3, 1964): 161-230 was well as the historical background section below. On June 19, 1778, the Continental Army left Valley Forge in pursuit and engaged the British in the Battle of Monmouth on an extremely hot June 28. By 1675-1676 a new element appeared in the ranger concept. Special battalions of line troops were recruited for theFlying Campfrom among the Pennsylvania Associators who took part in the New Jersey campaign in 1776. Only during a brief period in the winter of 1777-1778 did the Continental Army experiment with the idea of employing them as a shock force. These sharpshooters were proving to be so successful that Watson felt compelled by noon to redeploy his regiment to a large open field about a half-mile away. History of the massacre of Captain Phillips' Pennsylvania Rangers; Illinois, Revolutionary War Veteran Burials, 1775-1850; Illinois, U.S., Revolutionary War Veteran Burials Index, 1775-1850; In memoriam : citizen soldiers of Dracut, Mass. A County Lieutenant holding the rank of colonel was responsible for implenenting the law with the assistence of sub-lieutenants who held the rank of lieutenant colonel. The mix of mounted and dismounted men gave it somewhat greater staying power in independent firefights while also allowing rapid forced marches (each light infantryman held on to a dragoon's stirrups). October 4, 1777 - Possibly because of their service at Brandywine, Conway's Brigade was chosen to lead the main column of Washington's army in the attack on the British at Germantown. Undaunted, the British Regulars held their ground, unlimbered their field cannon, and repelled the attack. Continental Regiments, 1st Pennsylvania Regiment 2d Pennsylvania Regiment 3d Pennsylvania Regiment 4th Pennsylvania Regiment 5th Pennsylvania Regiment 6th Pennsylvania Regiment 7th Pennsylvania Regiment 8th Pennsylvania Regiment 9th Pennsylvania Regiment 10th Pennsylvania Regiment 11th Pennsylvania Regiment 12th Pennsylvania Regiment 13th Pennsylvania Regiment Nelson's Independent Rifle Company William's Independent Company Morehead's Independent Company Weaver's Independent Company Pugh's Independent Company Doyle's Independent Rifle Company Pennsylvania State Musketry Battalion Carlisle Independent Companies State Militia Units. Re-Enactor Links - American Revolution An online listing of officers in the Pennsylvania, Under the provisions of the Militia Law, the men called up for active duty were automatically assigned to companies whose numbers were different from their own company numbers on the permanent billet rolls. To fight the enemy bravely with a prospect of victory is nothing; but to fight with intrepidity under the constant impression of defeat, and inspire irregular troops to do it, is a talent peculiar to yourself. For Bucks County, information has also been provided from the returns for the Committee of Safety (the Associators) for 1775. The 1781 reorganization of the Continental resolved the issue of light troops by bringing greater centralized control. To use this feature, use a newer browser. When one considers those parameters, there truly was only one group of American revolutionaries who could be considered an excellent example of early American Ranger prowess. When new elections were held for field officers in 1780 and 1783, the colonels elected at that time again drew lots for their rank and this resulted in a new order for the battalions. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material The light infantry companies continued under their existing practice of forming provisional battalions for each campaign season. Please reset your password. Companies and Battalions of militia were set up on a geographical basis similar to the arrangement already familiar with the Associators. For a more detailed account of how the Pennsylvania militia system worked see "The Pennsylvania Militia in 1777" by Hannah Benner Roach in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Military Records Pennsylvania in the Revolutionary War 1st Pennsylvania Regiment Brief History Also known as the Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion and Thompson's Rifle Battalion. The militia did provide a significant defensive force patrolling the south side of the Schuylkill River and engaged in occasional clashes with British outposts and scouting parties including heavy skirmishes at Whitemarsh on December 7. Bucks County Associators and a chart showing how the units were organized is available. This active-duty roll was therefore a completely different roll from the permanent billet roll. The Pennsylvania Line originated in 1775 was organized into thirteen regiments and several independent companies. The County Lieutenants ensured that militia units turned out for military