C. Lack of driving skill, FLASH FLOODS CAN CAUSE VEHICLES TO FLOAT AND FILL WITH WATER, TRAPPING AND DROWNING PEOPLE. C. In the back seat, out of view of the driver Straight ahead and to the left A. Braking and mood C. Turn right after slowing and checking traffic, A. It is illegal under any circumstances Lorries - understanding the potential hazards larger vehicles can cause. C. The vehicle, but it should slow down, IF YOU ARE DRIVING AND FINDING IT HARD TO STAY AWAKE, YOU SHOULD: Describe clothing features that would be especially appreciated by someone who uses a wheelchair. The braking distance is also a crucial part of this equation. C. Taking responsibility for other drivers actions Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead If you must turn your car around on a narrow street and most of the traffic is coming toward you, the best type of turnabout would be. Tailgating is the action of a driver driving behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.. When Following a Truck at Night You Should? Quiz 7 - Jotform B. Of course, there are certain situations that may require you to adjust your following distance. Brake quickly D. Measuring, comparing, and evaluating a traffic situation, Communication with others to reduce risk in a possible conflict situation involves? A. D. Just after the rain stops, If you stop on the shoulder of the road in heavy fog, warn other drivers that you are not moving by? Beginning or ending left turns Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them. Explanation: When following a large vehicle, keep well back. Usually have the right-of-way C. To warn others of bad conditions, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF YOUR PARKED CAR ON THE TRAFFIC SIDE OF THE STREET, YOU SHOULD: Listening to music through a set of dual headphones On a level road B. If the road conditions are poor or someone is . Being Passed Be courteous when smaller, faster vehicles are trying to pass you. (Make sure youre counting properly; count one-1,000, two-1,000, three-1,000.) A. Drivers should also avoid braking suddenly in front of a truck. Helps keep traffic moving. Calculating this rule is fairly simple. 30 days C. Any lane that is available, SEAT BELTS PROPERLY WORN WILL: A. When driving a big truck, you must remember that you are operating a huge machine. 4. In a right turn, where will the rear wheels 'track' in relation to the front wheels? Putting the 3-second rule into place can help make this easier and keep you from getting involved in an automobile accident. The car behind accelerates to also pass the yellow light, but turns red and the first one crashes to a stop. Use both rearview mirrors Following too closely will reduce your visibility of the road ahead and slow your reaction time. Following too closely will result in an accident. You should drive at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front during ideal conditions. TIP #1: Maintain a Safe Following Distance In crashes, large trucks most often hit the vehicle in front of them. The CMV driver does not slow down appropriately and comes close to the rear of the passenger vehicle as it changes lanes. When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's blind spots on the right, left, front and behind. All rights reserved. D. Steer off the road, The primary problem associated with front-wheel lock up when braking on a slippery surface is? Check for pedestrians and then turn with caution A. May only be crossed to enter a private driveway Check your rearview mirror often B. Drivers should also remember that trucks have four large blind spots, which make them more likely to crash. D. Place the front wheel parallel to the edge of the pavement. are caused by following too closely. Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream. Other drivers to use when they want to slow down B.) Bearing down on other drivers and following them too closely makes it more likely that you will get in a collision. Visit our website if youvereceived an auto insurance rate increase, a traffic ticket, or need to take a court-ordered defensive driving course to enroll in our online defensivedriving coursestoday! B. Ohio - Wikipedia This term refers to how far your vehicle travels after youve hit the brakes and come to a complete stop. Some jurisdictions may require a minimal gap of a . Keep in mind the following when travelling behind a heavy vehicle: Allow for time to stop safely. A large vehicle following closely behind is a closed Blue sightline and travel path to the rear What is the most important step in turning the car around? You stay close to the vehicle's left front wheel Drivers Study Flashcards | Quizlet TIP #1: Be Aware of Your "No-Zone". For other standard cars, try to stay around 243 feet or about 16 car lengths away whenever you can. A. Look over your shoulder to be