Which weapon is best for defence training? : r/MelvorIdle - reddit Refer to Into the Mist/Guide for a comprehensive guide on completing this dungeon. A list of equipment and spells with special attacks can be viewed on the Special Attacks page. Typically, upgrading armor isn't really worth the extra time spent until at least Adamant. Passive: +10% Ranged Maximum Hit and +10% Ranged critical hit chance. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. For Melee, use Smithing to wear and wield the highest level gear available.
Reduces the Body Rune cost of Magic Spells by 1 when equipped as an Off-hand. It will cover the God Dungeons and conclude with guidance for late game content. Prepare to spend multiple days hunting for an item you'll never actually use! It is highly recommend to level all styles to not be in the position where you finished are almost ready to take on a dungeon that requires a specific combat style, and then have to level that skill from level 1 for 2 weeks. Your prayers will be Battleheart and Protect from Style, which makes the area effect (-% Evasion) not actually have an effect on Bane's chance to hit the player. The best two alternatives are: Slayer is crucial to continuing to upgrade your equipment at this point; if it has been neglected, now is nearly the last time to catch up without falling behind. xp is related to the amount of damage you do, not the level of the monster. If your Accuracy Rating is higher than 20K then this attack can't miss. The primary reason to do this dungeon is the Infernal Cape which grants 4% Damage Reduction and works well for each combat style. Each phase of the Event gives the normal Slayer enemies more Max HP, more Max Hit, and a higher chance to apply affliction. Reduces the Fire Rune cost of Magic Spells by 7 when equipped as a Weapon. Attack Speed is determined primarily by the default Attack Interval on weapons and affects how long it takes between attacks. Magic skill level increases Magic Accuracy Rating and Maximum Hit (0.5% per level) when using spells and Magic Evasion Rating when defending from spells. Curses may be used at the same time as Standard Magic, Auroras, and Archaic Magicks, but cannot be used with Ancient Magicks. Reduces the Earth Rune cost of Magic Spells by 3 when equipped as a Weapon. Avoidable. On a hit, gives the enemy +50% Attack Interval for 1 of the enemy's turn. When equipped, Magic imbued wands reduces the amount of Air, Water, Earth, or Fire runes needed to cast a spell by 3, depending on the wand type. On a hit, has a 30% chance to inflict Burn that deals 15% of the enemy's current hitpoints as damage over 2.5s. Q: How many times do I need to complete this Event? Magic has two different Attack styles, Magic and Defensive: In general, Defensive is always the most efficient Attack Style to use, as training Defence with Magic uses the least amount of time and damage while remaining efficient. Cast a spell that does 100% of your normal damage. The main Combat page has details on the specifics of the max hit, accuracy, and evasion equations the game uses to calculate your stats. Damage is doubled if the enemy is poisoned. Unlike with Ancient Magicks, damage modifiers from Equipment, Prayer, and Potions will apply to Archaic Magicks.
For training the skill, see, +10% Chance to Preserve Resources in Skills, +8 Additional Runes of the same type in Runecrafting, +2 to base drop quantity of Stardust and Golden Stardust from Astrology, +1 Bolts produced per action in Fletching, +2 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. +10% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Poison Runes per piece. +5% bonus Slayer XP and +5% Slayer Area Effect Negation per piece. After killing any monster, there will be a respawn time of 3 seconds before the next monster appears. Evasion only helps to kill enemies faster if they can stun, slow, or sleep, as the player will evade their disabling attacks more often. damage determines your maximum potential damage on a successful hit. Reflect dmg cannot kill an enemy nor provide XP). Passive: (MELEE ONLY) -0.1s Attack Interval, -3% Damage Reduction, +7 Melee Defence Bonus. They shouldn't have any affect, The following are the variables and calculation I used to conclude the highest DPS weapons for each attach style (Technically DPM, but just divide by 60 to get the DPS if you REALLY care), All numbers below are based on the Stab attack style with a Rune Scimitar, Damage Per Hit = Raw Max Hit * Raw Accuracy236 * 75% = 177 Damage Per