exercises, provided the militia units with arms and equipment at the expense of the state, located substitutes for those who declined to serve, and assessed and collected the militia fines. Search above to list available cemeteries. Revolutionary War Online Records Furloughed on January 17, 1781 at Trenton, New Jersey. Source:Egle, William Henry, 1898. Or were they Associators? On September 25 it rushed from Tappan, New York, to West Point to reinforce the garrison there after Benedict Arnold's treachery was discovered. and assigned to the. Relieved in January 1777 from Stirling's Brigade. Mounting a second animal, he ordered his artillery to open fire with grapeshot. Flying Camps were what we today might call mobile military reserves. Having dashed ahead to destroy the bridge, Horry and his men were positioned fifty yards across the river. Morgan would continue to fight in support of the American Revolution in a number of significant battles, including the battle at Cowpens, South Carolina, on 17 January 1781. Seventy men, thirty of whom were sharpshooters, were dispatched to ride ahead to secure and hold the Lower Bridge under Major James. In December, the 2nd Pennsylvania returned to Morristown for another winter. Powder Horns. Online Revolutionary War Indexes and Records - Military Indexes The regiment was disbanded on January 17, 1781 at Trenton, New Jersey. The 7th Pennsylvania was present at Whitemarsh but did not fight. March 1, 1777 The Pennsylvania State Regiment is officially activated as a unit. Watson did not take long to initiate the fight. Pennsylvania Regiments in the Continental Army - American Revolutionary War For all intents the Regiment ceased to exist. The regiment was furloughed January 17, 1781 at Trenton, New Jersey and disbanded on January 1, 1783. Relieved on November 14, 1776 from St. Clair's Brigade and assigned to the. William Hendrick's and Mathew Smith's companies each additionally served in: On June 14, 1775, the Continental Congress passed a resolution calling for the raising of six companies of expert riflemen from Pennsylvania, two from Maryland, and two from Virginia. After this, the 7th Pennsylvania spent time in New York and New Jersey watching the British. Queen's Rangers. Roster01.htm - Bedford For example, when the 1st Class was called up, the colonel of the 1st Battalion, the lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Battalion, and the major of the 3rd Battalion entered into service commanding the 1st Class active-duty Battalion. To avoid capture, nearly all its vessels were sunk in the spring of 1778. Early in that year, as tension mounted, there appeared spontaneously in certain localities volunteer companies of November 16, 1776 - Formerly known as the 5th Pennsylvania Battalion the entire unit was captured at Fort Washington, New York. It should be noted that these fines were not necessarily intended to be punitive. Other than the regiments and separate companies of riflemen from Pennsylvania and the states to the south, who really functioned as light infantry rather than rangers, the Continental Army only formed two functional ranger units. They also fought at Bergen Neck. With his men in a panic and the number of wounded and suffering growing, Watson shelved his pride and addressed a letter to Marion not only requesting permission to send seven of his most seriously wounded through the lines but once again alluding to the fact that Watson believed Marion was conducting himself in a manner contrary to civilized war. The individuals who volunteered at this time were formed into battalions by county and were known as "Flying Camps" that served on active duty until November 30, 1776. Thousands of militiamen returned from tours of active duty unpaid, bearing only a slip signed by a commanding officer. The American leadership stressed the ideas of Maurice, comte de Saxe and the comte de Guibert, two leading French military theorists, which advocated cross-training every soldier to perform both line or light infantry roles to allow mission flexibility. Astute British commanders assigned regular British officers to Rogers' Rangers for training in wilderness warfare which they could then pass on to their normal regiments. Organized between July 15- September 15, 1776 at Kittanning to consist of 8 companies from Westmoreland, Bedford and Cumberland Counties. Diarist Joseph Plumb Martin described him as "an excellent officer, much beloved and respected by the troops of the Line he belonged to.". Associators patterned essentially upon groups which had existed briefly in 1747-1748 and again after Braddock's defeat in 1755. A system error has occurred. Formed in 1780 as a result of the brutality of British General Cornwallis severe measures, this unit was