sure the car is not in your blind spot, A. If you find that youve passed the marker point before you finish counting the three seconds, you are following the other vehicle too closely. D. 6 months, If a driver under 21 is arrested for DWI and the test shows a BAC of .01 percent or more his driving privileges will be revoked automatic for: (Civil) Slow down and signal the other drivers to pass you. A. If you pass the same point before you make it to three, you are likely too close to the car in front of you and will need to slow down in order to increase your following distance. Your reflexes slow in bad weather C. Drive onto the shoulder of the road A. C. Closed travel path to the rear Always drive slowly and check both sides of the road before turning. Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests If so reduce the speed of your vehicle and maintain a four second following distance between you and the front of your vehicle. B. Drivers Training Flashcards | Quizlet Click the card to flip . How far should a driver be from the steering wheel? THE DANGER OF FOLLOWING TRUCKS TOO CLOSELY - Tiemann Law Firm Tailgating is a common cause for traffic crashes. If an emergency happens ahead of you and you drive another 20 feet before reacting to the incident and another 20 feet before you stop, the total stopping distance is 40 feet. Steer and brake smoothly and gradually The truck can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, and the weight of the trailer can be as large as 40 tons. D. 1 yr, If a driver refuses to summit to a chemical test his driving privileges will be revoked automatically for: Turn on your parking lights only B. Slow down and keep a further distance away from the next vehicle during the situations listed below: [1, 2]. This questions appears in the following tests: Wisconsin Practice Test 43 The driver is following a lead passenger vehicle closely. United States, Email:FMCSA_HOST@dot.gov VIDEO DESCRIPTION: The CMV driver is traveling in the far right lane of a three-lane highway during the day. B. Following motorcycles or bicycles C. Passing slow vehicles, IF YOU SEE ORANGE CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND CONES ON A FREEWAY, YOU MUST: A. Following Distance for Trucks & Fleets - Safety Tips - Lytx C. Muscle control The passenger vehicle begins to slow in order to move to the left and into the middle lane. One handed steering C. Periodically sounding the horn A. B. C. Turn on your headlights to low-beam, WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING IN THE LEFT OF TWO TRAFFIC LANES, AND MANY CARS ARE PASSING ON YOUR RIGHT, YOU SHOULD: B. Sharing the road with other road users - Ontario B. B. A. Philadelphia - Wikipedia Although most large vehicles have several rearview mirrors, it is easy for a car, motorcycle or bicycle to be hidden in a large vehicle's blind spot. Keep your front wheels parallel to the road Of course, heavy traffic and busy roads dont always make this possible but this is the best space to ensure you can stop safely. 1 / 46. What is a Large Vehicle Following Closely Behind? B. Eliminating the "space cushion" Which Blind Spot is the Largest For a Truck Driver:? Drivers trapped behind slow vehicles often follow closely. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction may include the shape and size of feet, feet soles, toes, jewelry (e.g., toe rings, anklets, etc. D. Shutting headlights off, What are two psychological effects of other drugs on the driving task? 5. Study Questions (interactive) - NewDriver.com Indicate no-parking zones. C. Towards the side of the road, IF THE ROADWAY IS WET AND THE CAR STARTS TO SKID, YOU SHOULD: Where Do Blind Spot Mirrors Go on a Truck? Sharing the road with heavy vehicles - Department of Transport and Main Trucks and heavy vehicles - Victoria Police While its possible to pass a truck on the right, its usually illegal. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Has a high rate of collisions B. D. Look to the right of the road, Rain tends to make the road the slickest Each one of these deaths is a terrible tragedy, but you may By Patrick Mileham DriveSafe Online Contributing Writer Speeding tickets are part of your driving record so they may increase the amount you pay for insurance. WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? D. 90 days, A conviction of Driving While Impaired with a BAC of .15 or more, or another conviction within the past ten years will require: B. No more than one car length behind the truck so the driver can see you. When a large truck and another vehicle were involved in a fatal crash during 2015, 21 percent of the time the other vehicle rear ended the truck while only six percent of the accidents involved a large truck rear-ending the other vehicle. December 14, 2021 Every year, more than 500,000 trucks are involved in crashes.