiving more than 12 months in custody were more likely to receive any pass in GCSEs than young females (69% v 64%), whereas the reverse was true for young males receiving 12 months or less in custody. A higher proportion of female defendants were not remanded by police, which may be due in part to the different types of offences for which females and males are prosecuted and hence the risk they are perceived as representing. , The data in this section refers to arrests for notifiable crimes recorded by the police. Figure 5.07: Remand status at Crown Court, by sex, 2015 to 2019, Outcomes for defendants remanded in custody at Crown Court. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. In 2019[footnote 43], the majority of defendants for triable-either-way cases that were sent to the Crown Court were sent on the direction of the magistrate (85%). Figure 7.02 Conviction ratios for indictable offences by sex and ethnic group, England and Wales, 2019. Conviction ratios were higher for summary offences and as a higher proportion of female offences were summary, this in part explains the higher conviction ratio for female offenders. Youth custody statistics for October 2013 published. Child Custody Statistics 2023 (by Gender & State in the US) This proportion was slightly less for females (83%), than for males (85%). No causative links can be drawn from these summary statistics, differences observed may indicate areas worth further investigation, but should not be taken as evidence of unequal treatments or as direct effects of sex. Adults of both sexes aged 16-24 reported the highest prevalence of personal crime in 2019/20, with the proportion generally /decreasing with increasing age. It has not been possible to accurately replicate the existing methodology and produce robust estimates in time for this release following changes to the way that data are recorded. The difference was greatest amongst those receiving fines, where a greater proportion of young females attained this level (22%) than the young male group (15%). , See the Families and Households 2019 dataset for further information on household types. There is only ever one principal suspect per homicide victim. Britain has the highest proportion of fatherless families (2 million) of any major European country. , This section looks at indictable offences only. Males were significantly more likely to fall victim to violence and robbery compared to females, with a significant increase in male robbery victims since 2017/18. , Figures on cautions exclude cases where sex is not known (in 1% of cases), Summary motoring offences are not considered in relation to cautions or cautioning rates as these tend to be addressed using Fixed Penalty Notices.