commanded by Brigadier General Francis Marion, considered by many to be one of the boldest and most dashing figures of the American Revolution. November 12, 1777 The Pennsylvania State Regiment is officially designated the 13th Pennsylvania Regiment of the Continental Line. The Regiment was authorized on January 18, 1777 in the Continental Army as an independent company to guard prisoners of war at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. For example, what had been Colonel White's 1st York County Battalion continued to be made up of the same men, but could now be designated as perhaps Colonel Black's 7th York County Battalion. Crossing the road that led from Murrys Ferry to Kingstree, Watson continued to follow Marion toward Georgetown. As his situation grew more desperate with each passing day, Watson finally decided to retreat. The 4th Pennsylvania Regiment was raised December 9, 1775 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for service with the Continental Army. September 11, 1777 - Stirling's Division takes part in the action on the right of Washington's army during the battle of Brandywine. Marion knew that if he did not continue to press, theyd be back with a vengeance. Marion knew that an engagement with them would not be easy and he could expect no support from the American army. The 7th Pennsylvania fought at Middlebrook, New Jersey on June 17. These certificates (bonds in the modern sense) were ultimately redeemed at face value. Membership in the Associators differed greatly from membership the militia, for, technically, enrollment in the Associators was voluntary, while membership in the militia was strictly compulsory with the obligation legally defined. The company commanders could also change. On June 30, 1775, the Provincial Assembly gave official recognition to the Associators and grouped their companies into battalions. It also provided an avenue for conscientious objectors to fulfill their legal obligation to the state without compromising their religious convictions. Lee particularly shined when his regulars stiffened the irregular local forces of leaders like Francis ("Swamp Fox") Marion. The 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment had its origins in a unit established on October 12, 1775, and designated "The First Pennsylvania Battalion." Later, some of the 11th Pennsylvania took part in the patrol actions in New Jersey, which marked the spring and summer of 1777. Revolutionary War PA Colonial Rangers 14 memorials Pvt James Chambers 19 May 1761 - 16 May 1780 Lewis Cemetery Mifflinburg, Union County, Pennsylvania, USA PVT George Etzweiler unknown - 26 May 1780 Pvt George Etzweiler Burial Site Mifflinburg, Union County, Pennsylvania, USA PVT John Forster Jr. unknown - 16 May 1780 Lewis Cemetery August 25-27, 1776 The Battle of Long Island. Furloughed on June 11, 1783 at Philadelphia (less 2 companies remaining active at Fort Pitt). Joseph Howell became acting regimental commander and the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment numbered only 13 other officers and 74 enlisted men present for duty at the end of the month. A portion of the Pennsylvanians, most of them riflemen, served on the American left flank against the Hessians. A covering force of riflemen were swept aside by Watsons artillery, allowing Watsons guard to ford the stream unopposed. Your new password must contain one or more uppercase and lowercase letters, and one or more numbers or special characters. The 1st Partisan Corps under the Frenchman "Colonel Armand" (the marquis de la Rouerie) and the 2d under Lee both drew assignments in Major General Nathanael Greene's Southern Department. The 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment was raised, on December 9, 1775, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for service with the Continental Army. John Doyle's Independent Rifle Company. American Revolution - ARMY RANGERS Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Captain Nathan Hale of this corps gained immortality as a brave but singularly inept spy. At some point, the settlers at Hannastown erected a stockade, fashioned of logs placed upright in the ground, around a spring and a blockhouse at the edge of town. All white men, aged 15 to 53, were conscripted into military service - although there was no real punishment for those who refused. Congress called for a Flying Camp to serve under General George Washington. [2] The only time Pennsylvania seems to have had any sort of basic militia prior to the draft is during the winter months of 1776 into 1777. Special battalions of line troops were recruited for the Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. In 1779, a detachment accompanied light infantry troops in the