California. Most large re-enactment events take place outdoors, so spring through fall are very active times of the year for the majority of these groups. While the three-banded musket is standard, there might be the occasional chance to carry something else. That does not mean that single, unit-unaffiliated Black reenactors in blue will not be allowed in ranks at reenactments such as Gettysburg, but it is not historically accurate. Join us for a captivating reenactment of a Civil War skirmish, brought to life in stunning detail! Confederate Zouaves called Louisiana Tigers wear striped baggy pants. Civil War reenacting group in Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, and New Hampshire. For instance, Revolutionary War-era equipment is generally more expensive than Civil War weapons. CIVIL WAR REENACTING | How to Join a Unit - YouTube This can be a great way to save money, but make sure you run all major purchases by your mentor to ensure youre buying quality gear and not getting swindled. Their website is:, Camp Chase Gazette is a how-to magazine for authentic reenactors. Then, the reenactors, tourist bureaus, and entrepreneurs realized that starting in 1991 they could stage larger-than-usual events at five-year intervals starting with the 130th anniversary of the start of the War. Hard-core reenactors give up all amenities of modern life, from deodorant to modern wristwatches. Military reenactors will choose infantry, artillery, cavalry or medical (and a few others such as engineers or sharpshooters) and many will choose a civilian impression. 7th Florida Infantry Regiment, Company F. 21st Georgia Volunteer Infantry Civil War Reenactment Unit, 24th Georgia vols Company B civil War reenacting group, Company A, 2nd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Company H, First Maryland Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 4th Texas Co. E / 16th Michigan Co. B Civil War Reenactors, Reynolds' Battery L 1st New York Light Artillery, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A, Company "C" 2nd Regiment Berdan Sharpshooters. Whats not to like? Check out our article How to Join a Reenactment Group. Powell, Kimberly. These would be reproduction arms originally manufactured by Springfield and copied by the Confederates, or Enfield, which was an English import used by both sides. By now you are probably wondering, "how much is all of this going to cost me? We are a Civil War reenactment group based in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that portrays the 9th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry (US). Uniforms are all wool for Federal portrayals, and a wool and cotton blend for Confederates. How do war reenactments work? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What reenacting does is give men and women a chance to walk in the footsteps of those people who came before us just a little over 150 years ago. That will mean pushing long hair under a hat, taking off ear rings, and doing their best to hide the evidence of being female. I. Delaware. It is where the Civil War soldier carried his food and where the reenactor will carry his food, wallet and car keys. There are scores of sutlers who operate regionally and nationally. Historical reenactment groups and living history groups offer an insight into how men and women lived in past times. No reenactor will respond to an unknown general who walks onto the field and tries to take command of units who do not know him. or C.S.A. To submit a reenactment group for consideration, please contact us here. Then again in 1938, those same veterans returned. This manual includes such things as company tactics and firing details [source: Miller]. Before you purchase a musket and show up to your first event, you may find the following tips useful. They are also made from a relatively standardized style, so they can be used across a wide variety of impressions should you ultimately decide to join another unit or develop a different impression. Authenticity, while ignored in the 1960s, is now universally required by reenacting units. These groups often focus on reenactment of wars, offering members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse of what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. With the exception of events where rains flood the battlefield, reenactments are rarely cancelled for heat or cold. How to Volunteer in Historical Reenactments | HowStuffWorks While these stories may transport you to Elizabethan England or ancient Rome, they're still fiction, after all, and don't always provide authentic history lessons. Between a quarter and a third of the Union army was made up of European immigrants so real or imitation Irish and eastern European accents are welcome. The future of reenacting rests on the shoulders of younger generations. Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. Civil War News is a monthly newspaper that covers news about battlefield preservation, and reenacting. Need a reference? Load more. Typical costs for reenacting might include the following. Civil War Reenacting - Essential Civil War Curriculum Short of actually traveling back in time, however, there is no better way to learn about history than by living it first-hand as a reenactor. Odds are that youve already read a decent amount about the war, but most Civil War books focus on the movements of vast armies and the leaders who directed them. Your email address will not be published. Most units will have a decent collection of clothes, gear, and even muskets that you can borrow, but it is often difficult to find loaner shoes since many reenactors only own a single pair. If the unit is dedicated to historical accuracy, the accommodations will be meager. In many war reenactments, there aren't roles for women on the battlefield, but some events have side attractions geared toward women, such as tea parties, craft activities and quilt shows. Colonial-era muskets run a few hundred dollars, and with the rest of the necessary kit, you're looking at more than $1,000 [source: 2nd Rhode Island Regiment ]. It was I who asked historian Shelby Foote some 20 years ago: Is there anything about The War you dont know? I got the quick answer: I still dont know how they did it.. Real sticklers discourage men from wearing wedding bands as that custom was not around during The Civil War. The NPS decided that mock battles detracted from the commemorative nature of the battlefields. how to join a civil war reenactment group - Nearly all of the muskets available today are made in Italy, but some used ones manufactured back in the 1970s and 1980s are available from Japan and England. Three factors come into play, and the United States demonstrates all of them. Home Research Top Five Tips for Getting Started in Civil War Reenacting. Perhaps you have a deep interest in the Civil War and want to experience it and understand it in a way that books can never truly capture. Read more. While some historians downplay or even deny the existence of gun-toting Black Confederates, insisting the only