Hit, Hits Per Minute = 60 / Attack Speed60 / 2.4 = 25 Hits Per Minute, Damage Per Minute = Hits Per Minute * Damage Per Hit25 * 177 = 4425 Damage Per Minute, Damage Per Minute % Worse than BIS = (MAX(Damage Per Minute) / Damage Per Minute) - 1(4695 / 4425) - 1 = 6.09% (comparing this value to the Sword, which had the highest DPM), I have the weapons ranked best to worst for their respective attack styles. There are two Magic attack styles: Magic and Defensive. Runecrafting armor does not need to be upgraded to provide Damage Reduction, appropriate level Robes will automatically provide this stat. Rune preservation is a bonus which applies whenever a spell is cast, and provides a chance that the spell will be cast without any runes being consumed. The Infernal Cores dropped here can be used to upgrade and Ancient Claw into an Infernal Claw, a critical and powerful one-handed Melee weapon. Alternatively: For dungeons, preferably Dragon and the best combat style Tablet available, Minotaur, Centaur, or Witch. When equipped with Relentless Fury Ring: +15% chance to increase the length of stuns inflicted by 1 turn and +5% chance to ignore Stuns and Freezes. Each has a separate attack bonus stat associated with it, and most melee weapons have different bonuses for different styles. While the Target is Slowed or Frozen, +80 Maximum Hitpoints. +15% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit, and -25% Ammo Preservation when using Throwing Weapons. Magic. Combat in the follows a similar progression to the base game, and will be divided into three parts, the Early Expansion, the Mid Expansion, and the End Expansion. Rarely 2h is a good option, when you're training against things you tend to 1 hit frequently, the 2h will give you a higher chance to 1 hit them with it's larger accuracy and strength bonus, and the longer delay between attacks is mitigated by the game finding a new target. Armor should be upgraded from the Bank screen whenever possible. +15% bonus Slayer XP and +10% Slayer Area Effect Negation per piece. and our slayer level 60 - highlands. Raising Magic to Level 99 will unlock the Progression in Melvor Idle primarily revolves around combat; while there is of course progression in all of the non-combat skills, that progression all serves to make you better at combat. A simplistic order for completing Combat: At this point in the players journey it can be safely assumed that they have unlocked the vast majority of bonuses from Astrology, if the player is just starting in the expansion and hasn't completed Astrology, there are some major benefits that can be obtained from Ashtar and some from Rosaniya that should be picked up as soon as possible. Attack 2 times dealing 540 damage each (Can miss). The Defence bonus affects all Evasion Ratings. Use scimitar for strength training and sword for att/def. Yellow Party Hat: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1% 1 1 1 1% +1 Bragging Rights . When equipped with Amulet of Curse Totem Summon, Gloves of Greater Shade Summon and Ring of Phantom Summon: +30% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges and +200% Summoning Maximum Hit, When hit by an Enemy, gain +5% Damage Reduction for 1 Enemy Turn (Does not Stack), +20% chance to apply Frostburn when attacking. We recommend acquiring them while fighting each monster as a slayer task, this will require you to turn OFF auto-slayer, and will encourage semi-frequent check-ins. Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by flat -10%. Privacy Policy. Slayer Areas sometimes require items that must be purchased using SC from the Shop such as the Mirror Shield and Desert Hat. Curses and Auroras can add a lot of damage, but are entirely optional as they increase the amount of runes required to. Grants access to the Meteor Shower Archaic Spell. In the early game, there's not much that can be done about Slayer Area Effects, so they can be ignored. Reduces the Water Rune cost of Magic Spells by 5 when equipped as a Weapon. As of v1.1 the site is no longer being updated for anything beyond the base game, however it will still be entirely accurate for players who have not purchased any expansions. This means that a given melee weapon will be most accurate when used in certain styles. When equipped, the Magic Skillcape will double the rune cost reduction provided by any such equipment, while the Superior Magic Skillcape will quadruple the rune cost reduction. The pet can be unlocked by doing any action that provides Defence XP. Bolts can also be