storming of Stoney Point. It was organized during the spring of 1777 to consist of eight companies of volunteers from Westmoreland, Lancaster, Chester, Philadelphia and Cumberland counties of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Some elements of the 11th Pennsylvania saw action in the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. Revolutionary War Militia Overview - Pennsylvania Historical & Museum The Regiment was authorized on December 9, 1775 in the Continental Army as the 5th Pennsylvania Battalion. From there it moved to Morristown, New Jersey, for the encampment in Jockey Hollow where it endured the most brutal winter of the 18th Century. In Pennsylvania, the Associators once again stepped up to fill these roles, but the cost and commitment of their near continuous service were growing burdensome. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. This time, the question of military service was no longer optional. 1st Pennsylvania Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch The sharpshooters were placed at the abutment where they had the clearest shot at the far end of the bridge while the remaining musketeers secured their flanks. A detachment of riflemen served with Brig. As with all his previous battles, he was on his own with this fight. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. After exchanging fire in the area of Chadd's Ford, The PSR, as part of General Greene's division move to meet the main British assault. South Carolina and Georgia each raised mounted ranger units in 1775-1776, but when they became part of the Continental Army during the summer of 1776 they transformed into mounted infantry. In fact over the period of several years the 3d South Carolina Regiment gradually evolved into a line infantry regiment. In the mid 1700s, Capt. Williams led the unit in patrol actions in New Jersey during the spring and summer, including an engagement at Bound Brook on April 11 or 12 and a skirmish at Amboy on April 25 in which one officer was killed. The Regiment was authorized on September 16, 1776 in the Continental Army as the 10th Pennsylvania Regiment. After the war he became the Commander of the First American Regiment, for a time they only infantry unit in the fledgling army of the independent United States. The Flying Camp? The resulting restructuring of the Pennsylvania Line perpetuated a 2nd Regiment among the state's six reorganized units, with Walter Stewart still in command. The morning following their initial engagement, Watson resumed his march down the Santee Road with Marion slowly backing away before him, remaining out of the range of the British artillery. But the bluff was too high and the artillery canister just passed overhead of the defenders on the east bank when fired. The Pennsylvania Navy was created in 1775 and, like the Pennsylvania Line, was filled by voluntary enlistment. Pennsylvania Line Regiments and other Pennsylvania Units. Joshua William's Independent Company. Benjamin Church and Maj. Robert Rogers both formed Ranger units to fight during the King Phillips War and the French and Indian War. Eight days later, Pennsylvania was directed to raise two additional companies, followed by a third. Gen. Anthony Wayne's Division. Consolidated on January 17, 1781 with the, Reorganized on January 1, 1783 at Ashley Hills, South Carolina, to consist of 9 companies, and assigned to the. Overmyer has not added any memorials to this virtual cemetery. Washington wanted to use it as a vehicle for insuring tribal support--its Native American members would become hostages for the good behavior of the rest of the tribe--as well as a combat element. Taking refuge in forests and swamps, for which he earned the appellation the Swamp Fox from his enemies, Marions brigade kept the British off-balance with quick movements that captured British troops, destroyed supplies, and disrupted lines of communications. In January 1776, the eight companies of the newly-formed battalion began leaving the state to participate in Benedict Arnold's ill-fated attempt to capture Quebec. These groups assisted state-controlled - yet still temporary - militias. Two months later the remnants of the corps fell into British hands when Fort Washington surrendered. The history of Army Rangers from 1775 to now Watson rode back to rally his men only to have his horse shot from under him. Translate. Revolutionary War General. And, they were still separate from the militias sanctioned by Pennsylvania's Provincial Assembly. They required six-month enlistments. The regiment lost two men wounded in this action. When spring came, the regiment was again actively engaged in patrols and skirmishes with British forays from New York. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. Less than a week later, on July 1, the unit was dissolved, and merged with elements of the 10th Pennsylvania. Washington County, PA Militia 1778-1783 - Genealogy - WeRelate The 13th Pennsylvania Regiment, also known as The Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment and Miles's Regiment, was raised March 6, 1776, as a state militia regiment and later for service with the Continental Army. March 5, 1776 The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passes a resolution to establish: The Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment, know as Miles's Regiment, was to consist of two battalions of six companies of seventy-eight enlisted men, armed with rifles: The State Battalion of Musketry, known as Atless's Battalion, was to consist of eight companies of fifty-eight enlisted men, armed with muskets. He is said to have been wounded and taken prisoner at Stillwater, N.Y., during a British-Indian attack on Morgan's camp in September 1777. When several classes were called up for active duty, a separate roll for each company listed the names of the men who actually served, either in person or as substitutes. In offensive operations they became scouts and guides, locating targets (such as villages) for task forces drawn from the militia or other colonial troops. July to August 1777 - With the rest of Washington's army the 6th Regiment marched back and forth across New Jersey and into New York and Pennsylvania while trying to ascertain the destination of General Howe's army, which had embarked on the British fleet. This was in spite of the fact that he "is detested by the officer's of his brigade because he makes his brigade work and personally drills and instructs it, instead of leaving it idle in camp. Leaving twenty dead from the engagement, he, the wagons, and the remainder of his regiment forced the ford. To make amends for such depreciation, each of these men who in 1781 yet remained in line service was awarded a substantial sum in Soldiers remaining in the regiment were reassigned to other units and eventually sent south to take part in the Yorktown Campaign. Leaving his dead in an abandoned rock quarry and loading his wounded on wagons, Watson and his crack regiment began their withdrawal at the double-time on 28 March toward Georgetown. There is no particular record that the unit was involved in any fighting that summer, but in October, 1779, it had 452 officers and men with Wayne at West Point. They occasionally operated with friendly Indians, but more commonly served the British as a substitute for traditional allies. Colonel Piper are captured. Sending forth his Loyalist cavalry to cross the causeway, Marion met the charge with one of his own led by Peter Horry and his mounted men. Following a disastrous expedition to Quebec, Canada, and his subsequent capture and parole as a prisoner, Morgan was appointed a colonel of a rifle regiment. Originally, the 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, the 7th Pennsylvania was authorized on January 4, 1776. A militiaman called for active duty who found such duty inconvenient was permitted to hire a Substitute to march and fight in his stead. Stephanie Hoover 2017 - All Rights Reserved, Directory of Pennsylvania Genealogical & Historical Societies, Pennsylvania Research Reference Materials. The item Washington County, Pa., Frontier Rangers, 1781-1782 : Washington County, Pa., Rangers, Revolutionary War burials of Greene County, Pa., Revolutionary War burials of Washington County, Pa., compiled by Paul W. Myers represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in Indiana State Library. Col. Henry Bicker was appointed in his place but did not actually join the regiment until the following October. Certificates of the funded or Militia Debt. Remainder of Regiment reorganized and re-designated on January 1, 1777 as the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment, an element of the, Relieved on July 18, 1778 from the 2nd Pennsylvania Brigade and assigned to the, New York Brigade relieved on May 24, 1779 from the, Relieved on August 24, 1779 from the New York Brigade and assigned to Hand's Brigade, an element of the, Relieved on August 1, 1780 from Hand's Brigade and assigned to 1st Pennsylvania Brigade, an element of the. In 1747, Ben Franklin (only 39 years of age at the time) created the Philadelphia Militia Association, a completely volunteer force totalling 10,000 enrollees. Having suffered so many casualties, by November 1, the 7th Pennsylvania only had 17 officers and 105 men fit for duty. As such, they were subject to the orders of the Provincial Assembly. To the plantations Whig owner, Watson acknowledged he had never seen such shooting before in his life. While Watson