Blacks in Confederate gray were body servants, Black reenactors often have family knowledge that their ancestors did fight for the Confederacy. We seek to commemorate the great hardships and sacrifices of the soldiers and citizens of Indiana during our nation's most turbulent and defining moment in history, the American Civil War. And many battle reenactment societies require that you acquaint yourself thoroughly with the manual of arms. The easiest way for children to get involved in reenacting is to do it as a family. Some units have fifers and drummers. Is there a list or quartermaster who do I need to contact to get involved as a reenactor for the civil war. Mega-events, reenactments where reenactors number several thousand, are likely gone forever now that the 150th anniversary events ended in 2015. Still, American Civil War reenactments can take place wherever the hobbyists can find ground. Reenacting the Civil War as a hobby got off to a shaky start during in the 1960s when authenticity was ignored in favor of doing something, anything, to commemorate the Centennial. One place to find equipment for sale is at the reenactment events. Their website is:, The Citizens Companion focuses on civilian reenacting and is also published by the same company that publishes Camp Chase Gazette. Reenactors enjoy camping, cooking over an open fire, guns, loud noises, marching, military discipline, and telling stories. Germany . For instance, the 26th Regiment of North Carolina Troops also portrays the 24th Michigan of The Iron Brigade when it reenacts as Federals. Nothing spoils the look of a rank of men in a battle line then seeing someone wearing modern day glasses or ear rings. There's nothing volunteering in a historical reenactment to experience the sights, sounds and smells of history. Reenactors need a shirt, coat, pants, wool socks, and a hat. Too far back and the soldier in the front rank is too close to the muzzle blast. The same uniforms worn in the summer are worn in the winter. Since the war took place in the South, it is more difficult for Yankees in Northern states to make the events in the Southern states. Georgia Division Reenactors Association, Inc. - Welcome If you asked to galvanize (switch sides) for a battle or event, dont complain. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. And that will generally be a four-wheel-drive SUV as all reenactors will one day find themselves in a muddy field wondering if they will be able to get out in time to get back to work on Monday. Beginners should start by attending Civil War Reenactments and observing what goes on. (May 8, 2009), Bromer, Zachary. How Civil Wars Start - Foreign Policy Children were active participants in the Civil War. There is no poll showing where reenactors live, but observation would put a majority of them in The South. The state of Pennsylvania hosted thousands of former Union and Confederate soldiers during the weeklong event. Across the United States, Civil War battles rank among the most popular events to reenact -- they're often held on the original battlefields for true authenticity. These organizations will often have a camp life where young ones can partake in 1860's life styles. Check your local newspaper or reenactment Web sites for listings of upcoming reenactment events in your area. While still too small in numbers to simulate actual Civil War battles, the mega-events at least gave reenactors a sense of what the major battles would have been like. Colonial-era muskets run a few hundred dollars, and with the rest of the necessary kit, you're looking at more than $1,000 [source: 2nd Rhode Island Regiment]. During the Civil War Native Americans, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics fought on both sides. In a reenactment, a persona is a character and role that you choose to portray. Most reenactors are everyday people from all walks of life, with ages ranging from 16 to people in their sixties. The Texas Rifles are seeking men and women of valor to join us and thousands of other history-minded hobbyists to experience, first hand, one of the country's fastest-growing, most unique recreational activities. A police officer grips a corner of a torn U.S. flag at a memorial ceremony in New York on Sept. 11, 2004. Units portraying the Vietnam War aren't nearly as prolific as World War 2 or Civil War impressions. That inattention to historical details led to groan-inducing scenes (for reenactors anyway) in Shenandoah where Jimmy Stewarts teenaged son grabs a Trapdoor Springfield and starts fighting. Can one really hear a Civil War era term the rattle of musketry? Confederate reenactors armed with single shot muskets have no choice but to fall or withdraw in the face of men using rifles that could carry upwards of 13 rounds that could be fired in a matter of seconds. Muster A gathering, especially of troops, for service, inspection, review or roll call. Tacticals are unscripted battles which are usually not open to the public. Living History Archive. All races and ethnicities can reenact. Period clothing and accessories can be very expensive -- depending on the period and figure you're portraying. Typically, the age restriction for most events is 16 years old to carry a musket/rifle. CIVIL WAR REENACTING | How to Join a Unit - YouTube Reenactors refer to their clothing and equipment as theirkit. You must have a passion for history and an active imagination. Reenactments are only fun if there are enough enemies on the other side. Reenacting for many is a serious, but fun, event. They should also have a list of recommended vendors that sell uniforms and equipment that meet their units standards. Following are some useful terms to acquaint you with Civil War Reenacting. As you look at different reenacting units, you may see three terms in particular, which are commonly used to describe different segments of the reenacting spectrum. Mainstream is exactly what it sounds like, reenactors ranging in age from teenagers to well-beyond middle age who like the hobby, but who also do not fit the Civil War image of soldiers being thin and between the ages of 18-25. Also, merchants who set up during reenactments and sell period-style goods to reenactors and the public. Civil War Reenacting makes an effort to list the websites of reenacting units, but, as might be expected, many units are not listed here. The 150th Manassas, Virginia event was held when the temperature on the field was 114 degrees. Finally, there is the largest investment of all, the musket and bayonet. Just as in the Civil War armies, men who take on the rank must be able to perform at that rank. Also: Post Your Event Photos, Reviews, & Wrap-Ups. Invitation events are smaller events where organizers limit the number of participants in order to better manage the scale. How to join a reenactment group is not the hardest part of this journey, it's just the beginning. People come to Civil War reenacting in a myriad of ways. For many people, there's nothing drier than a dense history book. These can range anywhere from $5 a month to $25 a month.