acquired though Slayer Resupply. Extremely fast with low damage and accuracy. This guide is written for characters playing the Standard game mode. Ocean Song and the Slicing Maelstrom Wand can be created by upgrading 100 Ocean Song Fragments and Slicing Maelstrom Wand Shards, respectively. This stat can be found on: These are included on all weapons, and some pieces of armor. Scim is better dps.End game you want the dragon and then ancient claw as the best weapons. Magic Curses can be used without a Magic weapon, +10% chance to receive Charcoal per burn in Firemaking. Stab/Slash/Block bonus: Determines the accuracy (chance to hit) of that particular attack style. The Skillcape can be purchased from the store for 1,000,000 after the player reaches Level 99. Both are doubled if you are below 50% Hitpoints. During this time the player cannot deal damage, and therefore cannot gain XP. Alla varumrken tillhr respektive gare i USA och andra lnder. Reduces the Water Rune cost of Magic Spells by 3 when equipped as a Weapon. Magic benefits from both these and its own preservation bonuses. If you have 100% Hitpoints, +20% Damage to All Monsters. Selecting the "New Task" button and choosing a difficulty is required to obtain the first task. (Item doubling does not apply), +50% Chance to gain +1 additional bar in Smithing (Cannot be doubled), +100% Chance to gain +1 additional resource in Fishing. This value is tripled if fighting a Ranged Enemy, Killing a Melee Slayer Task Enemy grants Slayer Coins equal to Enemy Combat Level, +5% Ranged Max Hit. One item is consumed per Runecrafting action (when making runes). For example, there is no benefit to using a Fire Battlestaff with Fire Wave if you are casting the spell with Smoke Runes, but there would be a benefit of using a Air Battlestaff with Fire Wave if you were also casting Surge II. This is when the player is using very low level gear, has not purchased or obtained vital upgrades like, Where most of the game opens up and when combat gets exciting. Global doubling is fantastic for monsters that die very quickly. Enemies have -5% Damage Reduction. These tasks can be completed either before or after Into the Mist, and which method you do is up to you. This article is about the Magic skill. Crafting armor can be upgraded () once from the Bank, using more of the raw Dragonhide. //]]> If opting for "One Handed" weapons Daggers: Defense/Block training Swords: Attack/Accuracy training . Some notes on the first section: Hitting the same enemy for 2 weeks because they are the "best" is a really boring way to play the game. Therefore, even though they cannot be done on Auto-slayer, completing your Master tasks while working on your t90 weapons will most likely consume less food, and generally take less overall time on on task by killing two birds with one stone. But first, it is hugely recommended to assess the progress of all non-combat skills; each of these dungeons is difficult enough that NOT having access to Prayers, Herblore Potions, Summoning Tablets, or Agility / Astrology bonuses can make progress significantly slower than it needs to be. Reflect damage cannot kill an enemy, does not provide XP, and has a 2 second cooldown before it can activate again. 5% * 300 = +15% Lifesteal), +5% Magic Max Hit. Also, +4% Damage Reduction when at 100% Hitpoints. When equipped with Frostspark Boots and Frostspark 1H Sword: +10% chance to ignore Stuns and Freezes, -0.2s Attack Interval, and +15% Maximum Hit, When equipped with Gloves of Greater Shade Summon, Hood of Shade Summon and Ring of Phantom Summon: +30% Chance to preserve Summoning Charges and +200% Summoning Maximum Hit, When equipped with the Meteorite Warrior Ring: +10% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit, and +10% Melee Strength Bonus, When equipped with Frostspark Amulet and Frostspark Boots: +10% chance to ignore Stuns and Freezes, -0.2s Attack Interval, and +15% Maximum Hit. But the weapon is my first priority because it delivers the base Equipment damage, plus the type of attack where really longrange glaive/polearm seems to work . This can be found on multiple items and buffs, including: Ranged armor and weapons focus on 2 stats: Additionally, Ranged gear also benefits from Ammo Preservation. Passive: +10% chance to ignore Slow effects, +10% chance to ignore Frostburn and +10% chance to ignore burn. On a hit, has a 20% chance to apply stun for 1 turn. The most well rounded for all Skills including, and can be used as the default. Avoidable. This is doubled