established his headquarters in the plantation house, Marion and his men bivouacked in the woods of the ridge south of the ford. Learn more. On 1 July 1778 the regiment was re-organized to eight companies. Relieved on April 29, 1776 from Sullivan's Brigade and assigned to Greene's Brigade, an element of the, Relieved on August 12, 1776 from Greene's Brigade and assigned to Nixon's Brigade, an element of the, Relieved on August 31, 1776 from assignment to Nixon's Brigade and to Mifflin's Brigade (re-designated on October 8, 1776 as Stirling's Brigade), an element of the. At least one company of the regiment joined in the assaults on the Chew House and lost a number of men. In their place came a complex system of county battalion classes and officers whose seniority was chosen by the drawing of lots. Morning arrived and Watson again resumed his march with Marion leading. Unfortunately for Watson, the lack of trees and concealment did not diminish the fires, nor their accuracy. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Marion and his men had won the days skirmish. On May 18 the unit lost a junior officer killed in a fight at Paramus. Here the 2nd Pennsylvania served in a provisional brigade commanded by Lt. Col. Aaron Burr and made a charge from the American left flank into a British force trying to assault the American center. The original commander, Col. John Bull, got into trouble selling furloughs to the men "and other degrading conduct" and was compelled by the other officers to resign. The 7th Pennsylvania marched with Brig. American Revolutionary War Resend Activation Email. It is known that no Pennsylvania militia served at Valley Forge, Monmouth, or Yorktown. You can customize the cemeteries you volunteer for by selecting or deselecting below. On September 20, the 7th Pennsylvania bore the brunt of the British assault at Paoli where half of the men present were either killed or wounded. Colonels Colonel William Thompson, Colonel Edward Hand, Colonel James Chambers Companies 302-324. return to scholars showcase. A third type of militia duty was in providing guards for supply depots located in Lancaster, Lebanon and Reading and at various prisoner of war camps. RevWar '75 Continental Army Orderly Books Crown Forces Orderly Books Articles from Military Collector and Historian. All males aged 20 to 45 - including immigrants seeking citizenship - had to register for the draft. If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. The Pennsylvanians assigned to the fort, mostly from the Musket Battalion, are among those captured. Watson and his men remained where they were, subsisting off the plantation, gathering from those homes around them anything else they needed. Lt. Relieved on May 19, 1778 from the 2nd Pennsylvania Brigade and assigned to the. Soldiers who served during the years 1777-1780, when the currency was depreciating, were paid in Militias were paid out of Pennsylvania's then-functioning provincial treasury. Reorganized and re-designated on January 1, 1777 as the 7th Pennsylvania Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. The following is a brief explanation of the differences between these branches of service. Two companies also accompanied Benedict Arnold's attack on Quebec. The regiment was raised in Cumberland and York counties (companies G and H). Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. When the classes were called up, each captain would deliver a notice to each man's dwelling or place of business. Brief History of the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment of 1777. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Maybe they were militia or Rangers. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. With little winter clothing and half their muskets unservicable, the men struggled by foot, sloop, and bateaux into Canada, their strength sharply reduced by sickness. The situation was not good. These actions earned the Rangers a reputation for ruthlessness. It was assigned on August 12, 1776 to Stirling's Brigade, an element of the Main Army. In the Western Department, the unit helped construct and garrison Fort McIntosh on the Beaver River, and Fort Laurens on the Tuscarawas. Participating in a part of the left wing under Nathaniel Green, the Pennsylvanians assist in the defeat of the Hessians under Colonel Rall. From George Washington to Captain Van Swearingen, 18 August 1777 - Archives Westmoreland County Revolutionary War Militia 1st Battalion, 1777 Commanding Officers: Col. Alexander Barr Lt. Col. John Pomery Major James Wilkins 2nd Battalion, 1777 Commanding Officers: Col. John Perry Lt. Col. John Shields Major Christopher Lavengair 3rd Battalion, 1778 Commanding Officers: Col. James Smith Lt. Col. Providence Mounts