if a 2-Handed Weapon is currently equipped, +1 Flat Ranged Accuracy Bonus per 0.1s Attack Interval. For the early part of the game, it is recommended to stick with Longbows, since Arrows are the most plentiful ammo source: See Magic/Training for an alternative way to level magic with non-combat Spells. Items, pets, or effects that affect attack interval is described below. Web. The player has obtained reasonable gear, is able to fight the majority of monsters in Combat Areas and the first few Slayer Areas comfortably, and is starting to prepare to get more specialized gear from combat to progress. Each has a separate attack bonus stat associated with it, and most melee weapons have different bonuses for different styles. With Waterfall Crossing active, Diamond Luck Potion IV are no longer a near-necessity for the amount of damage they provide, this opens up many new options for which potion the player can use. +5% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Lightning Runes per piece. If playing Hardcore or Reflect does NOT reduce the amount of damage taken. It performs 3 avoidable attacks that deal 100% of your max hit. You conjure a maelstrom that slices through the enemy's armor. Combat Simulator is a Mod that allows you to estimate many attributes of combat, such as death rate, XP/hr, drops/hr, DPS, and so on. Melee weapons and armor can be made using the Smithing skill or received as drops from various Monsters or Dungeons. This does however require a bit more knowledge of how the game works, and is not necessarily recommended. +15 minimum damage when using Air Spells per piece, +15 minimum damage when using Water Spells per piece, +15 minimum damage when using Earth Spells per piece, +15 minimum damage when using Fire Spells per piece. Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by a flat 2%, plus an additional 5% if you are using Ranged, Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by flat -2%, +10% Chance to Double Items in Fishing. you drop fragments for from griffins / pegasus. Access to Barbarian Fishing Area when equipped. This should be the player's absolute last line of defence for survivability, and should never be considered unless absolutely necessary. Closer to endgame, the choices become more situational. Each time Bane is defeated the following rewards are given directly to the player, in this set order. Passive: +10% Magic Maximum Hit and +10% chance to apply Burn, Frostburn or Freeze when hitting with a Magic attack (once per turn). Enemies have -5% Damage Reduction. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Elemental staves can be crafted from elemental runes and logs with Runecrafting or looted from monsters. For example, the Ragnar Godsword has a +125 Slash Bonus but a -4 Stab Bonus, making it substantially more accurate when using the Slash attack style than it is when using Stab. All gear has certain stats that link it to one of the three combat styles: Melee, Ranged, or Magic. All three combat styles are connected. i.e 25 attack speed, max crit chance. The chance to preserve runes is capped at 80%. Here's an example of the gear required for melee: For the other combat styles, you'll be wearing the equivalent Master Slayer armor. Personally, it's up to the player to decide what they feel is best, you can opt to go for one handed and it will be faster, slightly, but usually doesn't give the same amount of strength bonus as you'd get with two handed weapons, so you're lowering that max hit to be slightly faster, one of the best weapons for early to mid game players like you would be dragon claws, they upgrade twice. When hit, gain a stack of Leviathan: +5% Reflect Damage and +1% Damage Reduction (Stacks up to 5 times). +40% bonus Slayer XP, +3% chance to receive double loot, and +20% Slayer Area Effect Negation per piece. Collect a random standard Gem for each mining action when equipped. However, a higher player Defence level does not reduce the maximum damage dealt by a successful monster attack, instead see: Damage Reduction. If you value the defensive bonuses of a shield, it would be wise to use the Sword instead of the 2H Sword when training Defense.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. +100% chance to successfully Cook an item. Archaic Magicks are powerful offensive spells that can be cast in place of Standard Magic or Ancient Magicks. +20% Summoning Maximum Hit. Also, are certain monsters weaker to certain attack styles? Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by flat -10%. Due to the slower attack speed and the relative difficulty of Fletching large amounts of bolts, you shouldn't use crossbows until you have the Dragon Crossbow or better. Early on, the game is primarily about leveling up your core combat stats, getting a feel for the combat systems, and acquiring basic combat equipment. +15% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Infernal Runes per piece. Unlike the other two combat styles, Melee has separate skills for increasing Accuracy and Damage ( Attack and Strength respectively) instead of them being combined into a single skill. [CDATA[ One item is consumed per Thieving action. Requires Level 99 in all Skills except Township to equip. +1 Melee Defence Bonus for every Defence Level you have. Reduces the Air Rune cost of Magic Spells by 7 when equipped as a Weapon. Here are the variables I was testing, I believe all Skillcapes have the same bonuses, The Ice Arrows are just so I am not wasting a bank slot. Magic is used to cast damage dealing spells with a wand or staff equipped, provided the player has the required Runes in their Bank and the desired spell unlocked. The slight loss of strength bonus with sword vs scimitar is worth the accuracy bonus most of the time. Santa Hat: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2% 2 2 2 2% +2 Bragging Rights Christmas Event 2020. Each non-Wind spell also has the option of using Combination Runes. Always useful for combat, not as useful for non-combat and should generally only be used if you really need extra Damage or. Reduces the Earth Rune cost of Magic Spells by 3 when equipped as a Weapon. This guide will break the game into multiple sections and try to give advice for each. Passive: Reflects up to 25% of damage dealt to you (Reflect dmg cannot activate more than once per enemy turn. scimitar + shield is the best between good dps (scim is fastest type of 1h sword) and defense. You hurl large pods filled with poisonous gas at the enemy that burst open into a noxious cloud of gas that deals damage equal to 100% of your max hit 10 times over 4.5s. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If you do not feel comfortable learning how to do manual slayer, feel free to Auto-slay Perilous Peaks. slayer level 60 - highlands, Thanks guys, I'll farm this one to lvl up my fighting skill (im lvl 54). It is recommended to choose a spell, staff, robes, and aurora that use as many of the same primary Elemental Runes as possible. You can complete ID without any of the UW gear sets, and the shields greatly speed up these grinds. 2h has higher max hit (obv) but MUCH slower attack speed, which is not worth the trade-offs with speed and especially defense of 1h+shield. Enemy Damage Reduction is decreased by flat -10%, Grants access to Slicing Maelstrom Archaic Spell. Lifesteal can be specific to damage types, such as Melee Lifesteal, Magic Lifesteal, Bleed Lifesteal, Burn Lifesteal, Poison Lifesteal, and Lifesteal if target is Cursed. When using the Block Attack Style, 0.4 Defence XP will be received per point of damage done. Therefore, it is 'simpler' to complete all 40 tasks while having only Perilous Peaks unlocked, as the only necessity is to meet the DR checkpoints of each monster. Passive: +10% Melee Maximum Hit and +10% chance to stun when hitting with a Melee attack (once per turn). Avoidable. It is given as seconds per attack, so a lower number is better. Most players start combat with Melee as it does not require the overhead of Fletching Ammunition for Ranged or Runecrafting Runes for Magic. Happy 1st Birthday to Melvor Idle! +10% Accuracy Rating when using Archaic Spells that use Lightning Runes per piece. Hi guys, which weapon is best for training these 3 stats? 20 nov, 2022 @ 11:59. +20% chance to receive Stardust when burning Magic Logs in Firemaking, Passive: +6 Hidden Ranged Level and +5% Ammo Preservation, Passive: +10% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit when using a 2H Melee weapon, Passive: +10% GP From Monsters and +50 GP From Monsters, Passive: +1% Damage Reduction when fighting Ranged enemies with Melee, Passive: -2s Hitpoint Regeneration interval and +20% Hitpoint Regeneration, Passive: +1% Damage Reduction when fighting Magic enemies with Ranged, Passive: +1% Damage Reduction when fighting Melee enemies with Magic, Passive: 25% chance for Ranged attacks to deal 150% dmg, Passive: +5% Damage Reduction and +10% Attack Interval. Any monster, including bosses, save those from Unhallowed Wasteland or Dark Waters, can be chosen.
Best Weapon For Melee Combat XP : r/MelvorIdle - reddit Which bonuses you pick and whether or not you want to swap courses often are up to you as which obstacles are "best" varies based on what you're doing and what your goals are, but the following table will list any obstacles with helpful combat bonuses: Preferably Diamond Luck Potion IV or Damage Reduction Potion IV. TL;DR - If you're training Attack, use a Sword. https://wiki.melvoridle.com/index.php?title=Defence&oldid=57235. slayer level 60 - highlands, Thanks guys, I'll farm this one to lvl up my fighting skill (im lvl 54). Prayer, while always useful, can be difficult to level up in the early game, and many players ignore it due to the upkeep required. Personally, it's up to the player to decide what they feel is best, you can opt to go for one handed and it will be faster, slightly, but usually doesn't give the same amount of strength bonus as you'd get with two handed weapons, so you're lowering that max hit to be slightly faster, one of the best weapons for early to mid game players like you would be dragon claws, they upgrade twice. When using the Longrange or Defensive Attack Styles, 0.2 Defence XP will be received per point of damage done, with another 0.2 XP going to Ranged or Magic respectively. Curses inflict the enemy with debuffs, making them weaker in a variety of ways. This affects both Magic Accuracy Rating and Magic Evasion Rating. Inspired by RuneScape, Melvor Idle takes the core of what makes an adventure game so addictive and strips it down to its purest form! Ursprungligen skrivet av : Personally, it's up to the player to decide what they feel is best, you can opt to go for one handed . slayer level 60 - highlands, Thanks guys, I'll farm this one to lvl up my fighting skill (im lvl 54). Auto Eat Tier, along with Hitpoints and Damage Reduction controls what content is accessible without a chance of death. Contents 1 Mechanics 1.1 Attack Styles 1.2 Rune Preservation 1.3 Rune Cost Reduction 2 Alternative Magic 3 Equipment 3.1 Staves 3.2 Wands 3.3 Robes 4 Spells 4.1 Standard Magic 4.2 Curses Also, if you are using Auto Slayer, monsters locked behind an item will never appear if the item is not equipped; you can leverage this to control the task rolls. On a hit, gives the enemy +20% Attack Interval for 3 of the enemy's turns. Arrows can also be acquired though Slayer Resupply. It can make the difference in literal days of grinding.
This means that a given melee weapon will be most accurate when used in certain styles. +5% GP from all sources (Except Item Selling), Passive: +5% Melee Maximum Hit and -15% Melee Evasion. When using the Defensive attack style, the player instead receives 0.2 Magic XP and 0.2 Defence XP per point of damage dealt, and +3 hidden bonuses to both Magic and Defence. That's 5,000 kills on average with 0% chance to double items. Reduces the Water Rune cost of Magic Spells by 4 when equipped as a Weapon. +1 Coal Ore per Ore Mined. #4. one of the best weapons for early to mid game players like you would be dragon claws, they upgrade twice. The other aspect of Slayer is Slayer Tasks: a "bounty" rewarded for killing a number of enemies: It is recommended to start with Slayer Tasks as early as possible, working towards unlocking Auto Slayer as the primary goal. While the Target is both Poisoned and Bleeding, +40% of Maximum Hit added to Minimum Hit and -40% Attack Interval. +20 minimum damage when using Air Spells per piece, +20 minimum damage when using Water Spells per piece, +5 Minimum Damage when using any elemental spell per piece, +20 minimum damage when using Earth Spells per piece, +20 minimum damage when using Fire Spells per piece. Fantastic for killing enemies of all kinds, can be detrimental to how fast the player can collect items due to its high negative doubling. En del geografisk data p denna hemsida tillhandahlls av, Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanska - Latinamerika), Portugus - Brasil (Portugisiska - Brasilien). Avoidable. Scim is better dps.End game you want the dragon and then ancient claw as the best weapons. Arrows are cheap and easy to mass produce. Thanks. Following completion of Into the Mist, you now have access to Dark Waters, the penultimate slayer area and will soon be able to unlock Unhallowed Wasteland.
melvor idle weapon tier list A great all-rounder with the primary bonus of additional Damage Reduction. For Magic, use Runecrafting to obtain the highest level weapons and armor, as well as to create runes to cast spells. you drop fragments for from griffins / pegasus. With Combat Simulator, it is trivial to check if your setup is going to work or not. Q: What Skills can I train while the Event is Paused? from the Volcanic Cave. Reduces the Fire Rune cost of Magic Spells by 4 when equipped as an Offhand. Magic imbued wands can be crafted through Runecrafting using Magic Wand (Elite). +5 minimum damage when using Air Spells per piece, +5 minimum damage when using Water Spells per piece, +5 minimum damage when using Earth Spells per piece, +5 minimum damage when using Fire Spells per piece.